Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

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Jim Eshelman
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Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I have finished a reasonable first draft of my own standard interpretation file for Solar Fire. You are all welcome to use it if you wish (as is, or as a started place to write your own). I will update it over time; for example, it currently has only part of the Venus signs and none of the Mars signs, I want to edit the introductory paragraphs, and I want to tweak the aspect distinctions a bit more.

You can download it from here:!Ansnmu2xbktamMAHGLVD-_odTmPl_w

EDIT 4/16/19: Alternative that does not require Solar Fire.!Ansnmu2xbktamtJAxhH ... g?e=Pll2md

Here are the steps to use it:

  1. Download the file. It is called
  2. If you want to fully replace the in Solar Fire, you don't have to rename this (but you might want to rename or backup the that came with it). If you want it to have a different name, rename it.
  3. Place the file in your Solar Fire User Files folder (which is probably in your Documents folder under your personal Windows profile), in the Interpretations folder.
  • In Solar Fire, make sure the correct Aspects set is selected. (Just open the chart you want to interpret and see if the aspects are right. I switch between many different aspect files; you may have only one.)
  • Click Interps > Interpretation Files > Natal. You will see the .int file there under whatever name you used. Click on it, then click Select. (NOTE: You should do this every time you run an interpretation. If you use a name other than Standard, Solar Fire will usually drop your selection in between runs.)
  • Click Interps > Full Report. Check the options you want (I suggest you only check Introduction, Chart Points, and Aspects to Other Points.) Click View.
  • Your interpretation will open in Microsoft Word (or whatever other word processor you have selected as your default in Solar Fire). You can save it. You can also edit it. (There will be a bunch or worthless titles to clear out, which only takes a few seconds.)
Jim Eshelman
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Sample output - SteveS

Post by Jim Eshelman »

As an example, I will give the automatically generated report for Steve's natal chart (since he started this whole discussion). This is using the current definition file, which still needs some work - but this will show how far it has come (and hasn't). I'm using conservative orbs so that only the closest aspects show.

Sidereal Natal Horoscope Interpretation
(c) 2018 James A. Eshelman

These notes on your SIDEREAL NATAL HOROSCOPE are provided for your reference and study. They are not a full interpretation of your birth chart; rather, they are the building blocks from which such a full interpretation can be built.

Each factor listed below contributes strong parts of your character. These individual parts commonly repeat or contradict each other. (We all have contradictory sides to ourselves.) Though it does not necessarily take an astrologer to fuse these together into a balanced picture of you and your life, it DOES require knowledge of human behavior and the ways that people support and sabotage themselves. Your astrologer, having these skills and knowing this symbolic language, can help you in this process. However, KNOWING YOURSELF is a life-long undertaking. I encourage you to read through these notes, feeling your way through all the words and reflecting on what you know of yourself, to see how the many facets of your nature interweave and for the larger picture of who you are.

The paragraphs are brief. I have sought to pack in everything essential, to use a few words to imply a great deal more. Not every phrase will apply, of course. Some will be more important than others; but the gist of each section should clearly reflect truth about you. When you have spent time with this and have new questions, consult your astrologer to discuss them.

Character is destiny. Who you are determines the life that is yours to unfold. "Know thyself" is the goal. -- Jim Eshelman

SteveS - Natal Chart
Sep 20 1947, 10:00 am, CST +6:00
Albertville AL, 34°N16'03'', 086°W12'32''
Geocentric Fagan-Allen Zodiac
Campanus Houses

Socially active party-people: good-natured, friendly, humor. Willing to be outlandish. Factually forth-right; emotionally cautious (withholding); senses others’ motives. Sexual volcanoes: built pressure needs explosive release. Sexually pragmatic. Frequent relationship drama; combative. Easy to anger (it passes). Bold, adventurous, restless, "try anything." Gossip (sometimes vindictive). Beliefs likely unorthodox.

Restless, moody, subjective, changeable, eager. Response to a given situation not dependable. Strongly responsive to environment. Emotional “feelers” extended; feelings prominent; eager to help a friend.

SESQUISQUARE MARS Orb 0°32' Separating
Active-reactive; temper. Detests idleness. Driven, competent, ambitious. Impatient, acerbic, irritable. Frank, sharp-tongued (friction in relationships). Needs physical, emotional, & mental room to breathe. Possible substance abuse. Sexual needs strong, irrepressible.

SEXTILE NEPTUNE Orb 0°39' Applying
Drawn to the imaginative & surrealistic. Loves mystery, pursues with avid curiosity. Sensitive, empathic (deeply understanding, sympathetic; also psychically vulnerable). Self-defense through closing senses, withdrawing, introversion (worry, moodiness).

Strategic, tactical, analytical, logical, scrutinizing. Encyclopedic knowledge. Favors trees over forest. Innocent air, modest. Tolerant, tactful, congenial, serious. Courageous in word & deed. Service-minded, conscientious, efficient. Principle over convenience. Active toward social progress (rarely radical).

Awareness of authority within self and others (paternal bias). Achievement-oriented, responsible, managerial. Proud. Probable success in career.

SQUARE URANUS Orb 0°44' Separating
Go their own way, unapologetically following their own paths & persuaded that they’re a “special case.” Resourceful, stimulating, but easily bored (in need of frequent stimulation). Love of freedom: bow to no authority but themselves. Progressive, future-oriented, uninhibited by convention. Adept at creative problem solving. Self-perspective usually founded in objectivity.

Curious, observant, methodical, analytical. Quiet, almost soft-spoken, good-natured (maybe too passive). Communication is right to the point (journalist). Logical, strategic: Wants the facts before deciding, considers all sides.

SEXTILE PLUTO Orb 0°04' Applying
Thinking is individual, unusual, outlier. Investigative (origins & causes), thinks deeply about things. Mind may ride the edge of normalcy (may slip off): enthusiasm, excitability, possible burnout. Impatient (irritable, easily frustrated). Instinct for abstractions.

Intellect & reason as basis of romantic choices (wants to make "good choices"). Companionship as important as eros. Undemonstrative with affection or attraction. Kind lovers (more devoted than dutiful). Takes life seriously (play isn't a priority). Matter-of-fact, serving, inclined to help. Usually monogamous, few wander; inclined to conventional relationships.

Bright, inquiring; forthright, decisive (strong opinions). Argumentative (debate, stirs conversation; eloquent?). Pragmatic (not idealistic). Methodical. Scientific mind hones facts, can commit mind to research (scientists). Strength from being heard; otherwise over-compensates. (May "know better than anyone else," need to be right.) Substance abuse.

TRINE JUPITER Orb 0°08' Separating
Playful, strong, competitive, enterprising. Zest, vitality, enthusiasm, courage, confidence. Sexually lusty, eager, popular, on the hunt. Generous or extravagant (money flees). Bold with beliefs, evangelical (enthusiasts, missionaries, barnstormers).

Positive, optimistic, oriented to the good & qualitative. Aspires to (enjoys) life of leisure & its perks (seeks to improve self & conditions). Unusually lucky. Generous, congenial, tolerant, good-humored, kind. Sexually giving. Needs esteem & inclusion (usually well received; can be overly role-conscious). Responds to cultural totems, heritage, tradition, social graces, social & ceremonial rituals. Champion of justice & fair play. (If afflicted: air of superiority, judgmental, greedy, envious; making own luck through shady ethics, or crime.)
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've just updated the file. It now includes all Venus signs as well as the other content, and some small bug fixes.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

8-) Thanks Jim, I will put this to good use, hopefully in a large group manner with a new contact who is involved with large groups of women. Excellent!
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Let me know how it goes over. I- I just added the Venus in Virgo paragraph to the sample of your chart above - not sure how accurate it is (all other parts of the chart considered), but with the collection of people (women) you're attracting for whom relationship issues are so big, the Venus sign interpretations may be a big deal.

I still have to write the Mars sign paragraphs. After that, I'll pause and put this information together into another form that might be easier for seasoned astrologers to use to create a preliminary data package for clients.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
...but with the collection of people (women) you're attracting for whom relationship issues are so big, the Venus sign interpretations may be a big deal.
Exactly! Kelly told me this morning she hopes to bring all her women contacts into a group for me to discuss Sidereal Astrology and answer question. If Kelly succeeds putting her group together, I will definitely test your Interpretations with this group and have then honestly rate them anonymously--will be fun and interesting.

Jim, have you customized your Solarfire synastry file? If so, in what manner? What aspects are you using?
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Thu Mar 15, 2018 2:41 pm Jim, have you customized your Solarfire synastry file? If so, in what manner? What aspects are you using?
No, I haven't. I cant think of a way to make it useful (plus I'd have to rewrite/polish all my synastry interps). - If I did, I'd only use conjunctions, oppositions, and squares, and the orbs would vary according to a whole list of conditions (hinted at below).

I no longer use what amounts to a "look up all the aspects between two charts" but, instead, use a two-phase approach that tells me which aspects I should look at. I give a sample and explanation of how I work here:
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Jim, I am having trouble downloading your 'standard int file'. Probably something I am doing wrong. When you complete your int file, I would appreciate you providing Kelly's Natal Interpretations. Thanks

Kelly: 11/13/1967, 10:34 AM, Burlington, New Jersey.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:29 am Jim, I am having trouble downloading your 'standard int file'. Probably something I am doing wrong.
When you click the link, you should get a mostly white screen that says:
Hmm... looks like this file doesn't have a preview
we can show you.

Do you see the big blue "Download" button? If so, when you click it, what happens?

Can others please confirm if they see this and can get this downloaded? I might have set the permissions wrong.
When you complete your int file, I would appreciate you providing Kelly's Natal Interpretations. Kelly: 11/13/1967, 10:34 AM, Burlington, New Jersey.
Since her data would let anyone here produce the same data, and her last name isn't given, I'll post the content here in a minute.

BTW, notice that the SF interp module has limits especially with things like angularity. Her Mars is reasonably close to Ascendant, but it just gets read as a way-too-wide Mars-Ascendant conjunction that doesn't show. For now, I've run the report twice, with different orbs, to accommodate this. I'm working on something (over the next weeks or maybe months) to make this easier.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »


These notes on your SIDEREAL NATAL HOROSCOPE are provided for your reference and study. They are not a full interpretation of your birth chart; rather, they are the building blocks from which such a full interpretation can be built.

Each factor listed below contributes to your character. These paragraphs commonly repeat or contradict each other. (We all have contradictions.) Though it does not take an astrologer to fuse these factors into a balanced picture of you and your life, it DOES require knowledge of human behavior and the ways that people support and sabotage themselves. Your astrologer, having these skills and knowing this symbolic language, can help you in this process. However, KNOWING YOURSELF is a life-long undertaking. I encourage you to read through these notes, feeling your way through the interweaving ideas and reflecting on what you know of yourself.

The paragraphs are brief. I have sought to pack in everything essential, to use a few words to imply a great deal more. Not every phrase will apply, of course. Some will be more important than others; but the gist of each section should clearly reflect truth about you. When you have spent time with this and have new questions, consult your astrologer to discuss them.

Character is destiny. Who you are determines the life that is yours to unfold. "Know thyself" is the key. -- Jim Eshelman


Kelly - Female Chart
Nov 13 1967, 10:34 am, EST +5:00
Burlington NJ, 40°N04'16'', 074°W51'55''
Geocentric Fagan-Allen Zodiac Campanus Houses



Most truly themselves when being someone else. Dramatizes a personal fiction; "big fish" confidence (self-important, airs?). Love having a "secret side." Divas. Emotionally driven (haunted). Fascinated with the unknown. Religious thinking style. Faith, commitment to beliefs or vision. Judgmental. Hardened personal reality (stuck patterns).


Relationship-centered. Polite, warm, affectionate; possessive, jealous. Enjoys beauty, comfort; often artistic. Appearance-conscious (vain). Tease (self & others: entice, deny, gratify). Peace (appeasement). Justice (righting wrongs). Shrewd, intense, secretive. Feminine thrives better than masculine. Optimistic futurist (personally, socially).

Effective survivors, self-sufficient, hard-working, accomplishing. Works hard, few luxuries; prefers private, modest accommodations. Authority issues to overcome (paternal). Serious, yet good sense of humor! Childhood hardships common, circumstances force early maturation.

Self-view is unrealistic or disproportionate (excessively poor or grand). Nurtures an air of secrecy or mystery. Love of drama, music, fantasy, mysticism, general surrealism. Active imaginations. Potential to move and inspire others if they acquire focus & perseverance. Sensitive to ambient physical & emotional impressions; exaggerates the “feeling tone” of a time & place.

SEXTILE PLUTO Orb 1°48' Applying
“Law unto themselves.” No respect for arbitrary expectations. Antiauthoritarian, needs to be free from arbitrary, incompetent control. Comfortable as outsider; often seems aloof, unresponsive, but rarely harsh. Usually kind, “live and let live.”


Courteous, well-mannered expression. Tactful, gracious, persuasive, pleasant (sarcastic, withholding). Mediator, negotiator, peace-maker, diplomat (idealist). Masters of finding common denominators. Mind has considerable intensity.

SEXTILE JUPITER Orb 1°19' Applying
Intelligent; seems well-read, educated. Loves ideas & learning, comfortable with words. Good-tempered, kind. Optimistic. Business potential (from luck more than skill?). Always awaiting the next opportunity or break.

Alert, attentive, observant, strategic, analytic. Mentally sharp, hard to fool (knows more about you than you think). Little emotional affect, hard to read. Nervous (anxiety? worry? touchy?). Easily bored without regular mental stimulation. Good at precise, detailed work; naturals at handling business. Curiosity drives sexual choices as much as any other factor.


Intellect & reason as basis of romantic choices (wants to make "good choices"). Companionship as important as eros. Undemonstrative with affection or attraction. Kind lovers (more devoted than dutiful). Takes life seriously (play isn't a priority). Matter-of-fact, serving, inclined to help. Usually monogamous, few wander; inclined to conventional relationships.

OPPOSITION SATURN Orb 2°12' Applying
Work, duty, devotion give especial pleasure. Also, various restrictions (even hardships) in love. Work (with an eye to service) is inherently gratifying; ordinary pleasures may be delayed or sacrificed for responsibilities. Many seem comfortable alone (unpartnered), though there is rarely any sexual restraint (often quite the opposite). Childhood hardship or deprivation often exists (physical or emotional) that shapes adult patterns; many move far from their birthplace to restart their lives. Sober, responsible. Willing to pragmatically sacrifice (even sell-out) whatever they need to, for something more important to them.


Idealist (not necessarily pragmatic). Serious about subjects of interest: sincere, devoted, studious (seems hardworking; it's really love or zeal). Passionate with beliefs; moral courage; persuasive. Innovative, ambitious, strategic. Thrives in classic styles. Many exude air of mystery or fantasy (branding?). Many are identified with ideologies, -ists, & -isms.

Aggressive, competitive, challenging, needs to win (combative, quarrelsome). Seeks to test & prove self by contest (e.g., competitively, verbally, mentally, sexually). Courage (physical & moral; may disregard safety). Dominates & controls others. Physical, needs to expend energy; needs physical & psychological elbow-room. Sexually aggressive, needs frequent satisfaction. Business leadership & competitive excellence.


SQUARE THE ASCENDANT Orb 2°36' Separating
Needs to be self-reliant, self-sufficient, autonomous, independent; maturing is a process of securing these. Works hard, industrious. Survival instinct is strong & drives much of the behavior. Hardship likely (especially in youth); struggle for security; life's demands seem severe (some are beaten down; some gain great strength & endurance). Cautious, emotionally reserved, self-protective, conscientious, methodical, austere (may shut others out emotionally). Beware self-restriction arising from fear.

STEVE: Here are some Class 2 aspects that wouldn’t show in the report as I’d normally run it. I’ve including them in case you want to edit them into it:

SQUARE MARS Orb 3°55' Applying
Active & reactive, temperamental, thinks & acts rapidly. Detests idleness, rarely still. Driven, competent, ambitious. Impatient, acerbic, irritable. Too frank & sharp-tongued (hence friction in close relationships). Needs physical, emotional, & mental “room to breathe” (little domestic instinct). Substance abuse not uncommon. Sexual needs strong, almost irrepressible (the women are often real sexual firecrackers, notable for the speed and intensity of their climaxes).

CONJUNCTION SATURN Orb 5°56' Separating
Proud, self-made. Dynamic, hardworking, persistent, self-driving. Encourages growth in others (expects them to do something worthy of their abilities). Usually emotionally reserved, private. Definite tendency (often unconscious) to seek total control of situations & relationships. Parent-themed issues (nourishment-deprivation, etc.) to work through. Judgmental (intolerant). Can be pessimistic, distrustful, little self-confidence, passive-aggressive, feeling inferior, anxious, depressed. Many enter religious or social work for mixed motives of service, self-immolation, and seeking control.

Adaptive in response to social, psychological, & environmental conditions (mask, roll, act). Impressionable, responsive, malleable, imaginative. Needs constant stimulation (of mind or senses). Strong sexual appetites; responsive to affection, friendship, sexual suggestion. Amiable, accommodating; sensitive, receptive, tender, empathic (touchy, moody, reactive). Vulnerable to judgments, displeasure, criticism. At home before an audience.

SQUARE MARS Orb 3°55' Applying
Active & reactive, temperamental, thinks & acts rapidly. Detests idleness, rarely still. Driven, competent, ambitious. Impatient, acerbic, irritable. Too frank & sharp-tongued (hence friction in close relationships). Needs physical, emotional, & mental “room to breathe” (little domestic instinct). Substance abuse not uncommon. Sexual needs strong, almost irrepressible (the women are often real sexual firecrackers, notable for the speed and intensity of their climaxes).

CONJUNCTION SATURN Orb 5°56' Separating
Proud, self-made. Dynamic, hardworking, persistent, self-driving. Encourages growth in others (expects them to do something worthy of their abilities). Usually emotionally reserved, private. Definite tendency (often unconscious) to seek total control of situations & relationships. Parent-themed issues (nourishment-deprivation, etc.) to work through. Judgmental (intolerant). Can be pessimistic, distrustful, little self-confidence, passive-aggressive, feeling inferior, anxious, depressed. Many enter religious or social work for mixed motives of service, self-immolation, and seeking control.

Adaptive in response to social, psychological, & environmental conditions (mask, roll, act). Impressionable, responsive, malleable, imaginative. Needs constant stimulation (of mind or senses). Strong sexual appetites; responsive to affection, friendship, sexual suggestion. Amiable, accommodating; sensitive, receptive, tender, empathic (touchy, moody, reactive). Vulnerable to judgments, displeasure, criticism. At home before an audience.


Relationship-centered. Polite, warm, affectionate; possessive, jealous. Enjoys beauty, comfort; often artistic. Appearance-conscious (vain). Tease (self & others: entice, deny, gratify). Peace (appeasement). Justice (righting wrongs). Shrewd, intense, secretive. Feminine thrives better than masculine. Optimistic futurist (personally, socially).

Awareness of authority within self and others (paternal bias). Achievement-oriented, responsible, managerial. Proud. Probable success in career.

Self-view is unrealistic or disproportionate (excessively poor or grand). Nurtures an air of secrecy or mystery. Love of drama, music, fantasy, mysticism, general surrealism. Active imaginations. Potential to move and inspire others if they acquire focus & perseverance. Sensitive to ambient physical & emotional impressions; exaggerates the “feeling tone” of a time & place.

CONJUNCTION URANUS Orb 6°02' Separating
Pleasure drives are free of social convention or taboo, allowing enjoyment from a wide variety of social and sexual experiences. They approach friendship, love, sex, and other pleasure on their own terms, with a deep instinct for flexibility and freedom from artificial constraint. Socially popular, friendly, engaging, and well-liked, in response to their lightly flirtatious, genial, roguish style. (Underlying innocence and vulnerability is often masked by their social “character.”) Often requires distance from intimacy or depersonalizes affection, which can strain conventional pairings. Usually optimistic for society’s future with a deep instinct toward a less Puritanical, more open social fabric.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Jim, when you are satisfied with this completed project, would it be possible for you to provide an automated commercial service on this forum for the general public to obtain your Sidereal Natal Interpretations? If possible, and if affordable, I would pay for expenses if you know the right technical people to set-up an automated commercial link on this forum for your personal work.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:56 am Jim, when you are satisfied with this completed project, would it be possible for you to provide an automated commercial service on this forum for the general public to obtain your Sidereal Natal Interpretations? If possible, and if affordable, I would pay for expenses if you know the right technical people to set-up an automated commercial link on this forum for your personal work.
I have no way to provide an automated service. It will have to be person-driven.

The biggest barrier is technology of creating software to sit behind a web page for people to access. (You can't just load Solar Fire on a web server and have it work.) Another problem (if somehow we bizarrely overcame that) is licensing restrictions regarding Solar Fire's use that way.

Ahhh... but maybe our buddy Mike Nelson (Mikestar) can do this. He already has ways of calculating positions, aspects, better anglarity than the SF module does. He woud just need to use it to pick select paragraphs, string text together, and issue a reporg (and then make the whole thing work in a web environment, preferably on a Unix/Apache system sucn as that which hosts this site). Mike, if you;re listening, what think you?
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

It will have to be person-driven.
I have the time to 'drive' this possible project, and so does Mike, I think.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:18 am
It will have to be person-driven.
I have the time to 'drive' this possible project, and so does Mike, I think.
Actually, by "person driven" I meant, "For each inquiry, someone will have to sit down and run the Solar Fire interp package, edit the document, and send it each time." This would change if Mike could create something.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

How long would it take you to do the above objective for each person wanting to pay for this service?
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:39 am Can others please confirm if they see this and can get this downloaded? I might have set the permissions wrong.
When I click on the link, I am offered the chance to sign up for OneDrive. When I click on no thanks, then I get the Hm no preview bit.

When I click on the download button, my browser downloads the file to wherever it is I set my browser to download files. In my browser, I just click on the blue arrow showing download status and choose to be taken to that directory ("show all downloads"). From there, I have to move it into the directory where solar fire can find it. I follow Jim's directions to find that directory. Depends on which version of Windows (operating system) you have what you need to do to move the file.

Takes about 47-48 seconds. Steve, who do you know who has a kid in middle or high school who can do quick little stuff like this for you for the occasional ten bucks?
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:10 am How long would it take you to do the above objective for each person wanting to pay for this service?
Once I got to it, if I don't look too closely... maybe 15 minutes. If I gave YOU the file to edit and format as you saw fit, about 5 minutes.

JSAD, thanks. I set it so anyone with the link should be able to view, but not edit. This (I thought) should set it for download options. I'll look again when I have time - I could give the .def file that each of you could then compile into an .int in SF, but that is more error prone. (That's relevant in case the issue is that there is no way to view this file online the way you could, say, a Word file. If I left it as a .def, it still probably wouldn't work unless I renamed it .txt and your instructions were to name it back. Maybe it will work if I zip it, which just adds other pain the butt stuff. I'll look...)
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

I think the way it's set now is the best you can do. People who are signed into OneDrive get the Hm no preview page with the download button. People who are not signed in just have to say no thanks to signing up for OneDrive and then get the no preview page with the download button. One extra click.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:21 am I think the way it's set now is the best you can do. People who are signed into OneDrive get the Hm no preview page with the download button. People who are not signed in just have to say no thanks to signing up for OneDrive and then get the no preview page with the download button. One extra click.
It should be accessible to anyone who wants to download it, though. It hadn't occurred to me that the inability to open and view it first would be an issue. (I, of course, see all of it all the time, no matter what, so I can't easily test it).)

OK, here's the solution: Please confirm. (I just accessed it on a computer I've never used either for my own OneDrive account or for Solunars.)

When I click the ink above, I get directed to a page and invited to log into OneDrive. At the bottom of that box is an option to skip that step and go straight to view. When I click that, I get to what I described above, with the blue Download button. I click that and it downloads.

I've tried it on Internet Explorer, Edge, and Chrome, and it works on all three.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

You described it better than I did, but that's exactly what I get too. Works right out of the box under Windows 10. Download, slap it into the directory and off we go.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

JSAD wrote:
Takes about 47-48 seconds. Steve, who do you know who has a kid in middle or high school who can do quick little stuff like this for you for the occasional ten bucks?
I have requested a friend from Gulf Shores to please visit me, he has done all my customizing of Solarfire, since I am a dunce with these matters. If he does not have time to visit, I will visit him since I have a-lot of customizing to do with Solarfire which I keep putting off to later dates. Thanks JSAD.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Jim, yesterday I gave Kelly her Natal Report you generated with your new file. I received this text from her:
This Natal Report for me is quite intrusive. I will be getting a laptop over the weekend thanks to my son and we can load Solarfire and Mr. Eshelman file next week, his Natal Report for me was Awesome. My customers and friends who are very interested in Astrology are going to love their Natal reports.


I explained to her when I gave her your Natal Report with your foreword cover page, it was going to take you a few weeks to tweak and complete your new Solarfire interpretation file, it would become much richer in content.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

"Awesome" i s... awesome! (This is quite cool.)

But... "intrusive"? LOL, I hope that was also a complement :)

Steve, I don't know that I can promise "richer content" - it will have a bit more content (I'm working on the Mars files now, which is nearly the end of what I anticipate adding for now. And it will have more flexible content because I'm planning to provide it in a different form that will make it easy for an astrologer to just include the paragraphs they want. And, of course, paragraphs will be tweaked over time (as needed). Unfortunately, this simple mechanism doesn't allow for any real synthesis - just a stream of paragraphs.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, I'm working on the Mars signs currently. In your summary above, I've added the Mars in Gemini paragraph. I also had Mars in Sagittarius done, so I've added it above for Kelly's summary.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
But... "intrusive"? LOL, I hope that was also a complement :)
I understand Jim, and I am pretty sure it was meant as a complement. At first the word "intrusive" threw me off too, but when I got to the word "awesome" I realized she meant with the word "intrusive" your interps for her penetrated her soul, or intruded into her inner being that rang as a big hit. When I see her in person I will ask to for more clarity with her word "intrusive".

I have no experience with rewriting any Solarfire interps files--but now this is peaking my interest. Given the time, I think you should consider writing more interps files for Solarfire, because of your vast experience with the planetary language with Sidereal Astrology. I am anxious to experiment/test your new interps file with a large group of new students to see their reaction. I think you may be onto something important related to my experiment with new astrology students. Great work Jim--as usual. :)
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I am concerned that it would detract from other things I need to do. I've already stalled several other things to do this much. OTOH it has pushed me to sharpen several other things (e.g., non-luminary sign stuff and angular planet summaries) that will be useful in other projects on the burner.

I do know that I don't want to touch any interpretive stuff this way. I'm so sick of the decades-long mantra that Sidereal astrology is great for prediction but Tropical astrology is what you use to understand character. It's heart-breaking. So I don't want to do anything new that will be a stand-out success for prediction until the world gets turned around to the idea that Sidereal astrology is foremost the way to understand human character, and the best tool we have.

I might update the synastry aspect interpretations, though that is a huge project that would begin with finding charts for a hundred or so relationships I know personally and digging through them in detail. It would bring everything else to a halt if I did it right (but I have to do it someday, so...).
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

I thoroughly understand Jim. I see no need to be in a hurry to do any more with what you have already done with your new int file except eventually complete it the way you know is practically sufficient. I look upon what you have done with the new int file as a much needed tool for your forum with any present forum member or new member in getting a rapid free Sidereal Natal interpretation.

BTW, I spent 30 minutes on the phone with my geek friend and mission accomplished for downloading your mundane chart wheel and new int file and loading into Solar User Data file. Thanks a-lot. :) So, if you don't have time to do this for a forum member who wants a Sidereal Natal Chart int, just ask me and I will do it for. you.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

As new people show up, I think it might be kind to give them a trim version of the report, plus a few overview opinions, before sending them off to the subforums to read more lengthy and potentially confusing pages.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
As new people show up, I think it might be kind to give them a trim version of the report, plus a few overview opinions, before sending them off to the subforums to read more lengthy and potentially confusing pages.
:idea: Exactly Jim! I am beginning to think your work here may turn out to be very important for new students learning Sidereal Astrology, and for seasoned Sidereal Astrologers on this forum to possibly expand their client base out into their communities. Since I am new to Solarfire int customizing, tell me as you being the most experienced Sidereal Astrologer on this forum---what is needed from a Sidereal Astrology standpoint to allow you better flexibility for possibly tweaking the Solarfire's customizing int User files for possible richer Sidereal Astrology content? Or, can I contact the writer(s) of Solarfire and ask them: can they write us a specialized file to make int customizing better for you to do your Sidereal Astrology expertise with customizing Solarfire int ?

Also, do you see certain possibilities for you do the same type customizing for a Solar/Lunar Return specialized int file for new students as well for seasoned Sidereal Astrologers on the forum, based on your great work with ISR?

Also, based on your experience/insight with Sidereal Astrology, do you think a customize int file is needed for certain Natal midpoints? Is this possible?
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

What would be needed is outside the capabilities of software like SF. It would require an entirely different approach involving artificial intelligence levels that barely exist. The most they could do is expand the possibility to pull new, additional categories of paragraphs, E.G., all 144 Sun-Moon sign pairs, or combinations of angular planet sets, or the ability to synthesize all the aspects to a given planet.

Since the interpretation module can't even correctly determine angularity, I don't see how an SLR analysis could be written.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Since partile aspects 'reign supreme' as a maxim for Sidereal Astrology, would not you want to identify these aspects for others in you Sidereal Natal int. file, as allowing more potency?
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The interpretation system will use whatever orbs you have set in SF. I have mostly been running it only with Class 1 aspects.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by mikestar13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:11 am ...The biggest barrier is technology of creating software to sit behind a web page for people to access. (You can't just load Solar Fire on a web server and have it work.) Another problem (if somehow we bizarrely overcame that) is licensing restrictions regarding Solar Fire's use that way.

Ahhh... but maybe our buddy Mike Nelson (Mikestar) can do this. He already has ways of calculating positions, aspects, better anglarity than the SF module does. He woud just need to use it to pick select paragraphs, string text together, and issue a reporg (and then make the whole thing work in a web environment, preferably on a Unix/Apache system such as that which hosts this site). Mike, if you;re listening, what think you?
If the dll's can connect to JavaScript or PHP, I could make something platform agnostic that runs in a browser. It would be an adaptation of my existing software, giving completely accurate angularity info, I can even access interpretations of background planets if you care to write them, and minor angles can be accounted for if you want. Now if the dll's can't be used that way, the solution will be more platform dependent, and I don't know enough Linux/Apache to handle that part of it and I'd need to set up a dual boot system on my laptop to have a learning/testing environment. Let me look into the platform-agnostic idea, the alternative is probably more than I can handle. If I or another programmer go through with this idea, you will need a professional license from Astrodienst for the dll's. If I end up working for compensation, I'll need to see a lawyer about how to structure it, to not screw up my Medi-Cal.I need a Medi-Cal savvy lawyer to handle my divorce in any case. I'll do some research and let Jim and Steve know.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Mike, I so wish i understood (could see the forest for the trees) what you understand in this matter.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've updated the file: All Mars-sign interpretations are now loaded.

I suggest you download a new copy.

Interpretations may be tweaked a bit. In time, there will be more updates. But for now, this is complete. (I have another product coming soon that will be an alternative way to do a report.)
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I've updated the file: All Mars-sign interpretations are now loaded.
I suggest you download a new copy.
Interpretations may be tweaked a bit. In time, there will be more updates. But for now, this is complete. (I have another product coming soon that will be an alternative way to do a report.)
Thanks Jim, keep up the great work as you find the time.

Jim, at astrolabe (where Solarfire is sold, they have a free Natal Chart interpretation defaulted to tropical zodiac, and it is fully automated to instantly generate the Chart & Interpretations. As soon as I hit the summit button, my Chart and interprets appeared instantly, very cool.
Here is link with my Chart (Tropical) and interrupt’s. ... mit=Submit
Is it OK with you if I contact the webmaster (Ray White) at Astrolabe and discuss with him about possibly setting up the same type service on your forum with your Sidereal Natal int? Go to Astrolabe above link and plug in your birth data and you will see what I mean.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:30 am Jim, at astrolabe (where Solarfire is sold, they have a free Natal Chart interpretation defaulted to tropical zodiac, and it is fully automated to instantly generate the Chart & Interpretations. As soon as I hit the summit button, my Chart and interprets appeared instantly, very cool.
Oh, I didn't say it couldn't be done I said I have no way of doing it - it's technologically past me. Sure if Mike (or, for that matter ALabe) wanted to code it, we could dedicate (not currently in use except as a forward to, or (better yet, I think) a link on an updated to the function. I just can't do it myself, and really don't think I should divert the time and energy to try to do it,

For ALabe, though, this product is a loss-leader. That is, at negligible cost, they offer this free first introduction in order to advertise their paid reports that are much longer and cost abut $35 each. I'm not sure they want to give that away, though there might be a basis for collaboration.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

As long its ok with you, I will explore astrolabe system with Ray White at Astrolabe for possible use on your forum. I am leaving to go out of town, and when I get back I will contact astrolabe.
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New Interpretation File (in Microsoft Word)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Here is the alternative method I've been planning.

Attached is a Microsoft Word file for you do download. It has the entire set of interpretive notes contained in one file. Basically, just delete what doesn't apply to the chart, and you have a complete report.!Ansnmu2xbktamNt0wmNy-I048vI4WQ

Here is a sample report on me:!Ansnmu2xbktamMAMjbP3q13PBks6Zw

Here is how I recommend you use it:

Download the file, Customize it as you see fit, for example: Put your name at the top. But your name and contact information at the bottom. If you don't like what I wrote (in the introduction, the interpretations, etc.), change it. You may use this text freely for reports; if you make the text yours instead of just using my text, feel free to change or remove the copyright notice in the footer.

Next, to do a report for a particular individual, MAKE A COPY OF THE FILE (so that your customized original is undamaged), and edit it. Write their name and birth data at the top. Delete the paragraphs that don't apply to them. For example, under Angular Planets, delete the paragraphs for any non-angular planets (and then organize the remaining paragraphs in the sequence you want, say prioritized by closeness). In the Moon, Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Venus sections, delete the sign, house, and aspects that don't apply. (If you don't want the house interpretations, delete them in your master file.) Under each aspect, delete the aspect type that doesn't apply; for example, with a couple of quick deletions, change Venus Conjunct Opposite Square Pluto to Venus Square Pluto. (For each aspect, there is one paragraph for Conjunctions, Oppositions, and Squares; another for Trines and Sextiles; and another for Semi-squares and Sesqui-squares.)

If (as in most charts) there is no stellium, delete the entire stellium section.

This is faster than it might sound. After you have a chart calculated and have typed the native's birth data at the top, it takes about 2 minutes to delete the unnecessary paragraphs and have a finished report (or one you can, if you wish, start editing and customizing).

PRO TIP: If you want to have a crisp, tight report on only the most confirmed, most reliable, most important factors, delete all house references and the sign positions of Mercury and Venus; and set your orbs to Class 1 aspects. This will give a tighter report with angular planets; Sun, Moon, and Mars signs; and close aspects.

Let me know what you think. Does this work for you? Is there something that can make it better? Notice that the aspects are whatever you want them to be.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

I think I see what you are doing, very cool. When I get home back to my desktop I will get into your links with serious look. I will also call Ray at astrolabe for some questions which may help us improve delivery, but probably beyond my comprehension but I have another contact who would be able to communicate with Ray in his language. I still want to test your Sidereal Natal int. file with large group for feedback. Lots of new exciting things are developing with this topic and my experiment. :)
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, for the Solunars page on Facebook, I just generated (from the Word file above) a report for Robin Williams (July 21, 1951, 1:34 PM CST, Milwaukee, WI). I made this one unusually trim - cut out the paragraphs explaining what each planet did, dropped houses and Mercury & Venus signs, then moved a couple of paragraphs around at the end. After the introduction, here is what the system produced.

ANGULAR PLANETS are the most expressive in your horoscope. Later in this report, you will see each of them listed with their aspects (which show the way each interacts with other planets). Here follows the meaning of any angular planet(s) in your horoscope.

Angular Pluto (Midheaven 0°15'). Social outliers needing to be authentically themselves, without labels or arbitrary standards or expectations. Eccentric, antisocial, outrageous; won’t melt into the conventional collective; singularly unique in their context, on their own path (vulnerable to persecution). Gentle, inoffensive, innocent, shy. Grapples with spiritual actualities.

Angular Mercury (Midheaven 0°25'). Alert, attentive, observant, strategic, analytic. Mentally sharp, hard to fool (knows more about you than you think). Little emotional affect, hard to read. Nervous (anxiety? worry? touchy?). Easily bored without regular mental stimulation. Good at precise, detailed work; naturals at handling business. Curiosity drives sexual choices as much as any other factor.

Mercury Conjunct Pluto (3°18'). Thinking is individual, unusual, outlier, perhaps branching to bizarre, little-explored topics. Investigative, seeks primal (seed) causes, thinks deeply about things. Mind may skirt the cliff-edge of normalcy (may slip off): acute enthusiasm, possible burnout. Extremely excitable, especially about inquiries and discoveries. Impatient (irritable in the face of obstacles; tolerates frustration poorly). Instinct for abstract mathematics (manifests in composers, chess players, physicists).


MOON IN AQUARIUS. Instinct for interconnection of all things & breadth (diverse interests) as sources of genius. Intellectually rebellious, curious, investigative, futuristic. Science, analysis, discovery. Free spirit + social responsibility. Sexually curious; strange marital conditions. Humane: sympathetic to others’ troubles. Social idealist, reformer. Avoids “herd mind.” Occultists. Space, astronomy, astrology, sci fi, etc.

MOON OPPOSITE VENUS (0°41'). Attractive, charming; much sexual charisma. Gracious (ingratiating), affectionate, sensual. Fond of social niceties. High frustration tolerance. (Passive-dependent, moody, can be blindsided by strong feelings, often preoccupied with whether they are liked.)

MOON TRINE URANUS (1°18'). Intellectually rebellious, roving, curious, inquiring. Not wholly comfortable with outside guidance. Original, futuristic, needing variety. Free-spirited: psychologically lives outside convention. Subject to tensions, emotional stress.

MOON TRINE MARS (2°24'). Active-reactive; temper. Detests idleness. Driven, competent, ambitious. Impatient, acerbic, irritable. Frank, sharp-tongued (friction in relationships). Needs physical, emotional, & mental room to breathe. Possible substance abuse. Sexual needs strong, irrepressible.


SUN IN CANCER. Thrives within imagination & complexity (vision; or lost in fantasy). Lives in others’ shadow; finds purpose in service & emulation. Conceive & deliver results. Persuasive, trusted, instinct for motives. Live in mystery or its resolution: create or solve puzzles. Renewed by home or sanctuary. Sensitive, moody, self-absorbed.

SUN SEXTILE SATURN (0°22'). Effective survivor, works hard, few luxuries; prefers modest accommodations. Authority & other parent-based issues to overcome. Serious; yet good sense of humor. Struggles with self-sufficiency can block progress; more inclined to reaction than action.


MARS IN GEMINI. Bright, inquiring; forthright, decisive (strong opinions). Argumentative (debate, stirs conversation; eloquent?). Pragmatic (not idealistic). Methodical. Scientific mind hones facts, can commit mind to research (scientists). Strength from being heard; otherwise over-compensates. (May “know better than anyone else,” need to be right.) Substance abuse.

MARS CONJUNCT URANUS (1°05'). Uncompromisingly individualist (but rarely ungraciously so). Bold, often stand out as highly distinctive characters in their circles. Natural rebel, challenges prevailing thinking, brutally honest. Always into something new, often offbeat. Takes risks psychologically (sometimes physically). Industrious, resourceful, shows initiative. Mentally quick, not necessarily intellectual; knack for astute assessment of situations, analytical, mechanical instincts. Sexually uninhibited, enthusiastic (lifestyle may challenge social standards; actions may challenge the world to try to stop them). Trusts own instincts more than outside advice.

MARS SQUARE JUPITER (1°57'). Exalts strength, competition, and conquest with a zest for living. Common for successful competitive athletes; in most others, it shows vitality and enthusiasm for bringing an ever-improving “personal best.” Confidence in their own strength adds impermanence to any defeats. Morally if not physically courageous. Enterprising, resourceful. Sexually ardent, lusty, eager, popular, on the hunt. “Money to burn” (generous or extravagant; rarely holds onto cash for long; seems confident in the stream of resources). Aggressive in their beliefs, evangelical in their lives (irrepressible enthusiasts, missionaries, barnstormers of doctrine or other interests).

VENUS SEXTILE MARS (1°43'). Passion (in all senses), feels powerfully about things, seeks vivid experiences. Sexual passions mature early, continue late, rarely encumbered by too many conditions. Fun-loving, loves romance: interesting, likable, sociable horny people.


VENUS SEXTILE URANUS (0°38'). Pleasure needs are free from social convention or taboo; enjoys diverse social & sexual experiences. Approach friendship, love, & sex impersonally, on their own terms (deep instinct for flexibility & freedom). Popular, friendly, flirtatious, roguish.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

8-) Why didn't you think of this topic long ago? :D
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It wasn't a priority. You had an immediate need for your big project, so that pushed me, but mostly it's a distraction from other stuff I feel I should be doing here instead.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

There's stuff I'd like to see Jim do too, and I'm sure I'm not alone. But this is Jim's life work, and he needs to do what he sees needs to be done on his schedule. I'm grateful he's spending the time to do so much out in the open in full view of anyone who cares to look and to answer questions. That kind of sharing is unusual, and really special.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

J, you support (and not you alone - but you definitely) has always been awesome. Thanks.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Yes J, Jim has always been very generous
In sharing his knowledge and I have always worked with Jim as a team on this forum pointing out his teachings with my posts. I think this topic great for helping other beginning Sideeral astrologers spread sign delinations to new students for astrology.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by TheScales_BothWays »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:27 pm J, your support (and not you alone - but you definitely) has always been awesome. Thanks.
I agree! JSAD, you always know exactly what to say. Your words of support are very honest and they vibe with the inner struggles and feelings of the other, enough to be very comforting and motivating at the same time. :) It definitely isn't sugar-coated or ingratiating either, because of that said honesty. Very Leo-Pisces indeed! ♌️♓️✨

I also love the way you express points and issues: very mature, sometimes they come off a little too frank and slightly condescending, (not complaining!) but they're always to the point, and enough to finally get things into my head. :D

P.S. I love how the zodiac emojis are shown in rainbow colours in this forum! So pretty! 😍 Reminds me of Jim's customised SF zodiac wheel, with the constellation glyphs in rainbow colours too.

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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Danica »

Scales, where are those zodiac emojis? Me wants!
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by TheScales_BothWays »

Danica wrote: Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:12 am Scales, where are those zodiac emojis? Me wants!
If you're using your mobile phone (Samsung or Apple, especially) then those emojis should be in your keyboard, in the emoji option. Emojis are usually grouped into categories (smileys, food, animals) and the zodiac signs should be in the final category, the "miscellaneous" emojis or the "symbols/glyphs" emojis.

If you're using a Windows 10 PC, you can use emojis in the on-screen keyboard that you can click to pop out when it's in Tablet mode. Go to the final category of emojis as well.

Or, you can visit and scroll to the symbols section and just copy and paste your desired zodiac sign emoji. Voila ✨😄

Hope I helped! 😊

Note: The zodiac sign emojis are usually purple in Samsung and iOS devices, and Windows 10 devices (maybe Windows 8 too). In devices that don't support zodiac sign emojis, they usually appear as typical black zodiac sign glyphs. They'll get colourful again once you post them in the forum, :) because that's how the forum software renders the zodiac emojis.
Last edited by TheScales_BothWays on Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Sidereal Natal Interpretations in Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Yeah, no sign of them on mine, so I'm guessing they're keyboard dependent or maybe browser dependent. (I've overwritten the standard Android keyboard with a different one and replaced Chrome with Edge. I wasn't going to touch Android until I could pretty much gear it completely to Microsoft services and tools.)
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