US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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If you are unfamiliar with the methods and interpretations of Sidereal mundane astrology, see my free book Sidereal Mundane Astrology. (A link to the current edition can always be found near the top of the Publications sub-forum.) For standard interpretations, see Chapter 7.

USA Mundane Forecast
for the four weeks beginning September 29, 2017

For the twelve months beginning January 14, the United States Year chart promotes greater optimism. It might be the best, most interesting year we've had in quite a while. Jupiter is most angular (IC, 0°56'). Uranus is on Midheaven opposite Jupiter. Sun squares MC and Jupiter.

JUPITER OPPOSITE URANUS brings ideological rebellion - both peaceful and violent forms, as diverse as Woodstock and the storming of the Bastille. Expect remapping of the larger social contract, pushing for wider horizons and expanded opportunities. Medical breakthroughs will accelerate, e.g., there is an excellent chance that the final crack in cancer's defenses will occur this year. Proponents of liberal social and political agendas raise their voices, demanding civil rights and social justice. At best, it brings collective optimism, inventiveness, new tech vision, and futurism.

However, SUN-JUPITER promises plenty of self-serving, elitist "politics as usual" in the mix, motivated by a non-philanthropic tendency of people with money and power wanting more money and power.

With Jupiter most angular, the year is overall optimistic. Expect victories (e.g., military victories and athletic wins), diplomacy and peace, and heightened prosperity, economic expansion, and a spirit of abundance, celebration, and national pride. With Sun angular, the authority of government is a larger, more persistent presence in the typical American's life. As Sun is well aspected, this will be mostly a beneficent presence.

Cansolar Map 1 Map 2
Continuing through October 18, Jupiter squares Pluto in the foreground, resembling the Capsolar's Jupiter-Uranus emphasis on social rebellion and remapping the larger social contract. Jupiter-Pluto is political and ideological, challenging existing value systems and the power systems that support them. While it can be a king-maker, it is even more likely to drag the uplifted from their pinnacles into stunning ruin. Anything Jupiterian is open to extremes and ruin, including meteorological events and political (and especially geopolitical) consequences.

Moon square Mercury (0°00' in mundo), with a wider Moon-Uranus, continues to depict constant streams of information from discoveries, disclosures, innovations, and novelties.

Libsolar (October 18)
Map 1 Map 2
For the three months October 18 to January 15, a positive, upbeat partile Mercury-Jupiter conjunction exactly squares Ascendant. This joins powerful change indicators: Pluto exactly square Midheaven (with Moon square Pluto), and a foreground Sun-Uranus opposition.

Libsolars tend to serve as the "final act" of each year's Capsolar drama, and this year will certainly continue that trend: Themes to which this year has been building will converge and come to a head in a dramatic movie-like climax in this last quarter before the (substantially different) 2018 Capsolar. Mostly, this will be fiercely positive - with emphasis on the fierce, because this is not a tame, well-behaved chart of settled old orthodoxies. Conventions are advantageously challenged, shaken, and abandoned.

Though bad things do happen under Mercury-Jupiter influence, they are infrequent: This is an uncommon aspect for tragic events. (When it occurs, "bad" is in the eye of the beholder: Nearly always, one party has a great success to the detriment of someone else, whether a high-stakes robbery or an attack.) Most often, we expect diplomatic success, commercial alliances, trade negotiations, successful conversations and cooperation, and major judicial action. Especially, it is a favorable time for conducting business, so commerce should flourish. People spend more time listening to each other, and mostly good things come from this.

Please read the interpretations for Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto angular in Chapter 7 of Sidereal Mundane Astrology for a longer list of specific event types that occur when these planets take the lead. (There is no need to reproduce them all here.)

From Mercury-Jupiter (especially with Moon conjunct Venus), we might expect a kindlier, more comfortable time, more prone to diplomacy and alliances than to antipathies; but three factors ensure that things will not be calm, routine, and predictable. Two are Pluto square Midheaven (0°50') with Moon square Pluto (0°12' in mundo). These signify high-impact events, primarily separative and disruptive, that stun our senses and halt our minds with their intensity. Mainstream and counter-establishment sensibilities form the scrimmage. Unnatural events under Pluto tend to be fiercely political, such as leader deaths, departures, and similar crises, terrorist attacks, severing historic relations, and populist challenges to prevailing authority.

The other shaker is Sun opposite Uranus (1°36'), which especially bring events psychologically (and often physically) startling and explosive. These can take numerous forms, from great discoveries benefiting everyone to natural disasters, large fires and explosions, sudden violent attacks, and calling leaders to task.

I doubt the hurricane season is over. Besides the Uranus and Pluto indicators, we have a Moon-reinforced Venus-Pluto mundane square (1°52') that is geographically distinctive to Washington and nearby areas. In a time of heightened (and likely successful) diplomacy and negotiation, this aspect suggests dramatic changes in relationships, such as secured alliances and treaties; but it also anticipates stark severing of emotional ties, as in loss of loved ones and the destruction of homes and community, on a scale that stuns one’s sensibilities. "Government rescue and bail-out" is the phrase that seems to synthesize the widest range of the elements of this chart.

All year, Venus squares Neptune in the Cansolar. On October 7 progressed Cansolar Venus aspects Neptune exactly, and stays exact to the minute of arc for several days on either side. Experience shows that these perfecting aspects are quite important in world events, and we can expect to see a very full expression of Venus-Neptune concentrated on these dates, providing an excellent opportunity to study their effects in world news. In mundane astrology, we expect this aspect to show intense devotion, passionate belief, compelling fantasy or role-playing, performance art, disillusionment, betrayed alliances, perceived offenses, and diplomatic embarrassment or loss of esteem. It is also the most distinctive form of afflicted Venus for mass murders by shooting. Keep an ear to the news for a sudden surge in these themes.

From October 11-15, we have a MARS-SATURN Zone. An exact Mars-Saturn square falls exactly on Washington's Cansolar angles (with Mars exact 10/14). This marks one of the most severe markers possible. Harsh, hurtful, and destructive events occur. The aspect does not specialize in any one type of event but, rather, incites destruction and hardship wherever it occurs. Examples include declared wars, undeclared warring, murderous shootings, fires and other fiery disasters, public panic and structural collapses, among many others. As shown below, it overlaps an even more severe, potentially heart-scarring lunar ingress.

October 16-17, we have a MARS-JUPITER-SATURN Zone. While distinctly Jupiter themes might enter the story, I think it more likely this marks the beginning of easing or amelioration of the crisis from the prior few days, especially because this Jupiter is disconnected from the other two (it opposes Cansolar Moon). If added, distinctly Jupiter elements (besides relief or even victory) would include a context of entertainment, celebration, or religious venues, emphasis on patriotism and other tribal identifications and loyalties, or matters centered on the social and economic elite.

October 18-25, Mars leaves orb and we are left with a JUPITER-SATURN Zone. This overlaps the new Libsolar, which also emphasizes Jupiter. It seems to show a crisis past, and repair underway, especially when Jupiter's aspect peaks October 21. Expect political horse-trading to pick up, as leaders ask, “What will it cost me to win?” or “What do I gain if I lose?”

Finally, on the last day of the period, October 26, Jupiter withdraws leaving only a SATURN Zone. We are left with the aftermath, perhaps reflecting on what was lost as Saturn continues her transit of Cansolar Midheaven.


Canlunar (Sep 15)
Last month's Canlunar continues in force for the first week of the new month, covering September 15 to October 6. Mercury-Mars in partile foreground conjunction are supported by Su/Me and Su/Ma midpoints on Midheaven. Combative speech, mobilization of strategy and aggression, and combative action in lieu of diplomacy continue.

Angular Neptune signals extreme excitement: madness, confusion, uncertainty, disorientation, and a gripping sense of, “So, what happens now?” The specific causes could be many (see SMA), but expect both mindless herd-torrents and waves of people driven by a shared vision.

Besides the foreground Neptune and Mars, Saturn closely squares the foreground Sun. This anticipates sad, immobilizing events. It especially puts strong negative pressure, and a negative spotlight, on the president and, more generally, the government as a whole.

Caplunar (Sep 29)
The Caplunar, covering September 29 to October 26, is dormant. The prior Canlunar flows through for another week. Moon's squares to the partile Jupiter-Uranus opposition probably fuel populist outcry and demands for freedom and voice in the midst of the other conditions described above, though (especially if we are in armed conflict at that time) they may well show surprising victories and other cause for national pride founded in advancing technology.

CapQ angles touch Pluto October 2-3, and approach Uranus by the end of the week. Of great importance, the Cansolar's Venus-Neptune progression crosses Washington's CanQ angles September 30 and October 4, when they will surely be of great importance. (Transiting Venus and Mars accompany them throughout the week.)

Arilunar (Oct 6)
Horrific cruelty summarizes the fortnight of October 6-22. Mars, Venus, and Saturn are all within 1° of Arilunar angles (Mars being 0°03 from Midheaven), and all within close aspect of each other. (During most of this time, a Mars-Saturn square also crosses Washington's Cansolar angles.)

Mars-Saturn alone is harsh, hurtful, and destructive. Venus makes it intimate and personal. Venus-Mars potentially adds a distinctly sexual quality, or at least inflames passions above reason. In international affairs, it shows strained relations and, often, war. Venus-Saturn shows powerful love coexisting with severe loss, i.e., grief, hate, and remorse, plus a larger sense that "the party's over." (For emotional comparison, think of the Richard Speck murders, the 9/11 attacks, and the Wounded Knee massacre.)

Then it gets worse: Pluto, on the prime vertical, makes close mundane aspects to Venus, Mars, and Saturn on the meridian and horizon. These most simply mean traumatized international relationships and stark severing of emotional ties (Venus-Pluto), ferocious unleashing of force and unlawfulness (Mars-Pluto), and catastrophic loss and dramatic tragedies or hardship with a sometimes apocalyptic feel (Saturn-Pluto).

It's bad.

Mars and Saturn come to CanQ angles on October 11-12. This is when everything comes to a head. (Remember, there is a two-day range either side.) CapQ contacts to Uranus and Jupiter early in the week, and Uranus and Pluto days later, may yield to (or merge into) the Cansolar-led assaults.

Canlunar (Oct 12)
The Canlunar is dormant. The Arilunar continues as the prevailing lunar ingress for the United States. With Canlunar Moon square Mercury and Uranus, expect another round of surprising information disclosures, revelations, and other surprises.

Opening with Jupiter and Pluto on CapQ angles, event themes seem political or, rather, geopolitical. This is also a day when Mars-Saturn exactly touches CanQ angles. Mars remains within a degree of CanQ Ascendant all week.

Liblunar (Oct 19)
The Liblunar covers October 19-26. While less cruel and heartless than its predecessor, it does not promise an upbeat week. Saturn is 1° from Ascendant, to set the filter for Moon's close aspects to Sun, Uranus, and Pluto. Times feel hard and sad. Circumstances are volatile, stirring discontent. With a partile mundane Moon-Sun square, the government, and probably the president, are right in the middle of the main stories.

Sun crosses CapQ MC on the 20th. Mars remains within orb of CanQ Ascendant all week.
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Trump Watch

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Progressed Saturn conjoins progressed Midheaven while transiting Saturn aspects natal and progressed Moon for several months (see below). He is weakened and feels progressively increasing burdens, threats, and losses. At the end of January, progressed Saturn-MC is exact while progressed Moon conjoins his Pluto. A briar patch has sprung up along the road to the end of his first year in office.

The long-term picture for Pres. Trump, therefore, is dire professionally, politically, and in terms of health. He stands in deepening, darkening shadow.

Also this month, Uranus' decades-long progressed opposition to his natal Moon highlighted by progressed Moon aspects. He is blind-sided by surprises: Details vary according to his immediate transits and lunar returns, but he particularly is in a phase of vacillation, shifting conditions and increasing stress, caught between a need for emotional reassurance from familiar things vs. variety, change, emotional excitement, and the unfamiliar. Expect unanticipated disclosures and revelations. - After October 17, progressed Moon also sextiles his Neptune, increasing his feelings of vulnerability.

His one clearly positive continuing progression, Venus conjunct Jupiter, lasts for years. He also retains aspects of combat and verbal aggression, with Mars' square natal Mercury and sextile Pluto. But these are the sideshow. The main Secondary Progression panorama for now is the Saturn-MC conjunction.

PLUTO sesqui-squares PROGRESSED SUN until the end of November, peaking September 1 and November 4. At its simplest, this shows his world demanding that he dismantle himself (or be dismantled by circumstances), and take off on an entirely new life-phase. It is an invitation to remake himself.

SATURN conjunct his MOON until October 15. Concurrently, Saturn sesqui-squares his progressed Moon (all month). This is a hard transit if one does not surrender to its demands. Practical matters do better than emotional ones. Times are somber and lonely. One becomes distant, cautious, and cut off from nurturing. Wounded pride, loss, and feeling misunderstood are typical. Others seem unsympathetic.

SATURN returns to oppose his SUN beginning October 11 (exact 10/24). While this isn't at all inappropriate for being president of the United States - the demands, worries, and responsibilities are considerable - it is part of a more complex pattern of Saturn progressions and luminary transits that are wearing, eroding, and diminishing him with blocked ego-expression, strained vitality, discouragement, and feeling unappreciated.

NEPTUNE sesqui-squares his VENUS all month (exact October 21). For most people, this means enhanced aesthetics, idealism, and romance, pursuit of unreachable or unavailable love goals, and an emphasis on the beautiful side of other people. None of this seems within the behavior profile of Donald Trump, especially concurrent with Saturn-Moon. We may have to watch very closely to see this transit manifest. It surely will enhance overall emotion. I think the theme of the time may include betrayal of (or by) those thought to be allies.

Also, URANUS square his VENUS all month (exact 10/14). With Uranus and Neptune both aspecting Venus, we expect unusual expressions of love and friendship which, for POTUS, may extend to foreign relations. As already mentioned, expect more extreme sensitivities, and unusual if not irrational treatment of friends and allies.

A spike in resourcefulness and even popularity may start in the last few days of the month, beginning October 23, when JUPITER sesqui-squares natal URANUS. His originality is applauded and encouraged. New ideas prove profitable. His personal sense of uniqueness is uplifted. He is restless and drawn to wider horizon.

Key brief MARS transits help identify hotspot dates:

10/5 - t Mara sq. r Uranus
10/9 - t Mars ssq. p Moon
10/10 - t Mars sq. r Moon
10/12 - t Mars sq. r Sun
10/16 - t Mars ssq. Pluto

Please see the June forecast for an analysis of Trump's Sidereal Solar Return.

A Jupiter-Uranus opposition squares Midheaven. Natal Venus is on IC. All these are within a degree and a quarter of exact. More widely, natal Saturn is also on IC and squares Jupiter-Uranus, with the natal Venus/Saturn midpoint 0°10' from the angle. Finally, Pluto is moderately angular, and Moon aspects Saturn (0°10') and Mercury.

Many of these factors bespeak a sense of reprieve or relief, a heightened social sense and increased personal popularity. This is a chart of celebration, success, even honors (including business success: look for events that enhance his personal fortune). However, these levy a personal price. Relationships (whether personal, political, or foreign relations) are where he will be willing to pay a price for his relief.

Uranus transits natal Venus, showing renewal and excitement in love and pleasure. Flirtatious, fun-loving, and experimental, he approaches life in general with a new "zing," a new bounce in his step. "Changes in relationship" can take diverse forms. Jupiter's transit to natal Venus emphasizes the social and pleasurable: Love matters go well. Popularity and attractiveness increase. Special, pleasurable life transitions occur; is there a family pregnancy still unknown to us?

With angular natal Saturn plus a Moon-Saturn conjunction, practical matters do better than personal ones. Trump feels cut off from emotional lifelines, suffers wounds to his pride, and feels misunderstand. Uranus moderately square his Saturn pressures him for change where he wants to keep things as they are. Jupiter square his Saturn shows him re-securing his foundation, looking for stability where it seems missing, and even a slate wiped clean that eases worries and grants some peace.

DEMI-SLR (Oct 10)
Neptune conjoins IC. Moon is in partile T-square with Mars and Saturn (and more widely squares Venus). This is a chart of someone perceiving (rightly or wrongly) a magnified and growing sense of threat, treachery, and deception. President Trump may indeed be in greater danger, or under more acute attack, than at any earlier point since he took office. The important point, though, is that it seems to him that this is true, and he is in a poor state to judge the reality of his subjective impressions. Since Neptune exactly aspects natal Venus, he especially suspects betrayal and disloyalty.

It's an uncomfortable place to find oneself psychologically.

Furthermore, he is likely to retaliate. The most angular planet is natal Mars squares Ascendant (partile). In response to his perception of these incoming Mars and Saturn assaults (through a Neptune filter), he attacks in retaliation and defense.

Sun conjoins Mercury in the background. These conjoin his natal Jupiter. I don't think that will give any relief: Though partile, it seems too weak. If the conjunction has force, then it is also exactly square Pluto. If there is meaning to come from these background aspects, they seem to converge in his being forced to respond to questioning and inquiry, probably in court or other legal matters.

Moon (0°09') and Saturn (1°27') are conjoined (< 2°) on IC, their midpoint exactly on the angle. Natal Sun (1°25') and Uranus (4°) are on Midheaven. Transiting Saturn opposes his Sun exactly, 0°00'. Mars rises widely.

Whether or not Donald Trump is having a lovely autumn, he may well be having a great fall! This emotionally grueling, diminishing, draining configuration, characteristic (especially on IC) of a deep personal sense of loss, is also assaulting his identity, his pride, and his elevated stature. He is under great burden from outside causes, and the conditions cut him deeply and personally. He will need enormous strength, perseverance, and support to survive this well. (It primarily overlaps the October 26 Caplunar, which shows great violence and force, and perhaps warlike conditions. More of this next month.)
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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This is now done. As always, I reserve the right to revise it up until the moment Moon enters Capricorn next Friday.

If interested, feel free to dive in. The Arilunar, and Trumps two October lunar returns (a demi and a full), are probably the parts worthy of the most attention.
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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I just found this: Timeline of Trump Presidency on Wikipedia. It's hard to keep up with things, they move so fast, but this should help.

Apparently it only covers official actions and few of his tweets or controversies.
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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I think today it starts getting a lot worse, peaking in the middle of next week.

It's also time to watch for signs of the Cansolar's progressed Venus-Neptune aspect becoming exact, though we may have seen the main manifestation in Las Vegas this last week.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:21 pm Arilunar (Oct 6)
Horrific cruelty summarizes the fortnight of October 6-22. Mars, Venus, and Saturn are all within 1° of Arilunar angles (Mars being 0°03 from Midheaven), and all within close aspect of each other. (During most of this time, a Mars-Saturn square also crosses Washington's Cansolar angles.)

Mars-Saturn alone is harsh, hurtful, and destructive. Venus makes it intimate and personal. Venus-Mars potentially adds a distinctly sexual quality, or at least inflames passions above reason. In international affairs, it shows strained relations and, often, war. Venus-Saturn shows powerful love coexisting with severe loss, i.e., grief, hate, and remorse, plus a larger sense that "the party's over." (For emotional comparison, think of the Richard Speck murders, the 9/11 attacks, and the Wounded Knee massacre.)

Then it gets worse: Pluto, on the prime vertical, makes close mundane aspects to Venus, Mars, and Saturn on the meridian and horizon. These most simply mean traumatized international relationships and stark severing of emotional ties (Venus-Pluto), ferocious unleashing of force and unlawfulness (Mars-Pluto), and catastrophic loss and dramatic tragedies or hardship with a sometimes apocalyptic feel (Saturn-Pluto).

It's bad.

Mars and Saturn come to CanQ angles on October 11-12. This is when everything comes to a head. (Remember, there is a two-day range either side.) CapQ contacts to Uranus and Jupiter early in the week, and Uranus and Pluto days later, may yield to (or merge into) the Cansolar-led assaults.
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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Here was the (unfortunately) accurate hit from the forecast pertaining to the Las Vegas shooting. It occurred just a bit early, but were still talking only about a 01' orb.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:21 pm All year, Venus squares Neptune in the Cansolar. On October 7 progressed Cansolar Venus aspects Neptune exactly, and stays exact to the minute of arc for several days on either side. Experience shows that these perfecting aspects are quite important in world events, and we can expect to see a very full expression of Venus-Neptune concentrated on these dates, providing an excellent opportunity to study their effects in world news. In mundane astrology, we expect this aspect to show intense devotion, passionate belief, compelling fantasy or role-playing, performance art, disillusionment, betrayed alliances, perceived offenses, and diplomatic embarrassment or loss of esteem. It is also the most distinctive form of afflicted Venus for mass murders by shooting. Keep an ear to the news for a sudden surge in these themes.
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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I see above Jim, you wrote for Caplunar (Sept 29), "Mars" on the the Seattle/San Francisco axis (Fires/Violence ?). FIRES! Yeah I would say so.
I hope all is well for Jim. I see most of the fires are north or LA, but I saw the fire map and some looked near LA.
When did the current California wildfires begin, the 8th? With Aries moon?
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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According to the NY Times,
The inferno, officially called the Tubbs fire, started around 9:43 p.m. on Sunday near Calistoga, a small town in Napa County known for its wineries and mud baths.
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Thanks for catching that, James. I think I had missed it.

And thanks for the concern. Actually, Marion and I are spending 2 weeks driving around Colorado at the moment. It's a good time to be away from Los Angeles. We are here splendid. No fires.

JSAD, thanks for answering on the data.
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Re: Trump Watch

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Consider this forecast for Trump against news coverage of this morning's outbursts and conflicts with the Senate:
Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:22 pm SIDEREAL LUNAR RETURN (Oct 24)
Moon (0°09') and Saturn (1°27') are conjoined (< 2°) on IC, their midpoint exactly on the angle. Natal Sun (1°25') and Uranus (4°) are on Midheaven. Transiting Saturn opposes his Sun exactly, 0°00'. Mars rises widely.

Whether or not Donald Trump is having a lovely autumn, he may well be having a great fall! This emotionally grueling, diminishing, draining configuration, characteristic (especially on IC) of a deep personal sense of loss, is also assaulting his identity, his pride, and his elevated stature. He is under great burden from outside causes, and the conditions cut him deeply and personally. He will need enormous strength, perseverance, and support to survive this well. (It primarily overlaps the October 26 Caplunar, which shows great violence and force, and perhaps warlike conditions. More of this next month.)
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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Jeff Flake, junior senator from Arizona is not standing for re-election, and was really clear about why. His speech became an instant classic.
Trump thinks he won something. I think maybe not. Bannon might have.

Is Trump going to try to claim the guy who threw the Russian flags at him in the Senate hallway was brought in by Corker?
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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A forecast I made for the entire year, and then vaguely focused to a particular period, has to some extent come about. Here were the predictions.
2017 Capsolar wrote: JUPITER OPPOSITE URANUS... Medical breakthroughs will accelerate, e.g., there is an excellent chance that the final crack in cancer's defenses will occur this year.
2017 Libsolar wrote:...Sun opposite Uranus... events psychologically (and often physically) startling and explosive. These can take numerous forms [including] great discoveries benefiting everyone...
The same day the Libsolar started, the following news broke:

A gene therapy that turns cells into "living drugs" has been approved by the F.D.A. for adults with aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma ... -kite.html
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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Very nice! That's one for the "good news" file as well as the "nailed it" file.
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Re: US forecast September 29 - October 26, 2017

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Continuing in the same vein, LA Times just reported another threshold genetic medicine breakthrough
Jim Eshelman
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