US forecast Aug 13 - Sep 9, 2019

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US forecast Aug 13 - Sep 9, 2019

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USA Mundane Forecast
for the four weeks beginning AUGUST 13, 2019

If you are unfamiliar with the methods and interpretations of Sidereal mundane astrology, please see my free book Sidereal Mundane Astrology. (A link to the current edition can be found near the top of the Publications sub-forum.) For standard interpretations, see Chapter 8 of the current (16th) Edition.

For the United States, the 12 months beginning January 15, 2019 are dominated by Uranus on IC square Sun on Eastpoint (0°08' wide in RA). Sun-Uranus signals startling events such as surprise attacks, sudden changes in leadership, and technology breakthroughs.

URANUS forecasts explosions (literal or metaphorical), sudden rupture or eruption, shock, surprise, overflowing normal bounds, and revelations. Uranian events often define the character of an era. SUN concentrates attention on the government (especially the head of state) with heightened perception of government’s presence in people’s lives. Sun's aspects to Uranus and Pluto infer rebellion against present leadership and rejection of prevailing political views. Sun-Pluto brings disrespect for the law or those that create or enforce it (which sometimes means removing those in power).

MERCURY CONJOINS SATURN in the foreground. Expect restrictions, delays, failures, or calamity in transportation and communication. Information flow is interrupted or rationed. Data integrity is doubted: cybersecurity remains a higher priority than cyber-expansion. Economic narrowing and backtracking on recovery interrupt commerce. More newspapers and retail close their doors.

Reinforcing the message of economic crisis, MARS square JUPITER exists only mundanely: It is geographically distinctive to Washington. This could be as slight as further government shutdowns or as ravaging as a market crash, but probably will be something between. Resources are squandered, stretched past capacity. Belief-driven aggression accelerates. Bigots have louder voices. In nature, as in human affairs, expect stormy weather.

MERCURY CONJUNCT PLUTO anticipates collisions of information, communication, and ideas. Perhaps opponents in Congress will engage passionately again, unlike the tepid, rigid polarization of recent years. Investigations drill deeply into untapped data to disclose information that reframes how people think. Cyber attacks include remote undermining of critical communication and cyber-control networks.

With Saturn in Sagittarius all year, immigration, aviation, elitism, hierarchical economic separation, and nationalism (anti-internationalism) dominate the public discussion.

Arisolar (Apr 15)
As the July 17 Cansolar is dormant, the Arisolar remains the Quarter chart until mid-October. It shows great severity. Saturn rises within 0°02' in Washington. Pluto is 2°34' below Ascendant, with Saturn conjunct Pluto. Together, Saturn and Pluto PVP square Moon, with Moon-Saturn partile.

With SATURN RISING so closely, expect loss and deprivation, whether of property or human life. The stock market will falter and the economy narrow. Banks are imperiled. Damage from natural disasters increases. Foremost with this Moon-Saturn-Pluto trio, human cruelty rises, hearts harden, and sadness spreads like a dark cloud. Saturn-Pluto brings dramatic hardships with a sense of irrevocable loss or separation. Moon-Saturn means sacrifice, loss, and sadness. Moon-Pluto emphasizes separation, alienation, and departures. The emotional impact of genocide matches these aspects, though of course other physical outcomes are possible.

For the United States, the first consequence of the new Cansolar is that the 2018 Cansolar expires. It concentrated passionate waves of populism with an elevation of thriving unreason fueling herd-mind arousal, disorientation, and deception while undermining trust and confidence. These should abate now. New threats are sharper, more reality based: Cansolar Moon squares Uranus (0°19') for the world and Moon opposes Mars in mundo for Washington.

URANUS squares Cansolar and CanQ Moon (one or both of them at the same time) for the entire month. This signifies winds of change. Conditions rapidly shift. Something new is breaking the horizon. Though Uranus periods can include harsh, threatening disruption, we are slated to get the better side of Uranus this summer. Like other indications, this transit suggests that new technology startles us, changing more or less everything. (It's probably more than just the widespread dissemination of 5G.)

One indication that these are winds of positive change lies in an expiring progression. Last month's Cansolar has Venus opposite Saturn. On August 30 (about the time the Canlunar begins), that aspect leaves its 1° orb for the rest of the year. Great causes of sadness are lifted, matters that have driven families and communities apart end, and the figurative party that was over just might get going again. In brief, we're done with ugliness for a while.

Within all this, transiting Mars squares Cansolar Ascendant for a week, August 31 to September 6. This MARS-URANUS zone has the greatest potential explosive violence or sudden attacks. Drive carefully this Labor Day.

Caplunar (Aug 13)
The Caplunar covers August 13 to September 9, especially the first two weeks, August 13-27. Mars is 0°17' from IC. Jupiter and an afflicted Neptune are more widely angular. Moon makes her last conjunction with Pluto for a while. The month is heated and harsh with aggressive confrontation, yet with flamboyance, a bit of drama in the delivery, and more theater than seems safe in a time of threat.

Grandstanding aside, Mars foreground signals any number of hurtful events from fires to hurricanes to accidents. Violence can't be ruled out, though it seems harder to believe in the current climate. Congress is on late recess to escape the Washington heat. Next year's presidential race is well underway, so expect aggressive competitive showmanship. Errors come from excess and immoderation that disclose failing leadership.

CapQ MC squares MARS all week (exact 8/19), matching the Caplunar so closely that it takes little else to trigger fires or ignite a fight. On 8/13, CanQ EP conjoins Pluto.

Arilunar (Aug 20)
The Arilunar is dormant. The Caplunar flows through in full force.

MARS' angularity in the CapQ continues all week, softened by VENUS crossing CapQ angles beginning 8/23 and continuing until she exceeds Mars' strength 8/26-27. The Cansolar's MOON-URANUS square crosses CanQ angles 8/23. On the last day, 8/27, Cansolar VENUS-SATURN crosses the CanQ horizon, competing with the seeming contrary message of the CapQ Venus crossing.

Canlunar (Aug 27)
The Canlunar covers August 27 to September 2. Something has changed. There's a new order of things. Uranus alone is angular, 1°19' from Descendant and in 0°25' PVP square with Jupiter. If we don't literally have new leadership in one or another key government positions, we at least have a new leading spirit.

Uranus aspected by Jupiter anticipates ideological rebellion, both peaceful and violent, and remapping the larger social contract. Liberal social and political agendas demand wider horizons, expanded opportunities, civil liberties, and enhanced diversity. Invention, new technology and technological vision, futurism, and, more generally, “good science” engages popular imagination. One might hope this aspect means that political and thought leaders show more insight, resourcefulness, and ability to understand and manage complexity. At best, it expresses collective optimism and anticipation of good change. At its least, ideas along these lines are suddenly flying.

VENUS begins the week on CapQ IC. However, on 8/27, CanQ MC squares MARS with VENUS-SATURN still on the horizon. On 8/31, the Capsolar's exact JUPITER-NEPTUNE square crosses angles just as MARS crosses EP (and Pluto crosses CanQ Ascendant). It's a dramatic week!

Liblunar (Sep 2)
The Liblunar covers September 2-9. For all practical purposes, it is identical with the Canlunar but with slightly closer orbs. Uranus is 0°29' from Descendant in 0°57' PVP square with Jupiter. The interpretation is identical to that for the Canlunar.

JUPITER-NEPTUNE repeats its CapQ angularity 9/2 (this time without Mars). Transiting NEPTUNE crosses on its own 9/4 and 9/6 (each of these has a plus-and-minus two-day orb, so the effect is continuous most of the week).
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Trump Watch

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Continuing in orb, as the month begins, are p Mars sextile r Pluto, the contentious p Mars semi-square r Mars, p Venus trine r Uranus, and p Sun aspects to p Venus and r Jupiter.

Trump's main long-term transit remains Neptune square natal Uranus. Its effects are primarily psychological. Uranus-Neptune aspects always mean a clash of divergent realities. With Neptune transiting Uranus, it commonly means that a compelling personal vision or dream incites one to make abrupt, surprising moves or shifts. Transiting Mars squares SSR Moon or its progression non-stop August 15-22 producing a week of irritation, friction, intolerance, and edgy conflict.

Nothing much is happening in the new SLR. No transiting planets are foreground, and the four downstage natal planets are all at least 5° from the angles. Those comprise his natal Moon-Sun opposition and Mercury-Neptune square.

Natal Moon-Sun accentuates his public persona; grants energy, forceful drive, and comfort with power; and magnifies his vanity, self-exaltation, and obstinacy. Natal Mercury-Neptune is the story-teller who can enthuse and enroll others and convince them of almost anything. Together, these portray the reality TV star, huckster, and campaigner.

Transiting Mars squares natal Midheaven (0°14'). This probably fits with the campaigner and salesman, too: He approaches both as a warrior besieging a city, stirring conflict and discontent. Causing trouble comes even easier to him this month than usual.

NOTE Aug 25: This Demi-SLR set up in Biarritz, France instead of Washington. The forecast below will only apply as a lesser overlay once he returns to Washington: the primary influence of the fortnight will be from the France chart. An updated interpretation is here: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=2968&p=25896#p25896

Natal Venus, Saturn, and Neptune are closely angular along with transiting Pluto and a little Saturn. Natal Neptune (IC 0°57') and Saturn (Asc 1°49') are most closely angular, followed by transiting Pluto (2°04) and natal Venus (2°40'').

This is Trump's most demoralizing arrangement of his natal planets. Under Venus-Saturn-Neptune, dour darkness grips the psyche. Disillusionment strikes, ideals fall, grief cuts deep, and the enchantment ends. Venus, Saturn, and Neptune reflect hurtful betrayal, heart-sickness, and increasing distrust of pretty much everybody. Saturn-Neptune, the strongest pair, expresses emotional exhaustion, resignation, and defeat.

This time, Pluto bangs reality's gavel, more or less confirming his fears by squaring Neptune and opposing his Saturn and Venus. Pluto and Saturn both square his (not angular) natal Jupiter. Saturn opposes his (not angular) Mercury.

Furthermore, his emotions run strong: The Demi-Lunar has a partile Venus-Mars conjunction and (mundane) Moon-Neptune square. But transiting Sun also conjoins his natal Ascendant: He continues to receive attention. Perhaps that is enough light to lift his spotlight-loving soul out of its worst darkness.

This is an unpleasant month with survival instincts having the strongest hold on Mr. Trump's psyche. Natal Saturn is 0°06' from Westpoint. Transiting Saturn rises more widely, exactly opposite natal Mercury (0°13' in mundo).

His mood is dour. Natal Saturn foreground especially exposes our insecurities. We hear the skeletons rattling bones in our own closets and feel the encroachment of our own shortcomings. Typical Saturn behaviors arise in response: we become demanding, controlling, cautious, barricaded, evasive, and territorial. Health can suffer.

With transiting Saturn also foreground, this behavior is a natural response to greater demands on us by the world. Survival is threatened, even if it's only psychological (or ego) survival. Circumstances narrow, restrict, delay, and frustrate. Money is drained, especially with transiting Saturn square natal Jupiter, which does not have the benefit of being foreground. Saturn opposite natal Mercury is quite acute right now: He feels unheard, criticized, and discouraged. He must be methodical, conscientious, and attentive to meet the demands. His business interests suffer.

Additionally, a T-square of seven planets occurs in the deep background, producing three partile aspects that provide background information. Sun conjoins Mars (0°09'), reflective of outright combat and other struggle. Mercury opposes Neptune (0°14'), which deepens his communication and business problems and adds evasiveness, misdirection or misrepresentation, confusion, and disorientation: forthcoming facts are all doubtful. Third, Mercury squares Jupiter (0°57'), which might give him negotiating advantage or may merely mean that all this concerns a legal matter. Finally, Uranus squares Pluto (0°22'), suggesting an "everything changes now" impact that dismantles existing structures.
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Where is Trump Sunday?

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G7 convenes in France this weekend - not sure when.

Trump's Demi-SLR is Sunday, August 25, at 3:20 AM EDT, 9:20 AM CEDT. I'm guessing he'll be in Paris, but I don't know.

Can y'all help me watch for where he is at that time? (Thanks in advance.)

In the "He's doing it again!" category, if he's out of Washington Trump again avoids an emotionally devastating return chart that could have been useful in taking him down.
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Re: US forecast Aug 13 - Sep 9, 2019

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He's supposed to leave from Andrew's AF base at 11:00 PM bound for Bordeaux, France and the G7. The actual conference is in Biarritz, Fr.
He's already complaining he doesn't want to go and may well choose to go home early. Last year he left early, before the climate talks. I would be surprised if he stayed for them this year.
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Re: US forecast Aug 13 - Sep 9, 2019

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 11:42 am He's supposed to leave from Andrew's AF base at 11:00 PM bound for Bordeaux, France and the G7. The actual conference is in Biarritz, Fr.
He's already complaining he doesn't want to go and may well choose to go home early. Last year he left early, before the climate talks. I would be surprised if he stayed for them this year.
Leave at 11 PM what day?

PS They don't want him here either. After he walked out on the joint agreement event at the end of the last G7, they've decided not to issue any agreement list this time, (That's not exactly progress.)
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Re: US forecast Aug 13 - Sep 9, 2019

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Re: US forecast Aug 13 - Sep 9, 2019

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:21 pm Today.
OK, so unless we hear he isn't going, we should assume he's in France Sunday, either in Paris or at the meeting site.

Dammit, he must have a Sidereal astrologer advising him. He has had many horrid, laying-low lunars and demi-lunars this year and nearly always skipped the country just before they set up -- and he doesn't travel that much overall!
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Re: US forecast Aug 13 - Sep 9, 2019

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I honestly don't know. I think till he finds a reason to get {nassed} off and leaves, we don't know how long he'll stay. He'll be looking for reasons to come over insulted and take off, and other leaders are getting fed up with his insults and stupidity and plain rudeness.

The president's schedule is never announced in advance. We never know when he's getting on AF1 till less than 24 hours before.
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Re: US forecast Aug 13 - Sep 9, 2019

Post by Jim Eshelman »

He's at the summit. If he was there at 9:20 this morning (as he almost certainly was since he's attending), he had his Demi-SLR there, in Biarritz, France.

I have very little time today but will try to get a replacement forecast written.
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Demi-SLR August 25, 2019 (Chart 1)

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Here is the breakdown of Donald Trump's August 25 Demi-SLR, calculated for Biarritz, France.

r Sun sq. Asc -0°25'
t Moon on MC -0°04'
r Moon on MC +0°04'

r Uranus on MC +3°36'
t Neptune on Dsc +5°47'

-- r Moon-Sun op. 1°43'
-- t Neptune sq. r Uranus 1°10'
-- r Moon-Uranus op. 3°19'
-- t Neptune sq. r Moon 4°29'

Other partile:
t Saturn sq. r Jupiter 0°13' in mundo
t Venus-Mars conj. 0°21'
t Sun conj. r Asc 0°50'

Based on this chart, the chief elements of the fortnight will be self-aggrandizement and, at best, stagecraft brought to the business of statesmanship. Transiting Moon exactly at MC plus the extreme elevation of his natal Sun (plus transiting Sun exactly on his natal Ascendant) shows this spotlight effect. Moon-Neptune is not so close (nor Neptune sufficiently angular on its own) to make sensitivities and vulnerability high, but perhaps just enough to empower the showman.

None of this, of course, is unusual for Trump, nor would we need astrology to guess this much. Nonetheless, in my opinion it's the correct interpretation of the chart.

His natal chart is kind to him for that part of the world: Natal Venus squares Ascendant within 0°37.
Jim Eshelman
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