Tertiary Transits For Unhealthy Behavior

Q&A and discussion on Tertiary Progressions
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Sidereal Field Agent
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Tertiary Transits For Unhealthy Behavior

Post by Venus_Daily »

Here are some great examples of transits to tertiaries of a man who has been stalking a few women online for the past 2-3 months or so. As you can see, things really started to heat up in Mid July when one of the woman rejected him (it was very explicit).
This man has had this problem in the past, and just last night around the time of exactitude for the Transiting Uranus to Tertiary Saturn, she had to track him down over social media and reject the fake profile he was using to stalk her for the second or third time.
This is the same guy whose chart I uploaded in the autism discussion thread.

With these transits, it looks like he is refusing to slow down.
I would also like to point out that this person has a very beneficial SSR and SLRs, which is why I looked to his Tertiaries for conformation.
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Tertiary Transits For Unhealthy Behavior

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Venus, he has "beneficial" Solunars because he's having a good time and getting what he wants. Solunars pertain to the person in question, not to anyone else. You won't find your feelings of disgust reflected in his solunars unless you're very important to him, and I suspect you're not. He was blocked, and he found a way around that block, and that was a success to him. Look at his Solunars and that's what you'll see. He's getting the attention he wants. Negative attention is attention. It's all good in his mind.
Sidereal Field Agent
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Re: Tertiary Transits For Unhealthy Behavior

Post by Venus_Daily »

Yeah, I know. I was just making it a point to show that when the SSR does not show something, it's usually shown in another auxiliary chart. The tertiary progressed chart seems to be more accurate than I previously thought.
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