The # 1 mysterious experience ('beautiful') in my entire life (72 years today) has been examining certain personal time frames in my life with Sidereal Astrology and Cosmobiology. I have Jim Eshelman, the host of this forum), and his former colleague Matthew Quellas (RIP), to thank so much for helping me with my learning of Sidereal Astrology.The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. Albert Einstein
A very close second to the # 1 mysterious experience in my entire life is examining in detail, as much as my mind can understand, the symbolic precessional astronomy represented by the Monuments on the Giza Plateau. Recently, I discovered another siderealists, Kay Cavendar, has been mystified with the same experiences and books I have pertaining to the Giza Plateau. If anyone is interested in Giza's mysterious symbolic precessional astronomy placed on the Giza Plateau, you can go to, with Jim's post Ap 1, 2018 2:56 AM, and about half way through the link post, with a beginning paragraph by Kay stating:
and read Kay's commentary. I know this for a fact: When one understands the symbolic precessional astronomy coded in with the Monuments on Giza, they will understand the truth the ancient sages of Egypt worked with one and only one Zodiac---the original Sidereal Zodiac.For a detailed explanation of the beginning place (Giza) or “First Time” (about BC 10,500) in the 25,920 Precessional Cycle...
For more Einstein quotes go to:Einstein is a rare icon, whose wisdom extended far beyond the realm of science to reveal a man with an almost childlike sense of wonder and a profound love of humanity. ... in-quotes/