Joseph Biden

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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Harris has a townhouse in DC, and was there when the announcement was made, up till she drove in for the speeches in Wilmington.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Thu Aug 13, 2020 9:58 am Harris has a townhouse in DC, and was there when the announcement was made, up till she drove in for the speeches in Wilmington.
Then her new SLR just before it has Jupiter rising in Sagittarius paran Uranus on IC.

Did you see her speech in Wilmington? OMG she's awesome! :D
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

She is. It's been fun watching the other side try to settle on how they're going to run against her. Trump's instincts are all triggered. He'd better watch those open mikes.

I guess they set a record for fundraising yesterday.
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Progressed Saturn station

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I just noticed... something rare: Biden's progressed Saturn is stationary this year. The exact station is September 9.

This is so rare that we don't have a lot of data on this kind of phenomenon. First, though, its effect is certainly pervasive throughout the year, and therefore likely is descriptive of his taking up the gauntlet and offering himself to the presidency. I doubt that there will be an effect so narrow that it centers on September 9 per se, but there might be.

In any case, that exact station is part of a very strong progressed aspect structure that shows either great sadness or loss, or great sacrifice and devotion. Here are his progressions for the moment the station is exact:

11°26' Aqu - p Moon
11°33' Aqu - p EP
11°39' Tau - p Saturn (stationary)
12°14' Aqu - p Venus

(The progressed angle is subject to his birth time being exactly right. It may not be part of the mix: I think his birthtime is somewhere between exactly right and up to five minutes earlier than stated.)
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Accepted nomination

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The chart for the minute Biden accepted the nomination tonight is almost exactly 24 hours after Kamala Harris accepted the night before and is comparably severe. It was August 20, 2020, 10:51 PM EDT, Wilmington, DE.

Neptune conjoined his natal IC 0°53' if his birth time is correct.
Saturn opposed his Jupiter 0°18' and octiled his Saturn 0°29'. Mars squared Jupiter and octiled Saturn.
Jupiter octiled his Uranus 0°38'.
Sun squared his Sun 0°07'.

Saturn was at Midheaven squared by Mars. Uranus rose. Kamala's moment was slightly more Saturnian, Joe's slightly more Uranian.

I'm no fan of Quarti-Solars. Tonight's (which was perfect August 21, 1:57 AM offers nothing at all except natal Neptune square Asc.

The shining mark of the night however (and of the week in general) was SQ Moon:

SSR Jupiter 2°218' Sagittarius
SQ Jupiter 2°38' Sagittarius
SQ Moon 2°41' Virgo

Transiting Moon was 1°01' Virgo.
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
The shining mark of the night however (and of the week in general) was SQ Moon:
SSR Jupiter 2°218' Sagittarius
SQ Jupiter 2°38' Sagittarius
SQ Moon 2°41' Virgo
Transiting Moon was 1°01' Virgo.
:) Another great example with Bradley's long ago personal observation Moon-Jupiter is the par-excellent symbolic factor for being elected for a high office in politics, indeed a wining combo.
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
(The progressed angle is subject to his birth time being exactly right. It may not be part of the mix: I think his birthtime is somewhere between exactly right and up to five minutes earlier than stated.)
Jim, with all the work you have done on Biden's Charts, would you tweak his birthtime or leave it the same?
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:39 pm Jim, with all the work you have done on Biden's Charts, would you tweak his birthtime or leave it the same?
I can't say for sure. It might be exactly right. I lean slightly to it being a small amount earlier - maybe three or four minutes, not more than five.

This range, though, shifts angles about a degree, so such things as progressed (and, simultaneously, solar arc) Midheaven opposite natal Saturn for the election might be accurate or might have already passed year ago.

OTOH, if it's exactly right then his natal has two midpoints to Ascendant/Horizon (in PV longitude, of course) that completely define his "story" an major patterns of his life.

As a comparison:

If Biden's birth time is exactly right (8:30 AM),the strongest factors are:
Saturn on Dsc -4°58'
Uranus on Asc +0°30'
Venus on Asc +4°43'
Sun on Asc +5°28'

Giving: Venus/Saturn = Asc 0°05', Sun/Saturn = Asc 0°17'

If Biden's birth time should be 5 minutes earlier (8:25, the earliest I think):
Saturn on Dsc -5°48'
Uranus on Dsc -0°27'
Venus on Dsc +3°45'
Sun on Dsc +4°29'

Giving: Sun/Saturn = Asc 0°39'

Losing that Venus-Saturn 0°05' midpoint takes a lot away from the chart.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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I understand Jim--thanks.
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Expanding on the top post in this thread...

If Biden is elected president, what presidents would he most resemble?

Four previous presidents have had Sun in Scorpio, but none of them are from the last century or so. Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, and James Garfield - two of whom died in office - are not a remarkable, memorable group. The three antebellum presidents were strong defenders of slavery (that was the nature of the Democratic Party in that time). They were all scrappers, though, most of them noted for military service, and Garfield strong-armed important reforms before his murder - a pattern of getting a derailed and unbalanced U.S. government back on track.

Five previous presidents have had Moon in Aries. In contrast to the last group (despite an overlap of two of them), the most recent were strong, incisive leaders. They were Taylor and Garfield (who, therefore, share Sun and Moon with Biden) plus Warren G. Harding (thought in retrospect one of the worst presidents, but extremely progressive in his time - and a good president for his specific time) and the more recent Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. - We mustn't miss that three of these died in office, one was shot and nearly died, and the fifth was impeached. These guys had a definite knack for getting in trouble! At least three of them were noted for a strong hand in economic matters and (one or another type of) strong economy during their terms.

I cannot miss commenting on Biden's Mars in Libra. Six presidents have had this position, which brings significant executive effectiveness, a passion for social justice, and (perhaps because Mars is debilited) an even stronger tendency to get into trouble. Of these six former presidents - Van Buren, Taylor (3 for 3 so far), Abraham Lincoln, Garfield, William McKinley, and Warren G. Harding - five died in office. (That's 5 of the 8 presidents who have died in office - certainly statistically abnormal.) Besides that, as you can see they're characters and performance cover a range from some of the weakest to some of the finest, with no single issue evident in their presidencies.

Uranus is his most angular planet, 0°30' below Descendant for the given time. Ten previous presidents have had a closely angular Uranus (Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, WH Harrison, Hayes, T Roosevelt, F Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan, and Obama). I think the best generalization of their commonalities as that each of these 11 men was "his own man," running on his own instincts and not excessively involved in what he was "supposed" to be thinking or doing. They leveraged history but weren't bound by it. We see a lot of strong military history in this batch and something of its commanding and resourceful spirit in the rest. Over the years, I've usually been happy to see a presidential candidate with a strong Uranus influence and, for Biden, it is his strongest.

His other three foreground planets are several degrees wider and won't be as valuable in comparison, but a few remarks might be worthwhile.

Venus is rising, 4°43' from Ascendant. Only three presidents have for sure had Venus angular - Polk, T Roosevelt, and Clinton - plus maybe Grover Cleveland (birth time rectified from an approximate time) and WH Harrison (whose birth time might best be characterized as unknown). At least two of the three we know, they were able to bring charm and charisma. They were all constitutionally men of peace though all ended up in war. Overall, domestic conditions thrived during their terms and foreign policy was strong. I think, in each of these three cases, the nation was better off after their presidency than before.

Saturn is setting, 4°53' above Descendant. BTW, notice that this (and the Venus orb) means that, for 8:30, the Venus/Saturn midpoint is only 0°05' from the horizon which goes a long way in describing Biden's basic life-story. Eleven presidents have had closely angular Saturn (though we must allow for some fuzzy birth times here and there that make cause one or two to drop out). They were Madison, Monroe, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Grant, Taft, Wilson, Hoover, Kennedy, and Carter. Mostly, I will leave you to sort through this list and draw your own conclusions. We see extremes of economic conditions - from thriving to deeply recessed or worse. None except Pierce can credibly be called weak (though some want to lay that label on Hoover and Carter, who don't deserve it IMHO; and Buchanan, who gigantically failed where nobody else would have succeeded). Overall, these are serious executives and - ah, perhaps this is the key - nearly all of them were called to the presidency during times of great need and crisis.

Finally, Biden's Sun rises, 5°28' above Ascendant. Again we find 11 former presidents with this angularity, and they are a similar list of mostly strong leadership (but not with some serious problems, of course). I leave it to you to sort out the commonalities: Madison, Van Buren, Tyler, Polk, Lincoln, Grant, Arthur, Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and Obama.

Biden's strongest aspect - especially when you combine both closeness and angularity - is Sun conjunct Venus. This is a rare aspect, and rarer still among presidents: Only Calvin Coolidge had it.

His next strongest by orb is Sun trine Jupiter. First, I note that this is a very benefic Sun, with these two closest aspects. Six presidents have had close Sun-Jupiter aspects (four of them trines or sextiles): John and John Quincy Adams, Chester Arthur, and Bill Clinton, with harder aspects for McKinley and Reagan. Quincy Adams' presidency was the weakest time of his otherwise glorious career, There was much successful diplomacy and also expansion in the terms of these men. Overall, the nation prospered during their terms (except for Arthur; and Q Adams never got off the ground).
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Copying here with editing (where I can find it) from viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1858&p=31947&hilit ... eau#p31947

Let's take a quick check of the death of Joe Biden's son Beau on May 30, 2015, Bethesda, MD. Biden was hit so hard by this event that he mourned for years and it kept him out of the running in 2016 - he felt he simply couldn't keep his mind and heart on the race.

Transits are only an approximation. Transiting Saturn at 6° Scorpio is 3° before the 8:30 AM Asc, 2° past its Venus (there's the midpoint, but I won't rely on that much). It's OK enough as the only serious transit and it might indicate a slightly earlier birth time, fifteen minutes earlier. - His Asc for Bethesda is nearly identical to his Asc for birthplace.

Solar Arc / Primary MC opposed natal Uranus. However, regardless of birth time, the main solar arc was directed Uranus semi-square natal Neptune 0°00' - his world turned topsy-turvy. If the birth time is anywhere near right, directed Neptune morbidly aspected natal Moon.

His SSR for Bethesda (a terrible year of Beau dying; also, close to Washington, where he was serving as Vice President) had Neptune on MC (partile square Venus), all on the natal Ascendant for the 8:39 AM time:

9°15' Sco - r Asc
9°51' Aqu - s Neptune
10°19' Sco - s Venus
10°32' Aqu - s MC

His May 15 SLR for Bethesda was painful with a partile Mars-Saturn opposition across the horizon among other indications of loss:

6°58' Tau - SLR Asc
7°10' Sco - SLR Saturn (2°06' before Dsc)
8°06' Tau - SLR Mars (0°26' before Asc)
8°50' Tau - r Uranus (+ r Venus, Sun, t Sun, &c)

13°17' Can - r Pluto
14°47' Cap - SLR MC

18°39' Lib - r Mars
19°41' Ari - SLR EP

His Demi-SLR on the day Beau died is terminal and loving: Pluto square MC (less than 2°), Venus rising (5°) atop natal Jupiter. Not perfect, but adequate (and the full SLR takes care of the enormity of the pain).

His SNQ for Bethesda puts natal Saturn on MC. (It is almost partile for 8:30 AM, would be exact with less than a 5-minute shift in birth time). For the given birthtime, transiting Mars is exactly on MC. Transiting Neptune is exactly on WP. It's an emotionally grueling chart: Using noon (since I don't know what time Beau died):

14°08' Leo - SNQ EP
14°48' Aqu - t Neptune
16°01' Tau - r Saturn
17°20' Tau - SNQ MC
18°02' Tau - t Mars

His SQ is exactly on target. Transiting Saturn is within a degree of Asc! (If the angle were slightly earlier, it would also be in 1° orb of natal Venus - even a minute or two earlier, or if the death occurred in the early part of the day). Even the PSSR put SSR Pluto in the degree of Ascendant - the Mean rate puts SSR Pluto there, the Apparent rate puts transiting Pluto (so we can't use this event to support which theory is correct; but Apparent rate has two Plutos).

4°37' Sco - r Venus
5°35' Sco - SQ Asc
6°07' Sco - t Saturn

16°53' Sag - PSSR Asc (Mean rate)
16°55' Sag - s Pluto

20°09' Sag - t Pluto
20°33' Sag - PSSR Asc (Apparent rate)
13°17' Can - r Pluto
13°53' Lib - PSSR MC (Apparent rate)

I'm pretty sure I couldn't contrive more fitting charts. These suggest the birth time is exactly right, or perhaps as little as 5 minutes earlier than the stated time.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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News that Joe Biden had pulled ahead in Pennsylvania - a win that would confirm his victory in the presidential race - came just before 9 AM EST this morning.

As a further suggestion that his birth time is probably exactly right, here is his SNQ in Wilmington for that hour:

3°21' Scorpio - p MC
3°37' Scorpio - r Sun

11°55' Cancer - p Pluto
12°19' Cancer - p Dsc
13°17' Cancer - r Pluto

However, the hour was not entirely positive. In what I take to be a measurement of the responsibility he is assuming (and not a reflection of win-lose of the contest), here is his SQ:

15°32' Taurus - p MC
16°01' Taurus - Saturn
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Re: Joseph Biden

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10:35 AM Eastern, 11-6-2020 Georgia. A man standing in front of the state house announced Biden has pulled ahead there, although they're still counting mail-in and military votes.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Also, just looked at Kamala's 2028 SSR, looks like she's going to win reelection. I think I'm done with politics.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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NBC news just declared Biden the winner in Pennsylvania with 273 total electoral votes at 11:26 AM 11-7-2020.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Washington Post declared Biden the winner at 11:34 AM on it's website.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Fox News has declared Biden the President-Elect. I think it's all over.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Thank you all. I think we'll hear from Biden and Harris sometime today. (I just saw that CNN declared it at 11:46 AM EST.) As I suspected when I saw the 273 number, this is from Pennsylvania being called for Biden. (We still have to hear from Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina, and, technically, Alaska.)
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by Soft Alpaca »

It's not over I believe unfortunately, there is still pieces in motion surrounding how long old Joe will be in office- and not just by the Grand Old Party..
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Soft Alpaca wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:11 am It's not over I believe unfortunately, there is still pieces in motion surrounding how long old Joe will be in office- and not just by the Grand Old Party..
Sure, there will be lawsuits; and my predictions is that it doesn't feel certain until the end of December or first week of January.

And as for how long he'll be in office, that's for after January 20 to decide. For now, I'm only concerned with getting through January 20. After that comers, "now the work and struggle begin."
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Alaska and N Carolina will go to Trump. The others are probably Biden's and the College will vote with 306 to 232.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:00 am Alaska and N Carolina will go to Trump. The others are probably Biden's and the College will vote with 306 to 232.
Alaska for sure.

But my friends in North Carolina aren't so sure. The numbers we've been seeing so far do not include the mail-in vote. They're not allowed to start opening the early votes until November 12! Trump might win or, also, the early votes might easily overcome the 1.4% Trump surplus thus far. I'm guessing 321 to 214.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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I meant Kamala taking over, which will happen, my family placed bets.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Soft Alpaca wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 12:50 pm I meant Kamala taking over, which will happen, my family placed bets.
I'm know you did. That's what I was answering.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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My apologies I skimmed it too quickly I'm sure.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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I'm worried for my friends who don't understand history. Especially the history surrounding socialism which only existed strongly once in one great Nation almost lost to time- the incas, who had city-states with elected officials who see everything material wise is dispersed evenly, these were loyal to the one general king- who assumed a throne, but ruled with great love for his people- and great hate to those who were disloyal to the family (the elected officials were his swords and his hands). Their cities were actually lined with plated gold- the civilization had every climate on earth, and so much genetic diversity that 25-80% of the food today came from this empire. When the king fell- the family fell-the throne collapsed and the great society was killed by the civil war, the diseases, and lastly the spaniards (europe was starving mind you). If the king would have probably given an election or the throne was handed down to a strong prince the spaniards may not have conquered the empire (it is still not all explored to this day!).
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SSR 2020

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Confirming: Biden was in Wilmington, DE this morning for his Solar Return. Here's my original forecast of the SSR from the mundane forecast section.

If final election results are delayed 17 days, they'll arrive under Biden's new solar return. Whether cast for Wilmington or nearby Washington, Ascendant is within 1° of his natal Ascendant (in Washington it's only 0°02'). He has the same natal planets foreground as at birth. To natal Uranus angular, backed by Sun, Venus, and Saturn, we add transiting Neptune, which he has had angular nearly every East Coast solar return of his life.

Natal Uranus is most angular (1°), marking a time for acting as one's "own man," feeling unchained. Transiting Neptune square natal Uranus (1°31' mundo) has been central to most of Trump's presidency and, if Biden is elected, it will mark the first year of his as well. This transit is Twilight Zone level surreal, which may describe the dystopian world of 2021.

The closest foreground aspect is natal Sun conjunct Venus, 1°00' wide and 5° above Ascendant - the best aspect in his chart. However, the most important aspects are from Moon: SSR Moon opposes natal Pluto (0°14' mundo) and squares transiting Uranus (1°00'), highlighting Uranus' transit to natal Pluto (0°25'), the main aspect of Biden's new year. This new birthday chart completely alters Biden's life, therefore. Whether derailment or rebirth, there is no going back: His past is behind him and a sharply differing future lies immediately ahead.

Solar Moon opposite natal Pluto shows someone who refuses to comply with others' expectations or limitations. Others may be uncomfortable around him - there is something alien and outside the norm about him (which is strange for so well-known a figure) - but he nonetheless fascinates them. He will be more private and aloof. Culmination and finality mark the year: What he starts now is the last thing he will do for the rest of his life.

Solar Moon square solar Uranus signals emotional excitement, being taken by surprise, and adaptation to changing circumstances. It, too, marks a turning point and freedom from stereotypes.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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The Next Big Thing is the run-off elections for US Senator in Georgia on January 5th. I'm sure there will be lawsuits and recounts. This is the one thing I think will have the biggest effect on Biden's first two years in office, being the difference between a 51-50 vote Congress with the Democrats in charge and a 52 to 48 or 51 to 49 vote congress with McConnell in charge.

On December 8th, any electoral disputes, including lawsuits, have to be settled.

The Electoral College votes will be signed in each state capitol, and sent to Congress on the 14th. All must be received by Dec 23.

Congress will meet in a joint session to count the Electoral votes on January 6th.

Edited - I meant January but said December.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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January 6 will be a critical day. Not just the reading and counting of the votes, but the day after the Georgia run-off.

I don't want to be too confident about Georgia - it seems a long-shot - but the Jupiter-Uranus square most angular in the Liblunar January 6 seems optimistic for a small liberal wave beginning that day.

BTW, my Facebook post the other day about January 6:
On January 6 when Vice President Pence, acting as President of the Senate, opens the votes from the 538 presidential electors before a joint session of Congress, can we please make sure Warren Beatty & Faye Dunaway don't read the final tally? We want to be sure Pence is dancing in the Moonlight. (And keep Steve Harvey away from it, too.)
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Eek I meant January, not December. Fixed it.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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January 6, 2020, at noon in the Capitol Building, Congress will open, count, and affirm the Electoral College votes. A lot of people have anxiety over announced efforts to overthrow the event. I haven't given these efforts much thought because (1) they look pathetic on their face and (2) the charts show Biden and Harris will be inaugurated January 20.

However, looking at 1/6 at noon, Biden's SQ looks like this:

21°08' Sag - SQ Asc
21°32' Sag - t Sun

9°03' Cap - t Jupiter
9°38' Cap - SQ EP

So... who do you THINK is the "new king," eh?

Sen. Harris, who is scheduled to be affirmed as Vice President Elect at the same time, has less pleasant charts. For example, her SNQ:

4°13' Aqu - r Saturn
5°28' Leo - SNQ MC
5°46' Aqu - p Saturn

24°37' Lib - p Neptune
25°12' Lib - SNQ Asc

These are her own planets - not transiting planets - so they are her internal states rather than 'events.' However, it looks quite unpleasant. Her SQ is equally ugly:

21°47' Lib - SQ MC
22°35' Lib - r Neptune

29°07' Sag - SQ Asc
29°21' Sag - t Pluto
0°44' Cap - s Saturn

However, her basic transits are fine:

9°03' Cap - t Jupiter
9°29' Can - Natal Asc for Washington, DC

Transiting Mars will have left partile orb of her natal Sun-Moon opposition by then.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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"America thematically needs to wake up and then heal, something a mother can do "wake you up from the nightmare" motif I'm betting on Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Pisces and perhaps Virgo (though for a different reason than the others). Harris has two of these if I understand her chart correctly. Biden also has these links. We need someone to "pet the pussy (cats)" if you can understand the pun linking a calming energy this country needs, to calm trump's aggression. It's time to put down the stingers and the claws. We are going for Venus/Moon the country is going to go somber and realise that this is a real issue with real answers. I'm saying we vote peace (though china could really end in war) we as a modern world especially the youths (21 and under) are going to be very very unique polical ideas (I'm betting on a huge libertarian movement). Perhaps I'm too ambitious but this could potentially play out."

I'd like to reiterate my post from last late summer about american people choosing peace. I think I hit the nail on the head with this one.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Joe Biden completed the oath of President of the United States today, January 20, 2021, at 12:49 PM EST at the Capitol Building, Washington, DC.

Shall we use this to test the accuracy of his 8:30 AM birth time? Until now, I've held that it's very closer and perhaps should be up to five minutes earlier, while Ken Bowser has held that it's very close and perhaps should be a few minutes later.


11°28' Cap - SNQ MC
11°36' Ari - t Mars
11°43' Ari - t Uranus
11°55' Can - p Pluto
12°20' Cap - t Jupiter
13°17' Can - r Pluto

2°38' Tau - SNQ Asc
3°37' Sco - r Sun

All of these are quite close. If one were to tweak the time to force something perfect, it would be to move the time slightly later, but that's probably not necessary.


5°47' Cap - t Sun
6°44' Cap - SQ Asc

27°36' Lib - r Mercury
28°13' Lib - SQ MC

23°24' Cap - SNQ EP
23°46' Cap - t Mercury (1°19' in RA)

Especially appropriate for taking an oath. If anything, this suggests a time slightly earlier (and definitely not too much later, since SQ Asc then would conjoin t Saturn).


27°28' Cap - PSSR Asc
27°36' Lib - r Mercury

Probably just speaking to the act of taking an oath and giving a speech.

I still hold that the 8:30 birth time is either exactly or nearly exactly correct.
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Re: Inauguration

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In the SNQ, natal Sun is 0°59' AHEAD of the angle. In the SQ, transiting Sun is 0°57' BEFORE the angle. -0°59' and +0°57' average to -0°01'. I'm not going to tweak the birth time 4 seconds of time to make this perfect; it does seem that the given birth time is excruciatingly exact to bring both of these Suns to the angle for the moment of this event.
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Mundane framework for inauguration

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When Biden was taking the oath of office yesterday, his Moon was exactly rising.

There is broad agreement that he finished the oath at 11:49 AM - JSAD got 11:48:50, so I'll use that. We already knew that transiting Moon-Mars-Uranus were in mundane conjunction a few degrees above Ascendant. This morning I precessed Biden's natal to the date and calculated the mundane positions and found that, at the end of the oath, his Moon was 0°30' above Ascendant! (This is despite an 8° difference in longitude because Biden's Moon has 4S22 latitude.)

Since I have the numbers, here are the mundane positions of foreground natal and transiting planets at the moment he took the oath - surely a personally significant moment for him. I've put them in a 90° sort so that mundane aspects can be easily seen.

26°59' (12th) - t Mars
27°34' (12th) - t Moon
28°29' (12th) - t Uranus
29°30' (12th) - r Moon
2°11' (7th) - r Mars
2°56' (10th) - t Pluto
510' (4th) - r Jupiter
7°40' (7th) - r Mercury

If we switch to the moment he officially became president (12:00:00), everything has shifted a bit, of course. Notice how exactly his natal Mars and Jupiter are on the angles and the 0°01' mundane square they form! This is a stunningly exact aspect formed by his natal planets in the moment and place he became president. Also notice how natal and transiting Suns lined up mundanely, among many other things.

24°51' (12th) - t Mars
25°26' (12th) - t Moon
26°19' (12th) - t Uranus
27°20' (12th) - r Moon
27°33' (9th) - t Pluto
29°58' (3rd) - r Jupiter
29°59' (6th) - r Mars

5°23' (7th) - r Mercury
8°41' (10th) - t Sun
9°02' (7th) - r Sun
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

One is the moment he became president and the other is the moment the country got a new president.
Mars-Jupiter = spending money, often that you don't have.
Which is what he's said we'll be doing, and probably the only thing that will work to pull this country out. The loyal opposition will start fussing about deficit spending again, although Trump ran the deficit up more than any other president. Sauce for the Trumpist is clearly not sauce for the Democrats.
It's time to sit down and shut up and let the grownups who understand this sort of thing do something that would be disaster in your personal household, but is business as usual for countries. They're going to print money to get the economy (not the stock market which set a new record yesterday) back. Then the economy will burn off the excess.
Biden has two years before it's even reasonable to start fussing at him about money. Give him a chance and let him handle it. He knows how. He's been here before, a couple of times.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:59 am One is the moment he became president and the other is the moment the country got a new president.
I disagree. (It might just be wording.) By law, he didn't become president until 12:00:00 PM.

But the earlier time was surely a personal event for him - an experience of something he'd desired most of his life, an act of devotion and dedication - a moment of a lot of feeling.
Mars-Jupiter = spending money, often that you don't have.
There'll be plenty of that this year; but, for this event, I see this mostly as taking up the mantle of "warrior king," a figure of great strength and heroism.
It's time to sit down and shut up and let the grownups who understand this sort of thing do something that would be disaster in your personal household, but is business as usual for countries.
On this we agree!
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by SteveS »

I hear you JSAD. Now that the DEM's can get a bill to the Senate floor for a vote, do you think Biden's spending policy will pass and become law :?:
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Spending policies don't become law. But he'll have an easier time getting a budget through now than Obama did the last 6 years.

Remember the Senate is 51-50 including VP Harris right now. It's not going to be black or white.
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by SteveS »

JSAD wrote:
Spending policies don't become law.
But doesn’t a large stimulus bill passed by congress have to be passed by the senate? Before, Mitch would not even allow congress large stimulus bills be introduced to the senate floor for a vote, right? If I understand correctly Mitch power in the Senate has now been neutralized, right.
JSAD wrote:
Remember the Senate is 51-50 including VP Harris right now.
Exactly. I may be wrong since I really don’t understand all the political processes, but I think the stock market is discounting the future news that Biden will get his large stimulus objectives through the political processes. Isn’t the final political process for a Biden’s large stimulus objectives the senate?
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Re: Joseph Biden

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With a new majority leader, the matter would get to the floor for a vote. If all Dems vote for it (no guarantee), or enough Reps cross over to make up the difference, it will pass.

I suspect it will pass because in February Jupiter transits Capsolar Moon and Washington's Capsolar Descendant. Checks are probably flowing out.

However, there are a lot of big price tag matters that will likely be on the agenda in the next few weeks as well.

Note my discussion of Mars-Jupiter in the annual Capsolar forecast:
Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:47 pm Mars square Jupiter (2°13') suggests economic crisis, especially from aggressive spending. In fact, Jupiter aspects to Mars and Saturn threaten markets just as Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter in Capricorn show shifting conditions in banking and institutional economic management. This may not be terrible: We surely need to consume significant resources for economic recovery. Also, this year of action includes spinning up the wheels of industry once more: Mars-Jupiter is consistent with economic expansion (greater industry and productivity), as Jupiter-Saturn is consistent with structural investment. Rebuilding infrastructure at many levels is a priority.

Mars-Jupiter is stormy (including destructive weather), but its essential momentum is forward and expansive with an enterprising spirit. I expect it to be useful to recovery. Post-pandemic, I anticipate an era of opportunity for new entrepreneurs and a renewal of entrepreneurial spirit in the country (after so many businesses have collapsed to create a vacuum, and their former principals have lost so heavily: capital investment in new business will be readily available). If that does not occur in 2021, at least the cultural and economic reorganization making it possible will be underway. (A wide Mercury-Jupiter mundane conjunction is optimistic in this regard.)
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

SteveS wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:47 am JSAD wrote:
Spending policies don't become law.
But doesn’t a large stimulus bill passed by congress have to be passed by the senate? Before, Mitch would not even allow congress large stimulus bills be introduced to the senate floor for a vote, right? If I understand correctly Mitch power in the Senate has now been neutralized, right.
What I actually wrote said:
Spending policies don't become law. But he'll have an easier time getting a budget through now than Obama did the last 6 years.

Remember the Senate is 51-50 including VP Harris right now. It's not going to be black or white.
I think I already answered your questions. No, McConnell's power in the Senate has not been neutralized. That's why it's not going to be black or white.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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If you're looking for betting odds, keep looking. The Democrats barely have a majority in the Senate, and lost seats in the House, to the point where Mrs. Pelosi asked Biden not to grab off so many of her members for Cabinet positions or she could lose her majority.

Passing things in Congress (House + Senate) is not a sure thing. Getting them to the floor to be voted on is more likely. But passing is not.
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Re: Joseph Biden

Post by SteveS »

JSAD wrote:
Passing things in Congress (House + Senate) is not a sure thing. Getting them to the floor to be voted on is more likely. But passing is not.
I understand JSAD. I hope DC politics does not remain in gridlock, and the senate can get things passed that will help the people and this country.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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SteveS wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:23 am I understand JSAD. I hope DC politics does not remain in gridlock, and the senate can get things passed that will help the people and this country.
You know we have that Saturn-Uranus square coming up by March.

This time around, I think the main Saturn-Uranus dynamic will be "safety vs. freedom" of people wanting to get out of lockdown and making reckless choices about masks, social distancing, and other considerations, leading to the bad results of Saturn's March-July crossing of Capsolar Descendant (most of that time with Uranus also transiting the angle).

But, that particular manifestation aside, Saturn-Uranus historically has been the main marker of gridlock and polarization in Congress. I think it won't be the main aspect of the year because it's not active in the Capsolar - we have Jupiter-Uranus instead, putting Saturn-Uranus in a back row seat - but we can't ignore that most of the time Saturn and Uranus are in square they are also transiting Washington's Capsolar angles. They'll be the big deal of the hour.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Maybe Trump turned enough Rep Senators against him and his Party's politics to get some things passed to help the people, I hope. Maybe wishful thinking. All I know, DC politics since 2000 sickens me.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Biden's headed out on the road. I'd like to know where he is Tuesday 3/16 at 11:07 AM EST if possible.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:42 pm
Biden's headed out on the road. I'd like to know where he is Tuesday 3/16 at 11:07 AM EST if possible.
It looks like at 11 AM he was still at the White House. Not scheduled to depart for Andrews until 1:40 PM with his Oval Office daily brief scheduled for 10:15.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Biden had to eat crow today (though he handled it from strength). This gives us an excellent opportunity to test the fine points of his birth time.- We already know he is under the worst SLR of the year.

He spoke at 3:45 PM on the Afghanistan withdrawal.

SNQ EP-a 11°28', progressed Saturn 11°39' Taurus. (To get natal Saturn instead of progressed Saturn would have required a substantial shift in birth time, over half an hour. That's not realistic.) FWIW for this birth time, progressed Moon is crossing natal local IC 20'.

SQ MC 22°37' Taurus, SSR Neptune 23°09' Aquarius. (To get transiting Neptune on Dsc, it would require roughly a quarter hour later birth time, which seems unreasonable.)

PSSR Asc 18° Libra conjoined SSR Mercury conjunct natal Mars.

I continue to think his birth time is precisely right on the half hour.
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Re: Joseph Biden

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Other seeming confirmation of his birth time: Right now progressed/Solar Arc MC is 0°00' from opposite his natal Saturn.

However, coming up - only 0°04' applying - is progressed Mercury opposite natal Jupiter.
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