Arena wrote: Sat Aug 13, 2022 8:08 am
Thanks, it would perhaps be a good idea to explain how it's the same in here since people can learn from it.
I'll give a short summary here. The longer exposition is here:
The key idea is that planet positions (in whatever reference system, e.g., the ecliptic) are
circles of position - not semi-circles, but circles, wrapping around the whole celestial sphere. For example, my Sun at 22°28' Virgo has that longitude because a great circle passing through my Sun crosses the ecliptic at 22°28' Virgo... but it also crosses it at 22°28' Pisces. (It wraps all the way around.) There are are a lot of interesting implications in this (and a lot of possible conclusions that probably would be wrong). It has a lot to contribute to aspect theory. It may even speak more immediately to why opposing constellations are so
intimately polarized, often as if they were two different voices in the same story (consider Cancer-Capricorn as story tellers, strong parent and security themes, and many other things in addition to the obvious opposite traits). And so on.
I don't know of any phenomenon in nature that would cause
half a circle to be an operative unit. Geometrically, I'm convinced the whole circle is in play. Aspects aren't formed between two planets (that's a casual way to get the idea across more simply) but, rather, the angle between their two
circles of position.
For midpoints, this produces the following picture: My Sun is 22°28' Virgo, my Moon 27°24' Aquarius. Halfway between them by the shortest route (their half-sum) is 9°56' Sagittarius, Now, it's already well known that conjunctions and oppositions are identical in midpoints, in the sense that 9°56' Gemini (the opposite point) is
also exactly halfway between my Moon and Sun.
But wait, there's more!
If the midpoint is formed by the symmetry of the Moon and Sun positions, this means (geometrically) that it is formed on the ecliptic at the points halfway between the PLANES of Moon and Sun positions - that is, between their
circles of position. As shown above, my Sun is intersected by a great circle that crosses the ecliptic at both 22°28' Virgo and Pisces. Similarly, my Moon is intersected by a great circle that crosses the ecliptic at both 27°24' Aquarius and Leo. In many senses (especially, I think, for understanding the mechanisms of aspects and midpoints),
all four of these positions are positions of my luminaries. If you plot 27°24' Leo, 22°28' Virgo, 27°24' Aquarius, and 22°28' Pisces on a circle, you'll see instantly that THERE ARE FOUR MIDPOINTS BETWEEN THEM. Not just 9°56' Gemini-Sagittarius but also 9°56' Virgo-Pisces.
I think these are
not squares to the midpoints: They are legitimate Moon/Sun midpoints on their own. All four of them are
direct midpoints between the circles of position marking Moon and Sun. This also matches my experience that I can't tell the difference of the squares from the conjunctions-oppositions.
To take it one step further: The
simplest theory is now that midpoints don't make aspects at all. They ONLY exist for direct (conjunction) contact. But what (you may ask) about the acknowledged semi-squares and sesqui-squares to midpoints? (Nobody with Cosmobiology experience is going to believe they don't exist.) There is a simpler explanation: German schools have long acknowledged that
midpoints of midpoints exist. If you take the midpoint between
any two of my four Moon/Sun direct midpoints you get the semi-squares. (Wow, this makes sense: Same symbolism, same meaning, but understandably a notch weaker.) One could go further by taking midpoints of these for those who insist that 22.5° aspects to midpoints are valid (but, again, a stepdown weaker).
Those are the main points of the argument.
I'm wondering how the dir. MC to the Sun/Pluto midpoint should be explained. I see that Ebertin connects it with seeking a position of power. But I think that possibly (at least in my case) Pluto has a transformative effect, not necessarily connected with material power though. Perhaps higher power. Or secret teachings. Perhaps Pluto is "the bringer of truth/s". There is some kind of "shaking" effect where life shakes you and sometimes to the point that people are "shaken off" of you. Certain truths come out.
I define the Sun-Pluto principle as, "Authentic self, solitude, eccentric, the exception." This is narrow and subject to elaboration, of course, but I think it hits the central idea.
Some of your ideas fit into this. Others probably
ultimately fit into this (or a similar concept) but, on surface, sound more like a transiting Pluto. This is directed MC to
natal Sun/Pluto, right? Therefore, the
natal idea of Sun/Pluto (what I summarize as authentic self solitude eccentric, the exception) is going to be brought out, not a "transiting Pluto" type of effect (which we might expect from directed Sun/Pluto to natal MC).
They went through this process of an induced a near death experience in a dark cave or in darkness for three days, and got in touch with The Architect/God/Higher all-knowingness and came back to life with great wisdoms from this experience.
Yes, I've undergone and administered this sort of formula

. Even when the conscious mind knows fully well that it didn't die, one can create the circumstances (by preparation and then ritual) where subconsciousness passes through the experience that it died - and is utterly transformed by this. (Deeper versions can persuade the conscious mind, too, but I'm not sure that's necessary.) It's usually (I think most effectively) preceded by a period where the ego (not knowing that it is transient and recreated moment to moment) fears for and battles for its life and has to pass through its own dying stages.
(Didn't mean to go off on that, but I'll leave it.)