2021 Capsolar

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2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

For the United States, the 12 months beginning January 14, 2021 are more severe than 2020. A striking difference is that 2021 will be a year of action, whereas 2020 was more a year of paralysis. This also means that 2021's threats will be more actively violent and conflictual. Saturn in Capricorn continues to define the time. Pluto enters Capricorn until 2039. Autonomous survival and isolative self-sufficiency are hallmarks of the post-COVID world.

In the 2021 Capsolar, two partile aspects have the loudest voices.

MARS squares SATURN (0°34') with Mars 0°29' and Saturn 0°18' from an angle. Harsh, hateful, hurtful, and destructive, Mars-Saturn incites many forms of destruction and hardship: Deadly violence, fires and explosions, and financial crises are among the kinds of event it accompanies. In an annual chart, its psychological impact is worse: Mars-Saturn fosters hate and the conflict that arises from feeling powerless, shamed, and diminished. In the United States, 2021 will feel like our nation is filled with primitives competing for basic survival amidst widespread hardship.

Nearly as close (but not as closely angular) is JUPITER square URANUS (0°42'). This aspect does not usually occur for disasters (except for floods). Jupiter-Uranus is 2021's aspect of recovery and salvation through scientific advances and social revolution. This broadly, boldly liberal combination does not mean that we have a new broadly liberal administration: It might mean that, or we might have a replay of 2017 when the incoming Trump administration triggered a renewal of in the street liberal political activism not seen in 50 years.

Jupiter-Uranus means ideological rebellion (both peaceful and violent) and remapping the larger social contract in which liberal social and political agendas demand wider horizons, expanded opportunities, civil liberties, and enhanced diversity. Inventiveness, new technology and tech vision, futurism, and “good science” engage popular imagination. At its best, it signifies collective optimism and anticipation of good change amidst terrible conditions.

These two dynamics compete throughout 2021, but not in mutually neutralizing isometric tension: 2021 will be a year of activity and activism, though rarely gentle or well-behaved. Mars conjoins Uranus: For the U.S., they are foreground and Moon squares Uranus (1°10') and Mars (2°27') mundanely. Mars-Uranus is explosive: If physical bombs aren't detonating then psychological "bombshells" are exploding. It means surprise attack and sudden action, the "lightning war" of blitzkrieg. Moon-Uranus promises swiftly changing circumstances that require rapid adaptation and response. Moon-Mars is most worrisome: Besides its broad sense of emergency and typical Mars expressions of violence, fire, disaster, and damage, it is an aspect of assassination and other severe crises for a nation's leaders. Whoever sits in the Oval Office in 2021 will have unusually severe challenges.

Mars squares Jupiter (2°13') suggests economic crisis, especially from aggressive spending. In fact, Jupiter aspects to Mars and Saturn threaten markets (as Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter in Capricorn show shifting conditions in banking and institutional economic management). This may not be terrible: We surely need to consume significant resources for economic recovery. Also, this year of action includes spinning up the wheels of industry once more: Mars-Jupiter is consistent with economic expansion (greater industry and productivity), as Jupiter-Saturn is consistent with structural investment. Rebuilding infrastructure at many levels is a priority.

Mars-Jupiter is stormy (including destructive weather), but its essential momentum is forward and expansive with an enterprising spirit. I expect it to be useful to recovery. Post-pandemic, I anticipate an era of opportunity for new entrepreneurs and a renewal of entrepreneurial spirit in the country (after so many businesses have collapsed to create a vacuum, and their former principals have lost so heavily: capital investment in new business will be readily available). If that does not occur in 2021, at least the cultural and economic reorganization making it possible will be well underway. (A wide Mercury-Jupiter mundane conjunction is optimistic in this regard.)

KEEP YOUR EYES ON RUSSIA THIS YEAR. Moscow's ingresses have been vague for several years: This year, Moscow has the same two aspects most closely foreground as Washington. However, Jupiter-Uranus is closer, Mars-Saturn second closest. If we find ourselves in direct competition or conflict, Moscow has the advantage over Washington and may be part of the "surprise attack" threat Washington's Capsolar shows.
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Major transits to the 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Transits to Capsolar angles have described the primary segments of 2020. We have substantially the same planets transiting angles in 2021. Here are the time breakouts for outer planet transits to angles and Moon. (I've only listed Mars transits if they overlap the others.) Notice that only Jupiter transits Capsolar Moon or its progression, and these are likely to be the reprieve periods we need during the year. (February should be a pretty good month, according to this.)

Jan 14-29: t Saturn sq. MC
-- Jan 14-17: t Mars conj. MC

Feb 2-19: t Jupiter op. Asc

Feb 28-Mar 19: t Jupiter conj. s/p Moon

Mar 30-May 26: t Pluto op. EP

Mar 22-Jul 27: t Saturn op. Asc
Apr 28-Jul 28: t Uranus sq. Asc
-- Jun 5-19: t Mars conj. EP or sq. MC
-- Jun 28-Jul 4: t Mars conj. Asc

Aug 24-Sep 6: t Jupiter conj. p Moon

Sep 11 to END: t Uranus sq. Asc
Dec 19 to END: t Saturn op. Asc
Dec 22-Jan 4: t Jupiter conj. p Moon
-- Oct 31-Nov 6: t Mars op. MC
-- Nov 15-20: t Mars sq. Asc
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim, with Sidereal Mundane Solar Ingress Charts for DC, do we allow the Moon to mainly symbolize the People of the Nation?
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:59 am Jim, with Sidereal Mundane Solar Ingress Charts for DC, do we allow the Moon to mainly symbolize the People of the Nation?
Complex answer... The simple answer is yes, but don't settle too deeply into Thingish Thought Astrological Origins, Chaopter 17).

Ways in which the answer is yes: In the sense that Sun signifies the the government and primary leader, Moon signifies the people (or, perhaps better to say, the masses). The relative strength of Sun and Moon in an ingress shows the relative strength of the voices of government vs. the voice of the masses. I learned so much watching Arab Spring unfold in the early days of closely watching the ingresses, seeing popular mass movements arise and swarm a country, and then Sun and Moon trade the advantage from month to month as they juggled for implementing a new government. When Moon is angular, the herd’s collective will surges upward powerfully from mass mind, often manifesting as collective populist embracing of a focus or issue.

Ways in which the answer is no: "Government" and "the people" are nouns and, at best, shortcuts of what is really going on. Sun represents the ego-center of the nation - its identity and intentionality as focused through its governance. Moon represents the subconscious level where all life is connected - or collectivity, so to speak - that politically shows as the waves mass response, the tidal swings of collective feeling and thought, and our collective responsiveness in particular.

The most important way in which this is an over-simplification builds on what I just said: Moon's influence is bigger than just the idea of "the people" in the political and or even sociological sense. Moon is important in all of its aspects in ingresses, whether foreground or not - the same can't be said of Sun. (This was learned by observation.) I think this is true because mundane astrology is especially the astrology of the masses, those things that affect us as a whole, as a herd. In practice, therefore, you won't always find "the people" as part of the interpretation of Moon aspects in ingresses (though I think it's always present in mundane astrology, which ultimately is Herd Astrology).

Which is a long way of saying: Yes, you're right :). Were you noticing this angular Moon or something else?

PS - One example of how we don't want to be too "thingish" in interpreting these aspects with simple nouns: The new Capsolar has Moon square Mars. If we are too thingish, we might interpret this as "pain to the people." Ultimately, that may end up being true, but we can't neglect that Moon-Mars is a common aspect for assassinations of leaders. Perhaps it shows because "the people feel the pain," but it's the leader that feels the bullet, the knife, or the fever! Just ask James Garfield, Warren G. Harding, Archduke Ferdinand, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Julius Caesar, Mahatma Gandhi, Anwar Sadat, Harvey Milk, George Moscone, and others. (Oops, you can't ask them, because...)
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim asked:
Were you noticing this angular Moon or something else?
I was thinking when t Jupiter partile conjuncts Capsolar Moon is when the masses (most of the people) receive their vaccine?
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:13 am I was thinking when t Jupiter partile conjuncts Capsolar Moon is when the masses (most of the people) receive their vaccine?
The first pass seems too early. One certainly would expect, though, that by the last pass in December most people would have received it.

Recent estimates - with vaccines close to being released - is that Group 1 (medical front-line workers and seniors in care facilities) would start by late winter or early spring, and that Group 2 (anybody over 65) would start around June or July.

But we can be more basic about Jupiter's transit to Moon. If the vaccine (and perhaps a solid treatment or two for those infected) even starts rolling out, disease numbers will come down, business will open, people will start going back to work and travelling and going out... life will start to return. This sense of our lives are back! will be an enormous relief.

From Jupiter transits so solar ingress Moon we normally see a period of prosperity and pride, with more positive news and less disaster and hurt. Diplomacy, dignity, and elitism prevail (something the Biden administration itself likely will be making happen). There is especially a protection and enhancement of families and looking out, first and foremost, for those closest to us (groups with which one most identifies). Money goes up, deaths go down, life starts feeling good again (or at least has some hope).
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim. I had no idea how long it was going to take to get most of the people in US inoculated with the vaccine.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Bob Oz »

I've been following this site for a little over a year now. Last year I was working in the blind trying to guess the exact time that you're you are calculating for cap solar lib solar can solar etc etc.
could you please post the date and time for these events? I hate working in the blind on a cell phone and an astrology app that may not be using the same ayanmasha that you are using. 95% of astrology apps are using the tropical zodiac. Trying to Guess the particulars leads to frustration.
Please post the chars with date, time and location!
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Hi Bob, here is a link to Washington DC 2021 Capsolar with exact time:


Do you have a favorite astrological software? If so, someone on the forum may be able to help you navigate the steps for calculating Sidereal Solar Ingresses.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Bob Oz wrote: Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:42 am an astrology app that may not be using the same ayanmasha that you are using.
The "ayanamsa" is often called "Fagan/Bradley" so if you have a choice, choose that.
The 2020 Capsolar data is January 14, 2020, 6:33:10 PM EST at the Capital Building in Washington, DC
The 2021 Capsolar data is January 15, 2021, 12:27 PM EST, at the Capital Building in Washington, DC

Jim uses Solar Fire, and often uses a prime vertical mundane chart as well as a zodiacal chart.
Some of us use astrodienst, astro.com, because Solar Fire costs $$$, and Astrodienst is at least accurate if you use the Fagan/Bradley ayanamsa.

Jim uses Washington DC for these charts, because he's examining events from a Washington DC focus. When he looks at other places (like a hurricane coming onshore or the California fires) he relocates the chart to that area.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

I stated right after Covid broke out in US last Feb, the Mars-Saturn signature in the 2021 Capsolar would time an escalating rate of Covid infection and deaths, but understand the death rate % of the infected will still be very low---at least I hope so.

Ebertin from COSI says about the “Principle” of Mars-Saturn combos:
Harmful or destructed energy.
Now with new developments which occurred on Jan 6 with the siege of right-wingers on the Capitol, I will venture a guess: If Trump happens to be convicted in Senate trial on impeachment, the “harmful or destructed energy” signature of the 2021 Capsolar may manifest in the US with continued radical Right wingers, and this Mars-Saturn “destruction” could be the worst in the entire history of the US. We are in very troubled times with this 2021 Capsolar.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 3:35 pm I stated right after Covid broke out in US last Feb, the Mars-Saturn signature in the 2021 Capsolar would time an escalating rate of Covid infection and deaths, but understand the death rate % of the infected will still be very low---at least I hope so.
Today's U.S. numbers, from a quick Google search, are 23.4 million cases to date and 389 thousand deaths. That's 1.6%, which is about (or just under) what we heard a year ago. I'm surprised, because I've seen some other numbers that looked more like 5%.

Worldwide, the same such shows 93.3 million cases and (just today) 2 million deaths. That's 2.1%, a similar number.
Now with new developments which occurred on Jan 6 with the siege of right-wingers on the Capitol, I will venture a guess: If Trump happens to be convicted in Senate trial on impeachment, the “harmful or destructed energy” signature of the 2021 Capsolar may manifest in the US with continued radical Right wingers, and this Mars-Saturn “destruction” could be the worst in the entire history of the US.
I disagree with you only in that I think we'll probably have radical-right domestic assaults anyway just because Trump is out of office; and in terms of "worst in U.S. history," I'd still like to give the Civil War the chance to retain its record.

Nonetheless, I'm deeply concerned about Pluto in Capricorn the rest of my life and, especially, the overlap with Saturn in Capricorn. I suppose I should start working on Saturn in Aquarius to see what comes next.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim, if Trump happens to be convicted--- who/what determines the penalties?
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 4:02 pm Jim, if Trump happens to be convicted--- who/what determines the penalties?
On the impeachment? The Senate. Only two penalties are possible and one of them is moot: (1) He can be removed from office, but will already be removed from office. (2) Separately, he may be barred from ever again holding office again.

Or, as the Constitution words it:
Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States: but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law.
In other words, the impeachment and any civil or criminal legal matter are unrelated to each other. Neither decides or directly impacts the other.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

The Senate can also strip him of the perks of being a former president. Pension, Press and travel allowances (over a million each) and secret service protection. Since he has said that's worthless, getting his own security will be fine by him.

But if he's not convicted, they'll get him on the insurrection law and he'll go to jail as well as lose his pension and such.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Technically true, but not really related to the impeachment. It's that those retirement benefits are always at the discretion of Congress and are separately voted on by Congress for each president they can give him a pass on impeacent and still vote him no pension etc.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

I think they made that a law in 1958. Congress has made changes, but right now The Former Presidents Act (known also as FPA; 3 U.S.C. § 102) is the current law and says former presidents are entitled to a pension, staff and office expenses, medical care or health insurance, and Secret Service protection.

These entitlements only apply if the former president was not removed from office by impeachment or other Congressional actions. So they don't have to vote to give it to him, but they do have to vote to not give it to him if they don't remove him.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I disagree with you only in that I think we'll probably have radical-right domestic assaults anyway just because Trump is out of office; and in terms of "worst in U.S. history," I'd still like to give the Civil War the chance to retain its record.
Yes, I understand where you are coming from and it makes sense. It could be that in 2021 the deaths from Covid exceed the loss of lives in the Civil war. Going by memory America during the Civil War lost app 600,000 lives. I think Covid now has claimed over 400,000 lives. It could be when we look back with hindsight 2021 will be recognized the year when the loss of lives will exceed any other period in US with the loss of lives due to a specific cause.

I am more concerned near term with this one 2021 Capsolar with its angular Mars-Saturn “destruction” principle than I am with long term Pluto in Capricorn. Of course this Mars-Saturn can symbolize all kinds of different effects for “destruction.” It could be related with an act from nature causing the most “destruction” ever. We will have to wait on Time (2021) itself to identify the manifestations of this destructive Mars-Saturn theme. Comparing the symbolism as a whole in the 2021 Capsolar to the entire history of DC Capsolars, IMO, its the "worst" Mars-Saturn themed one in US history. And then from April to July the 2021 Capsolar must experience a transiting Paran of Saturn to Capsolar Mars. Biden will have a serious task to deal with as Prez. For now, It appears this task will be the effects of Covid.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

You know how the vaccine rollout has been slowed down by the government holding back all second doses so they can be sure everybody who got the first dose gets their second dose?
And you know how they've decided to release those second doses because the vaccine companies have gotten ramped up to where they don't have to worry about second doses not being available?
They told all the state governors those doses are on the way, and the governors told their health departments to ramp up and announced people 65+ would be able to get vaccinated starting in about two weeks.

Then (about 9:00 AM Eastern, January 15, 2021, Washington DC, published by the Washington Post) the administration said, well no, they lied. Those second doses were not there. There was no stockpile. It was on paper. (What?)

Now they're saying they started sending out the reserve in December when they determined there would be enough new vaccine coming in to cover 2nd doses. It's my opinion based on my cynicism that the reserves were given to friends of people in the administration, or are on their way to some banana republic having been paid for directly into one of Trump's cabinet member's pockets. But that's just me.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

I hear you JSAD! Lets see what shakes out of this Vaccine situation once Biden gets into office. Your opinion may prove to be right-on.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Beginning in early April t. Saturn will begin its partile transiting Saturn Paran to Capsolar Mars, it will last approximately 3 months. If one of the most “destructive” periods in USA history does not occur sometime during this 3 month period, it will not occur. What exactly this possible destruction—I don’t know. If it manifest economically, I hope the Federal Reserve has the power to counter its possible destructive effects.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:10 am Beginning in early April t. Saturn will begin its partile transiting Saturn Paran to Capsolar Mars, it will last approximately 3 months. If one of the most “destructive” periods in USA history does not occur sometime during this 3 month period, it will not occur. What exactly this possible destruction—I don’t know. If it manifest economically, I hope the Federal Reserve has the power to counter its possible destructive effects.
It is, indeed, a paran transit and - more simply, transiting Saturn conjoins Capsolar Descendant, which, by itself, is a reliable signal of hardship, e.g., death, economic devastation, etc.

Saturn's transit to Capsolar Descendant within the usual 2° window runs March 22 to July 27, with exact hits April 19 and June 26. (Saturn's station at 18°29' Capricorn on May 23 keeps this in orb a while.) This transit gave me some trouble in interpreting the extremely positive Arisolar, which runs from mid-April to mid-October. I concluded that I should read both of these on their own merits: From the Arisolar, say that the period from mid-April to mid-October taken as a whole will be extremely positive (it will end very well), but that the period from late March to late July will be horrible. This (and a few other things) led me to forecast that after some considerable positives in February, by late March we start having renewed deaths and losses at about the same pace as last fall, probably a consequence of the Saturn-Uranus struggle with getting people to keep restricting themselves a few months longer ("need to get out and be free" vs. "constrain yourself and be safe"); then, through August, things start lightening up and the nation decides to have a national "we're free!" celebration at Labor Day, declaring that we've come through the worst of it. This will be followed by a minor resurgence in October, but not too bad (all things considering).

That's how I read it for now.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

If you want to take it literally as a paran, Mars is 0°29' east of MC mundanely so Saturn's exact aspect will be when mundanely Saturn is 0°29' past Descendant. I'm not sure this is a valid way to calculate the transit but, of you want to check, look for the dates that Saturn will set in Washington when the RAMC is 31°11'.

Since transits to angles seem so reliably to work ecliptically and not mundanely, rather than think in terms of a paran I'm inclined to use the broader category of co-angularity. As Mars is ecliptically 0°42' on one side of MC, the two critical points would, by this theory, be when
Saturn was the same distance past Descendant (18°15' Capricorn) or, to trigger the midpoint, when it was 0°42' before Descendant (16°51' Capricorn).
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Since transits to angles seem so reliably to work ecliptically and not mundanely, rather than think in terms of a paran I'm inclined to use the broader category of co-angularity.
Co-angularity of Mars & Saturn is cool with me. I look upon the partile conjunction of Capsolar Mars to Capsolar MC partile 90 to Capsolar Saturn as the main angular "outstanding incident" for this 2021 Capsolar. It has not fired-off yet and I hope it doesn't fire-off, but if it does-- I expect it to sometime within the 3 month period of April-June when t Saturn is partile conjunct Capsolar DSC while t Saturn is very slow in movement. Maybe one of the Lunar Ingresses during this 3 month period will pick-off a narrower time frame?
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

For the Co-angularity of Mars & Saturn with this Capsolar, the worst possible candidate I have seen, so far, is the severe Western Drought and other rising temperatures across the nation. More time is needed to verify.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Pay attention to the Drought Maps from June last year to June this year in the 2 minute link provided below. Before the 2021 Capsolar year ends, this Drought situation in the West could become a Mars-Saturn (co-angular) disaster symbolized on the 2021 Capsolar (Master Chart of the Year). If we allow Mars partile conjunct Capsolar MC symbolizing heat/fires....

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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

:shock: Look whats happening in the Northern tier States with the heat. If this heat spreads into the food basket of this nation....
One and half minute link:
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

The Western Heat Wave has turned into a Historic Heat Event:
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:54 am The Western Heat Wave has turned into a Historic Heat Event:
Apparently my prediction that Mars and Saturn severity would land on the northwest was all about the weather.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Apparently my prediction that Mars and Saturn severity would land on the northwest was all about the weather.
Indeed! Will you explain how you made this prediction with DC's 2021 Capsolar?
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 7:26 am Jim wrote:
Apparently my prediction that Mars and Saturn severity would land on the northwest was all about the weather.
Indeed! Will you explain how you made this prediction with DC's 2021 Capsolar?
I didn't. I made it with the Caplunar (viewing the astro-map of it across the country) - same thing with the July Liblunar (which runs two weeks due to a dormant Caplunar). You can read the Caplunar and Liblunar forecasts here:
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I didn't. I made it with the Caplunar (viewing the astro-map of it across the country) - same thing with the July Liblunar (which runs two weeks due to a dormant Caplunar).
Yes, and you wrote:
Mars and Saturn are angular across the Northwest and northernmost California, and also in New England, so some of the harshest manifestations are expected near one or the other Portland.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It's actually a little frustrating that all the work put into the lunar ingress interpretations often boils down to nothing more than the weather report.

Then I realize, oh, the lunar ingresses are, in fact, giving us the weather report!
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Then I realize, oh, the lunar ingresses are, in fact, giving us the weather report!
:) Exactly! I have been wondering what all those malefic mundane lunars in June-July were signaling---now I/we know--the weather in the west!
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:46 am It's actually a little frustrating that all the work put into the lunar ingress interpretations often boils down to nothing more than the weather report.

Then I realize, oh, the lunar ingresses are, in fact, giving us the weather report!
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

We probably need more time to know for sure. But if the Mars-Saturn “outstanding incident” in the 2021 Capsolar is symbolizing the destructive heat wave in the West/Northwest, then it appears to me any possible further malefic “outstanding incidents” (a rarity) in a DC Capsolar may be predicted WHERE in the USA with malefic Lunars, just like the recent Lunar predicted the WHERE in the Northwest according to Jim’s recent prediction with a Lunar. If true, then this would jive with Donald Bradley's statement in his book "Solar & Lunar Returns" on how to use Solar & Lunar Returns for forecasting.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

While this terrible/destructive heat wave is happening in the Western Part of USA, transiting Saturn is in Paran formation with DC's Capsolar Mars, transiting Saturn partile conjunct DC's Capsolar DSC with Capsolar Mars partile conjunct Capsolar MC.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

If the West does not get their normal rains this summer, obviously fire season this autumn in the West will be the worst ever. We clearly see DC's 2021 Capsolar (Master Chart of the Year for the USA) Mars (Fires) partile conjunct MC partile 90 Saturn.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:19 am If the West does not get their normal rains this summer, obviously fire season this autumn in the West will be the worst ever.
Summer is not a time we expect rain here at all. "Normal rains" means more or less no rain. We needed it during the winter months. Here is average LA rainfall by month:

Arizona has a quite different pattern. Cross the border from California and suddenly August is the wettest month of the year, with July and September coming next. Nevada is a hybrid (July and August aren't exactly wet, but not bad). Utah follows the California pattern but gets some summer rain (about an inch a month). Colorado is pretty even throughout the year. Oregon is almost the same as California, though, with maybe half an inch of rain in July and August, and most rain concentrated in November-January. Seattle is known for it raining almost all the time, but that's a bit of a fiction - the summer is the drop-off in the cycle.

But might we get unseasonal rain? I just ran the next four or five months of lunar ingresses for LA (as a roughly central longitude for California overall). Here are possible "unseasonably high rains" indicators (for the week beginning on the date) and some that show the opposite:

Jul 10 - Venus-Saturn across the horizon (plus Mars), a primary aspect for fires
Jul 17 - Venus and Jupiter along meridian (but also Mars) - perhaps rain
Jul 23 - Venus and Jupiter across horizon (and still some Mars) - perhaps rain
Several weeks where there is a lot of Neptune - more likely fire (lots of smoke), but not clear
Aug 26 - Saturn - dryness, loss, destruction
Oct 6, Oct 13, Oct 27, Nov 3 - Neptune - more fires? (It's a usual month for them)
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim for your detailed observations. If the upcoming T-square of a partile Moon-Sun-Pluto in DC’s soon to be Cansolar is to produce a “stunning” Pluto effect for the Nation, it may manifest with the Western Drought/Heat Wave eventually becoming the worst disaster in USA history. In other words, DC's 2021 Cansolar could add National Pluto symbolism to DC's 2021 Capsolar destructive "outstanding incident" Mars-Saturn symbolism. DC's 2021 Cansolar could have been worse, DC's 2021 Cansolar could have been non-dormant.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I think it more likely to be a stunning effect for the world since the Cansolar is dormant, i.e., nothing to link it uniquely to the U.S.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I think it more likely to be a stunning effect for the world since the Cansolar is dormant, i.e., nothing to link it uniquely to the U.S.
Yes, makes better sense.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

The record breaking heat/fires in the west continue:
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:11 am The record breaking heat/fires in the west continue:
Don't forget that the June 26 Caplunar has Mars-Saturn across the horizon through the northwest, while the Canlunar has Saturn setting more or less through the length of California (somewhat central, slightly more coastal).

Even within a modest 3° of the angles, these have a (roughly) 180-mile leeway in both directions. For example, though the Canlunar Saturn line is somewhat more toward the coast, Saturn is only a degree and a half from Descendant in Lake Tahoe (Venus-Saturn across some horizon - a basic mark of fires - with Mars also foreground.

The Caplunar for Lake Tahoe looks ecliptically like Mars-Saturn are far from the angles - they cut exactly through Washington and Oregon plus very northern California - but at Tahoe Saturn is only 1°46' from Asc, Mars 3°23' from Dsc, mundane opposition 1°36'. You can't see on the map that it' that close, but that "three times the size of San Francisco" fire near Tahoe remains under the Caplunar's thumb.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Excellent observations Jim. I beginning to believe Bradley's guidelines in his book "Solar & Lunar Returns" apply to the Capsolars as well when we have "outstanding incidents" calculated, where the Lunar Ingresses time the months when the angular symbolism in the Capsolar fire-off (no pun intended), at least, by what I can see for 2021 malefically. Maybe the same for other Solar Ingresses for only "outstanding incidents" symbolized.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Basically agreed. Nearly all major events have at least one of two possible solar ingresses showing the event, at least one of two possible lunar ingresses showing the event, and major daily timing. (By "most" I mean well over 90%, something like 96%). However, you can leave out ONE of those three and still capture over 90% of events.

Remember, too, that these fires are just one of several primary Mars-Saturn manifestations this year. Gun violence has exploded (no pun intended) nationwide, violent crime and crime in general are way up. Deadly disease is still spreading at accelerating rates through the nation (interestingly: this is mostly so in areas no immediately affected by the fires). Heat and storm large fronts, covering a fifth or more of the nation at a time, keep rolling in every week or two. - This is aside from the general national trend of hatred and other psychological violence and the general sense of emergency more or less everywhere.

And the Cansolar is warming up... several people have written me they can feel it. I think after July 17 we'll start to see just how powerful the 2020 Cansolar Moon-Venus conjunction was in keeping things as quiet and kind as it did.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim, if memory is serving me, I think the partile 90 of Mars-Saturn in the 2021 Capsolar, co-angular on the angles, is the first ever in the entire history for DC's Capsolars, the Master Charts of the Year. With the unprecedented 2021 heat waves-drought-fires in parts of the West, I want to see if the Federal Government (DC) declares its first ever Emergency Water Shortage Declaration for major cities in the West. If this happens, this will confirm to me the “outstanding incident” angular Mars-Saturn configuration in the 2021 Capsolar primarily has to do with the heat-drought-fire records being broken in the West.
Also, with your keen observations about the recent malefic Lunar Ingresses timing these heat related records in the West, I think is definitely confirming the “times” for this 2021 Capsolar heat-drought-fire records in the West pertaining to Donald Bradley words from his book “Solar and Lunar Returns” where he states:
Lunar returns, while more powerful in immediate effect, are subservient to the preceding annual chart. Therefore, we must look to the lunar returns for proof that lunar returns usually “time” the major occurrences foreshadowed in the annual chart.
Although Bradley’s above words did not directly apply to Sidereal Mundane Astrology, I find it most interesting his above quoted words appears to be primarily applying to DC’s Master Chart of the Year, the 2021 Capsolar, with its rare “outstanding incident” Mars- Saturn configuration pertaining mainly to this record breaking heat-drought-fires in the West, IMHO. We probably need more elapsed time for final confirmation with this 2021 Capsolar with its primary manifestations. I wish Bradley (RIP) was here to join in on our discussion, he taught us so much about Sidereal Astrology.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You and me both :)

Let's look at my tabulations of all U.S. Capsolars 1776-2034. Filtering the Excel spreadsheet to show only (1) foreground Mars, (2) foreground Saturn, and (3) Mars-Saturn aspect.

But I don't agree that these fires are the primary thing the chart refers to. It's a big deal, but the other things I listed here earlier today are as big a deal or bigger. (And I live in the area affected by the fires, though we're having quite lovely weather.) This, though, is certainly one of several things matching the Mars-Saturn symbolism. In addition to 2021, the only earlier years have been 1956 and 2008. However, Mars and Saturn weren't all that close to the angles in 2008, which leaves only 1956. That year, we had:

Mars on EP-a 0°23'
Saturn on EP-a 0°39'
Mars-Saturn conj. 0°35' (0°16' in RA)

The chart had a lot of other stuff happening, too, but these were the closest angularities and the closest foreground aspect except the 0°02' Jupiter-Saturn square.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
But I don't agree that these fires are the primary thing the chart refers to. It's a big deal, but the other things I listed here earlier today are as big a deal or bigger.
I understand. You have a better perspective than me since you live in an area that has fires every year.
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Re: 2021 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Yes, just as Washington, DC has Pluto angular in the Capsolar almost every year, California has Neptune angular almost every year. Think about what categories of events go with angular Neptune in ingresses: Earthquakes, fires, sometimes floods. In the positive side, anything dealing with fantasy and loud crowd gatherings. Sound familiar?
Jim Eshelman
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