The following is provided as a historic note, not as a full statement of (for example) how I might say things. But notice how LG ultimately said the same thing that I say in calling "hard" aspects dynamic and "soft" aspects static. This is from the 1935 (fifth) edition of A to Z Horoscope Maker & Delineator.
Llewellyn George wrote:Aspects are divided into two classes, harmonious and inharmonious, according to the nature of the action, or the responses, they produce. Harmonious aspects may be thought of as pacifying or mollifying, while the inharmonious aspects may be considered as stimulating or irritating. The stimulating effect of the inharmonious aspects is often seen in the horoscopes of persons who have "made their mark" or achieved distinction by vigorous efforts. On the other hand, in the horoscopes of persons with a preponderance of harmonious aspects we find they have attained success not so much by the vigorous prosecution of business efforts as by apparent "good luck" or fortunate circumstances. They "get the breaks." ...
Not every one with a preponderance of good aspects is "successful" in life; some may be too easily satisfied and contented. Nor does every one with a preponderance of inharmonious aspects achieve "success" through stimulating effort; they may be too easily irritated and develop obstacles in their path through enmities, injuries, etc.