Interpreting Lunar Returns

Q&A and discussion on Sidereal Lunar Returns.
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Jim Eshelman
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Interpreting Lunar Returns

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Recommended protocol for analyzing a
Sidereal Lunar Return (SLR)

  1. GATHER RAW MATERIAL: Tabulate angularities and foreground aspects.
    1. Determine which natal and SLR planets are foreground in the SLR.
    2. Identify all major hard aspects (conjunctions, oppositions, squares) only between these foreground planets (transit-transit, transit-natal, and natal-natal). NB: Prioritize Class 1 aspects.
    3. "Aspect," as used here, means either ecliptical (celestial longitude) or mundane (prime vertical longitude) interchangeably. There is no difference. They are equal. Both are essential.
  2. FIRST IMPRESSION: Make a quick assessment of whether the month will be experienced primarily as good, bad, or mixed.
    1. Good month: Clear predominance of foreground natal and SLR benefics (Venus, Jupiter, Uranus).
    2. Bad month: Clear predominance of foreground natal and SLR malefics (Mars, Saturn, Neptune).
    3. Mixed month: A roughly even mix of the two sets.
  3. ANGULARITY: Draw further broad preliminary impressions from the list of foreground planets, especially those closest to the angles. Look for primary themes.
    1. Planets closest to the angles have the strongest voices and usually set the main tone. Weight each planet proportionate to its relative angularity.
    2. SLR (i.e., transiting) planets are centripetal, describing circumstances the world draws to a person. Natal planets are centrifugal, showing the person's evoked responses or, sometimes, actions that invoke the centripetal circumstances.
    3. If the same planet is foreground in both the natal (inner) and SLR (outer) wheels, it takes on greater importance as a theme planet (orbs allowing).
    4. Pro tip: Ultimately, planets are best understood as expressions of fundamental, universal needs we all share. Natal planets signify the strength and character of our needs (intensified by SLR angularity). Transiting planets show the universe opening a gate to invite the fulfillment of corresponding needs, often with compelling force.
  4. FOREGROUND ASPECTS: Interpret aspects between foreground planets (primarily aspects with a close orb; say, 3°). These most reliably show the main dynamics of the month: Interpret the return primarily from its foreground aspects but within the overall tone shown by the angular planets group.
    1. Transit to transit: Aspects between foreground SLR planets narrow the range of what to expect from the world. These tell the primary "What will happen to me?".
    2. Transit to natal: Foreground SLR planets aspecting foreground natal planets are especially dynamic. (These are transits active for the life of the return chart.)
    3. Natal to natal: Foreground aspects between natal planets show pronounced elements of our character during the term of the return, including what comes forth from us to inaugurate or respond to the transiting circumstances. (Newly formed mundane aspects of natal planets in the SLR foreground show new or rarer behaviors.)
  5. PAUSE to confirm that the delineation is consistent and makes sense.
  6. BACKGROUND PLANETS: Observe which SLR planets are background and whether this colors the picture so far obtained. (E.g., if benefics are foreground, see whether malefics are background and vice versa.)
  7. OTHER PARTILE ASPECTS: Consider any remaining ecliptical or mundane conjunctions, oppositions, and squares within about 1°. These show background (backdrop) considerations that embellish the picture already framed. They are not strong enough to alter the essential nature of the SLR but commonly add useful details.

In brief...
  1. Tabulate foreground natal and transiting planets and their mutual aspects.
  2. Make a quick assessment: Will it likely be experienced as a good month or a bad month.
  3. Note which planets (natal and SLR) are foreground in the SLR. Draw broad, preliminary impressions from these, looking for primary themes.
  4. Note conjunctions, oppositions, and squares between foreground planets (SLR to natal, SLR to SLR, natal to natal). Interpret the return primarily from these but within the overall tone set by the angular planets.
  5. Observe whether background SLR planets color the picture obtained thus far.
  6. Consider any remaining partile hard aspects as background (backdrop) factors.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Interpreting Lunar Returns

Post by mikestar13 »

Excellent summary! Since I read ISR, I've been using the "return chart style" portion of the techniques for reading SSR'S to read SLR's with excellent results.In addition, I give significance to aspects of SLR Sun in comparable degree to aspects of SSR Moon. Also, I note that foreground Sun and especially Pluto tend to make a good return better and a bad one worse (if their aspects concur).
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Re: Interpreting Lunar Returns

Post by Jim Eshelman »

mikestar13 wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2018 8:53 am In addition, I give significance to aspects of SLR Sun in comparable degree to aspects of SSR Moon.
I used to. I'm less inclined to do so except I usually tend to use an "early Bradley" pass - just in case there is something legitimate to the house model that I might miss - in which I got, "House and aspects of Sun, check. House and aspects of Moon, check. Anything foreground and their aspects check..."

Aside from that, I've fallen away from my conviction that Sun aspects are always important (or always important unless in the immediate background and non-partile, or some variation on that theme).
Also, I note that foreground Sun and especially Pluto tend to make a good return better and a bad one worse (if their aspects concur).
That's interesting. Just in the sense of "pumping it to more extreme"?
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Re: Interpreting Lunar Returns

Post by mikestar13 »

Yeah, pretty much. Sun tends to add energy and focus, either your own (natal) or the universe's (transiting). Pluto's "all-or-nothing" tendencies factor in when present. Pluto with aspects in discord with the main theme leans in the contrary direction. For example . For example, in a strongly negative return foreground Pluto in partile aspects to Venus and Jupiter may act as a "saving grace", mitigating the negativity a fair amount. Similarly, a badly afflicted Pluto foreground in an otherwise good chart can be a very nasty joker in the cosmic deck.
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Re: Interpreting Lunar Returns

Post by SteveS »

Mike wrote:
In addition, I give significance to aspects of SLR Sun in comparable degree to aspects of SSR Moon.
I keep looking for the 'same significance' in my life, but I can’t find it. By far, I see much more significance with SSR Moon than SLR Sun. Why? I don’t know. Jim would probably have the best explanation. Maybe t. Sun has some unique importance involved timing to the exact day with partile aspects important life incidents, but I can’t correlate in a strong manner. It could be the only time a SLR Sun is highlighted in a significant manner-- only when the SLR is partile aspected (0,90,180) to a natal planet on the DAY of a SLR, but again, I don’t know. Fagan said the SLR Sun was important—but I have yet to see/understand the importance compared to SSR Moon.
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Re: Interpreting Lunar Returns

Post by Danica »

Chiming in on the matter of t Sun aspects in the SLR: I've been observing these for years now, and the conclusion is - they are definitively of far less importance (almost incomparable) than the Moon-aspects in SSR.
But I do keep observing them.
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Re: Interpreting Lunar Returns

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Yes, back in, oh, about 1970 when I first started reading reprints of "Solunars," one of the first things I registered as that you watch planets on the angles for both, and those aspecting (0 - 90 - 180) Moon in the SSR and Sun in SLR.

It's all true. Except, I haven't been able to confirm the "Sun in SLR." It's much easier to justify that Moon in SLR is always important - perhaps not in the sense of Moon in the SSR, but certainly in the same sense as Moon in solar and lunar ingresses.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Interpreting Lunar Returns

Post by Ember Nyx »

Do y'all consider partile octiles to foreground planets? (In SLRs, and, for that matter, SSRs.)

Jim, I notice that you don't list noting octiles along with conjunction/opposition/square in your procedural recommendations. I've been tracking octiles as I would in a natal chart (out to 2*), but I'm starting to think I'm giving undue weight to them.
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Re: Interpreting Lunar Returns

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mike wrote: Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:50 pm Do y'all consider partile octiles to foreground planets? (In SLRs, and, for that matter, SSRs.)

Jim, I notice that you don't list noting octiles along with conjunction/opposition/square in your procedural recommendations. I've been tracking octiles as I would in a natal chart (out to 2*), but I'm starting to think I'm giving undue weight to them.
I qouls as a supplemental factor, e.g., as a partile transit to the natal chart. Other than that, it's highly questionable (and almost certianly not foreground).
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Interpreting Lunar Returns

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've updated the language of the top post, consistent with the rewrite I did on interpreting solar returns earlier this morning.

Nothing really changes much except the way of explaining it, perhaps nuances in interpretation or rating, etc.
Jim Eshelman