Natal Chart

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Natal Chart

Post by CodenameMonarch »

Hey everyone! I recently discovered this amazing little corner of the internet, and I've been digging through the forum threads ever since! I've only recently begun studying astrology, and know very little about sidereal thus far, I just ordered the books recommended! Anyhow, I'll be celebrating my 30th birthday on Friday, would anyone care to take a crack at my natal chart?

March 15, 1989, 8:18 AM / Caldwell, ID USA
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Re: Natal Chart

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Where are you currently located? You move, you get an additional set of angles.
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Re: Natal Chart

Post by CodenameMonarch »

I'm currently located in Boise, ID! :)
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Re: Natal Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Happy birthday, O king of the butterflies! I'll have some starter notes on your horoscope up here soon.

I will say (since this kind of synthetic overview won't be in the notes I'm going to give you) that the chart has some challenges and extremes. There is much creativity, yet there are many psychological strains and burdens. Just from a horoscope, I don't want to suggest mental illness, but the chart does lean much more heavily in that direction that most charts I've ever seen - the tipping point being your early environment, genetic history, and what you've done with your life. I will say, though, that there is much of the "dark, brooding, deeply troubled artist" stereotype.

With transiting Uranus having recently crossed your Ascendant, this has surely been a year of psychological and circumstantial shifts, awakenings, and exposure to new things at a level that moves your life into a new level or branch.
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Re: Natal Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »


These notes on your SIDEREAL NATAL HOROSCOPE are provided for your reference and study. They are not a full interpretation of your birth chart; rather, they are building blocks from which a full interpretation can be built.

Each factor listed below contributes to your character. These paragraphs commonly repeat or contradict each other. (We all have contradictions.) Though it does not take an astrologer to fuse these factors into a balanced picture of you and your life, it does require knowledge of human behavior and the ways that people support and sabotage themselves. Your astrologer, having these skills and knowing this symbolic language, can help you in this process. However, KNOWING YOURSELF is a life-long undertaking. I encourage you to read through these notes, feeling your way through the interweaving ideas and reflecting on what you know of yourself.

The paragraphs are brief. I have sought to pack in everything essential, to use a few words to imply much more. Not every phrase will apply, of course. Some will be more important than others; but the gist of each section should clearly reflect truth about you. When you have spent time with this and have new questions, consult your astrologer to discuss them.

Character is destiny. Who you are determines the life that is yours to unfold. “Know thyself” is the key.

Angular Saturn (MC 5°03')
Needs to be self-reliant, self-sufficient, autonomous, independent (maturing is a process of securing these). Works hard, industrious. Survival instinct is strong & drives much of the behavior. Hardship likely (especially in youth); struggle for security; life’s demands seem severe (some are beaten down; some gain great strength & endurance). Cautious, emotionally reserved, self-protective, conscientious, methodical, austere (may shut others out emotionally). Beware self-restriction arising from fear.

Angular Neptune (MC 6°31')
Sensitive, vulnerable, feels strongly (tunes into others deeply, not always accurately; feels exposed, over-response). Naturally absorbs & mirrors others’ traits. Sympathy, compassion, empathy (or emotional drama, insecurity, easily hooked, betrayed). Lives in own reality, tenacious with their viewpoint, impervious to logic, passionate about what uniquely frames their view (forges perception of the ACTUAL from their concept of the IDEAL). Favors complexity over simplicity. Dwells within the unknown, choosing mystery over revelation.

Sun in Pisces
Drawn to the foreign, exotic, wondrous, theatrical, mysterious, glamorous. Wanderlust. Drama, acting, music. Eros vs. moralism. Socially charming. Visionary, romantic, dreamer. Seeks idealistic relationships. Hardened personal reality, stuck patterns. Slavery-bondage. Fickle allegiance, betrayal.

Moon in Gemini
Intellectual, curious, talkative (charming, engaging). Passions drive intellect & interests. Needs constant input. Attention & interests shifting, varied. Hyper-sensitive (psychic); touchy, edgy (irrational); withdraws, hides. Stability from companionship (does better paired). Needs approval, acceptance.
Moon opposite Neptune (2°31')
Sensitive – often too much! Tunes into others on an emotional (psychic?) level: can be deeply understanding, genuinely sympathetic, but also emotionally (psychically) vulnerable, easily wounded, with abiding fears of rejection. Self-defense through avoidance (non-confrontation) & slamming shut senses & good sense. When wounded, withdraws & introverts (often with excessive rumination, imagination working overtime, worry, moodiness). Drawn to the imaginative, surrealistic, and creative. Genius, if present, coexists with deeply, visibly disturbed character.

Moon opposite Saturn (3°07')
Proud, self-made. Dynamic, hardworking, persistent, self-driving. Encourages growth in others (expects them to do something worthy of their abilities). Usually emotionally reserved, private. Definite tendency (often unconscious) to seek total control of situations & relationships. Parent-themed issues (nourishment-deprivation, etc.) to work through. Judgmental (intolerant). Can be pessimistic, distrustful, little self-confidence, passive-aggressive, feeling inferior, anxious, depressed. Many enter religious or social work for mixed motives of service, self-immolation, and seeking control.

Moon trine Mercury (1°49')
Intellect linked to emotion (subconscious patterns): Astute, intuitive, strategic. Personality led by intellect & nervous system. Short attention span; but with focus, easily absorbs knowledge. Under duress, “reasonableness” competes with reactive emotion.

Mars in Taurus
Artists, musicians. Tender, responsive, humane. Mystic instincts attuned to love. Sexually attractive, romantic soul, sensual (sexually popular?). Men often second-guess themselves, perhaps a little lost, ambivalent about aggression.
Mars conjunct Jupiter (1°55')
Exalts strength, competition, and conquest with a zest for living. Common for successful competitive athletes; in most others, it shows vitality and enthusiasm for bringing an ever-improving “personal best.” Confidence in their own strength adds impermanence to any defeats. Morally if not physically courageous. Enterprising, resourceful. Sexually ardent, lusty, eager, popular, on the hunt. “Money to burn” (generous or extravagant; rarely holds onto cash for long; seems confident in the stream of resources). Aggressive in their beliefs, evangelical in their lives (irrepressible enthusiasts, missionaries, barnstormers of doctrine or other interests).
Mercury in Aquarius
Unconventional clever mind unfettered by formality & standard practice. Idealist, futurist, needs intellectual freedom. Objective, less personal thinking. Doesn’t mince words (words come easily). Varied interests (well-rounded breadth or dissipation). Musical.
Mercury sextile Saturn (4°57')
Orderly, able thinkers. Methodical, logical, routinized thought. Skeptical, scrutinizing, distrustful. Hesitant until oriented, then decisive. Much mental power, but easily discouraged (doubting). Treats life seriously (needs play).

Mercury sextile Uranus (2°44')
Independent thinker. Curious & investigative. Mind unfettered by formality solves problems & integrates data more intuitively. Rejects linearity; lacks rigor. Diverse interests, often unusual. Speech is engaging, usually has something interesting to say. Challenges convention or authority, speaks despite consequences. Gentle rebellious behavior. Socially odd.

Mercury sextile Neptune (4°21')
Highly responsive to environment, sensitive to subtle impressions. Magnifies trivialities (perfectionist). Loves puzzle- or problem-solving. Very curious about the unknown (occultism). Dreamer, storyteller, can enthuse and persuade others.

Venus in Aquarius
Realists in relationships: take others as they find them. Cool, aloof; often disinterested, dismissive. Won’t surrender autonomy or “get lost in someone.” Pragmatic in relationships; okay with (desires?) many variations. Many identify with purposeful community (often idealistic). Private about their personal lives. Not prone to marry. (Moody, depressed.)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Natal Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Monarch, if you're still around - happy birthday!
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Re: Natal Chart

Post by Veronica »

Happy Solar return to you Monarch 🙂
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