Earlier this year I asked a question on this site about what was going on with me astrologically. The community analyzed my chart and gave me a detailed report of what exactly was going on. It has not been over 6 months since I have posted that question and I am amazed at how accurate the sidereal astrology is. I’ve always been quite skeptical of astrology in general, especially the tropical version. Yet, the accuracy of the chart reading this community gave me has continued to blow me away.
Now, I am curious about other people's experience with sidereal astrology. Was there a ever a time you were truly blown away by a forecast or how accurately a report lined up? Does this just become commonplace when using astrology everyday? How has astrology changed your life in general?
A time when astrology amazed you!
- Planet Member
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Sat Jul 22, 2017 5:12 pm
Re: A time when astrology amazed you!
Easternsun777 asked:
Not necessarily a forecast or report. I was blown away when I first read Jim’s book: “How to Interpret Solar Returns” and then checked only a couple of my past Sidereal Solar Return “outstanding incident” charts in my life using Jim’s guidelines, proving/seeing the truth of certain Sidereal Return charts. It was this book which set me on a course for the serious study of Sidereal Astrology.Was there ever a time you were truly blown away by a forecast or how accurately a report lined up?
No, not for me. I mainly use astrology for timing what I think are “outstanding incidents” charts for myself, friends/colleagues and with mundane astrology charts.Does this just become commonplace when using astrology everyday?
It was the single most important higher learning of my entire life. Sidereal Astrology needs to be taught in the Universities, IMO. I studied Tropical Astrology for many years, but it was not until I discovered Sidereal Astrology that I became serious about learning astrology.How has astrology changed your life in general?
- Sidereal Field Agent
- Posts: 943
- Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:13 pm
Re: A time when astrology amazed you!
I have been blown away many times by Sidereal Astrology, especially when I learn a new technique. Most true of all when I acquired a new piece of siderealist literature. I was a very frequent patron of Gilbert's Book Shop from 1975 on: odds are fairly decent I saw James Eshelman there a time or two without knowing it! Though predictive astrology has always impressed me (especially solar and lunar returns), my most intense experiences have been in learning all the nuances of the birth chart -- the foundation of all personal astrology (and a significant part of mundane astrology)--character is destiny. My most recent blown away experience was grasping the nuances of Eris right in the middle of my Sun - Venus conjuction (and the nuances of Sun-Venus deeply background, while Eris is just about as middleground as it gets -- something you can only see via mundoscope). Love thy name is Chaos

Time matters
Re: A time when astrology amazed you!
For me.. Yes, getting my mind blown has become commonplace. What that translates to is having my worldview altered. Astrology takes on something of a fundamental reality for me now - perhaps the very mind of God - where before it was like kinda neat.easternsun777 wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 5:53 amWas there a ever a time you were truly blown away by a forecast or how accurately a report lined up? Does this just become commonplace when using astrology everyday? How has astrology changed your life in general?

Re: A time when astrology amazed you!
I remember when Jim first told me that I did not have a Stellium in Saggitarius but in Scorpio. I feel that moment validated all I had intuited in my life. yet it was more about the kindness and understanding and compassion that he showed me then the math and science of it.
Re: A time when astrology amazed you!
Here is an account about the single most important incident in my life which blew me away with the precision timing accuracy of a Sidereal Astrology chart. It was a Solar Quotidian Chart (SQ) which is a Daily Chart with the angles progressing approximately 1 degree per day, and the Solar Moon progressing approximately 13 degrees during a Solar year. As far as I can determine, Cyril Fagan, the father of Western Sidereal Astrology discovered/invented Solar Quotidian Charting. In my 40 years of studying astrology, there is no other branch of astrology which can compare to the precision timing of Sidereal Astrology Charting.
There is nothing like a very dangerous direct experience in life that teaches you the value of the precision timing knowledge Sidereal Astrology offers, although when this incident happened in my life, I was not aware of this rare unique Daily Solar Quotidian Chart happening in my life. After this dangerous incident happened in my life, it took me several weeks of tedious research before I discovered the correct astrological chart conveying the precise timing symbolism for this incident in my life. I have often on this forum stated that astrological planetary symbolism from Sidereal Astrology charts manifest according to one’s “immediate environments.” Here was my “immediate environment” circumstances relative to my life on this fated DAY:
In 1997, I was promoted to managing director of a 16 Screen Multiplex Theater, and put in charge picking-up and depositing huge amounts of cash after each 4 daily showings of 16 movies during heavy weekend business. This Theater was the largest grossing theater in the State. I had to make 4 separate bank deposits on each weekend day for Friday, Sat, and Sunday. I had told my District Manager that we needed armed security to follow and go to the bank with management because of the huge amounts of cash being deposited on the weekends. District ignored my security requests!
Incident (Birmingham, Alabama): Attempted robbery while I was in the process making a large bank deposit.
Solar Quotidian angular planetary symbolism on 2/13/1998:
SQ MC 29,53 Lib
SQ Mars 29,43 Lib
SQ Moon 29,50 Ari
Sidereal Solar Quotidian Chart on 2/13/1998:
This dramatic life incident happened in my life before Jim’s solunars forum came into being, and Jim eventually taught on his forum that Sidereal Solar Ingress quotidian charts were the single most important Sidereal Chart timing important incidents in the Mundane World. Again, my daily Solar Quotidian Moon-Mars-MC on 2/13/1998 was the single most important astrological Sidereal Astrological chart which blew my mind. I knew with my discovery of my 2/13/1998 Solar Quotidian Chart, I wanted to seriously study Sidereal Astrology for the rest of my life. My life had been struck with AWE!
There is nothing like a very dangerous direct experience in life that teaches you the value of the precision timing knowledge Sidereal Astrology offers, although when this incident happened in my life, I was not aware of this rare unique Daily Solar Quotidian Chart happening in my life. After this dangerous incident happened in my life, it took me several weeks of tedious research before I discovered the correct astrological chart conveying the precise timing symbolism for this incident in my life. I have often on this forum stated that astrological planetary symbolism from Sidereal Astrology charts manifest according to one’s “immediate environments.” Here was my “immediate environment” circumstances relative to my life on this fated DAY:
In 1997, I was promoted to managing director of a 16 Screen Multiplex Theater, and put in charge picking-up and depositing huge amounts of cash after each 4 daily showings of 16 movies during heavy weekend business. This Theater was the largest grossing theater in the State. I had to make 4 separate bank deposits on each weekend day for Friday, Sat, and Sunday. I had told my District Manager that we needed armed security to follow and go to the bank with management because of the huge amounts of cash being deposited on the weekends. District ignored my security requests!
Incident (Birmingham, Alabama): Attempted robbery while I was in the process making a large bank deposit.
Solar Quotidian angular planetary symbolism on 2/13/1998:
SQ MC 29,53 Lib
SQ Mars 29,43 Lib
SQ Moon 29,50 Ari
Sidereal Solar Quotidian Chart on 2/13/1998:
This dramatic life incident happened in my life before Jim’s solunars forum came into being, and Jim eventually taught on his forum that Sidereal Solar Ingress quotidian charts were the single most important Sidereal Chart timing important incidents in the Mundane World. Again, my daily Solar Quotidian Moon-Mars-MC on 2/13/1998 was the single most important astrological Sidereal Astrological chart which blew my mind. I knew with my discovery of my 2/13/1998 Solar Quotidian Chart, I wanted to seriously study Sidereal Astrology for the rest of my life. My life had been struck with AWE!
- Planet Member
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Sat Jul 22, 2017 5:12 pm
Re: A time when astrology amazed you!
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and stories. Sidereal astrology truly is an art and a science. I hope one day it will be taken seriously on the mainstream and viewed as an actual reality.
And Steve your story is amazing and I am glad that you are here today to tell it.
And Steve your story is amazing and I am glad that you are here today to tell it.

Re: A time when astrology amazed you!
Easternsun wrote:
Me too easternsun, glad to still be here. Sidereal Astrology with its calculable times of “important incidents” with certain charts in life is truly amazing to me! It’s AWE inspiring to me how an accurate TIME of birth and location can align life incidents for the rest of your life with certain Solunar Charts. And then at few times in life align important incidents calculated to an exact DAY with a Quotidian Chart. When that most important incident occurred to me with my Quotidian Chart on 2/13/1998, I could not find any astrological charts which accurately explained to me why/how this life incident happened was timed for me. This life incident was so important to me I told myself if astrology is about TIME, then there had to be an astrological chart which explained to me the “outstanding incident” of that one DAY in my life. I searched for weeks all known charting techniques since I had no known contacts with the small school of Sidereal Astrologers. Finally after nearly giving-up my search, I was reading an entire manual for a computer DOS program for astrological charting. In one paragraph, I read about Quotidian charting from the School of Sidereal Astrology and after about 2 hours of trial & errors, I was able to correctly compute a Solar Quotidian Chart for myself on that fateful DAY. That one Solar Quotidian Chart for me so accurately described with acute planetary symbolism what happened to me on that DAY, it overwhelmed me with such an emotional impact with sheer AWE as to how can the geometry/math of a chart starting from a birth time set a person up with TIME for impactful events into the future of their lives? Sidereal Astrology has proved to me “Timing is Everything.” Or as mikestar on this forum signs off his posts: “TIME MATTERS.” It's actually for me still a deep mystery the science of Sidereal Astrology which constantly fills my life with AWE studying the thousands of charts that my life has presented to me by seriously studying Sidereal Astrology. I only wish everyone on the planet could be filled with the same AWE as me realizing the timing truths of Sidereal Astrology.And Steve your story is amazing and I am glad that you are here today to tell it.