US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

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US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

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USA Mundane Forecast
for the four weeks beginning May 6, 2018

If you are unfamiliar with the methods and interpretations of Sidereal mundane astrology, see my free book Sidereal Mundane Astrology. (A link to the current edition can always be found near the top of the Publications sub-forum.) For standard interpretations, see Chapter 8 of the new 15th Edition.

The 12 months beginning January 15, 2018 are a stronger, less forgiving version of 2016: unstable, revolutionary, revising, remapping, anti-establishment, and often anti-government. Washington's Capsolar has Pluto square Ascendant (0°08'), and Uranus on Westpoint (0°42'). A spirit of revolution assaults current systems, tearing at iconic structures. Victory in the 2018 elections will tend to fall to whomever can present himself or herself as the greater rebel.

PLUTO signals high-impact events that sever connections. Mainstream and counter-establishment sensibilities confront each other. Events are fiercely political, such as leader crises, financial crises, and severing historic relations. Natural disasters include hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. URANUS signals explosions (literal or metaphorical); sudden rupture, shock, surprise, and overflowing normal boundaries and limitations. Expect disclosures and revelations, surprise attacks, changes in leadership, protests, revolts, and their suppression.

Changes in foreign relations are a certainty with a foreground SUN-VENUS-URANUS. Venus-Uranus also signals shifting social values, including increased liberty in Venus matters. What would 2018's version of legalizing same-sex marriage be? "Culture wars" kick up more intensely for the midterm elections. The voice of rebellion is concentrated on those in the highest office.

For the whole world, MOON CONJOINS MERCURY and SATURN. While Moon-Jupiter aspects in recent Capsolars brought economic recovery, expect the opposite from Moon-Saturn. Recession is not unthinkable. Capsolars had close Moon-Saturn aspects in 1819, 1837, and 2008, which should concern students of American money crises. Its record for violent inhumanity is heart-stopping. Climate destabilization will escalate faster in 2018 than in previous years, with tragic, life-smashing consequences.

From Mercury + Saturn, expect restrictions, delays, failures, and calamity in transportation and communication. Communication fails for technical reasons and because people stop listening to each other. Data integrity is increasingly doubted: Cybersecurity is a greater priority than cyber-expansion. Commerce is interrupted: More newspapers go out of business and more small businesses close their doors. Information flow is interrupted and rationed. Moon-Mercury keeps our attention on the media which, itself, is much of the story. Moon-Saturn signals hardship, narrowing, sacrifice, loss, and sadness, with little cause for celebration. Bereavement for widely beloved figures, deprivation and disappointment, destructive assaults by people and nature, and other forms of hardship focus primarily on alienation and divisiveness. It will be a good year for undertakers.

With Saturn in Sagittarius, internationalism, immigration, aviation, elitism, hierarchical economic separation, and missiles take up much of our headline space for 2018.

Finally, Washington has a Mars-Jupiter PVP conjunction. This furthers concerns of financial crisis. It could be as slight as the government shutdown of 2013 or as ravaging as the market crash of 1929, but probably will be something between. Resources are squandered, stretched past capacity. Religious evangelism and other belief-driven enthusiasm and aggression accelerate. Bigots have louder voices. In nature, as in human affairs, expect stormy weather.

The Arisolar (April 14) is dormant for Washington, DC, but adds (until mid-July) a further edge of violence and hardship: Arisolar Moon squares Saturn (2°24' in eclipto) and Mars (a blisteringly tight 0°09' in mundo).


Much of the month is a SATURN-PLUTO zone (May 6-28, with Pluto hanging around a day longer). Pluto conjoins Capsolar IC while Saturn conjoins CapQ Moon. Besides the severe expectations of the Saturn-Moon transit, this pair signals dramatic hardship, sometimes with an apocalyptic feel, and catastrophic disasters with feelings of irrevocable loss or separation. (By now we are well into America's tornado season.)

Within this, transiting Mars squares Cansolar Moon May 19-25, creating a MARS-SATURN-PLUTO Zone. Expect violent, ferocious, even explosive unleashing of force, actions broadly disrespectful of law, and hurtful aggression. With Mars and Saturn both transiting solar ingress Moons, the world teeters on the edge for a few days. Almost daily, the news will be filled with high death tolls and pain.

May 31 to June 2 gives a JUPITER Zone reprieve in most parts of the world. Mars and Saturn transits to solar ingress Moons are gone and Jupiter opposes CanQ Moon. Most likely this relief will be the main effect: World markets will pick up for a short while and diplomacy will prevail. Jupiter normally brings victories: these are victories in which the world shares. A heightened sense if prosperity, economic expansion, and a spirit of abundance and celebration prevail. Major events, if not purely political, economic, or aristocratic, will center on religion, inspiration, and the visionary.


Liblunar (continuing from Apr 28)
Because the new Caplunar is dormant, last week's Liblunar continues through May 13. It shakes us out of Neptunian slumber. Pluto conjoins Mars (1°11') on IC, signifying ferocious, possibly explosive unleashing of force, broadly disrespectful of law. Cumulative stresses (psychological or physical) reach their breaking point.

Moon squares Mars in the foreground (2°32'). This intensifies fury and (if operating typically) adds destruction and loss of life. We must expect heightened conflict and (given the Arisolar and concurrent Saturn transits) outright hatred. Opposing forces contend aggressively.

Caplunar (May 6)
The Caplunar covers May 6 to June 2. For Washington, it is dormant. Its strongest contribution is Moon conjunct Mars (0°49') affecting the world in general. As the Arisolar also has a partile Moon-Mars aspect, and the overlapping Liblunar has Mars-Pluto dominant, expect much volatility this week and, to a lesser extent, all month.

Moon-Mars, on its kindest days, brings noisy hostility and saber rattling. More commonly, it is accompanied by violence, blood, fire, bombs, warring, earthquakes, accidents, and other destruction, often causing significant loss of life.

PRIMARIES THIS WEEK: Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia 5/8.

Several quotidian crossings this week compete to win The Big Event to their day. The most volatile and explosive is CanQ Ascendant triggering Cansolar Mars-Uranus square 5/8. (If that's the big day, Jupiter themes will contextualize the event, both from the CapQ and CanQ.) May 7-8, CapQ Ascendant touches ingress Sun-Uranus (with transiting Sun on IC all week). May 9, Q Asc conjoins transiting Mars and ingress Venus, with Jupiter on MC. May 10, CanQ MC conjoins Pluto.

Arilunar (May 13)
The Arilunar covers May 13-19. There is so much in this chart (nearly two dozen significant factors) that we have to inch our way through it carefully. From the top, we expect a week of accelerated revelations and breaking news, with a very great deal happening.

Moon squares MC (0°34'), Mercury and Uranus closely conjoin Eastpoint. All three are tightly conjunct. Angular Moon + Moon-Uranus describes uprisings of the people, mass mind (or herd mind) building to an eruptive peak and surging forth. Events draw widespread common sentiment and emotional response.

Mercury-Uranus (0°05') seems the main theme. In addition to discovery, revelations, and disclosures, people are startled, taken by surprise, alarmed, perhaps in a state of emergency. Expect travel disasters, especially airplane accidents (likely in places where this or the Capsolar's Mercury-Saturn conjunction is angular).

Foreground Mars squares Mercury and Uranus (both partile). This very much enhances the risk of significant vehicular accidents, but also strengthens the impact of revelations and disclosures. Mars-Uranus is explosive, often bringing surprise attack and startling violence, though psychological “bombshells” are more common than physical ones. Mercury-Mars increases the chance of war and limits the ability to reach peace: It is tactical, even overtly military.

Sun and Jupiter, moderately foreground, are in close opposition. Sun also squares Mars (Sun is at the Mars/Jupiter midpoint). Focus is on imperial-type expansion, aggression, and economic recklessness, but also the opportunity for heroic virtue to shine. Politics egg on events, motivated by a non-philanthropic tendency of people with money and power wanting more. A raucous, stormy climate marks Washington (and possibly the literal meteorological climate).

Increasing the complexity, all midpoints of Moon, Mercury, and Uranus on one side to Sun and Jupiter on the other are conjunct horizon (excluding Jupiter/Uranus, but adding Mars/Pluto). These partly repeat the foregoing expectations and partly provide new details. In brief, here is what we expect from each:
  • Mo/Su (0°12'). Spotlight, especially on actions & responses of government. Focus on leaders.
  • Me/Ju (0°25'). Commercial alliances, trade negotiations, major judicial action. Favorable for swinging deals.
  • Su/Me (0°28'). Highlights transportation & commerce, demands headlines.
  • Su/Ur (0°28'). Psychologically (and perhaps physically) startling & explosive.
  • Mo/Ju (0°32'). Prosperity & pride; diplomacy, dignity, elitism, “our people first.”
  • Ma/Pl (0°39'). Violent, ferocious unleashing of force; disrespect for law.
Finally, a widely foreground Pluto makes waves by its close (2°12' in mundo) square to Uranus. This always shakes things up. Events will have characteristics of rebellion, dismantling a current system, and (literally or metaphorically) tearing down iconic structures.

PRIMARIES THIS WEEK: Idaho, Nebraska, Oregon, Pennsylvania 5/15.

With transiting Sun on CapQ IC all week, quotidian MC conjoins Mars 5/13 (thus Sun opposite Mars). CanQ MC crosses transiting Pluto 5/14. Each (as always) has a 2-day orb either side.

Canlunar (May 19)
The Canlunar covers May 19-26. Moon and Pluto (0°13' and 0°10' from angles, respectively) are in wide opposition. Mars and Uranus are widely angular, but closely square (1°06') .

People are upset, and they're not being quiet about it. This mostly repeats the populist, potentially explosive themes of earlier weeks. With main focus on Moon-Pluto, expect events that stun our minds and sensibilities with their intensity. (Major examples from the past include deaths and departures of leaders; uprisings and revolts; populist challenges to prevailing authority; and other staggeringly intense events, pleasant and unpleasant, that hold unflinching attention. Their extreme, often unprecedented nature makes them hard to decisively predict.)

PRIMARIES THIS WEEK: Texas, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky 5/22.

CanQ angles cross several planets, of which the most volatile is MC to ingress Mars-Uranus 5/22, with a masses-stirred prologue 5/20 as Moon and Uranus come to angles. Jupiter crosses CapQ Zenith 5/24 and CanQ Descendant 5/21.

Liblunar (May 26)
The Liblunar covers May 26 to June 2. Mars, exalted in Capricorn, rises closely (2°24'). That's the week in a nutshell! It's a time of aggression, conflict, battling, extreme assertion, and a general showing off of strength. (And remember the Caplunar and Arisolar have close Moon-Mars aspects.)

But there is more. Mercury is pretty close to IC (3°38'). Moon opposes Uranus for Washington (1°33' in mundo). Uranus and Pluto touch up the edges with extremism. Bottom line, if there were one week this year that I would out-and-out predict a declaration of war, it is this week. Today, wars don't tend to be declared in the old fashioned way - they're just fought. But the markers are all consistent with such an event, or an event that resembles it in its major elements.


Transiting Mars is within 2° or CanQ MC 5/25-6/1 and ingress Mars on a CapQ angle 5/29-30). On 5/28, Mars exactly conjoins CanQ MC as transiting Mercury crosses CanQ Asc: This is the day the Mercury-Mars symbolism will peak.
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Trump Watch

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  • Progressed Saturn conjoins progressed Midheaven. We have watched the president's position weaken from challenges, increasing burdens, threats, and losses. His long-term picture remains dire professionally, politically, and regarding health.
  • Progressed Mars sextile natal Pluto marks aggression, explosive temper, and other forms of spilling immeasurable force, and is notorious for cumulative physical and emotional stress (emerging as a health crisis?).
  • A positive, even protective pattern for Trump began last month. With a long-term progressed Venus conjunct natal Jupiter and trine natal Uranus, he now has progressed Sun semi-square natal Jupiter as well.
  • Progressed Moon & Mercury conjoin all month (exact 5/14). This temporary hyper-infusion of personality with Mercury has many expressions, including focus on commerce, transportation, and communication. It's especially about talking, including circumstances inviting or requiring him to speak up, reveal information, or commit himself in word. Travel may be a necessary part of it.

  • Beginning May 22 (and exact May 29), JUPITER squares progressed MOON. This gives a greater sense of well-being and places him at the center of attention. There is much emotion, usually joyful, but possibly moodiness and seeking ways to release accumulated stress. Generally social, celebrant, and indulgent.
  • Beginning May 29, SATURN squares natal NEPTUNE. While, potentially, ideals and dreams may become grounded and practical, the aspect rarely works out that nicely. Personal demons and troubled mental states tend to emerge. Needs for security and certainty are great, so insecurity raises its head.
Please see the June forecast for an analysis of Trump's Sidereal Solar Return.

Once more, Jupiter is exactly angular (0°12' from Descendant). Sun, just past rising, opposes Jupiter mundanely. These are marks of royalty and distinction. Natal Venus widely on IC suggests a bit of peace or grace.

But the pattern is starting to change from last month. He still has momentum from recent wins, but new circumstances start asserting themselves. Uranus squares SLR Midheaven and squares natal Mars in mundo. New conditions stir him to renewed boldness, risk-taking, even sexual adventure - above all, wanting plenty of "elbow room," to be free of interference or coercion.

Uranus also squares his Venus (ecliptically). These charts have the feel of a man on new sexual adventures, which one does not usually expect to be public for a married, high-visibility politician. Otherwise, we see rapid changes in many other relationships. If there are more Executive Branch heads that haven't rolled, they should update their resumes.

Saturn still opposes his Mercury. As one might expect, his bold new surge does not go unopposed. He has a hard time getting the audience he most wants, and his own words are at risk of hurting him. Finally, in the immediate background, Mars opposes his Saturn (0°15'). Struggle is brewing.

No Natal Quotidian crossings occur during this time.

Mercury exactly rises (0°58'). Pluto is 2° from MC and Uranus less than 4° from Ascendant. All three aspect each other mundanely. Uranus is exactly square a non-foreground Mars.

These aspects speak of disclosures, revelations, compelled speech as in giving testimony, and surprise attacks. Mercury-Pluto is famous among Siderealists for Donald Bradley's 1948 rendering:
Circumstances cause great nervous tension... The native may be backed up against the wall of convention or written law, and must "fight his way out" of the predicament. Crises arise which tax his patience, force him to "face the music," and declare openly his stand on matters. Under terrific nervous pressure, he may be forced to sign his name, as with regard to a loyalty-oath. This influence is the astrological index of "being given the third degree."
Mercury-Uranus bespeaks discoveries, disclosures, revelations, and new inquiries, baring the truth in bas-relief. Uranus-Pluto startles, overthrows, rebels, and awakens the unlikely. Mars-Uranus anticipates risks, boldness, breaking loose, and, as mentioned, surprise attacks.

These constitute the essence of the demi-SLR. Other details exist, but they are relatively minor. For example, Jupiter is widely foreground, widely opposite a non-angular Sun. This gives a smidge of protection, perhaps a pinch of dignity. Four natal planets are foreground (Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Venus), but none of them closely.

The remaining factors of interest are foreground transits to natal plants. Pluto squares his Jupiter and opposes his Saturn. The former exalts the lowly and casts down the mighty, while the latter breaks up old structures and outmoded patterns, threatening stability and confronting rigidity. The universe demands significant changes in his stable status quo.

Transiting Jupiter also squares his Saturn (mundanely). This can steady a new foundation, a long-term investment in something paying off early. At times, this aspect wipes the slate clean in some area of life. With Jupiter-Saturn, there is always a deal to be made.

Jupiter also squares his Venus (mundanely), though more widely. The normal pleasantries of this aspect do not appear to fit with the rest of the chart. If we consider Jupiter to his Venus-Saturn together, we see advantage from sacrifice, strained relationships, and a calculated path to survival.

May 21-23, Saturn's transit to his Neptune and opposition to his Mercury falls on SNQ angles, marking unusually difficult, demeaning days. May 24 & 28, progressed Mars is angular, so he comes out swinging hard, his normally aggressive nature particularly unleashed.

Trump's Moon-Sun-Uranus opposition aligns with the meridian and we especially see Neptune's transit to his Uranus. Moon is most angular, on IC and 0°10' from square Ascendant. This signifies a month in which he is especially responsive to unfolding circumstances. He is especially sucked into circumstances "close to home" physically and psychologically.

With both luminaries angular, he hungers for attention more than usual. Being exalted in his place on the world stage and before its cameras matters more to him than any other thing at the moment. His natal Sun-Uranus conjunction is given generous play: He unapologetically follows his own paths, persuaded that he's a “special case” and loving to show he is free of others' dominion.

Within this, the most sophisticated nuances of the chart lie in Neptune's foreground square to natal Uranus. The aspect, which is still building, is subtle: At root, it means that a dream or temptation inspires him to make major changes. It shows altered states, shifting realities - mental conditions that he has no need or desire to align with those of other people.

May 30-31, transiting and progressed Venuses are both angular. This makes for a comfortable, social, even happy day.
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Transits to Solunar Planets

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In recent months we have been exploring whether transits to all Capsolar planets are valid. Inherently, these would not be locale-specific, and I began with low expectations. - Preliminary conclusions from the first months of watching is that they are indeed important identifiers for locales where the 'natal' planet was angular in the Capsolar.

t Jupiter conj. Capsolar Jupiter START to May 10

t Mars conj. Capsolar Venus May 7 (+/- 2 dy)
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Re: US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

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So... what does everyone think about May 28 as the day we go to war with someone?
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Re: US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed May 02, 2018 10:27 am So... what does everyone think about May 28 as the day we go to war with someone?
Do you think that might be the day some country won't knuckle under so Trump declares war and then is surprised when he's taken seriously and bombings happen?
ETA: Perhaps we should let the Canadian prime minister know. And Theresa May of the UK.
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Re: Transits to Solunar Planets

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:45 am t Mars conj. Capsolar Venus May 7 (+/- 2 dy)
We're onto something, but still need some tactics for narrowing it.

A gruesome story emerges from India, which has been receiving a lot of attention for the magnitude of its rape culture. Drawing attention immediately was a 16-year-old girl who, last Thursday, was dragged from her home in rural Jharkand state and gang raped in the woods. Her parents demanded justice from the village seniors the next day and got an award against the men. The rapists were so outraged that they assaulted the parents and burned the home late that night, with the girl in it. She died.

When I read the report this morning, I thought, surely Mars' transit to Capsolar Venus fell on Capsolar angles for the event. The rape, the violence, the fire... all Mars, especially Mars on Venus. I ran the Capsolar for Ranchi, India, the capital of Jharkand.

No, I missed it on the first try. Ranchi does have a horrible Capsolar: With MC 10°37' Sagittarius, it has the Capsolar's Moon-Mercury-Saturn triple conjunction right on MC.

I decided to give it one more try, and calculated the CapQ. Still using Ranchi, I interpreted "late Friday night" as 0:00 May 5.

And there it was:

0°10' Cap t Mars
1°18' Ari CapQ MC
1°25' Cap s Venus

We might be a few hours off on the time, and a little ways off on the geographic coordinates, but the basic thing I've been saying appeared: Take the transit to a major planet to a Capsolar planet and see where it is on Capsolar or CapQ angles to find locations for an event matching the symbolism of the aspect.
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Re: US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:42 am Liblunar (continuing from Apr 28)
Because the new Caplunar is dormant, last week's Liblunar continues through May 13. It shakes us out of Neptunian slumber. Pluto conjoins Mars (1°11') on IC, signifying ferocious, possibly explosive unleashing of force, broadly disrespectful of law. Cumulative stresses (psychological or physical) reach their breaking point.

Moon squares Mars in the foreground (2°32'). This intensifies fury and (if operating typically) adds destruction and loss of life. We must expect heightened conflict and (given the Arisolar and concurrent Saturn transits) outright hatred. Opposing forces contend aggressively.
It just occurred to me that this is the Washington version of one U.S. state having a major volcanic eruption. The event shows well enough for Hawaii that I hadn't bothered to notice the overall U.S. impact - but this is quite on topic.
PRIMARIES THIS WEEK: Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia 5/8.
Meanwhile, this is on the agenda for today, along with a probable announcement about the Iran nuclear deal. Narrowing predictions to the day, I wrote:
Several quotidian crossings this week compete to win The Big Event to their day. The most volatile and explosive is CanQ Ascendant triggering Cansolar Mars-Uranus square 5/8. (If that's the big day, Jupiter themes will contextualize the event, both from the CapQ and CanQ.) May 7-8, CapQ Ascendant touches ingress Sun-Uranus (with transiting Sun on IC all week).
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Re: US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Very precise prediction. Only thing that would have made it more exact was if you had just come right out and said "volcanic eruption." It doesn't sound as if you thought of an eruption at the time you were writing despite how obvious this is in hindsight.
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Re: US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

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Right. A reminder that we do best when we describe the conditions of an event - something well within our reach - rather than try to predict a specific event (something for which the universe is too diverse to allow most of the time).
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Re: US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

Post by Veronica »

NY had some earthquake activity last week, there is a fault right through my neck of the woods.

when I read this thread I will say that It almost felt like it was a mini horoscope for myself because of the similarities in energies I had been feeling around me. I have been having disaster dreams for the last two weeks, which I hadn't had in a few years.
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Re: US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

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I had missed that the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem was coming so soon. The events there thus morning are horrible, and the move is itself a horrible mistake. I suppose the Arilunar, just discussed above, is tied into it, even though it isn't open-and-shut descriptive: It seems to have all the right markers (or, at least, what I personally think is going on).
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Re: US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

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Melania Trump was hospitalized today for a surgical procedure on her kidneys. Not a lot of details.

Interesting to me is that I don't find a hint of this in The Don's chart, unless the ongoing Uranus transit to his Venus is somehow a factor.

Melania has several Aries planets that could be implicated in a kidney issue. Sun conjoined her Mercury in Aries yesterday, though that doesn't mean much by itself (outside of the context of a timed chart). One wonders if she has an angle around 4-5° Aries, to capture this week's most relevant-seeming transits (that would give her an angular Jupiter, by no means a stretch).

Try a chart for birth 11:25 AM if you want to play around.
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Re: US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

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As we near the end of this month... I'm not sure I got much right this time around. (The "declaration of war" in the Liblunar was probably the cultural outrage at Rosanne, etc. Quite a miss.) World markets are turning down this week, not up as I predicted.

Anyone else should feel free to correct me or pile on :) Here's to hoping next month is more accurate.
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Re: US forecast May 6 - June 2, 2018

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It's hard to critique these, because it's hard to remember what happened when so it's difficult to line things up with the aspects. I also think so much of what affects the rest of the nation doesn't affect the administration. Kilauea's erupting isn't even background noise in the White House. I think they see school shootings as distractions. This administration is very much removed from the actual governing, so there's a disconnect between their actions and the mundane charts as well.
Between school shootings and children being seperated from their parents at the borders, I would expect to see afflicted Venus in the charts.
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