"The Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson" offers a new theory on who killed her.
Nicole's Relocation Chart:
2:00 AM
CET -01-00-00 (born Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Glen Rogers - Serial Killer Now on Death Row (The Casanova Murderer)
15Jul1962...Time Ukn....Hamilton Ohio
Nicole's Locality Brentwood Ca Angles: MC 15Cn52, ASC 11Li22
Nicole's Uranus 18 Cancer/MC opp Glen's Saturn 15 Cancer/IC
T-SQ Nicole's Mercury 17 Aries opp Glen's Neptune 17 Libra
Glen's Sun 29 Gemini nearly exact conj. Mars 28 Gemini...
Apparently Nicole had expressed some fears about Glen who worked as a handyman around her home
and may have had an affair with Nicole.
Synastry Aspects give clues to this theory.....? ?
Nicole Brown Simpson & Glen Rogers
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Re: Nicole Brown Simpson & Glen Rogers
Time of Nicole's Murder according to police investigators
10:15 pm or no later than 10:20 pm.
Brentwood, Ca
L.S.T. 14h46m17s
https://rmtrqa.dm.files.1drv.com/y4mMIs ... pmode=none
Angular Intra-aspects galore. G.'s Sun exact conj. N's Mars opp.G's Neptune con' tr. Asc.
tr. Mars opp. MC conj G's Neptune. and as you can see more aspects portending a violent act angular.
Astrologically these intra-aspects show great potential for the gruesome murder. More so than OJ's charts.
10:15 pm or no later than 10:20 pm.
Brentwood, Ca
L.S.T. 14h46m17s
https://rmtrqa.dm.files.1drv.com/y4mMIs ... pmode=none
Angular Intra-aspects galore. G.'s Sun exact conj. N's Mars opp.G's Neptune con' tr. Asc.
tr. Mars opp. MC conj G's Neptune. and as you can see more aspects portending a violent act angular.
Astrologically these intra-aspects show great potential for the gruesome murder. More so than OJ's charts.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Nicole Brown Simpson & Glen Rogers
I don't know why a film maker would pursue an alternate theory with the evidence so damning against OJ. I don't know what physical or circumstantial evidence they offer. But sure, we can take a look. (Too bad we don't have a time for Rogers.)
The primary aspects from Rogers to Simpson include his three benefics near her angles (ecliptically also Pluto, but it won't hold up mundanely). His Sun conjoins her Mars, partile. His Mars squares her Ascendant (putting his Venus-Mars, in particular, in connection to her angles) His Venus-Mars also touches her Pluto closely.
That's a strange contrast. Yes, the last aspects mentioned could be consistent with his assaulting her, especially with a sexual motive, the though the proximity of his three benefics to her angles makes that suspect. But I'd consider it possible if there is any evidence or prima facie case.
Without his birth time, we can't tell what her chart may have done to his important Moon and angles. Her Sun squares his Uranus, her Venus-Saturn is on his Mercury, her Mars is on his Sun. Overall, that would not be all that pleasant and certainly not calming for him.
The most damning transit is Neptune opposite the shared degree of her Mars and his Sun. She'd have the transit to her Mars anyway, but this does set off that one, probably strongest, aspect in an appropriate way. Transiting Mercury was on his Mercury. But really, that's all. It's not a strong transits case. (It might be stronger if we had his time.)
The primary aspects from Rogers to Simpson include his three benefics near her angles (ecliptically also Pluto, but it won't hold up mundanely). His Sun conjoins her Mars, partile. His Mars squares her Ascendant (putting his Venus-Mars, in particular, in connection to her angles) His Venus-Mars also touches her Pluto closely.
That's a strange contrast. Yes, the last aspects mentioned could be consistent with his assaulting her, especially with a sexual motive, the though the proximity of his three benefics to her angles makes that suspect. But I'd consider it possible if there is any evidence or prima facie case.
Without his birth time, we can't tell what her chart may have done to his important Moon and angles. Her Sun squares his Uranus, her Venus-Saturn is on his Mercury, her Mars is on his Sun. Overall, that would not be all that pleasant and certainly not calming for him.
The most damning transit is Neptune opposite the shared degree of her Mars and his Sun. She'd have the transit to her Mars anyway, but this does set off that one, probably strongest, aspect in an appropriate way. Transiting Mercury was on his Mercury. But really, that's all. It's not a strong transits case. (It might be stronger if we had his time.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Nicole Brown Simpson & Glen Rogers
I was stuck by your statement that OJ's chart didn't show this event well. Thought I'd go back and take a new look.
t Uranus op. r Mercury 0°18' is his only transit. Obviously, this needs something beyond simple transits, though I'd have expected at least some impulsivity signals.
His SSR is consistent with the event, though not with tight angularities.
His SNQ2 has transiting Saturn square MC. This could easily fit the event, though equally could simply be receiving the news of her murder (plus the other collateral problems) if he did't do it. Similarly, his SQ at least showed a shocking, separative event, probably connected with "intimate other," since SQ Descendant was within a degree of transiting Pluto and SQ IC conjoined transiting Moon. His birth time is probably pretty good but, in case it's a few minutes off, I should mention that transiting Mars was about 2° from SQ EP (rather than the expected 1°). PSSR (mean rate, which seems to be performing better) does have Ascendant partile square transiting Mars.
But it's his Sidereal :Lunar Return that has always seemed to me to be the most "telling" chart:
t Mars 1°49' past Asc
t Jupiter 1°58' past Dsc
t Uranus 0°08' past MC
t Neptune 5°31' past MC
-- Mars-Jupiter op. 0°09' in mundo
-- Mars-Uranus sq. 1°41' in mundo
-- Jupiter-Uranus sq. 1°50' in mundo
Note that natal Saturn (1°23') and Pluto (1°46') square Ascendant, their midpoint 0°11' from the angle.
His May 28 Ennead has Saturn 0°24' form square MC, near Dc (could have shown "death of wife" regardless, but...) and transiting Sun conjunct natal Mars 0°35' in the upper foreground. His June 7 Decilium has Pluto at MC (which could fit numerous things happening to him that week)and Moon conjunct his Mars (which really only fits one thing happening to him that week).
t Uranus op. r Mercury 0°18' is his only transit. Obviously, this needs something beyond simple transits, though I'd have expected at least some impulsivity signals.
His SSR is consistent with the event, though not with tight angularities.
His SNQ2 has transiting Saturn square MC. This could easily fit the event, though equally could simply be receiving the news of her murder (plus the other collateral problems) if he did't do it. Similarly, his SQ at least showed a shocking, separative event, probably connected with "intimate other," since SQ Descendant was within a degree of transiting Pluto and SQ IC conjoined transiting Moon. His birth time is probably pretty good but, in case it's a few minutes off, I should mention that transiting Mars was about 2° from SQ EP (rather than the expected 1°). PSSR (mean rate, which seems to be performing better) does have Ascendant partile square transiting Mars.
But it's his Sidereal :Lunar Return that has always seemed to me to be the most "telling" chart:
t Mars 1°49' past Asc
t Jupiter 1°58' past Dsc
t Uranus 0°08' past MC
t Neptune 5°31' past MC
-- Mars-Jupiter op. 0°09' in mundo
-- Mars-Uranus sq. 1°41' in mundo
-- Jupiter-Uranus sq. 1°50' in mundo
Note that natal Saturn (1°23') and Pluto (1°46') square Ascendant, their midpoint 0°11' from the angle.
His May 28 Ennead has Saturn 0°24' form square MC, near Dc (could have shown "death of wife" regardless, but...) and transiting Sun conjunct natal Mars 0°35' in the upper foreground. His June 7 Decilium has Pluto at MC (which could fit numerous things happening to him that week)and Moon conjunct his Mars (which really only fits one thing happening to him that week).
Jim Eshelman