OW! ow ow ow.

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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OW! ow ow ow.

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Last month, my back hurt. I don't mean a little twinge or a dull ache. I mean lower back spasms bad enough to leave balled up on the floor. The cats were upset because I was falling down (literally) on my job of feeding them and I disturbed their sleep, so I got something from my doctor and waited till the Sun progressed past my natal Mars.

Today I got out my mower for the first time. I'm a little late, most of the neighbors have mowed already, but I wanted to wait till I was sure the Sun was clear of Mars.

I missed the Moon progressing over Saturn.
Today (May 8, 2017, Noon, exactly.) after I got the front yard done, I took the mower out to the back yard. I have to unlock the gate, get the mower over the dip and onto the concrete pad, and about to relock the gate.... I fell. I don't mean I tripped, or I stumbled. I fell. I smashed onto the concrete pad, while simultaneously ripping my hand on the edges of the chain link on the gate.

I am not dead, nor in danger of it. I am sitting watching the funeral procession for the deputy who was murdered last week while pasting bandaids (eleven of them) on my hand after washing it and applying pressure. I tore a hole in my sneaker too.

Now, I would have expected this under the Sun progressing over Mars and the back thing under this Moon progressing over Saturn. Saturn is also sitting on the DSC of my current lunar, so maybe this isn't over.
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Re: OW! ow ow ow.

Post by SteveS »

Saturn is also sitting on the DSC of my current lunar, so maybe this isn't over.
Maybe, go back in house and curl-up with the cats until your SLR is over. As we know, when it is time for lousy things to happen--they happen with appropriate symbolism. 11 band-aids--maybe let a doc-in box check your wounds?
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Re: OW! ow ow ow.

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

HAven't even reached the demi on that lunar, so that's not really an option. My hand is just going to be black, blue and sore for awhile, but it appears, (hurts to much for me to check and be sure) i tore the nail off the little toe, so I do think I'll be checking in with my doctor. After hours, his office becomes the local emergency care attached to one of the big hospitals, which is good. I went in when I tried to put my eye out with a tree a couple years ago, and that's all good. (Someday I will just hire a lawn service.)

It's just I would associate Saturn with the back ache, and Mars with a sudden fall and bleeding. Bruises are Saturn I think, but bleeding on the rug I would expect to be Martian in nature.
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Re: OW! ow ow ow.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I was trying to decide whether this was a new one, or an old one I hadn't remembered.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: OW! ow ow ow.

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

I should have put this at the top of the first post.
Today (May 8, 2017, Noon, exactly.) after I got the front yard done, I took the mower out to the back yard. I have to unlock the gate, get the mower over the dip and onto the concrete pad, and about to relock the gate.... I fell. I don't mean I tripped, or I stumbled. I fell. I smashed onto the concrete pad, while simultaneously ripping my hand on the edges of the chain link on the gate.
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Re: OW! ow ow ow.

Post by SteveS »

(Someday I will just hire a lawn service.)
I know what you mean. I have always enjoyed mowing my yard for the outdoor exercise, but no longer have the stamina to get this task completed.
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Re: OW! ow ow ow.

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Tuesday, May 9 at 12:34 PM, I asked someone on Craigslist if the couch with the folding bed in it he'd posted was still available and how heavy he thought it was. He called back at 1:04 and said it was, he'd just loaded it into his car to take to the dump because he was moving and it was pretty heavy, but he and his son could bring it over and carry it in for me if I would take it. It had been his mother's and he didn't want to take it to the dump. I asked if he'd take a check and he said I could have it for nothing if I'd take it today.

At 4:54 PM, he and his son arrived and carried the 7 foot sofa that looks like it was hardly ever used in and up the stairs into the living room.

The progressed Moon has moved closer to Saturn. Saturn is still on the DSC for my lunar. I checked for bugs, but there are none.
I'm missing something here.
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