Aug 15: Madonna & Steve Carrell

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Jim Eshelman
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Aug 15: Madonna & Steve Carrell

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Madonna. August 16, 1958, 7:05 AM EST, Bay City, MI (AA).
Carrell, Steve. August 16, 1962, 8:59 AM EDT, Concord, MA (AA). currently lists Madonna's birth time as DD, not AA, so I should explain: A very credible, backed up story is told of a known, named astrologer getting Madonna's father, step-mother, and hospital staff on the phone together as the staffer looked up the birth record and read it as stated above. - The data is only thrown into question because if various things Madonna has said over the years: (1) She has repeatedly said she has [Tropical] Aquarius rising, which would be the case if she were born PM instead of AM. (2) She has repeatedly said that she doesn't know her birth time and/or that nobody knows it. The second statement contradicts or dispenses with the first statement; and since it's entirely credible that she doesn't know that a birth time is in her hospital records (which her father obtained), there is no reason to reject the AA data from the hospital record.

Firebrace, Brig. R.C. August 16, 1889, 4:45 PM LMT, Halifax, NS (A).
Jim Eshelman
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