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Post by Veronica »

I was a member along time ago, I'm an aspiring star gazer and have found astrology to be my greatest tool in self understanding. Its a rock that grounds me and gives me perspective. I am at what appears to be a crossroads in my life (again) and want to make the most of the potential that I know is surrounding me. I had a silly thought that this year was going to be successful because I was born 2/18 and this year is 2018.....but I feel like that is just rasping for straws but is still kinda cool because not many people will ever have that happen.

Name on forum: Veronica
Birth date: Feb. 18 1971
Birth time: 12:41 pm
Residence: Rochester, NY
Source: Birth Certificate
Last edited by Veronica on Mon Dec 31, 2018 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome back! I'm really happy to see you here on the new site.

Let me give you something we've been working on. It's a partially automated system of giving the basic parts of a Sidereal natal interpretation. This isn't a full (real) interpretation, of course - just individual pieces - with all the strengths and, especially weaknesses of such a system. But you might find it fun and interesting, and be able to give feedback.

It will take me a few minutes to work it up, then I'll post it right below.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Angular planets are the most expressive in your horoscope. Later in this report, you will see each of them listed with their aspects (which show the way each interacts with other planets). Here follows the meaning of any angular planet(s) in your horoscope.
Angular Pluto (square Ascendant (0°34')
Social outliers needing to be authentically themselves, without labels or arbitrary standards or expectations. Eccentric, antisocial, outrageous; won’t melt into the conventional collective; singularly unique in their context, on their own path (vulnerable to persecution). Gentle, inoffensive, innocent, shy. Grapples with spiritual actualities.

Moon in Scorpio

Socially active party-people: good-natured, friendly, humor. Willing to be outlandish. Factually forthright; emotionally cautious (withholding); senses others’ motives. Sexual volcanoes: built pressure needs explosive release. Sexually pragmatic. Frequent relationship drama; combative. Easy to anger (it passes). Bold, adventurous, restless, “try anything.” Gossip (sometimes vindictive). Beliefs likely unorthodox.

Moon Conjunct Neptune (0°56')
Sensitive – often too much! Tunes into others on an emotional (psychic?) level: can be deeply understanding, genuinely sympathetic, but also emotionally (psychically) vulnerable, easily wounded, with abiding fears of rejection. Self-defense through avoidance (non-confrontation) & slamming shut senses & good sense. When wounded, withdraws & introverts (often with excessive rumination, imagination working overtime, worry, moodiness). Drawn to the imaginative, surrealistic, and creative. Genius, if present, coexists with deeply, visibly disturbed character.

Moon Square Sun (2°39')
Energetic, dynamic, terrific drive, forceful. A mental-emotional attitude biased toward success. At home with power. Intense desire in whatever they undertake. High vitality (unless the luminaries are afflicted). Sexual desires also particularly strong, passionate, though often narcissistic. Possible vanity, self-exaltation, and obstinacy.

Moon Conjunct Jupiter (2°45')
Ambitious, noble, desires success, aspires to take the lead. (Natural ‘host,’ likes to play ringmaster in all life areas including social & sexual hospitality.) Desires only the best (things & circumstances) for self & loved ones. Possible social elitism, feigned superiority, aristocratic conceit. Drawn to quality. Usually good-humored, entertaining, kind, generous. Strong beliefs (often religious or patriotic intensity, moralistic, judgmental).

Moon Sextile Pluto (2°58')
Avoids habitual conformity & conventional conditioning; willing to “march to a different drummer” with little concern for others’ rules. Maverick, outsider, gently resists authority. Restless, can uproot on little notice. Deeply inquiring mind.

Sun in Aquarius
Scientific, analytic, inventive, pragmatic, non-dogmatic. Unconventional, provocative, controversial. Broad interests. Ignores race, class, rank. Truthful, altruistic, helping. Understands people. Solitude, alienation, undemonstrative. Haughty, unapologetic, but rarely pretentious. May not understand time.

Sun Semi-square Venus
Charming, gentle, fine companion. Strong in friendship. Aesthetic appreciation. Most comfortable in marriage or similar relationship. A little vain.

Mars in Scorpio
Determined, hardworking, strong desire to succeed, hard to intimidate. Sharp humor, willing to be outlandish. Loves to party. Most prefer some “bad boy/girl” in their character, feel it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule, and stay “a little rough around the edges.” Most of the women are high-demand sexual locomotives.

Mercury Sextile Mars (0°21')
Quite a charmer with wit & edgy humor. Mind is quick, creative, strategic, opinionated. Independent thinker, enjoys argument, critical, nervous. Vulnerability to addiction.

In addition to the importance of the constellations holding Moon, Sun, and Mars, you also have a concentration of planets in another constellation. Four or more planets in one sign we call a stellium.

Scorpio Stellium
SCORPIO requires freedom of movement & thought, to be unfettered. Willing to rebel & be outlandish. Bold; moral courage. Slow to show weaknesses (collects others’ weaknesses). Pragmatic, not theoretical. Favors action, abhors apathy. Phallic: Sexual volcanoes.

Mercury in Capricorn
A quiet (playfully perverse) pride in their disagreeable opinions & autonomous thinking. Enjoys shock value of spouting unusual ideas. Mind inquisitive, enthusiastic, with a sense of the macabre. Resists being convinced. Careful, methodical, orders information effectively.

Mercury Square Saturn (0°23')
Organizes and formats information in orderly arrangements. (Often blazingly quick thinkers once the framework is established; cf. a spreadsheet.) Methodical, logical, often routinized thinking processes. Skeptical, scrutinizing (distrustful). Obstinate in the absence of new evidence. Hesitant until oriented, then decisive, e.g., learning starts slowly, then catch up quickly. Gifted with considerable mental power, but easily discouraged (doubting). Treats life seriously. Needs to learn how to play.

Venus in Sagittarius
Idealist; committed to vision of world as they feel it should be. Values friendship (sees it as ennobling, honoring). Expects reliable friends (returns the same). Great need to be liked, accepted (nearly always is) & to bring value to a friendship. Warm, sociable, welcoming. Loves fun. Zealous & generous lovers. Needs affection openly declared: dislikes guessing.

Venus Square Uranus (1°31')
Pleasure drives are free of social convention or taboo, allowing enjoyment from a wide variety of social and sexual experiences. They approach friendship, love, sex, and other pleasure on their own terms, with a deep instinct for flexibility and freedom from artificial constraint. Socially popular, friendly, engaging, and well-liked, in response to their lightly flirtatious, genial, roguish style. (Underlying innocence and vulnerability is often masked by their social “character.”) Often requires distance from intimacy or depersonalizes affection, which can strain conventional pairings. Usually optimistic for society’s future with a deep instinct toward a less Puritanical, more open social fabric.

Venus Trine Saturn (1°59')
Work, duty, devotion are gratifying. Restrictions in love; ordinary pleasures may be deferred. Many seem comfortable unpartnered, though there is rarely sexual restraint. Childhood hardship or deprivation shape adult patterns. Sober, responsible.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

Nothing makes me feel more naked then a dead on reading. It amazing how stark bare our core characteristics are when looked at through the lens of astrology. I remember for years not getting why my readings never seemed to fit, and then one day I stumbled upon Solunars and it all made sense and I felt like I really understood myself and others better. Looking at the chart of the heavens the moment you are born can be an intimating task and I am so grateful for all the work laid out in this forum as a reference for others to learn from. It also is a humbling undertaking for there really is no way to mask flaws and challenges, they are right there in the lines and orbs for all to see. Being a person who has never given a hoot about showing of my nakedness it can be a hard pill to swallow when your report says some very wild and crazy things about you, but that are entirely true in there honest reflection of what is going on inside.
This report here was painfully accurate, so much so that, like it should, I felt understood. I felt like someone else had witnessed my whole life from my point of view and was able to say accurately, "this is Veronica" because as you see below....rebel that I am, I dont like to be restricted by anything, it is seen as an affront to my spiritual liberty, all these labels and names and stereotypes that tried to get pinned to me.
I proudly wear my chart though, its been a wild ride so far to say the least.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 8:17 am ANGULAR PLANETS
Angular planets are the most expressive in your horoscope. Later in this report, you will see each of them listed with their aspects (which show the way each interacts with other planets). Here follows the meaning of any angular planet(s) in your horoscope.

Angular Pluto (square Ascendant (0°34')
Social outliers needing to be authentically themselves, without labels or arbitrary standards or expectations. Eccentric, antisocial, outrageous; won’t melt into the conventional collective; singularly unique in their context, on their own path (vulnerable to persecution). Gentle, inoffensive, innocent, shy. Grapples with spiritual actualities.
Yes yes and more Yes but I will add that my natural gentle nature has a very violent and aggressive side that lives in the shadows and sometimes gets the better of me.
Moon in Scorpio

Socially active party-people:good-natured, friendly, humor. Willing to be outlandish. Factually forthright; emotionally cautious (withholding); senses others’ motives. Sexual volcanoes: built pressure needs explosive release. Sexually pragmatic. Frequent relationship drama; combative. Easy to anger (it passes). Bold, adventurous, restless, “try anything.” Gossip (sometimes vindictive). Beliefs likely unorthodox.
I admit to the horrible gossip in me and I have done some damage to past relationships because of the things that come out of my mouth in a moment of rage or fear.
Moon Conjunct Neptune (0°56')
Sensitive – often too much!
all my life, the advice I hear from everyone....your skin is too thin...
Tunes into others on an emotional (psychic?) level: can be deeply understanding, genuinely sympathetic, but also emotionally (psychically) vulnerable, easily wounded, with abiding fears of rejection.
I do have major fears of rejection and abandonment from childhood trauma, makes it very hard to have deep meaningful intimate relationships
Self-defense through avoidance (non-confrontation) & slamming shut senses & good sense. When wounded, withdraws & introverts (often with excessive rumination, imagination working overtime, worry, moodiness).
I was a teen age run away, I have a very strong sence of self reliance and choosing to not to surround myself with people who are destructive
Drawn to the imaginative, surrealistic, and creative. Genius, if present, coexists with deeply, visibly disturbed character.
well that hurts. I have a nice smile dammit. in my defense I would just like to say, walk a mile in these stars are you might be visibly disturbed too
Moon Square Sun (2°39')
Energetic, dynamic, terrific drive, forceful. A mental-emotional attitude biased toward success. At home with power. Intense desire in whatever they undertake. High vitality (unless the luminaries are afflicted). Sexual desires also particularly strong, passionate, though often narcissistic. Possible vanity, self-exaltation, and obstinacy.
I think is one of my better traits that has helped pull me out of slumps and kept my chin up about things. I have issues with vanity and I think it comes from when I allow my ego to get attached to the million and one compliments I receive in a day, hard to not let that go to your head and stay humble.
Moon Conjunct Jupiter (2°45')
Ambitious, noble, desires success, aspires to take the lead. (Natural ‘host,’ likes to play ringmaster in all life areas including social & sexual hospitality.) Desires only the best (things & circumstances) for self & loved ones. Possible social elitism, feigned superiority, aristocratic conceit. Drawn to quality. Usually good-humored, entertaining, kind, generous. Strong beliefs (often religious or patriotic intensity, moralistic, judgmental).
I love having parties and events, it makes me happy to entertain the issue I have with this part is that it seems like this is more materialistic then I am, I am more of a wild woman and don't care for capitalistic material things
Moon Sextile Pluto (2°58')
Avoids habitual conformity & conventional conditioning; willing to “march to a different drummer” with little concern for others’ rules. Maverick, outsider, gently resists authority. Restless, can uproot on little notice. Deeply inquiring mind.
haven't been to jail yet though have gypsy blood and wish I could just walk around the world for the rest of my life
Sun in Aquarius
Scientific, analytic, inventive, pragmatic, non-dogmatic. Unconventional, provocative, controversial. Broad interests. Ignores race, class, rank. Truthful, altruistic, helping. Understands people. Solitude, alienation, undemonstrative. Haughty, unapologetic, but rarely pretentious. May not understand time.
I notice that when I am not being authentic to my true self, I become apologetic, its a nice red flag system for me to change up what I'm doing
Sun Semi-square Venus
Charming, gentle, fine companion. Strong in friendship. Aesthetic appreciation. Most comfortable in marriage or similar relationship. A little vain.
I am monogamous much to all my partners dismays. they all wanted more then what my heart could give
Mars in Scorpio
Determined, hardworking, strong desire to succeed, hard to intimidate. Sharp humor, willing to be outlandish. Loves to party. Most prefer some “bad boy/girl” in their character, feel it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule, and stay “a little rough around the edges.” Most of the women are high-demand sexual locomotives.
this one gets me in trouble, I have fought with men three times my size and I think the rules of this society suck so I am obligated to do my will
Mercury Sextile Mars (0°21')
Quite a charmer with wit & edgy humor. Mind is quick, creative, strategic, opinionated. Independent thinker, enjoys argument, critical, nervous. Vulnerability to addiction.

In addition to the importance of the constellations holding Moon, Sun, and Mars, you also have a concentration of planets in another constellation. Four or more planets in one sign we call a stellium.

Scorpio Stellium
SCORPIO requires freedom of movement & thought, to be unfettered. Willing to rebel & be outlandish. Bold; moral courage. Slow to show weaknesses (collects others’ weaknesses). Pragmatic, not theoretical. Favors action, abhors apathy. Phallic: Sexual volcanoes.
I do not like being restrained at all and only once did I ever submit to a man.
Mercury in Capricorn
A quiet (playfully perverse) pride in their disagreeable opinions & autonomous thinking. Enjoys shock value of spouting unusual ideas. Mind inquisitive, enthusiastic, with a sense of the macabre. Resists being convinced. Careful, methodical, orders information effectively.
very much so. I work with books
Mercury Square Saturn (0°23')
Organizes and formats information in orderly arrangements. (Often blazingly quick thinkers once the framework is established; cf. a spreadsheet.) Methodical, logical, often routinized thinking processes. Skeptical, scrutinizing (distrustful). Obstinate in the absence of new evidence. Hesitant until oriented, then decisive, e.g., learning starts slowly, then catch up quickly. Gifted with considerable mental power, but easily discouraged (doubting). Treats life seriously. Needs to learn how to play.
lighten up, I do need that reminder. I like things in their place and I am a bit slow on the uptake
Venus in Sagittarius
Idealist; committed to vision of world as they feel it should be. Values friendship (sees it as ennobling, honoring). Expects reliable friends (returns the same). Great need to be liked, accepted (nearly always is) & to bring value to a friendship. Warm, sociable, welcoming. Loves fun. Zealous & generous lovers. Needs affection openly declared: dislikes guessing.
my insecurities lay here and at least knowing these feelings come from this aspect helps me ride out some of the bad feelings that arise
Venus Square Uranus (1°31')
Pleasure drives are free of social convention or taboo, allowing enjoyment from a wide variety of social and sexual experiences. They approach friendship, love, sex, and other pleasure on their own terms, with a deep instinct for flexibility and freedom from artificial constraint. Socially popular, friendly, engaging, and well-liked, in response to their lightly flirtatious, genial, roguish style. (Underlying innocence and vulnerability is often masked by their social “character.”) Often requires distance from intimacy or depersonalizes affection, which can strain conventional pairings. Usually optimistic for society’s future with a deep instinct toward a less Puritanical, more open social fabric.
this also is an important part of who I am but one that is often misunderstood by my friends and partners I think a lot of my relationship issues come from this
Venus Trine Jupiter (2°01')
Warm, friendly, giving, hospitable, popular. Desires positive attention & appreciation (usually gets it). At home in comfort. Unusual luck opens doors. Inclined to indulgence or extravagance. A little “spoiled.”
no A lot spoiled, and that is mostly in part to my nature that can see everything as a wonderful blessing and feel that the smallest token of a moment is priceless and irreplaceable. when i am in the right state of mind, the attitude of gratitude that I create inside me makes me feel like the Queen in the Heavens
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 7:57 am Welcome back! I'm really happy to see you here on the new site.

Let me give you something we've been working on. It's a partially automated system of giving the basic parts of a Sidereal natal interpretation. This isn't a full (real) interpretation, of course - just individual pieces - with all the strengths and, especially weaknesses of such a system. But you might find it fun and interesting, and be able to give feedback.

It will take me a few minutes to work it up, then I'll post it right below.
Finally got a new computer!! Yea. Missed having my feet on the ground but my head in the stars!
Thanks for the warm welcome!!
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

I'm so glad to see you back. You have been missed.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Wow. That's pretty awesome, because these are just a bunch of paragraphs. The only editing of text I did was removing one sentence in the Pluto Angular paragraph that began, "If it is heavily afflicted" (because yours isn't).

I expect such mostly-automated stuff to be less even and more awkward. I'm pleased yours read so well for you.

Sorry about the "deeply disturbed" remark :twisted:
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Re: Veronica

Post by SteveS »

8-) Welcome back Veronica, good to see Jim have a successful int test for you with his new interpretation file. :)
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:47 am I'm so glad to see you back. You have been missed.
Awe thanks! I needed to hear that today! Ive missed being here with you all very much. Been in the trenches but I am done with that tour of duty and I am back in the land of the living.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

SteveS wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 12:07 pm 8-) Welcome back Veronica, good to see Jim have a successful int test for you with his new interpretation file. :)
Thanks Steve! Nice to see you.
I am so impressed with that report, what a great tool and from what Ive seen......dead on accurate.
What I am really impressed with is how the report reads so that while each aspect is listed as seperate, when you are done reading the whole file you have an excellent formulation of how those individual aspects unite to form the whole being. I dont know if it is the word choice or placement but looking at charts with these key terms in mind has made my study flow easier, very natural. Good stuff!
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Re: Veronica

Post by SteveS »

Yes, a very good 'tool' for all Sidereal Astrology students and easy for Jim to construct with Solar Fire now that he has customized the interpretation file in Solar Fire with experience from his life's work with Sidereal Astrology. I am hoping all students of Sidereal Astrology with Solar Fire implements Jim's customized interpretation for Natal Sidereal Astrology, and disperse as many Sidereal Natal readings as possible. :)
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Re: Veronica

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

Jim, regarding Veronica’s chart I get Venus trine Saturn and Venus trine Uranus. (stronger) Not Venus trine Jupiter.
Is there something I overlooked? The customized SF reports the same.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I had Venus square (not trine) Uranus, which is correct. But you're right, my eye landed on Jupiter when it should have been Saturn: I've replaced that short paragraph above. Thanks.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

I sit here and look at my chart and just wonder what the hell is going on, like Ive done most of my life. This time though I really think I am at an all time low. I feel so drained of life and the will to live. If I didn’t have my kids and my animals I would just leave this town and go some place where no one knows me. I look at my chart and I see this character in a play, having to wearing a mask in life because this world just seems so hostile and dangerous to a person like me.
I feel like I have a soul sickness, something deep inside of me that is off set or broken. I don’t know if I am heart sick or infested with spiritual parasites. I don’t feel love any more, and I don’t feel like being loving to people. I feel like I am a horrible person who has just made a mess of her life and doesn’t deserve to be around people.
My Will, my spark that powerhouse of Mars I got going on, is pretty much gone.
For such a long part of my life I tried to do everything with Love in mind. Every little thing I did I tried to raise my vibrational pattern and do it with loving intention. I have no intention any more, and If I try to raise my vibrations I just get over whelmed and cry.
The men that I choose to be involved with in my love life were all bad boys with their own psychological issues, and head games. Playing with these men is like playing CalvinBAll where the rules change every moment. I tried with each of them to bring out the good, to be a role model, to show I cared, but they all just wanted to drink and party and have kinky sex and not give up the childish lifestyle, to not put it in balance with the rest of their life.
Im so lonely and sad and I just cant seem to shake this.
Im in love with a man who made me happier then I ever been, but his lifestyle choice makes it unbearable for me to be around his friends and associates, which is his whole life. For the past four years I have tried to maintain a relationship, but this past fall the insanity came to a head, and it ended up with people coming to my home and assaulting me. (he said/she said…..I am accused of cheating by my boyfriend with his friends.
I wish I did cheat on him. I wish I could say I was mean and horrible to him and made his life hell…..but I did just the opposite. I was perfect. I wish I did do something to say well that’s why it didn’t work. But the fact that he is saying I was the one cheating, when I wasn’t is such an affront to my truthful nature….I am soul shocked. I love this man so much that I cant even think about having someone else touch me.
After the assault I think I had a nervous break down. The last four months have really been just a blurr. Crying, not eating, sleeping crazy. Getting up at 3am to watch to make sure no one is stalking me…..barely working and taking care of kids. I was starting to feel a better but last week I went to my loves house and it was a bad scene. I left and haven’t heard from him. I am besides myself with questions and I don’t want this relationship to be over, but I have no say in it. I have so many other things I should be doing but my lack of answers has left me drained and unfocused.
I have never not had a man in my life. And these past 5 months of being alone have been the most painful time in my life. I feel that all I have ever been told by a man (except you Mr. Elshelman) has been hogwash just to try to get in my pants. I worked on making amends to people that I thought had reason to not like me, and that was a hard thing to do but it hasn’t gotten rid of this stone in my stomach feeling that hurts so bad some days.
I know that I am not myself, I can feel her in there but cant bring her out.

I instinctively know that this will pass, but I really would like any advice or insight to help reassure me.
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Re: Veronica

Post by SteveS »

Last edited by SteveS on Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm sorry to hear this has been so rough, though I'm happy you took the occasion to reconnect with us here.

What I find interesting astrologically is that you have NO major transits at the moment. None at all. That is statistically unusual all by itself.

But you do have - exact almost to the day - a Moon-Neptune progressed square. This makes you acutely sensitive, feeling things very powerfully, and leaves room for demons to creep out of our personal basements. It leaves us feeling deeply vulnerable. Just knowing about this will likely give you a measure of relief; and it will pass in, say, another month.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:39 am I'm sorry to hear this has been so rough, though I'm happy you took the occasion to reconnect with us here.

What I find interesting astrologically is that you have NO major transits at the moment. None at all. That is statistically unusual all by itself.

But you do have - exact almost to the day - a Moon-Neptune progressed square. This makes you acutely sensitive, feeling things very powerfully, and leaves room for demons to creep out of our personal basements. It leaves us feeling deeply vulnerable. Just knowing about this will likely give you a measure of relief; and it will pass in, say, another month.
Thanks. it feels good to be here even under these crazy situations.

Statistically unusual but yet here I sit. I do feel a bit better in my head to day. This over sensitiveness is very hard to get under control. I am sure that hormones must be behind part of all of this becasue I am perimenapausal. That and the fact that I have the stress of my home being sold at auction, under employed, recently disabled, and my ailing father I am sure plays a part in all of these thoghts and feeleings being stirred up. It is very hard to get my mind off of things, becasue I really dont have much to do with my time.

I also think that I have alot of Kamric issues that are being resolved now and leaving me free in a sence to finally just be me and not worry about being burned at the stake.

when those women came here and attacked me, it wasnt becasue of a man, they hated me because they thought I was a witch. They were screaming at me hateful words about who I was a human being. It was the ugliest thing I had ever seen. they were so ugly, like hideous hatefilled monsters attaking me for being pretty and smart and not into thier Abrahamic Dogma. After many minutes of hearing all this garbage about the blood of christ and Im the devils whore, the one woman grabbed my arm to scream at me, and I just punched her square in the face and busted her wide open. That when the fat one grabbed me. So, its not about Craig not stopping these crazies, its about how I reacted to the percieved threat of who I was a human being.

Im ashamed I hit her, that I couldnt just eat her words turn the other cheek and just walk away. I had previously (6 moths or so) given this lady my address becasue she wanted to talk about what "the boys were up to." She never showed up then. Months later when she did show up, she went to the wrong house, caught my neighbors shagging, and was removed from the property by the police at 2 am. thats when in the morning I awoke to craig saying that this woman had come to his house looking for her cheating husband and wanted craig to come with her to find him.
she assumed that she was at the right house and went and told craig she causght me with another man. But she only was a peeking tom to my neighbors. Its all just crazy. So when she came back the second time at 6am I was not in the mood to be nice and listen to her, when she cant act like a grown up and talk things through.

It took me along to get over attacking this woman. Im still working it through. I just snapped and saw red, and lost control. Im afraid being around Craig of not so much what he would do to me, but what I could do to him. Becasue what I felt was not nice, and I dont ever want to be in positions where I loose control like that again.
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Re: Veronica

Post by SteveS »

Veronica, would you please confirm correct time for your natal chart? Thanks, Steve :)
Last edited by SteveS on Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Oh, you may have caught something there, Steve. She did say 11:41 AM above, and the one I have on hand (and have been using) is 12:41 PM.
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Re: Veronica

Post by SteveS »

Jim, in my old chart files when Veronica was a member of I also have 12:41 PM. :?:
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

SteveS wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:18 pm Jim, in my old chart files when Veronica was a member of I also have 12:41 PM. :?:
just checkeed my actual bc and I was wrong. I was born 12:41pm
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Re: Veronica

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Veronica, then ignore the SSR I posted for you. I will go back and delete all charts for a 11:41 AM time.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:40 pm just checkeed my actual bc and I was wrong. I was born 12:41pm
Whew. Cool. I don't have to talk you into ignoring the Pluto square Ascendant that you said fit you so well :)
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Injury 8/18/2016

Post by Veronica »

On August 19 2016,
at roughly 8am
in Henrietta NY

I was at work struggling to clean the rec room of the library when my vacuum broke. I was given a large commercial machine which almost out weighed me to finish the task. The machine caught on the rug and jarred my body my causing damage to my neck and shoulders. The pain was worse then childbirth and went on for weeks and weeks. I was advised to get injection in my neck which scared me so I used therapy and injections on my left shoulder which made my left side bearable. This past fall, my right side has started to bother me again. Specifically on October 17, 2017 at roughly 7am in Scottsville NY.

On the date of my run in with the cleaner I see that Mars and Saturn are within a few degrees of each other in Scorpio, where I have my Mars, Jupiter and Moon. That for sure looks like trouble to me.

I also see Jupiter and Mercury within a few degree of each other on the cusp of leo/virgo where my pluto resides.
that instinctively seems like a good thing, in my gut I'm hoping it is. Venus is only degrees away which definitely feels good. I also see Pluto transiting almost exactly my Venus, which also makes me feel very good.

With all the trouble and risks I have been through in my life, this silly run in with a cleaner has humbled me to understand what it feels like to live in chronic pain. I had no idea how depressing and deliberating pain really is, and I regret that I didn't use my body more and better when I had the chance.

My Lawyer called with an offer, and I just groaned and said well I still have medical appointments to see before I even consider settling an issue with my spine and neck which could come back to haunt me in ten years in I cash out and deal with on my own like the insurance people are pressing.

I will look up my findings and share any other findings.
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this was what I was able to draw out of that date. Definitely the Saturn /Jupiter aspect was felt. my place of employment also was a place I felt at home, my old library where I worked with my mother. This was a time of the begining of me weeding out associates in my life.

PLUTO aspecting Natal VENUS
Your relationships and attitudes toward relating are undergoing substantial change. Often this takes form in separations from old friends, partners, family, etc.; or sudden forming of new relationships. Figuratively, this is divorce, elopement - or both at once! Whether in bonding or separation, your need for love is great. Contacts must be intense to be satisfying. Sexual needs may change markedly. Existing relationships that you keep (as well as your wardrobe and sense of aesthetics) are certain to go through considerable reformation.
IN BRIEF: Transformation of close relationships. Forming dramatic, important, intimate pairings; terminating existing ones; and/or major changes in existing ones. Emotional tension, intensity of feeling. Shift in esthetics.
This was very true.I was separated from work as well as had a huge break up with craig
SATURN aspecting Natal JUPITER
Practical matters dominate your attention, especially finances, property, investments, and business. Depending on the general state of things in your life, this period will manifest in one of two ways: (a) damage to personal income, prestige, reputation, or rank; or (b) a new stabilization of the practical foundation of your life, and a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment for a job well done. Concern is focused on your material assets; but, while at least a brief interruption in your cash flow or sense of prosperity is likely, severe financial problems are not necessarily in store. Exercise economy! Business matters occupy more of your attention. Your organizational, administrative, or managerial skills likely will be required. Gains are now well earned, solid, unspectacular, and more valuable as a foundation for the future than for immediate fortune.
IN BRIEF: Practical matters demand attention. Business-oriented, building for the future. Interruption in one's sense of prosperity (possibly minor). Either damage to income, prestige, reputation; or accomplishment and pleasure in a job well done. Gains are slow, well earned.
This sure did happen. Not only damamge to my body, but at the same time I had a major sewer plumbing issue that ruined most of my home.
SATURN aspecting Natal NEPTUNE
Dreams and ideals now become grounded. If well formed and realistic in the context of your life, they are made sounder, and steps are taken to manifest them as concrete reality. Otherwise, be prepared for some healthy disillusionment, freeing your imaginative energies for more practical ends. Either way, certainty is a theme of your thinking and wishing patterns right now. Your ideas of what is real, "how things are," "what is going to be," are keenly focused by your wishes, and tend to be rigid. This trait bestows a powerful ability to focus on a goal; and yet taken to its extreme, it also may limit your awareness of problem-solving options available to you, possibly leading to the emergence of some private demons to haunt you: troubled mental states, frustration, suspicion, and despondency. Instead of tightening your attachment to preconceived ideas, why not make full use of your ability to make practical goals a physical reality?
IN BRIEF: Ideals and dreams are grounded. If sound, they are made solid, secure, real; otherwise, frustration and disillusionment. Security and certainty seem important. Personal demons and troubled mental states may emerge. You have more options that you think!
SATURN aspecting Natal MOON
A strong incentive to achievement and determined hard work. Emotional matters are likely more difficult, however. Practical concerns are easier to handle than those of the heart. You feel more vulnerable than usual, and more responsive to the harsh, demanding, unsupportive facets of your environment. Emotionally cautious, preferring the safety of seclusion to the exposure of participation, you dwell too easily on negative thoughts. Security is very important to you at this time. Deep, genuine feelings are more easily withheld or masked. Nurture needs are greater than at other times, but you may be less willing to accept this kind of support. Look, consciously and attentively, for the warm, caring, giving side of people to balance your temporarily narrowed window on others. The protection and certainty of a proper "nest" can be especially comforting now, and free your carefully warded feelings for your pleasure and others'.
IN BRIEF: Practical matters do better than emotional ones. Somber, distant, cautious; separation from nurturing; perhaps wounded pride, loss, feeling misunderstood. Security needs increase. Others seem unsympathetic.
Others were unsympathetic and unhelpful.
JUPITER aspecting Natal PLUTO
The keynote of this period is gain by separation, which takes innumerable forms. Most likely, something in your life is drawing heavily on your time, energy, and psychological and emotional resources, but no longer contributing to you. Whatever this element is, you separate from it now, freeing that tremendous investment of energy for other uses. Specific examples range from jobs to relationships, from memberships to opinionated viewpoints. Strained relationships may benefit from a short furlough. Inheritance is possible. What the actual event is does not matter much, as it occurs spontaneously, a natural result of the flow of your life. What does matter is that you recognize the positive release of energy and consciously direct it where you want it in your renewed life.
IN BRIEF: Gain from separation or loss. Energies are freed from old entanglements for new applications. Unwanted ties or commitments dissolved. Turning point.
Confrontation. Decisions are called due, perhaps commitments made. Need for unambiguous answers. Stress, irritability.
T SUN opposite N SUN [Demi-SSR]
The spotlight focuses on you – or you wonder why not! Looking forward to (or receiving) special attention from someone important to you. Life’s tides change, setting the trend for the next six months.
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I have my first of a series of Workers Compensation hearing starting this upcoming week.

Wenesday April 11 at 9:30 in Rochester ny to discuss the permanacy levels of this injury.

Concidering that as of today, my shoulder/neck feels just as bad as it did at the beginning, I am not inclined to except the 10k settlement offer that they are trying to push on me. I have an excellent lawyer who seems to hear me when I tell him that my proirity is to make sure that I will get medical treatment for the rest of my life. it seems though that because the job I was working at was only part time I am only entitleld to a preset limit, even though my ability to work most all jobs now has been severaly limited.

at a cursry look at the chart I got the impression that I need to make sure I dress nice, but not too nice.
Mars and venus Conjunct
venus close to Saturn
Moon close to mercury- I hope i dont cry when they ask me to tell them what happened.
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Re: Veronica

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Every state's workers' compensation laws are a bit different from the others. I practiced Workers' Comp law for 14 years in California, and really have no information on the New York laws. I will say that in California there is no limiting factor because a job is part-time - it's all or nothing. (The injury arose out of and occurred in the course of employment, or it did not). This is especially true with coverage of needed medical treatment that is consequent to the work injury.

But New York may be different. If you trust your lawyer, then go with that trust. I just mention the above for perspective.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:28 pm Every state's workers' compensation laws are a bit different from the others. I practiced Workers' Comp law for 14 years in California, and really have no information on the New York laws. I will say that in California there is no limiting factor because a job is part-time - it's all or nothing. (The injury arose out of and occurred in the course of employment, or it did not). This is especially true with coverage of needed medical treatment that is consequent to the work injury.

But New York may be different. If you trust your lawyer, then go with that trust. I just mention the above for perspective.
I trust that my lawyer wants to get paid, that much is for certain. If I don't get paid and taken care of, neither will he. I trust that he has heard me and what I am dealing with and will help me as best he can to make sure that I am not taken advantage of by the insurance company.
thanks for the feedback and insight, NY does have some strict laws whihc is why i choose to get a lawyer.
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Post by Veronica »

Last Thursday I found out I was robbed of 2k.
I had the money in a book safe. I assumed my ex husband came and took it because he believes I owe him 2k, so at the time I didn't call the Police because I thought it would just be futile with his saying no he didn't, and their not being a proof Id just have to suck it up.

I had 500 left. the thief didn't take all the money (or my federal check or my pot seeds) which made me think it was someone who figured I wouldn't tell the police (becasuse of the seeds) and who didn't want all my money (eric think I owe 2k so it made sence that only that was gone.

I went to the safe this morning after a dream about the money, only to find 300 more missing.
I have been home all weekend, except for an hour and a half yesterday when I took the kids to the YMCA.

Called cops, they talked to neighbors who said they say two boys (we know who) go in the house shortly after I left.
I am glad that I had paid my neighbor to watch my house.

This boy is my sons best friends brother, hes 16. he is looking at 3 felonies. I feel just sick about all this.
I worked so hard for that money all winter and was saviing it because my home is foreclosed and being auctioned and we need to move. Now I have no money to move and the bank is gonna evict me.

things just seem to be getting harder and harder and its a struggle to keep my chin up.

it just seems that I am completely out of whack with my world and that this downward spiral is just getting steeper and steeper and I can put the breaks on. I know like all things this shall pass. and that I have to keep a positive outlook and show my children how to brush the shit off and get up and get on with things, but it seems like my Mary Poppins bag of smiles is pretty empty.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This is really terrible. How disheartening and scary it must be :(

Are you still in Rochester? (I don't think you've said recently, and I don't have another location written down for you.)

Your recent lunar return (April 4) shows some shocks and - just maybe - loss from theft, but it isn't all that clear. The closest planets to the main angles are Venus and Jupiter, which normally would give a much happier month (and might still, before this is over). They are both 4-5° of the angles, which is plenty close to be effective but not dramatically close.

Much closer, though, Uranus is on Eastpoint (1°49') This is surprises, etc. (though with Venus and Jupiter, I'd still expect something nicer). The really malicious thing is in the background but excruciatingly close:
14°00' Sag - Saturn
14°41' Pis - Mercury
14°58' Sag - Mars

Solar Returns give voice to all partile aspects, whether angular or not; but we don't usually emphasize these in Lunar Returns. But I have to admit that these are severe, and describe the events rather well.

The worst thing about the chart is that your Saturn is exactly rising. If you're in Rochester,
21°39' Aries - SLR Asc
22°19' Aries - your Saturn [2°23' from Asc in mundo]
(Natal Pluto is also 5° below Asc, but you need a special tool to see this.)

Usually transiting Saturn shows the world taking from you, not natal Saturn. I can only conclude that the message here has to do with your state of mind - the fact that your survival needs ae suddenly intensified, and the tendency to have negative states of mind. The chart communicates the world being much kinder to you than you are to yourself at the moment - I mention this to emphasize that your state of mind is the most important thing at the moment (and the one thing you can most clearly control).

Your Solar Return is harsher - it does reflect the kinds of issues you're facing. Its main features are:
Moon square Saturn (2°48') & more widely op. your Pluto (3°57')
Pluto on Descendant (3°05')
Natal Venus on Descendant (0°16')
Saturn more widely angular (8°+)
Mars-Neptune square (background but partile)
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Re: robbed

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Ask the police if they can help you get victim's assistance. This is exactly the sort of thing that's supposed to be for. Or ask the Red Cross or the Elks or something. This is what these groups do, and why people give them money. Yeah, asking for help is not easy, but this isn't about you. It's about your kids.
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Re: robbed

Post by Veronica »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:20 pm Ask the police if they can help you get victim's assistance. This is exactly the sort of thing that's supposed to be for. Or ask the Red Cross or the Elks or something. This is what these groups do, and why people give them money. Yeah, asking for help is not easy, but this isn't about you. It's about your kids.
I am still waiting for the police to come back. It will probably be tmorrow. Thank you for the great ideas, I sure will ask about that. I never would have thought to do that.

Mr. Eshelman I am slowly digesting the past few days and have been looking into your words. It is terrible and I feel horrible inmy home that people were here snooping in my stuff and all that. yucky stuff. I appreciate you giving me the break down.
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Re: Veronica

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Court did not go so well today.
my lawyer had tried to secure payments from when I left my job at Goodwill in feb. till today.
As of last night that was a go, I was going to get about 6 weeks of back pay,
but this morning the insurance company is now saying no, they believe my pain fromtthat date was from work at Goodwill and not my original injury, even though my Dr. note clearly stated it was related.
last minute (9:30 am) hijinks by them to get out of giving me some stupid pocket change.

which is why they have not authorized this latest MRI and Ive been in pain since leaving good will an dits getting worse every day.


I'm not hoping for anything out of this, bad things happen to good people. I'm just so lost about how to financially turn myself around and not cripple myself or cause more damage. I need a windfall to get out of this trouble, but it doesn't seem like my Jupiter has that up his sleeve. I know you gotto be in it to win it, so I'm just plugging away.

the police came by today to tell me they were going to talk to the suspect in my robery today and he would let me know by this weekend how that goes. I will find out by the boys family much sooner I am sure, and my son is very afraid for me because he says this boy is bad and will come here to hurt me for snitching.

I gotta say. I really was looking forward to being horny today and that has not happened. I was a little sassy driving down town and all in my car, but seriously. This girl needs a break.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Veronica wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:23 am Court did not go so well today.
I'm sorry.
the police came by today to tell me they were going to talk to the suspect in my robery today and he would let me know by this weekend how that goes. I will find out by the boys family much sooner I am sure, and my son is very afraid for me because he says this boy is bad and will come here to hurt me for snitching.
Is this just an idea your son has, or does he know that boy has retaliated in the past? Either way, this is something the police need to know.
I gotta say... This girl needs a break.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

they can keep trying to break me,
Ill just get up wipe the dirt off
look them in the eye and say
you hit like a bitch

nobody can turn the other cheek like me and say thank you sir may I have another

I can still make my eyes twinkle so that a good thing.

I might get sad and overwhelmed for a bit, but salty water is the stuff life forms from. I was musing on something a new friend of mine told me. he is very successful fossil and mineral hunter and he told me his favorite speciems are the first life forms that come out of the sea, scorpions and spiders. it got me thinking about my scorpio stellium and all that watery stuff, those deep deep thoughts and rabbit holes I ve gone down. when I don't think I can take any more, I remember what I found in all those depths Ive explored, the answers to all the mysteries of life and death and all that kinda of stuff and how life just seems to throw more chaos at me the deeper I go, but I wont back down and roll over.
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Re: Veronica

Post by SteveS »

it got me thinking about my scorpio stellium and all that watery stuff, those deep deep thoughts and rabbit holes I ve gone down. when I don't think I can take any more, I remember what I found in all those depths Ive explored, the answers to all the mysteries of life and death and all that kinda of stuff and how life just seems to throw more chaos at me the deeper I go, but I wont back down and roll over.
I hear you girl.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

I am trying to look at my SSR chart, but the one I get from seems to give me a different chart then the one you were drawing from Mr. Eshelman. I looked over your post on how to calculate it, and I heard a very loud "whoosh" noise going over my head. I would very much like to look at the chart you were drawing from when you gave your break down.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

When Jim says "in mundo" he means he's stating distance from the angle in the prime vertical, not the longitude. You can't get that from (although they have a chart option that makes it look like you can.)
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Wed Apr 18, 2018 10:37 am When Jim says "in mundo" he means he's stating distance from the angle in the prime vertical, not the longitude. You can't get that from (although they have a chart option that makes it look like you can.)
What I think I understand you are saying is that my SSR chart from astro is not providing all the information, but that the actual chart diagram is correct?
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Yeah, exactly.

The prime vertical mundoscope is a tool developed by Cyril Fagan. Planets with a lot of declination often are closer to the angles in three dimensional space, (or not as close, same,) as they appear in a flat chart based on longitude. I don't know if astrodienst thinks that's important. It is a different way of calculating the chart angles, using a different set of celestial coordinates and would be a pita to add to their site.

Campanus houses are an attempt to show the same thing, but through the houses rather than the angles. The mundoscope has no houses.
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Re: Veronica

Post by SteveS »

Veronica, go to Jim’s link here: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=7 to download Jim’s book.
Scroll down to chapter 3 “The Mundoscope” –it will explain when Jim or any other Siderealist on this forum uses Mundo or in-mundo how it applies to certain charts. As JSAD explained, the mundoscope shows accurate orb distance of planets to angles, but in many cases the standard Eclipto Chart does not show exact orb distance of a planet to an angle.
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

SteveS wrote: Wed Apr 18, 2018 2:25 pm Veronica, go to Jim’s link here: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=7 to download Jim’s book.
Scroll down to chapter 3 “The Mundoscope” –it will explain when Jim or any other Siderealist on this forum uses Mundo or in-mundo how it applies to certain charts. As JSAD explained, the mundoscope shows accurate orb distance of planets to angles, but in many cases the standard Eclipto Chart does not show exact orb distance of a planet to an angle.
Thanks Steve! I will take a look at that tonight.
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looking forward

Post by Veronica »

Jan 6, 2019

According to what I see there is a major conjunction happening.
Pluto, Saturn, Mercury....obviously the sun and moon too.
This will conjunct my Natal venus in the 6th house.
Venus and Jupiter transiting through scorpio to my natal neptune/mercury/moon/mars

it looks like pluto will square pluto too.

Sounds like a very heavy day going on.

curious what would be a good thing to do that day?

seems like a big opportunity for something.
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Re: Veronica

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I do want to say in my defense after I wrote that....
duh its an eclipse.....

maybe Niagara Falls, its close and pretty that time of year.
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“The really malicious thing is in the background but excruciatingly close”
I know that you choose your words even more carefully then I do Mr. Eshelman, and you wouldn’t have chosen those words to express what you see in my chart with out knowing I’m no joe blow from Idaho.
The really malicious thing is always there though, some where.
Ive felt like Hell for quite some time now. I have had tremendous dejavu this past week. Like reliving whole events over and over. I try not to pay to much attention to it, but when I question myself, its very unsettling in ways. I dream big I guess and that has a big part to play in who I am. It feels like something so big is going on and I can almost pin it down, but then it slips away. Its hard. I really love this beautiful planet and all the forms of life on it, and I get so mad and angry knowing all the horrible things that are going on, and I cant seem to do much to really stop it, except play my part.
I know that the best advice is only four words, so I got that going for me. ;)

I was in my wild venus :twisted: /sagg moment in my car rocking out, when I drove by that poor child who stole my money. Like a rebel without a cause I turned around and confronted the boy, straight face to face. I haven’t heard a word from the police about my money in wayyyyyy to long. I made him look me in the eye, this boy I knew, and I told that that he robbed me, that he came into my home and took from me. I told him that he owed me and would get me back all my money or I would hunt him down his entire life and follow him to gates of hell if I had to make him right the wrong he did to me and my children. I reminded him that I housed him and fed him and was a friend and that I would have given him money if he needed it. I said again you will get me my money do you understand?”
And he, still eyes locked with mine, said yes. :mrgreen:
So I got that going for me too.

I got a great job the other day as the Senior Library Clerk of a local middle school, and saw the dr. about my shoulder and neck, which is feeling better, but still killer at times. I will get an injection as soon as workers comp. clears it.
so I got that going good. 8-)

I am very concerned about the bears in my back yard and fear the worst for them. I think its more important to protect our beautiful things then to hunt them and hurt them. Ill have to talk to the hunters and make sure they don’t shoot my bears or I will walk them to the gates of hell too. Lol :shock:
Im am very sorry that I said I don’t have any friends. I do have friends. The very best. What I meant was I don’t have company, and I get bored and lonely and have no adults to connect with that can tolerate me :D

The devaju thing that has been going on is tremendous, really. it like groundhog day. Im trying to stay in the moment so that I can get to the ending quick, bc that when it is just right.

thanks for all that you do in all ways shapes and means to play a part in this wonderful thing called life :roll:
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Re: Veronica

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"Venus’ sign placements for various professions are nothing short of astonishing, from her high in popular, wordy, Mercury-ruled Virgo for eminent journalists to the soaring Sagittarian prominence for eminent aviators. Could it be, in these people who represented the very top of their fields, that the constellation of Venus at birth represents what they love most, and, therefore, that in which they are most likely to succeed?"

My Venus Sagittarius will confirm this. Flying in all its ways is what my heart desires the very most. I dream of flying and and drive fast cars and wanted to be a pilot, and hangglide and free fall and all that kind of stuff. my favorite pastime lately is to play with google earth and fly around the globe looking down at the beautiful world. I wish I had wings:)
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Re: Veronica

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I found out on Tues, via secret messages my ex-husband sent ot his ex lover who is my fathers tenant.......that he is now bringing home almost 2K a week. He owes me almost 7k in back child support, and my old child support was based on him working a minimum wage job.

So I'm off to court to file for an adjustment. He will definitely get angry and violent toward me, but my order of protection is in effect till Jan 2019, so all should be safe and sound.

Mr. Elshelman you noted that my finances might be turning by the end of the month (April) and with my new job, and this adjustment I would say is:)
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Re: Veronica

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This is really good news :) Go get'im.

Do you remember what I based this on? Perhaps Jupiter's upcoming opposition to your Saturn?
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu May 03, 2018 7:27 am This is really good news :) Go get'im.

Do you remember what I based this on? Perhaps Jupiter's upcoming opposition to your Saturn?
Your recent lunar return (April 4) shows some shocks and - just maybe - loss from theft, but it isn't all that clear. The closest planets to the main angles are Venus and Jupiter, which normally would give a much happier month (and might still, before this is over). They are both 4-5° of the angles, which is plenty close to be effective but not dramatically close.
this what was gave me hope about a turn around in my money issue.

just got back from court. they will send me a letter with the court date, whihc will be in 4-6 weeks they say.
wierd how I happened to be in the right place (dads) at the right time (the moment she texted my dad erics pay stub).
My son lost my child support debit card the other day and I had to borrow money from Craig to get my finger printing done for this new job.
It was nice to let him help me. I have a hard time asking for help and letting people help me.
I think he was very happy.

by my accounting I should be getting $450 in support, instead of $120 a week (25% of his income is for the kids by NYS law).
I m not afraid of him killing me anymore. Im a closet serial killer apparently so I got that working for me too.
wink wink nudge nudge
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Re: Veronica

Post by Veronica »

On June 13 I received some threatening texts from my ex husband. *8:30 pm and 8:35 NY*
in clear violation on the order of protection.

In these texts it appears as if he has continued to cyber stalk me, and has been reading this forum gathering who knows what kind of info to use against me. the things he said in the text he would have no way of knowing with out reading my posts here as far as I can tell.

When I took him to court on the 7th of June for an increase in child support he asked to have it postpone so he could hire a lawyer. which I know he will not do and is playing with the courts like always.

on June 14 after thinking it overnite, I called the police, and they arrested him.

Tonite at 7pm he is in court and the DA says he is going to ask for the max.

I had a gut feeling that he was reading my posts here and at another site I like, it has made me scared to open up here even though I have had several big things going on.

I feel horrible about him peeping and all and I am very sorry Mr Eshelman and to you all.
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