Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

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Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Dec 29, 2015

Cyril Fagan was born May 22, 1896, 12:00 PM Dunsink Time in Dublin, Ireland.

In Primer of Sidereal Astrology, Fagan wrote, "It was in 1944, to be precise on April 30, that the marked superiority of the sidereal over the tropical version of the solar and lunar revolutions first became manifest." I don't have a time that this crystalized for him, but I'm pretty sure he was still living in Dublin.

Going just by transits, one would have to conclude that he was rather mortified by the discovery! Using noon:

t. Neptune -0- r. Moon -22'
t. Neptune -180- r. Mars +39'
-- t. Jupiter -45- r. Moon +12'
t. Saturn -0- r. Mercury +28'
t. Mars -45- r. Sun -02'

His Sidereal Solar Return, of nearly a year earlier, was of little consequence other than the Moon-Pluto partile opposition, and the centering of his natal Mercury and Neptune on Midheaven. Transits to the SSR included:

t. Pluto -180- s. Moon +17'
t. Uranus -45- s. Jupiter -24'
t. Saturn just left orb of sq. SSR Asc

His SLR is also harsh with Saturn and Mars straddling Ascendant, the Saturn sitting on his natal Mercury; and the Moon-Neptune conjunction 11' wide. One point of revelation: natal Uranus squares SLR MC < 2°.

Secondary progressions were of interest, with a Sun-Venus conjunction 0°01' from exact. Progressed Moon at 7°24' Gemini is exactly square his natal Moon-Mars opposition.

His Solar Quotidian had the one clear sign of intellectual attainment and revelation: Progressed (SQ)Mercury is on Midheaven, SQ Moon squares natal Venus (+03'), and transiting Uranus squares SQ Ascendant.
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

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Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:According to the bio in the astrodatabank,
"He stated that it was on 2/17/1944, that he finally accepted the Sidereal Zodiac and within a week 'invented' the Sidereal Lunar Return. On 4/30/1944, he finally accepted the Sidereal Solar Return and made these discoveries public in a series of articles entitled "Incidents and Accidents of Astrology' which ran in the A.F.A. Bulletin in 1947. "

That bio also mentions he retired from the civil service in Ireland at age 60 in 1956 and moved to Tangier. He moved to Arizona in 1966, sometime before April.
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:Jim wrote:
His Sidereal Solar Return, of nearly a year earlier, was of little consequence other than the Moon-Pluto partile opposition…
I strongly suspect this huge astrological discovery was a “shock” to his astrological mind. Also note his DEMI SSR featured a Moon-Pluto 90 (1,06), and his Feb 22nd 1944 last quarter SSR featured another partile 180 of Moon-Pluto. Very rare to see this many Moon-Pluto aspects in a solar year with one’s quarti’s-demi SSR’s combined with the annual SSR.
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by Stillpoint »

"He stated that it was on 2/17/1944, that he finally accepted the Sidereal Zodiac
As for the 17 february date there seems to be much Jupiterian stuff going on, signifying an increase of knowledge and wisdom.
Cyril Fagan had his natal Jupiter sextile his MC as well, which is good for teaching and publishing et.c. So this time was an opportunity
for him professionally as well it seems, opening pathways.

For example:

Secondary progression

P ME-45- P JU (0'39)
(Triggered that month february by progressed Moon semisquaring progressed Jupiter.)


Tr. Uranus at MC
Tr. Ur-60-JU (0'14)


Natal Jupiter was eclipse activated.
25 jan solar eclipse at 10'35 cap was opposing natal Jupiter at 10' 38' Can. (0'03 orb).

In the Hindu dasha (period)
He was running the major long period of Jupiter.
Signifying a quest for knowledge and also teaching and publishing. Jupiter is exalted in
cancer and therefore giving the period good potential in this.
(Jupiter is in what is considered"the best Nakshatra "Pushya" which is ruled by the vedic mythic deity ''Brihaspati' the teacher of
the Gods. Brihaspati is the vedic name that corrresponds to Jupiter. Is associated with teachings and Guru's .)
Last edited by Stillpoint on Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by SteveS »

Excellent observations Stillpoint, I think you nailed this symbolism for Fagan's most important discovery for us Siderealists. Thanks for posting your observations. :)
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Stillpoint wrote: Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:30 am Cyril Fagan had his natal Jupiter sextile his MC as well, which is good for teaching and publishing et.c. So this time was an opportunity
I don't find trines and sextiles (or, for that matter, any aspects) to angles to be valid.

In this case, it doesn't matter much since you could get similar symbolism from Jupiter closely sextile his natal Sun (which was on his MC).

For that date, just by transit, I'm tickled to see Uranus just coming off conjunction with his MC and - for a high-impact day - transiting Mars conjunct his Pluto. Jupiter was about to square his Uranus, likely showing weeks of pleasurable discovery immediately after.
Secondary progression
P ME-45- P JU (0'39)
(Triggered that month february by progressed Moon semisquaring progressed Jupiter.)
Indeed he did. And, to add the last little detail, 2/17 was the final day of his progressed Moon-Mercury conjunction, which had been in orb for the prior two months.

On other symbolism, I don't think we can ignore the 0°05' progressed Sun-Venus conjunction.
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by Stillpoint »

Excellent observations Stillpoint, I think you nailed this symbolism for Fagan's most important discovery for us Siderealists. Thanks for posting your observations. :)
Thanks Steve. I value your posts. I think i recognise youfrom 'another lifetime' in the sidereal camp at astro-com. :D
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by Stillpoint »

Thanks for comments Jim,

Jim Eshelman wrote.
For that date, just by transit, I'm tickled to see Uranus just coming off conjunction with his MC and - for a high-impact day - transiting Mars conjunct his Pluto. Jupiter was about to square his Uranus, likely showing weeks of pleasurable discovery immediately after.
Yes that Uranus transit seems important for a 'new direction' in his profession, and also as his reputation in the astrology circuit I guess.
As for the transiting Jupiter to Uranus, I noticed that as well. If taking transits to progressions into consideration, the transit Jupiter to progressed Uranus is exact ( 0'03 orb), so it may have started already.
which would tally with the theme of Uranus Jupiter, for new expansion of perspectives and sudden happy turning point moment ?
On other symbolism, I don't think we can ignore the 0°05' progressed Sun-Venus conjunction.
No doubt important for him in his development. Maybe relationship themes as well ?
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by SteveS »

Stillpoint wrote:
Thanks Steve. I value your posts. I think i recognise youfrom 'another lifetime' in the sidereal camp at astro-com. :D
Probably so, and before Jim came in with this forum, I was desperate trying to find other Siderealists on other astrology forums. Good to have you here. :)
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Stillpoint wrote: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:48 am
On other symbolism, I don't think we can ignore the 0°05' progressed Sun-Venus conjunction.
No doubt important for him in his development. Maybe relationship themes as well ?
I simply meant the life-altering happiness of the discovery. (He was a Taurus-Virgo. Nothing was going to thrill or delight him like unearthing antiquities and make great informational discoveries.)
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by Stillpoint » well put. The joy of discovery. Of course...virgo loves that.

Looking at Tertiary progressions there seems to be a further confirmation of the importance
of this beautiful symbolism with Venus Sun. The repeat of this progression in the Tertiaries, can help to timing this long
secondary progression sun conjunct venus to the time of spring 1944. This is a technique Ronald C Davison
described in his book "The Technique of Prediction".

Tp sun conj Tp Venus square natal MC & Sun.
Tp Uranus opp MC (0'42)
Tp Uranus trine Jupiter (0'32)
Tp ASC. quad Tp Jupiter (0'49) (Solar arc in R.A angles)

Tertiary progressed Uranus on IC angle trine to natal Jupiter, seems very good for new exciting discoveries. And is repeating the theme of
the Uranus Jupiter energies.
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Re: Cyril Fagan & the discovery of Solunars

Post by SteveS »

8-) More confirming symbolism Stillpoint! Excellent.
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