Donald Trump

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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:59 pm Radically left solely to get through the primary. Then they'll make a sharp turn to the center. Don't get too upset.

Ken posted about the next election? That's exciting. Thanks for mentioning.
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Donald Trump - maybe the birth certificate is wrong?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

the subject line doesn't give my opinion, but an opinion in widening circulation among astrologers. The time we use for Donald Trump (10:54 AM) comes from the birth certificate that he published himself. I've always found the exactly rising Mars totally descriptive, and various performance of the chart persuasive.

However, there is a time of 9:51 AM that was the basis of ublished astrology work decades ago, that is reported to have come directly from Trump's mother, and was allegedly given when Melania consulted a private astrologer. This would normally not out-rank a birth certificate,but would have to be taken seriously and investigated.

Some people have doubt that the birth certificate Trump himself published is false. I don't have information to contradict or corroborate that, but consider it reasonable that Trump would have falsified his birth certificate, especially if he consults astrologers. He is known to have falsified medical records, falsified academic records, and withheld tax records, so... why would it be unthinkable that he publish a false birth record?

Here is an article discussing this in more detail: ... TPStiDSn_Q

I'm posting it here for everyone's consideration. If true, it means (gulp) we can trust anything in Trump's chart except angles. :)

Notice that while the birth certificate source is rated AA, the "source from mother" is rightly rated A - still very high - except that, with both of these claims existing, Trump's data now officially becomes DD instead of AA, meaning that there are competing, contradictory possibilities.
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Re: Donald Trump - maybe the birth certificate is wrong?

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Time zone confusion? Having done that myself, it wouldn't be hard to do.

Haven't read the article yet, but off to do that now
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Nope. EDT for both.

BTW, he would still have a foreground Mars, just not very foreground. The big new thing in the chart is Pluto closely square MC. (It's an interesting possibility to consider.)
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Veronica »

I have often felt that certain types of people, with specific adgendas would lie about there birth data.
Knowing that others utilize it to get an upper hand, it would be a huge advantage to have a slight angle to fall back on.

He always felt like an angular pluto to me.
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Re: Donald Trump

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I'm not arguing for the alternate time, but I'm looking at it... and will mention anything remarkable I find.

For the 9:51 AM birthtime, the SLR before his (highly unlikely, unusual) inauguration occurred December 27, 2016, 5:43:20 PM EDT in Washington, DC, has this:

21°50' Sagittarius t Pluto
23°21' Gemini SLR Asc
23°28' Virgo r Jupiter
25°35' Pisces t Uranus
25°43' Virgo t Jupiter

His Demi-SLR January 10 had Asc square Venus (1°14') but also Saturn sq. MC 0°21' and tied closely into his luminaries.

For this birth time, his 2016 SSR not only had Moon conjunct natal Jupiter, it had the partile Moon-Jupiter conjunction on SSR IC! His SLR for election night was less obvious but boils down to the single most angular planet is natal Venus square SLR Asc 1°17'.

The most important thing about his secondary progressions is that they does not have the one aspect on which I most relied to predict his morbid defeat. Trump, for the usually accepted ("birth certificate") had, for Election Day, progressed Moon partile conjunct natal Saturn, both of them sesqui-square transiting Neptune. They alleged time from his mother, for about an hour earlier, has progressed Moon at 28°18' Gemini, in orb of neither natal Saturn nor transiting Neptune. -- For inauguration day, progressed Moon conjoins natal Venus 0°35' and progressed MC squares progressed Venus 0°09'.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Veronica »

Funny how an hour can actually rewrite a biography.
Makes him a totally different type of man with a totally different need then he had let on.
Wonder if Alex Jones told him to do that.
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Re: Donald Trump - maybe the birth certificate is wrong?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Another thing of interest about this time, which is getting attention just now: Transiting Uranus is exactly conjunct its Washington local Midheaven (11°17' Aries)!

On Friday, July 26, with transiting Uranus 13' from DC MC, transiting Mars exactly crossed the Ascendant. Its orb was about two days either side of Friday. Can anyone identify are squareley-hit Mars-Uranus impact event for him on or within two days of July 26 (last Friday)?

Something that I don't know if it's pro or con the chart: Melania's Sun is 12° Aries, near his MC natally and within 1° of it in Washington. Is this an argument for or against the chart? I really don't know. But, either way, she exercises control over him if this is his birth time, since she has a Sun-Saturn conjunction in Aries on his MC.

I don't think we need astrology to explain Hillary Clinton's antipathy toward Trump from long ago; but it's interesting that, for this birth time, her Mars, Saturn, and Pluto conjoin his Ascendant (with Mars-Pluto exact for his Washington Ascendant).

Marla Maples has Saturn exactly on Descendant of this chart. (There isn't much else between his chart and her untimed chart.) First wife Ivana had her Venus exactly on Descendant of this chart (which means that marriage-buster Maples put her Saturn on what, if this time is correct, was Trump and Ivana's best aspect, her Venus on his Descendant.)

He was forced to pay Ivana a $10 million divorce settlement on March 22, 1991. On that day, a Venus-Jupiter-Saturn T-square occurred at 10° Aries-Cancer-Capricorn with Jupiter-Saturn precisely on Trump's 9°54' Cancer Eastpoint, if this is his correct birth time.

How did Trump feel about hi father? I really don't know; but Fred died June 25, 1999. While Saturn and Uranus had been playing in the neighborhood of his angles, it's interesting that Venus transited 23° Cancer, conjunct Ascendant for this birth time.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Venus_Daily »

Looked at the chart. It's quite different. It doesn't put directed Saturn nearly close enough to natal Neptune to create a noticeable effect around election time. Directed Saturn isn't conjunct his natal Neptune within a 30-minute orb until March 20, 2021. If this chart is true, we're going to either get an impeachment around that time or a voluntary abdication.
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Re: Donald Trump

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If one trusts Solar Arcs to that extent.
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Re: Donald Trump

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I'm finishing my first monthly forecast that considers Trump's possible 9:51 AM birth time. (For a while, every month I will do two independent forecasts for him under "Trump Watch," one for each possible birth time.)

If his 9:51 AM time happens to be correct, he has two very serious overlapping aspects:

t Uranus conj. natal (Washington) MC June 14 to October 11
(and then again next spring)

t Saturn conj. SSR MC July 28 to November 7

These overlap July 28 to October 11.

Looking for other comparably strong contacts within this time, I find his progressed Moon-Sun conjunction is partile beginning September 4 (exact October 2).
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Regulus rising

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I always look for the way primary themes of presidents' terms sneak out from their horoscopes. W's Gemini Sun converges with his term being inescapably melded to pictures of Twin Towers. Obama's Cancer-Taurus luminaries matches the only president to have the word "care" near-identified with his administration.

But for MAGA-pumping Donald Trump, I'd overlooked the fact until a few minutes ago that he has Regulus a single minute of arc from his Ascendant and the Sanskrit name of Regulus is the homonymous MAGHA.
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Unplanned hospital visit

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Trump made an unplanned visit to Walter Read Hospital Sunday 11/16/19, arriving at 2:45 PM according to one source. It's significant because no presidential security and transportation protocols for routine were followed (prior notification of staff, mode of transportation, etc.) and the reason given for the visit (lab tests to get an early start on his annual physical for next year) could have been handled at the White House clinic.

I'll try to get back and do some stuff on this. We already know (see "Trump Watch" for this month) that he's under a horrible Demi-SLR and his stress levels have surely been through the roof.
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Re: Unplanned hospital visit

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No particular transits. The Demi-SLR, of course, is a big deal. We should check some quotidians for the day as the only thing that is so time-narrow.

SNQ: p Asc op. p Neptune (20'), anxiety, worry, stress reactions.

SQ nothing.

(estimated) Mean PSSR: p MC conj. r Pluto (18'), p Asc op. s Uranus (-40'), t Uranus (+51'). t Pluto -45- PSSR Moon (11'). [I should come back when I have time and do the longer calculations to check this math.]
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Judiciary Committee formally decides charges

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This morning (12/13/19) the House Judiciary Committee formally voted and approved two charges of impeachment against President Trump.

There will be many critical moments in this process (we've already had some). This morning's action is probably the second-most important in the whole series. The committee will now forward this recommendation to the entire House, which will debate it then vote on it next week. It will be the conclusion of that full House vote that will mark the moment he is impeached - that's the astrological timing that should prove most interesting.

Ongoing mundane patterns for Washington, transits and progressions to the U.S. chart for the nation, and personal patterns for Trump nonetheless point to this current week as one of high impact. As Jupe said a couple of days ago, this is surely wearing on and cutting into Trump hard.

The committee convened at 10:00 AM this morning and New York Times broke the news of the completed vote at 10:13 AM (Eastern). The vote was probably a few minutes before. For effect on Trump, the point of the news breaking is probably the most significant. Transits at that time were few but interesting:

t Saturn sq. r Jupiter 0°50' sep.
t Sun conj. r Moon 0°56' ap.
t Moon conj. r Mercury 0°57' ap.
event MC op. Trump's MC to the degree

Transits to his SSR included the following. Note that his SSR has a 03' Venus-Pluto sesqui-square and today had a 0°01' Venus-Pluto conjunction. They are connected.

t Pluto conj. s Pluto 0°46' ap.
-- t Venus conj. s Pluto 0°47' ap.
t Pluto sqq. s Venus 0°49' ap.
-- t Venus sqq. s Venus 0°50' ap.
t Uranus sqq. s Jupiter 0°49' sep.
t Saturn conj. s Saturn 0°23' sep.
-- t Saturn op. s Mars 0°05' ap.
t Sun sqq. s Uranus 0°58' sep.

The event chart itself is interesting with a 0°01' Venus-Pluto conjunction partile semi-square Mercury. Jupiter trines Uranus 0°23'. The vote itself probably occurred while Uranus was exactly squaring Ascendant.
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Re: Judiciary Committee formally decides charges

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This is an interesting case of the Progressed Sidereal Natus (PSN) technique, which I still check occasionally. This (everyone has surely forgotten) is a progression based on the idea that the PSSR is valid and progresses continuously and without interruption from birth through life, so it's about 26% faster than secondary progressions. What follows is from the approximation method and probably has the planet positions about half an hour too-late in calculation - but close enough to spot check.

For today's event:

27°04' Leo p Mercury
27°13' Scorpio r Moon
27°16' Leo p Sun
27°44' Taurus p Uranus

29°20' Virgo p Mars
29°50' Gemini r Saturn
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Re: Judiciary Committee formally decides charges

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Tertiaries are interesting for this also:

8°12' Aquarius p Sun
8°49' Leo p Saturn

His current (November 26) Ennead is quite protective, with Venus-Jupiter on EP. However, his current Decillium has:

16°03' Cancer r Pluto
16°18' Libra t Mars
16°20' Libra Asc

His November 20 Kinetic Lunar Return most pointedly has natal and progressed Pluto at Midheaven, squared by transiting Mercury. Also Uranus setting square progressed Saturn on Zenith. His December 3 Demi-KLR is very protective, though, with transiting Jupiter at MC. His upcoming December 17 KLR has transiting Sun at MC as its main feature.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

I hear Venus-Pluto in Mitch Mcconnel's words about running Senate impeachment trial "in total coordination with the White House counsel's office and the people who are representing the president."
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Re: Donald Trump

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I just noticed something that I'd entirely missed until now and, to my greater surprise, I haven't seen anyone else in the larger astrological communities mention.

The Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which is exact January 12 at 27°46' Sagittarius, is almost partile conjunct Trump's natl Vertex at 28°55' Sagittarius. (I'm surprised the Tropical astrology community hasn't been making a big deal about this especially since - when you add back the 1°01' of precession since Trump's birth, the conjunction in the Tropical zodiac is only 0°08' wide.)

I doubt this has an immediate effect because it isn't really partile; but, within a few days, both Saturn and Pluto then move within partile orb of the Vertex.

I've never gotten a solid feel on how much I should rely on transits to Vertex. They seem way too unreliable to count on but just interesting enough to ignore completely.

I thought I should at least mention it.
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Re: Donald Trump

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The Senate's vote on removal from office is scheduled for February 5, 2020, 4 PM, in the Capitol Building. Trump's transits at that time are:

t Uranus oct. r Uranus 0°59' ap.
t Saturn op. r Saturn 0°45' sep.
t Mars conj. r Moon 0°30' sep.
t Mercury oct, r Jupiter 0°08' sep.

His Demi-Lunar occurs almost a day earlier.
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Re: Donald Trump

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Many of us have fantasies not only of Trump losing in November but of his being handcuffed and led away the moment he is no longer president - since he'll no longer be deemed exempt from criminal prosecution of things he's already been shown to be guilty of.

So, looking at his transits for the moment his administration ends, does this look like the aspects of a man suddenly under siege and possibly under arrest? (Just working out a fantasy at the moment.) The orbs or mind-blowing.

t Pluto op. r Saturn 0°01'
t Neptune sq. r Uranus 0°00'
-- t Saturn sqq. r Uranus 0°00'
t Uranus sqq. r Moon 0°30'
-- t Jupiter ssq. r Moon 0°08'
-- t Mars sqq. r Moon 0°35'

The Jupiter transit is the only positive aspect. Some of the rest are crumpling and the orbs are excruciating.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Many of us have fantasies not only of Trump losing in November but of his being handcuffed and led away the moment he is no longer president - since he'll no longer be deemed exempt from criminal prosecution of things he's already been shown to be guilty of.
When either a Socialist (Bernie) or a Gay (Pete) wins the Prez, they want have to handcuff Trump, he will die naturally of a heart attack. :twisted:
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Re: Donald Trump

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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

If any astrologer out there sees any prominent benefic symbolism for Trump with 2020 Election, I would be highly interested in their sight!
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Re: Donald Trump

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SteveS wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 7:02 am If any astrologer out there sees any prominent benefic symbolism for Trump with 2020 Election, I would be highly interested in their sight!
Though I think it is overweighted by other things, you did say any prominent benefic symbolism, so...

On inauguration day, Jupiter-Uranus transits his natal Moon exactly. (However, they are with Mars.)
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
On inauguration day, Jupiter-Uranus transits his natal Moon exactly. (However, they are with Mars.)
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 7:32 am :?:

t Uranus sqq. r Moon 0°30'
-- t Jupiter ssq. r Moon 0°08'
-- t Mars sqq. r Moon 0°35'
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

Got it. Thanks
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

Trump's Natal Venus is 01,45 Cancer. Transiting Jupiter has just transited 00,00 Capricorn entering opposition phase to Trump's Natal Venus (a benefic influence). May 15th transiting Jupiter is Stationed at 02,13 Capricorn, partile 180 his Natal Venus. Lets see if Trump gets some kind good news pertaining to this Pandemic between now and May 15th.
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Re: Donald Trump

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According to this NBC news article (link below), Trump's 2020 SSR occurred at Bedminster, New Jersey
President Donald Trump spent his 74th birthday Sunday at his Bedminster golf club before returning to Washington on in the early evening.
Trump’s Marine One helicopter landed at Morristown Airport from Bedminster at 5:28 p.m. and he quickly boarded Air Force One after giving a fist pump from the top of the steps, according to White House pool reports. He arrived at the White House at 6:43 p.m.
Since he has been president, Trump has been spending weekends at Bedminster during the warmer months and at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, during the colder months. He now has spent 94 days at Bedminster during his presidency, behind only the 133 days he spent at Mar-a-Lago, according to NBC News. ... ngton.html
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Re: Donald Trump

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In 2016 I predicted on this forum Trump would win Prez mainly because his 2016 SSR Moon partile conjunct his Natal Jupiter, Bradley's # 1 aspect combo (SSR Moon-Jupiter aspects with solar & natal planets) indicator for winning elections. That reflects the amount of my respect and faith in Bradley's astrological work.

In 2020 Trump has a partile conjunction of Mars-Neptune which tightly/partile 90 his Natal Moon (Full Moon), an important aspect which is locked-in for his entire 2020 solar year. Combine this SSR Mars-Neptune 90 Natal Moon theme with his main angular Uranus theme (change) in his 2020 SSR, I predict Trump will not win a second term, but I will not wager on this 2020 election like I wagered on the 2016 Prez election, because I see important benefic contradictory symbolism with Trump's Solar Arcs for 2020 election, and I have a lot of respect and faith in the predictive system of Solar Arcs. For today, Vegas has Biden a -145 favorite to win Prez.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

FiveThirtyEight has started publishing their daily tallies of polls state by state, which is useful since the "Presidential Election" is really 52 different elections.

I wonder if, instead of trying to predict how each candidate will do nationally, it would be more useful to predict it state by state? Perhaps using a mundane map, or relocating the candidate's natal and solunars to the capital of that state, or even to the largest population center in that state, where they aren't the same.

Relocating a chart in Solar Fire isn't hard, but 52 times for each chart is a bit daunting. Maybe start with the mundane maps to see where the benefics and malefics cross the map. If Biden had Venus crossing Florida while Trump had Saturn, that might say something useful.
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Re: Donald Trump

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8-) :idea:
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Re: Donald Trump

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I tried local prediction in the past, occasionally gotten an interesting result like predicting who would win Ohio because of Venus ine on the solar return passing through the state. Still, that might have been coincidence.

At best, I think it would only be useful in Tipping Point states. I don't think these local factors are strong enough to move solidly blue or solidly red states. I mean, Trump could have Jupiter on the mid-heaven of a solar return in Los Angeles and square Asc in San Francisco and he still wouldn't win California. Mostly, I think we need to concentrate on where each candidate is at the time the results comein.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

At this same time in 2016 for Prez Election, Trump was riding a high wave of benefic emotion by winning Rep nomination with tremendous momentum. Trump has no momentum in this election cycle, and if Covid-19 keeps his supporters away from his campaign rallies with low turnouts he will feel and get no momentum.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

And if Covid-19 doesn't keep his supporters away from his rallies, there's going to be a lot more Covid-19 in their immediate vicinities. The current rise in cases is exactly within the time period predicted for Memorial Day parties.
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Re: Donald Trump

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Covid-19 did help keep people away from his ralley. I'm still betting on him having a second term, but also I believe he may leagalize marijuana (as a last executive order whenever that may be, and perhaps there is a way to predict this {looking at charts of when states leagalized it??}).
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

If he doesn't win a second term this year, he'll run again in 2024, or one of his sons will. It's too lucrative a scam for them not to. With that in mind, I doubt very much he'll legalize marijuana.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Biden is actually less pro weed than Trump. I just hope that you all really don't think he is a scam. Not to seperate but I am and always will stand with my native brothers and sisters and the whole Constitution is {bonked} from our point of view. Im not sure if I find it sad or ironic that "adult members" of today's American society even let a two party system exist, and even sadder is most actually look at the whole situation instead of half of it.

Diseases and foreign Invaders... sorry but lmfao. I think it all went wrong when an aff and an elephant walked into a room in a land where asses and elephants don't even come from...
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Re: Donald Trump

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I don't think legal weed is an issue that will have any consequences at all in this election. More states are legalizing it on their own, enforcement is negligible nearly every other place, and people have gigantic other things to think about.

I can see that, if the issue has sorted itself out in the mean time, it might be a bigger issue in 2024.
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Re: Donald Trump

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I agree with the time frame your suggesting Jim.
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Re: Donald Trump

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Has anyone looked at Trump's lunar returns through July? He's getting slammed hard in July! While currently under a full SLR that is mostly Neptune-driven, here are the breakdowns of his July 17 Demi-SLR and July 30 SLR. (The latter leads into a month when the nation as a whole gets some very bad news.) - I've trimmed away the widest factors to make this easier to read.

t Sun on Dsc -5°40'
r Saturn on Dsc -5°09'
t Pluto on Asc -5°07'
t Jupiter on Asc -3°18'
r Jupiter sq. Asc -0°51'
r Pluto sq. MC -0°15'
t Uranus on IC +0°32'

r Mercury on Dsc +4°13'

-- t Pluto op. r Saturn 0°02' in mundo
-- t Saturn op. r Venus 0°05' in mundo
-- t Sun op. r Saturn 0°31' in munndo
-- t Sun-Pluto op. 0°33' in mundo
-- t Uranus sq. r Pluto 0°43'
-- t Sun conj. r Venus 0°56'

-- t Jupiter-Pluto conj. 1°49'
-- t Jupiter op. r Saturn 1°51' in mundo
-- r Venus-Saturn conj. 1°55'
-- t Sun-Saturn 2°09' in mundo
-- t Sun-Jupiter op. 2°23' in mundo
-- t Saturn op. r Saturn 2°40' in mundo
-- t Saturn-Pluto conj. 2°42' in mundo
-- t Pluto op. r Venus 2°47' in mundo
-- t Jupiter-Saturn conj. 2°59'

r Mercury on Dsc -5°52'
r Saturn on WP -1°27'
t Saturn sq. MC -0°34'
t Pluto on EP -0°03'
r Venus sq. MC +0°34'

t Mercury on WP +2°54'

-- t Saturn-Pluto sq. 2°19' in mundo
-- t Mercury-Pluto op. 2°48' in mundo
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Moon-Jupiter in Trump's 2020 SSR?

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In a recent article, Ken Bowser mentioned that Trump's 2020 SSR has an exact Moon-Jupiter mundane aspect.

Now, when I say "mundane aspect," I mean an aspect in the mundoscope - one in Prime Vertical longitude. But when Ken says "mundane aspect," he means a paran - including what (in Interpreting Solar Returns) I called a "potential paran."

Explanation for those not familiar with the distinction: I consider an actual paran to mean that the two planets are (right now!) on angles concurrently. By potential paran, I mean that the planets are so situated that, when one comes to a certain angle, the other one will be there as well. They aren't currently on an angle together - but they will be.

Over the years, I've grown quite disenchanted with using potential parans as aspects. I strongly support thinking actual parans are a big deal - two planets exactly angular together while forming an exact mundane aspect (meaning: mundoscope conjunction, opposition, or square). But I've moved away from the older idea that potential parans are, themselves, current aspects. (I could be wrong. I just wanted to make sure the reader understood what I'm saying.)

Ecliptically, Trump's SSR shows very strong affliction to his natal Moon by ecliptical aspect: Only one of the following aspects is partile, but the whole middleground picture is severe:

25°55' Aqu - s Neptune
26°33' Aqu - s Mars
27°13' Sco - r Moon

28°56' Tau - r Sun

However, his SSR Moon is unaspected ecliptically, unless you count the sextile to Venus. There is potentially a hidden aspect, though, since SSR Moon crosses MC when the RAMC is 9°45' and SSR Jupiter sets when RAMC is 9°33'. That is, they have a 0°12' potential paran which, if these are valid aspects, is a quite potent positive indicator for the year, the kind of aspect under which (for example) candidates win elections!

(Ken didn't predict Trump winning the election. He just mentioned the aspect for other purposes.)

I don't think it's there as a valid aspect except when it actually comes to the angles. When will this be? Trump's SSR Moon is near the 8th cusp, so it won't rotate to MC until late in the birthday year, in early May 17, 2021. Both of these are too late to affect the presidential election or inauguration.

BTW, the other potential parans in Trump's SSR for the latitude of Washington are: Mars conjunct Neptune on Descendant (but not partile on other angles); and Venus setting within a degree of Neptune (one side) or Mars (on the other side) being on IC.

The Mars-Neptune conjunction comes to SQ Descendant July 28 - later this month - with a strange mix of other planets angular including transiting Venus, though mostly the Mars-Neptune crossing is insidious and threatening. (Presidents tend to die under that aspect, or suffer similarly noxious effects.) - By the PSSR rate, it's a little earlier, July 19.

The Mars and Neptune parans to setting Venus occur October 31 - three days before the election! This seems noxious, especially because the SSR Mars-Neptune on IC is partile square natal Moon. He has an unusually positive Demi-SLR a couple of days later, but this SQ crossing October 31 seems to express serious vulnerabilities within a day or so either side. (It is four years to the week after the Inside Hollywood "grab'em" scandal and has appropriate symbolism.) - By the PSSR rate, it occurs October 2., but the focus seems to be on the October 31 date.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

Last night, after a couple of minutes shuffling the Tarot, I asked the Tarot to describe to me the meaning of the 2020 Libsolar with the Uranus-Pluto Paran, only pertaining to 2020 Prez Election, and then again only for Trump. Both frigging times I only selected one Tarot Card and it was the Tower Card!!! :shock: Picture of Tower Tarot in link below. ... EReH8twRsM
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

Whole Deck of 78 Cards!
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Presuming proper shuffling etc., that's about one chance in 6,000.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Things turn really bad at the end of July. I just finished the first solid draft of the new month's forecast. At the end of July, Trump is hit really hard with new circumstances, but it isn't just him. (It's large enough to impact him, but not just about him personally.) His terrible July 30 SLR overlaps the August 2 Caplunar. Saturn begins to conjoin U.S. progressed Moon July 28.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Presuming proper shuffling etc., that's about one chance in 6,000.

Being a poker player since 15 with large hands, believe me—it was proper shuffling—both times. :)

Danica wrote:
well then, point certainly taken  ... we'll see what it means!
Yep. And with a Moon- Mercury-Uranus on/near the Libsolar Horizon, high % it will be unexpected (Uranus) news (Mercury) provided its tied directly in to the election itself. Lets see what Vegas thinks with the betting odds on election day.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

I should also add I ask the Tarot to describe Joe Biden for election 2020. The Tarot Card for Biden was Strength. Contrasting Strength (Joe Biden) with Tower (Trump), I can only draw one conclusion: Biden wins with much Strength backed by a majority in House and Senate, toppling Trump & Republican's Tower.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

The Cook Report says it's their opinion the upcoming election will not be a Blue Wave, but a Tsunami. The question now is whether there will be 54 Democratic votes in the Senate or 59.
They're also saying Biden right now would have enough electoral college votes to win. 188 solid, 30 likely and 61 leaning, adding up to 279. It's 270 to win.
AZ, FL, NC and GA are all toss-ups.
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