July 1948. Astrology Explores Psychoanalysis, Part VI by Donald A. Bradley. [Surely I have more issues from 1948. This weekend, I hope to get all of these in chronological order. According to the title, there must be at least five other installments. This installment is on "Jung's Plan for the Psyche." He wrote tis when he was 22.]
1955 June. Life With Pluto! Tagline: "During Richard Burton's lifetime, Pluto made 138 conjunctions with his progressed Sun, resulting in a most incredible biography."
Oct 1955 - May 1956. Taking the Kid Gloves Off Astrology.
June 1956. Your Powwow Corner. "Come on off it, Prof!" "Mere Coincidence?" "More Baseball Talk." "Vanity Cases." "Man With Magic Foot." "Addendum to Kid Gloves."
July 1956. Your Powwow Corner. "Impressive Record" "December Groom" "A Prediction Pitfall!" "Virgo's Gift of Gab" "The Happy Chemist" "More Type Casting" "Wonders Never Cease!" "Monument to Laziness"
August 1956. "Why I Accept the Sidereal Zodiac:" [Very early, out of date, reprinted in Spica]
September 1956. Your Powwow Corner. "Venus' Favorite." "Double Talk." "Lucky Flyboy." "Musings About Music." "Odds and Ends."
October 1956. Your Powwow Corner. "Some Plain Talk," "Odds & Ends," "Auburn Revisited" [first execution by electrocution & other ghoulishness]
November 1956. Your Powwow Corner. "See What I Mean?" "People and Planets." "Systemry and Cancer."
December 1956. Use Your Faith in Living. by Donald Bradley.
February 1957. "Murder Will Out!" [statistical study of murderers' angles & aspects]
March 1957. "Statistics to the Rescue!" [SLR statistical studies]
April 1957. Your Powwow Corner. "Fateful Pattern." "Funny, Funny Saturn." "Hap Not So Happy." "Odds and Ends."
May/June/July 1957. Unveiling a New Tool. [his introduction to Sidereal ingresses]
August 1957. Your Powwow Corner. "People and Planets." "The Moricand Pattern." "Birthday Assortment."
September 1957. Your Powwow Corner. "Orbs and Like That There!" "Pluvius Restored!"
October 1957. Your Powwow Corner, "Contact." "Mess Psychology." "Transit Gimmick." "Thorny Question." "Attention All Teen-Agers!"
February 1958. Your Powwow Corner. "Miracle of Fatima." "Favorite Bogey!" "The Retrograde Complex." "Other -Ologies." "Breakthrough."
March 1958. Powwow Corner. "Fulfillment!" "Crow's Fete." "Some 'Plane' Talk." "Through and Beyond."
April 1958. Your Powwow Corner. "In This Corner" [boxer study]. "Words About Words!" "Apparel's Appalling."
November 1958. Your Powwow Corner. "The Grand Manner." "Planes, Not Points!" "Never Mind the Grunion."
December 1958. Your Powwow Corner. "Track-down of Truth" [early critical summation of studies]
1959 Digest. What's Ahead for the World?
September 1959. Your Powwow Corner. "Bo and Error." "Windsock." "War and Marriage!" "Celestial Gadgets."
1960 Digest. What's Ahead for the World?
March 1960. Your Powwow Corner. "Birthdata Bonanza!" "Ingress Info..."
April 1960. Your Powwow Corner. [his excellent article on Algol]
June 1960. Your Powwow Corner. [the alcoholism study]
July 1960. Your Powwow Corner. "Agadir and 5000 Ghosts."
October 1960. 1960 Presidential Election.
1961 Digest. What's Ahead for the World?
February 1961. Your Powwow Corner. "On Being Wrong." "Nature's Geometry." "Odds & Ends." "News Worthies!" and here. "Another Man's Persian."
April 1961. Your Powwow Corner. (a discussion of Sheldon's constitutional typology)
January 1962. Your Powwow Corner. "Pardon Earth's Dust!" "Mind and Body Together." "Wasted Millennia?" "Name-Calling Problem."
March 1962. Your Powwow Corner. "Just One of those Things?" "Just Checking." "Armageddonists Take Note." "Odds & Ends."
August 1962. Your Powwow Corner. "Flora's Fauna" [a study of Jack London]. "Closer to Home." "Odds & Ends."
December 1962. Your Powwow Corner. "The Strangest Thing" [few Su-Sa aspects at time of suicide], "The Moon and Moo."
January 1963. "Feet His Fate!" "Astro-Semantics." "Horoscope for a Heist." "Madams Make Money."
February 1963. Your Powwow Corner. "Another Great Lesson." "Contribution to UFOria." "Newton Turned Over..." "Natal Potpourri" and here.
March 1963. Your Powwow Corner. "Saturn's Burden." "Agonizing Reappraisal." "We Got Rhythm!" "Just the Beginning?"
April 1963. Your Powwow Corner. "The Angels Knew Better." "Let's Talk About Aries!" "Odds & Ends."
May 1963. Your Powwow Corner. "Telling the Other Side." "Odds & Ends."
June 1963. Your Powwow Corner. "One for the Books." "Full Barrage!" (the astrology of his apartment being burgled). "Daughter of Earth and Sea" (on Rachel Carson). "Bossy Nova."
July 1963. Your Powwow Corner. "Mopping Up After Aries!" "A New Wives' Tale!"
November 1963. Your Powwow Corner. "Biorhythms and Astrology."
January 1964. Your Powwow Corner. "Through a Glass Darkly," "Atlas Shrugged" [recent disasters analyzed], "Prized Birth Data" [Edith Piaf & others]
February 1964. Your Powwow Corner. "Saturn-Neptune Not All Bad!" "Death at the Crossing." "Odds and Ends."
March 1964. Your Powwow Corner. "JFK, LBJ and PSSR." "Moon Madness and Gladness."
April 1964. Your Powwow Corner. "Stone Experts Have a Lot of Gall." "An Exercise in Discovery."
July 1964. Shakeup Showdown: Republican Convention.
July 1964. Your Powwow Corner. (a study of reunited identical twins, separated at birth)
August 1964. Your Powwow Corner. "How to Unvex a Vexed Question" [ayanamsa issues & stats, typescript only]
September 1964. Your Powwow Corner. "Retrograde-Mercury Complex." "From Agony to Ecstasy in Peru."
1969 Digest. What's Ahead for the World?
1970 Digest. What's Ahead for the World?
January 1970. "What Really Matters"
February 1970. Give Tertiaries a Try.
May 1970. "Aquarian Age Myth."
February 1971. "Baby's Sex"
November 1971. "New Horizons in Health Research" [lunar phase & health crisis or death]
June 1973. "Face the Facts and Figures" [arguably his most important article]
September 1973. Perspectives in the Sidereal. "Backward Glances." "Return Theory Updated" [the historic introduction of the Ennead]. "Love is a Mirror." "Show of Hands." "Saturn's Proxy."
February 1974. Perspectives in the Sidereal. [His article on Uranus angularities and aspects natally. This is a reprint, but I haven't yet found the original.] "Maverick in the Sky." "Tents & Tests." "Through and Beyond." "Favorite Bogeys."
May 1974. Perspectives in the Sidereal. "Facts About Longevity"
December 1974. Perspectives in the Sidereal. [reprint, but I haven't found the original yet] "Rest Ye Merry!" "About Orbitry..." "Call For Tolerance." "Middling Advantage." "Getting the Message."
February 1975. The Truth About the Aquarian Age.
February 1975. Perspectives in the Sidereal. [Some of these have been listed above; others, reprinted, are not yet in my list above.] "Contact." "Handy Calendar." "Finally, the Capstone." "No Mystery At All." "Odds and Ends." "Oriental Enigma." "Probability." "Physiology Theory." "Dasa System."
March 1975. Perspectives in the Sidereal. "Through the Number Jungle." [an important reprint of his work in Arisolar progression, I haven't found the original yet]
June 1975. Perspectives in the Sidereal. "Lo and Behold!" "According to Hoyle." "
July 1975. Perspectives in the Sidereal. "Another Milestone..." [discussion of the Solar Apex - 0° Cap idea that was later retracted; unclear why this was then reprinted a decade later].
November 1975. Perspectives in the Sidereal. "Just the Beginning!" "Vital Facts."
July-August 1976. Crashing the Atmospheric Science Barrier.
March 1977. Perspectives in the Sidereal. "Earthquakes Can Be Predicted."
1978 Digest. Astrology Explores Your Brain Patterns by D.A. Bradley. [A major, important contribution on the potential of astrology to contribute directly to clinical psychology.]
July 1978. "The Big Question: Why Suicide?" [reprint]
August 1978. Perspectives in the Sidereal. "Believe It or Not!" [about Robert Ripley's chart, reprint], "Armageddonists Take Note," "Odds & Ends," "What Is the Zodiac?"