Future Capsolars

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Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Here are breakdowns of the next several years of Capsolars for Washington, DC.

Moon Mercury Mars Saturn (Jupiter Uranus). Mo/Me Moon-Mars-Uranus Mercury-Jupiter Mars-Saturn Mars-Jupiter-Uranus Jupiter-Saturn.
Mars on MC (0°29')
Saturn sq. MC (0°18')
-- Mars-Saturn sq. (0°34')
Mercury on Dsc (2°49')
Moon on Dsc (2°56')
-- Mo/Me on Dsc (0°04')
Uranus on MC (4°06', stationary)
-- Moon-Uranus sq. (1°10' in mundo)
-- Moon-Mars sq. (2°27' in mundo)
-- Mars-Uranus conj. (2°55')
Jupiter on Dsc (6°33')
-- Jupiter-Uranus sq. (0°42')
-- Mars-Jupiter sq. (2°13')
-- Jupiter-Saturn conj. (2°33' in mundo)
-- Mercury-Jupiter conj. (3°44' in mundo)

Pluto (Sun Mercury). Moon-Mars Moon-Neptune Su/Me Sun-Pluto.
Sun-Pluto conj. (1°21')
-- Pluto sq. Asc (1°29')
-- Sun on IC (7°31')
Mercury on IC (8°00', stationary)

-- Su/Me on IC (0°15')
Moon-Mars op. (1°36')
Moon-Neptune sq. (2°05' in mundo)
-- Mars-Neptune sq. (0°05' in mundo)

Moon-Pluto sq. (1°50')

Jupiter (Uranus). Moon-Venus Moon-Neptune.
Jupiter sq. MC (0°20')
Uranus on Asc (4°25')
Moon-Neptune conj. (0°15' in mundo)
Moon-Venus (2°54')

Moon (Uranus).
Moon on EP (0°35')
Uranus sq. Asc (2°28')
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/ ... li=BBnb4R7
The above link is a written interview with Jim Rogers, who has an outstanding historical record when it comes to predicting/timing major market ‘things,’ I consider Jim Rogers a true market guru when it comes to timing major market issues for the future. Rogers rarely speaks, but when he does I have never seen him wrong with his rare long-term future market predictions, but there is always a first time he could be wrong. He is predicting major market trouble for US late this year (2017) or next year (2018). If Jim Rogers is right, then the very tight Moon-Mercury-Saturn conjunction in the 2018 Capsolar could very well be symbolizing what Jim Rogers is predicting. Transiting Saturn will exact cnj 2018 Capsolar Moon-Mercury 3 separate times in 2018, In other words, t. Saturn will be staying in a tight degree zone for all of 2018. 2018 Capsolar is non-dormant with tight angular Sun-Uranus-Pluto symbolism, a volatile outer planet combo. Since we don’t see any angular Neptune in the 4 Solar Ingresses in 2018, I am not expecting long term Neptune panic-type situations in the markets, with Roger’s possible market crash situation, but I have not looked at the US Lunar ingresses for a possible quick one month market type panic, with a quick rebound with major FED intervention, in other words, another major bailout for the elite institutions.
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Re: Future Capsolars

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Keep us posted.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Arena »

Looks like 2018 and 2021 might be heavy for you in the US.
2018, Pluto&Uranus on angles suggest an uprising and protest and some major changes. The Sun-Uranus square suggest you may change your president (maybe this is wishful thinking on my behalf :) )

2021, Mars&Saturn tight angularity looks ugly.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Arena wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:14 pm Looks like 2018 and 2021 might be heavy for you in the US.
2018, Pluto&Uranus on angles suggest an uprising and protest and some major changes.
LOL, that wouldn't be anything new. That's the main thing we've had for the last two or three years. :)

Yeah, some of this looks ugly.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Arena »

Steve, I would say also look at just the simple position and movement of Saturn into Sagittarius soon.

IF we would just look at the world as a whole, and not focus on the US (it is not the navel of the universe :)
we would note that Saturn is about to enter Sagi and that may mean limitations in money and lending practices (imo), so lack in supply of money can lead to devastating effects for big business and small.

If I were to have a purely astrological look at the possible meaning of the planets movements in coming years, I would say Saturn in Sagi and Jupiter in Saturn's exaltation degree around Christmas time this year will be showing us the first signs of weakness. When Jupiter hits that degree again in retro motion, we will again see signs of weakness. I think that when Saturn moves closer up to Pluto in late 2019, we will see the most devastating effects for the economy. But when Saturn moves on into Capri and out of orb of Pluto as well as Jupiter coming in on Pluto we will for a while think things get better, so already in spring 2020.... but as Jupiter moves into Capri and conjuncts Saturn and both Jupiter and Saturn will move by Jupiter's degree of fall, things are going to be bad and won't be better until Jupiter has moved out of Capri. So not until spring 2021 will things actually get better for real.

In short, it will be bad while Saturn travels through Sagi and Capri and Jupiter through Capri...
The worst times ahead will be when:
Saturn conjuncts Pluto
Saturn and Jupiter conjunct and also when they pass by Jup degree of fall.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Arena »

Thanks Steve. Yes, the market cycles and all of us that know how the financial system works, we know that people did not really learn from the last crash - not enough to prevent another one.
On that site investing.com I found another article about a big bank in Spain that has just almost fallen - they saved face at the last minute.
https://www.investing.com/analysis/the- ... -200194732
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
On that site investing.com I found another article about a big bank in Spain that has just almost fallen - they saved face at the last minute.
Yes, many of the world's financial systems are a 'House of Cards.'
Negative yields could not exist in a free market. They’re only possible in the current “Alice in Wonderland” economy created by central bankers.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

I wrote:
Since we don’t see any angular Neptune in the 4 Solar Ingresses in 2018, I am not expecting long term Neptune panic-type situations in the markets, with Roger’s (see above) possible market crash situation…
The only possible ingress I see which could time a possible major financial panic in the US leading to severe economic conditions-- is the 2020 DC Cansolar. Jim’s SMA work has proven non-dormant Mars-Neptune symbolism is to be feared under certain market situations. But, the structure of the Mars-Neptune symbolism in the 2020 Cansolar is somewhat different than all the other Cansolars with non-dormant angular Mars-Neptune symbolism which timed major financial panics. The 2020 Cansolar features a dormant foreground Mars/Neptune=Asc midpoint structure. Fagan & Firebrace in their book ‘Primer of Sidereal Astrology’ included this type midpoint structure as a valid part of Sidereal Astrology. When considering Jim Roger’s above analysis—that the worst economic depression in our lifetime is going to start to unfold in 2018 is very difficult for me to accept without seeing major SMA Neptune symbolism. But there is always a ‘first’ for anything when dealing with major Uranus-Pluto symbolism such as we see in the 2018 DC Capsolar. Again, the tight Moon-Mercury-Saturn cnj in the 2018 Capsolar, economically, worries the heck out of me when closely looking at Saturn’s transit motion in 2018. I am closely looking for major internal technical signs in the Dow that offers probabilities for a major top in 2017. So far, I see no major technical signs of a major top, but if a major war was to develop, we will definitely, at least, see a major correction occur in the Dow.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, I agree that key things we've consistently seen in the past just aren't showing up for a few years, so I tend to think there is not a seismic-level correction afoot.

But that 2018 Capsolar is harsh - not just for the U.S. (where there is a lot of "shake-up" symbolism), but for the world. that Moon-Mercury-Saturn triple conjunction is intimidating, when you contrast it to the number of years of real economic recovery under repeated Moon-Jupiter aspects during the Obama administration. I see no reason to think that Moon-Saturn in a Capsolar wouldn't be as overall-bad as Moon-Jupiter was overall-good. (For DC, it's partile in mundo.)

Instead of a mega-correction, perhaps the more moderate phrase is, "hurting bad" for the economy. Certainly things like slowed productivity, slowed expansion, y'think? Given Saturn in Sagittarius, which seems to exacerbate stratified income inequity, the scenario forming in my head reflects situations that impact low-income sectors hard, while providing "demand" conditions that high-income sectors can leverage to their advantage (new leveraged bubbles). There will be a new Fed chair soon, and pointers are that it will be somebody who will reverse course of the Fed's historic path.

Does this sound r ight?
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
There will be a new Fed chair soon, and pointers are that it will be somebody who will reverse course of the Fed's historic path.
A huge factor!! When this happens, we will need to pay close attention to how the Dow reacts, and normally the markets will react to a major Fed shift. Also, there is one factor Jim Rogers is not considering and that is a major war. Roger's does not see/understand what we astrologers see/understand with Trump's natal Mars/Asc relocating to DC. But, for now, as you have pointed--out--no major Mars symbolism in future ingresses, so this appears to be Trump's natal Mars manifesting with his domestic DC problems.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Arena »

Jim, could you break a few years down for Britain as well?
I think we did check in the Brexit thread, but would be good to get this kind of breakdown, specially since we know that Brexit will happen within 2 yrs ...so does Britain have similar symbolism in 2020? Or before that time?
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Arena wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2017 2:17 pm Jim, could you break a few years down for Britain as well?
...does Britain have similar symbolism in 2020? Or before that time?
Here you go: http://solunars.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1543
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

I look for great revolutionary changes with the Uranus-Pluto Paran in DC’s 2020 Libsolar. This Libsolar is loaded with partile aspects. Jim, with your mundane expertise for reading SMA charts, I would appreciate your thoughts about this Libsolar, particularly since this Libsolar sets-up for a Prez Election.
2020 DC Libsolar:
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:45 am I look for great revolutionary changes with the Uranus-Pluto Paran in DC’s 2020 Libsolar. This Libsolar is loaded with partile aspects. Jim, with your mundane expertise for reading SMA charts, I would appreciate your thoughts about this Libsolar, particularly since this Libsolar sets-up for a Prez Election.
Here' a full breakdown of the 2020 Libsolar, which has every planet foreground except Venus and Neptune, but with particular attention on Uranus, Pluto, Sun, and Mercury, with particular focus on a Mercury-Uranus-Pluto mundane T-square.

Uranus on Asc (1°03')
Pluto on MC (1°07')
-- Uranus-Pluto sq. (0°05')
Mercury on Dsc (1°19')
-- Mercury-Uranus op. (1°25')
-- Mercury-Pluto sq. (2°27' in mundo)
Sun on WP (0°46')
-- Sun-Pluto sq. (2°30')
Moon on Dsc (4°45')
Jupiter on MC (5°44')
Mars on Asc (6°51')

-- Sun-Mars op. (0°09' in mundo)
-- Sun-Jupiter sq. (0°58' in mundo)
-- Mars-Jupiter sq. (0°31')
-- Mars-Pluto sq. (2°42')
-- Jupiter-Pluto conj. (3°19')
Saturn on MC (6°58')
-- Sun-Saturn sq. (0°36')
-- Saturn-Pluto conj. (3°06')
Moon-Mercury conj. (0°42')
Moon-Saturn sq. (2°12' in mundo)
Moon-Uranus op. (2°07')

It' a complex map, which, however, falls into a few basic patterns. At a glance, it is as terrifying as the 2016 Libsolar except, this time, the focus is so much more clearly on the election itself. The 2016 spoke of direct, destructive assaults on our nation wit attempts to derail and overthrow it, and also did have enough indication of hacking that it allowed me to predict hacking assaults at the end. This 2020 one, though, is far more pointed at the presidency itself, and is no less disruptive, unpredictable, and uprooting than 2016. If I were to be too extreme, I'd say that this chart marks the death of the U.S. presidency.

That's probably too extreme, but it paints the right tone. Also, I'm looking at this out of the context of all the other charts. I won't really do this analysis until late September 2020, so anything I write here now is a spot check. There is definitely technological intervention, and definitely disclosures, revelations, upsetting information.

Let's simplify the above list and organize by themes and relative orbs:

Moon-Saturn + Moon-Uranus

Uranus-Pluto sq. (0°05')
Sun-Mars op. (0°09' in mundo)
Mars-Jupiter sq. (0°31')
Sun-Saturn sq. (0°36')
Moon-Mercury conj. (0°42')
Sun-Jupiter sq. (0°58' in mundo)
Uranus on Asc (1°03')
Pluto on MC (1°07')
Mercury on Dsc (1°19')
Mercury-Uranus op. (1°25')
Sun on WP (0°46')
Moon-Uranus op. (2°07')
Moon-Saturn sq. (2°12' in mundo)
Mercury-Pluto sq. (2°27' in mundo)
Sun-Pluto sq. (2°30')
Mars-Pluto sq. (2°42')
Saturn-Pluto conj. (3°06')
Jupiter-Pluto conj. (3°19')

You can see the main themes for yourself. With the sort (and this is a simplification!) the very closest factors are the Uranus-Pluto and Sun-Mars-Jupiter aspects, and Sun-Saturn. This can be an assault on so many levels I won't try enumerating them, but none of it is good for us.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
This can be an assault on so many levels I won't try enumerating them, but none of it is good for us.
I clearly understand Jim. Great analysis and most interesting!
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

Jim, take a look at the following short link:

https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets ... li=BBnbfcN

This link becomes most interesting to me with a low level former financial background when we focus in on the following quoted words from this link:
Bespoke said in the last three recessions, the first inversion — between the 3-year and the 5-year came an average 26.3 months before the start of a recession, with a range between 17 and 38 months.
If we extend out to “the average of 26.3 months” from now, this puts us in that most malefic 2021 DC Capsolar. :(
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Yes, I've been watching those rates since spring (on and off) and new the inversion was likely going to occur by the end of the year. Long-term confidence is down, meaning long-term investment is down, meaning trouble. I'd say this can hit anytime between now and the next three years and - thanks - I hadn't stopped to think that it meant 2021.

Meanwhile, President Trump is having his own "rate inversion" right about now, and that will be terribly interesting to watch in its own right. Apparently Flynn was enormously helpful to Mueller in laying out his whole investigative campaign. I have long thought that Flynn is the biggest threat to Pence. (Pence testified to Congress that he did not know of Flynn's contact with Russians until it broke open in the news. I think there is a significant chance that this is a lie, that he knew before inauguration during the transition period. If I'm right about that, then Flynn is the one other person who knows for sure. If Pence is removed first, then things get really interesting.)

Meanwhile back at the stock market: Conveniently for the White House, yesterday's 3% drop won't be repeated today. The market is closed for a proclaimed national day of mourning. But Thursday will be really interesting to watch at the opening gun.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
If Pence is removed first, then things get really interesting.)

Jim wrote:
But Thursday will be really interesting to watch at the opening gun.
Technically speaking, the market has been locked in a broad 3000 pt sideways trading range. If the market is getting ready to go into Bear Mode, it will need to first close below the low of this broad trading range (I think 23,500) on the weekly charts and then close below the same low on the monthly charts. The top of this broad trading range began on Trump's State of the Union Jan 2018, telling America how great things were economically, a classic sign for at least an important intermediary top, but could turn into a major top with very long term economic downer signs.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

Each time since 1960 that the yield spread went negative we were in a recession approximately 12 months later.
The above due solely by Fed Policy!!!! To help understand the above statement, read below link:

http://journal.firsttuesday.us/using-th ... ries/2933/

We are not yet to a negative yield spread. I am trying to find a link which will constantly track the yield spread so we will know for sure when the spread goes negative. When it goes negative, by certain modern historical evidence with Fed action, we will be in recession 12 months later.

It should be understood, there are different kinds of recessions, the worst are the ones where market panics occur with Neptune related aspects in non-dormant Solar Ingresses close to the angles, or Moon-Neptune aspects in the Solar Ingresses, particularly with the Capsolar and Cansolar. This has been proven by Jim’s brilliant historical research with Mundane Sidereal Astrology involving major financial panics which destroys economic confidence psychologically with the people. It is somewhat interesting to me the above link is telling us with the trend of this bond yield spread we will be in recession sometime in 2020. Is there a Sidereal Solar Ingress in 2020 which hints of chances for a financial panic. By Jim’s written Sidereal Mundane Astrology (SMA) guidelines, I don’t see a non-dormant Solar Ingress in 2020 which offers a high chance of a financial panic. There is one which may have low probability of timing a financial panic, and that would be the 2020 Cansolar featuring a partile eclipto Midpoint Mars/Neptune=Asc, but again, this type eclipto midpoint has not proven itself in Jim’s SMA research to time financial panics.

IMO, most all high government officials including Fed officials elected by either party are idiots! Bernanke helped orchestrate the 2008 financial panic by his stupidly. He told America everything was good with a sound housing market which would keep the economy strong. Either he was lying or he was stupid. The same goes to all the other members who sit on the Fed Board.

What has me most worried economically is 2020 is very close to the 2021 Capsolar. I think Jim’s words best sums up the potential for DC’s 2021:
This can be an assault on so many levels I won't try enumerating them, but none of it is good for us.

I think I know this: If this ‘assault’ manifests economically then I think one of my main economic gurus (Jim Rogers) I have followed long term economic advice all my adult life will be right. He basically says the next major financial panic will not be corrected by Fed action. In other words: any bailout or corrected measures by the Fed will fail because of the 21 Trillion National Debt.

One big relief for my mind: I don’t see any major financial panic symbolism for the next 12 years with Jim’s SMA Solar Ingresses in DC, unless we get tricked- upped with the 2020 Cansolar eclipto midpoint of Mars/Neptune=Asc. There is another way us Siderealists with SMA can get tricked-upped, and that is if another major country manifests a major financial panic beginning a Domino effect globally. I am worried about China because they hold so much of our Bond Debt, but I don’t really have enough understanding about this relationship on a global scale in a knowing way. But we probably need to monitor Beijing’s Cap/Can Solars for financial panics. If they ever start to panic out of US Bonds it would definitely bleed heavily on US economic interest. And look at the game Trump is playing with the Trade Traffics with China. Everywhere I look politically involving US pertaining to sound economic policy, I see an increased amount of ‘dummbing down,’ but it probably can’t be helped just like our climate crises can’t be helped without making people stop burning fossil fuels, which would probably be at a huge economic expense to everyone.

If we survive the 2021 Capsolar we will be OK.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

Jim, for my own personal observation and possible learning with SMA with NYSE, I will closely watch market action when t. Uranus is partile cnj NY 2019 Capsolar IC at 05,12 Aries. Also the same for DC's 2019 Capsolar IC at 02,01 Aries.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

Jim writes from his book Sidereal Mundane Astrology about angular Sun:
Most often, Sun concentrates attention on a head of state, the government in general, or other
local ego-hubs of authority (e.g., “management”).
Specific categories where we observe substantial angular Sun activity include diverse events
(deaths, other crises, celebrations) centered on:
• Presidents, royalty, or other heads of state of political figureheads
• A cultural hero or leader with a standing resembling that of a head of state
Below is the link for the 2020 DC Capsolar, the Master Chart of the Year for the Nation for a major Prez election. Note angular Sun 2,10 cnj Capsolar MC eclipto and 4,14 Mundo. Also note Sun cnj Saturn with t. Saturn during the 2020 Capsolar Year partile cnj Capsolar Sun and Capsolar MC off/on throughout year. On Election night Nov 3 2020 t. Saturn is 1,22 Cap. Allowing the Sun in the 2020 Capsolar to primarily symbolize President Trump, this t Saturn action during 2020 does not bold well for Trump on a probability scale for his re-election, nor does it bold well for other members of high government officials in DC running for re-election.

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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Agree and disagree.

Definitely agree with the transit MC. But the Capsolar itself is dormant, so (as a stand-alone chart) I don't think it has any operation for the U.S. via Washington. No Moon aspects, no angularity close enough to lift from dormancy.

But it remains responsive to transits and progressions, and Saturn's transit to MC is within the 2° established orb. (It's within 1°.)

What is not within 1° is Saturn's transit to Capsolar Sun. That might not get Trump in the clear because Saturn at 1°22' Capricorn is within 1° of progressed Capsolar Sun at 0°49' Capricorn. I think this counts, but I'm not sure.

Consider, though, that if this Saturn transit to progressed Sun is not valid, then we have Saturn, but not to Sun, i.e., something horribly bad for the country but not specifically horribly bad for the president.

The worst day in this for those in power will be October 31 (give or take a day or two). That's when Saturn's conjunction with progressed Capsolar Sun crosses CapQ Ascendant for Washington. Something comes down at that time that probably does knock the legs out from under the current administration. So maybe I'm changing my mind and thinking they'll feel it.

The thing is, I've seen this (say with sports teams) where a quotidian crossing a few days before a game they have a bad Q but it isn't there on game day... and they win.

BTW, October 28 starts the tumble, I think, since transiting Pluto on Capsolar Saturn crosses CapQ Asc. (It could be a market tumble.)
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
BTW, October 28 starts the tumble, I think, since transiting Pluto on Capsolar Saturn crosses CapQ Asc. (It could be a market tumble.)
Agreed. Also, I want to monitor closely the exact eclipto cnj of Saturn-Pluto in early Jan 2020 for a possible major top in the market, which means the market will need to make new all time highs. I saw enough Gann evidence where he marked cnjs of the planets for tops in the markets which happened. If we see a new all time high top in 2020, we have seen enough market evidence where the big ‘tumble’s begin in the Autumn months.
Jim wrote:
Definitely agree with the transit MC. But the Capsolar itself is dormant, so (as a stand-alone chart) I don't think it has any operation for the U.S. via Washington. No Moon aspects, no angularity close enough to lift from dormancy.
I understand and a good point. If we allow the MC for the 2020 Capsolar with its Saturn transit to symbolize the election objectives for the ones in power, then it spells trouble for the present power structure for DC. If this MC symbolizes market trouble or some other major problem in Nation—it may save Trump, but over- all, I think this Capsolar is symbolizing DC change with Uranus near East Point. We really need an AA timed birth for the Dem Nominee to complete 2020 election analysis. Traditionally, its difficult to remove an incumbent for the Prez office in election years.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Yikes, I missed that Uranus on EP. Thanks. That makes all the difference in the world!

Now the otherwise dead chart looks quite alive:

Uranus on EP 1°24' (on Asc +6°29')
Mercury on MC -3°03'
Sun on MC +4°14'
Saturn on MC +7°59'
Pluto on MC 8°24'

Saturn-Pluto conj. 0°15'
Saturn-Uranus sq. 1°30' in mundo
Sun-Saturn conj. 1°53'
Uranus-Pluto sq. 1°55' in mundo
Sun-Pluto conj. 2°08'
Sun-Uranus sq. 2°15' in mundo
Sun-Mercury conj. 3°14'

This is quite consistent with a change in leadership or overthrow of those in power. Unless there is some outright tragedy, it makes this the primary theme of the year. While Saturn-Pluto can mean many things (especially square Uranus as it is for DC), everything is centered on that Sun.

Of course, Uranus and Pluto are always game-changers. Expect a lot of turn-overs.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

As I have posted before, the 2021 Capsolar is by far the most malefic Capsolar in the entire history of DC Capsolars, IMO! I hope it's not directly or indirectly related to the Corona Virus. From here on out, the NYSE will be my main guide for this matter.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Something to remember - a good generalization on viruses that is most often true - the higher the contagion level, the lower the fatality rate.

Viruses mutate rapidly, meaning they are highly adaptable to the condition with respect to their own survival and reproduction. In general, viruses that can only spread by having people walking around in a contagious state (think of the common cold) have to keep their hosts able to be up and around, mobile, interacting with other people, etc. so they can spread, Therefore, their symptom level will be low and their mortality level lower. - In contrast, something like malaria that can only be spread by blood transmission, and is reliant on mosquitos to carry it, will tend to immobilize its hosts - the virus gains nothing from your being up and about, and thrives better when you are immobile and too weak to swap mosquitos.

The mortality rate for Wuhan has been pretty much 2% on reported cases. It is likely, in reality, to be half that because people that are minimally symptomatic or have weak cases of it or have immune systems more resistant to it likely haven't been coming forward. (That's the usual pattern.) The smartest contagion experts I know are estimating that the number of infected people in the world is actually about double what has been reported (due to low-symptom people), meaning that the death rate is about half what we have seen so far.

A lot of people are getting infected, but a small percentage of the world's population; and only 1% of them are expected to die. Odds are improved in areas with quality medical care. For example, while everywhere else has about a 2% fatality rate, I yesterday saw that Iran has only 42 reported cases and 12 of them have died. (That's huge!) The gigantic difference has to be something distinctive to conditions in Iran including medical care available.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

Good points Jim. I am trying to get a handle on what is going on with the large factories around Wuhan, probably impossible. I hear all sorts of bad employee figures affecting full production of things. Its not the death figures of this Virus which concerns me---its what the absence sick employees from a production/economic standpoint or quarantines figures of the sick which is probably the greatest danger. All of this is very complicated from an economic standpoint, and that is why I will let Wall Street tell me the economic truth(s) of situations with this Virus. I have the upmost respect for the very malefic 2021 Capsolar as a possible barometer for possible future economic situations, and Wall Street has the best record I know of for predicting future economic growth. I am very suspicious of what I see/seen technically with charts for Wall Street. It appears the Dow will confirm a monthly reversal with very high volume---which historically has been a very reliable indicator for future market prices to the downside for months if not years. It will be most important to see if the Dow puts on a yearly reversal at the end of 2020 indicating more downward pressure for 2021.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

DC's 2021 Capsolar:

Jim wrote from another thread about the 1945 Capsolar for the development of the destructive force with the 1945 Atomic Bomb:
...this chart had great severities, especially a partile Mars-Saturn-Neptune T-square...
Although not a T-square, DC's 2021 Capsolar features this same 3 planet combo of "Mars-Saturn-Neptune" as the main 2021 Capsolar theme, with Mars partile cnj Capsolar MC, partile octile (45) Neptune, and Mars partile 90 Saturn. I expect very low probability for any Atomic Bomb events. BUT ONLY if we see a continuing escalation of the C-19 Virus in the US by the end of 2020, I would expect to see higher probabilities for greater 'severities' to manifest with this Virus in 2021. Since the mortality rate is low for this Virus, I would expect to see the main 'severities' manifest as economic ones pertaining to sickness and certain types of mandatory quarantines imposed with possible rapid outbreaks with this Virus. It is obvious the NYSE is now seeing into the future these same possible economic problems.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

I wrote in the last post pertaining to DC's 2021 Capsolar:
BUT ONLY if we see a continuing escalation of the Covid-19 Virus in the US by the end of 2020, I would expect to see higher probabilities for greater 'severities' to manifest with this Virus in 2021.
I think Michael Osterholm interviewed in the following link is speaking much truths about the C-19 Virus which our government officials are toning down. I think Mr. Osterholm sees certain truths about this Virus which has high probabilities manifesting in ALL the DC's Sidereal Mundane Astrology Ingresses in 2021, particularly DC's 2021 Capsolar, the Master Chart of the Year. I hope I am dead wrong!!!

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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

This man in the following link is no Sidereal Mundane Astrologer, but IMO, he understands what is soon to hit the USA fundamentally/economically in 2021 with the most malefic 2021 Capsolar in US history!
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

So, we're going to print money recklessly, and create a terrible economic situation, right at a time when racial tensions are high, and an authoritarian is in office? Frankly, I'm terrified.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Once Pluto gets into Capricorn, we have a dozen or so years marked by a libertarian kind of "everyone fending for themselves" rugged survivalism, if I read history correctly. This is a really sucky way to set up for that.

Mars enters Capricorn soon, joining Saturn. They are conjoined at 5° Capricorn not long after that, and even come to a quotidian angle in DC while conjunct. At best, it will be a really bad few days.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Cuomo, during a press conference early today, said he thought we were following the Italian model of disease spread, and it would peak in 45 days. So March 17 + 45 days = May 1st.

I'm looking at transits around April 1st.

Working out when this is going to peak in the US, and various other countries, seems like it would be a really good use of time. If it can be strongly shown, it'd be worth publicizing as well.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covi ... ountry=USA

(EDIT: BTW, the flat spots in the US line is just reporting issues, and the chart out of date already. We're at just over 6k cases in the US right now)

The first US death was March 5; the 100th was about 30 minutes ago. Assuming we continue the trajectory on par with Italy, Germany, France, we double the cumulative deaths every 2-3 days until you can flatten the curve. And at that rate, we pass the 50k fatality-mark (which constitutes a really bad flu year) somewhere in the first half of April. So, 2-4 weeks from now. Things get really shitty after that.

(Hence the need to practice social distancing, if it's not too late.)

But that's oversimplifying. It's going to affect dense population centers first, and harder. NYC is f'd.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

(If we don't flatten the curve before May 1, we'll pass 1 million dead in the US)
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Avshalom Binyamin wrote: Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:26 pm (If we don't flatten the curve before May 1, we'll pass 1 million dead in the US)
Perspective: That's still only one-third of 1%.
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

If this sub-discussion goes much further, it should be moved to a separate thread. It will be lost here and is no longer about multi-year presentation of future Capsolars.

As a quick answer, in the long-run I think next year's Capsolar is the worst in memory. The Arisolar (which is the chart for the next six months) is a Venus+Mars chart which I take as political passion (and possibly the kind of passion that leads shut-in people to produce a 2021 baby boom), but that doesn't look threatening. The Libsolar looks very threatening from many perspectives. Both of the latter are under our very difficult Capsolar and in the term of our three-year Saturn transit of Capricorn.

In the shorter run, I'm concerned about people's behavior once Mars enters Capricorn and especially about the Mars-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn April 2.

For the U.S., though, that isn't angular. While lunar ingresses all have Moon-Pluto close aspects for a couple of years, those change a lot, moving from Moon-Saturn-Pluto to Moon-Jupiter-Pluto in just a few weeks. The worst lunar ingresses for the U.S. for the next six months include the April 29 Canlunar (moderately bad), maybe the May 12 Caplunar, maybe the May 26 Canlunar - but these are (not counting Moon aspects) single-planet hardships. The July 5 Caplunar is mixed and quite ingenious, possibly positive (but not entirely).

But then we come to the worst chart in the set, the August 2 Caplunar followed by the August 9 Arilunar and the August 16 Canlunar, and even the August 22 Liblunar. Though there are several other possible outcomes, I could easily buy that this Caplunar and all of its separate Week charts show the most hurtful month of the year (aside from whatever the Libsolar brings).
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Re: Future Capsolars

Post by SteveS »

13 Minute Video worth watching with the 2021 Capsolar in mind.

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