Aries or Taurus

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Aries or Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

We did a birthday event for a friend tonight. Her Sun is in Aries Sidereally, Taurus Tropically.

She enlisted and served a term in the U.S. military. Works out like crazy. A self-driving entrepreneur making an Herbalife business really pay. She's on the board of a non-profit called "You Run This Town Foundation."

Her personal theme song, known to everyone who knows her, is "Girl's On Fire."

Several of her other friends at the party were talking about what a wonderful Taurus she is.

What are your thoughts about the matter? <vbg>
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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

I wonder what traits of hers her friends thought stood out as Tauran?
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Re: Aries or Taurus

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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Veronica »

I love that song.

I think that her friends must have very complentary synastry for them to give such accolades, and that they are more saying what they get out of the relationship then actual qualities of the friends character.

What I have seen with some people who talk about astrology from the tropical perspective is that they really have little to none practice watching astrology in there life and in their relationships with others, and in how they relate to the world at large because if they actually did look into what Make's a Taurus a Taurus and and Aries an Aries they would find the tropical destinations dont hold water once they start adding layers and layers of charts and progressions and transits.
I chalk most all things up to synastry and natal now and it gives me the answers I need most of the time.
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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Veronica wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:37 pm I think that her friends must have very complentary synastry for them to give such accolades, and that they are more saying what they get out of the relationship then actual qualities of the friends character.

What I have seen with some people who talk about astrology from the tropical perspective is that they really have little to none practice watching astrology in there life and in their relationships with others
V, I think you're onto something here.

I've seen a lot of people do things like claim having Venus in Scorpio is the same as having Venus conj Mars and conflate signs planets are exhalted in with the planets themselves (and vice versa.) A lot of that appears to come from Hindu/Vedic/Indian astrology, and a lot comes from web pages written by people with little knowledge and less integrity.
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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Well, that brush paints in my direction (just to be fair) since I do teach that about 80% of the nature of a sign can be learned from the character of its ruling and exalted planets and the absence of traits of its detriment and fall planets. (80% of Virgo is like Mercury and unlike Venus and Neptune, etc.)
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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Danica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 11:32 pm We did a birthday event for a friend tonight. Her Sun is in Aries Sidereally, Taurus Tropically.

She enlisted and served a term in the U.S. military. Works out like crazy. A self-driving entrepreneur making an Herbalife business really pay. She's on the board of a non-profit called "You Run This Town Foundation."

Her personal theme song, known to everyone who knows her, is "Girl's On Fire."

Several of her other friends at the party were talking about what a wonderful Taurus she is.

What are your thoughts about the matter? <vbg>
People tend to exist rooted-in their thinking-minds (labels, names) rather than simply be Present-in-the-here-now of their life-stream and experience ...
(And, in this case, I wonder how much can we say that they know their Arieses from their Tauruses, one way or another? :lol: )
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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:37 pm Well, that brush paints in my direction (just to be fair) since I do teach that about 80% of the nature of a sign can be learned from the character of its ruling and exalted planets and the absence of traits of its detriment and fall planets. (80% of Virgo is like Mercury and unlike Venus and Neptune, etc.)
I think some people here have taken that analogy a bit far, even confusing the names of the planets with those of the signs. And I don't think it gives us as much information as some people do. A lot of people worship on the alter of the exhaltations, even trying to re-arrange the planets into different schema to suit their personal ideas, come from examining their own heads rather than facts.
Does Mars rule BOTH Scorpio and Aries????? Breathless gasping... No it's PLUTO!! OMG OMG OMG!!!
This is not a question fundamental to the understanding of astrology. I do not understand why it comes up so often.
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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Danica wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:41 pm People tend to exist rooted-in their thinking-minds (labels, names) rather than simply be Present-in-the-here-now of their life-stream and experience ...
(And, in this case, I wonder how much can we say that they know their Arieses from their Tauruses, one way or another? :lol: )
Plus one and well said.
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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:56 pm This is not a question fundamental to the understanding of astrology. I do not understand why it comes up so often.
I've often taken it as one of the most fundamental things Siderealists have to show. To be able to show that the greatest number of soldiers and, especially, eminent military figures have Sun in Virgo instead of Sun in Libra is meaningful only because it shows them to be un-Venus rther thn Venussy. Same with all the other examples.

An ideal world would have Tropical and Sidereal astrologers mostly agreeing on what the same areas of space mean because they observe people and correctly assess character. It would then be only such things as the sign affinities that would give a clear distinction on which zodiac's labels fit those observed traits best.
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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

The question that is not fundamental is whether or not Pluto rules Scorpio or Aries or anything at all.
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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Veronica »

Ya know what my other thought on this was that I really have no experience talking to people in real life about astrology. This is the only place I talk about this beside to my family.

Maybe it is just me and my personal chart but I would love to get in on a conversation with someone tropical and have them try and say my stellium is Saggitarius.

If I had a stellium in Saggitarius as they would say my life would have much much much more Jupiterness and lacking in Mercury.

In a perfect world each individual would take an active interest in self exploration and learn what it means to have the aspects between the bodies and the placements of all the heavenly bodies and know there path and speed and learn how to best swim with those tides.
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Re: Aries or Taurus

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Been dealing with my real world shit. People loosing homes aged 19-45, drug realapces and new users ages 19-43 (ironically unrelated). Jaundice in 20 year olds, 19 year olds using meth; trying to find a job. grand mom's (plural) and grandad dying/going through surgical stuff, funerals- systemic racism etc.

Most of the world is running around playing don't starve right now; they can't even see past black and white- let alone see the difference between Scarlet (Taurus) and Red (Aries).
No i'm not homeless.. you just can't smell the roses as well as you can through a teepee door..
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