Anita Eshelman

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Anita Eshelman

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My mother, Anita Eshelman, was born September 28, 1933, in Hornbeak, TN. Both of her parents told me it was 8:30 AM, and seemed pretty firm about it. Nonetheless, I always took it, perhaps, an approximate time, though probably close.

She died last night I her sleep. As often happens, we get the confirmation of the first breath in the chart for the last breath.

Using an estimated time of 7 AM today in Rochester, IN (just to pick a time), Saturn was 13°35' Libra. For the given birth time, her Ascendant was 13°11' Libra.

There are several other things of interest about the simple transits. Mars was not quite within 1° of the Midheaven, but it was within minutes of being half way between natal Saturn (16°07' Capricorn) and the MC for the given birth time (18°50' Cancer). At 7 AM, the Moon was at 19° Capricorn so, during the night, the Moon conjoined her Saturn, crossed her IC, and opposed transiting Mars.

Venus-Saturn was very much a factor in her death charts. Her husband (my father) had died 6 years earlier, and she progressively lost interest in life and her health faded accordingly. Most obviously, progressed Venus (16°27' Capricorn) was 20' past exact conjunction with her Saturn. She had a moderately wide but angular Venus-Pluto square at birth. Progressed Sun at 1°22' Sagittarius was semisquare progressed Venus within 5', and natal Saturn within 15'.

Progressed Midheaven was 12°25' Libra, straddled by t. Saturn 13°35' Libra and t. Venus 11°03' Libra. (Their midpoint at 7 AM was 12°19', 6' from the p. MC.) Transiting Jupiter was still within 1° of progressed Descendant (both birthplace and local).

I knew she wouldn't make it to age 80 (which would have been 12 days from now) - it just seemed clear that wasn't a line she was willing to cross. But I also knew this from her SSR. Natal Moon-Pluto across the horizon, natal Uranus square the horizon; but Mars partile conjunct natal Mars at the Midheaven, and transiting Saturn square the Ascendant, opposite natal Uranus (loss of interest etc.) and square natal Moon. This was to be her final SSR.

Her Demi-SSR had Jupiter a bit above the Ascendant and natal Mars square the Midheaven. Not much of a chart, but correct enough as it went. Her Quarti-SSR had Moon exactly setting, 2° from Neptune (mostly withdrawing into less lucidity and more dependence in the last weeks).

Her final SLR was less than a day before her death. Transiting Mars conjunct the Midheaven and 0°41' from opposite her Saturn. Venus rising within a couple of degrees, conjunct Saturn within 3° right below (and the Saturn, remember, was partile conjunct natal Ascendant). Not only was t. Venus rising, but r. Venus was on the EP.

The SNQ2 EP was exactly opposite natal and progressed Plutos. Natal Jupiter was square the SNQ Ascendant. The SNQ1 Eastpoint conjoined transiting Saturn. The Solar Quotidian MC was conjunct transiting Saturn.
Jim Eshelman
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Anita Eshelman

Post by Jim Eshelman »

(Condolences and appreciations were tagged on by Freya, SteveS, Jupiter Sets At Dawn, rudy, Florencedez, and Venus_Daily, which I appreciated - and appreciate.)
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