Bernie Sanders

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Bernie Sanders

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jan 18, 2016

I just discovered that we have a reasonably high-quality (A rated) birth time for Bernie Sanders. (This is pretty new, because it wasn't there a few weeks ago. I'm surprised it isn't getting flashed around the mundane astrology pages on Facebook.)

Sen. Bernard Sanders was born September 8, 1941, 12:27 PM, Brooklyn Heights, NY. This time comes from memory of a close associate. It isn't the best source, but it's far better than we had.

Leo Sun, Pisces Moon (and Mars).
Saturn (1°58') & Uranus (4°46') from Dsc
No Sun aspects. Moon most visibly (but widely) conjunct Mars, but more closely opposite Venus and sextile Jupiter.
Mercury trines Uranus, sextiles Pluto.
Venus closely opposite Mars, also trines Jupiter
Worth noting Jupiter semisquarePluto, the foreground Saturn-Uranus opposition (trine Neptune).

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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Transits for a few key dates...

Iowa Caucuses 2/1/16 (use 8 PM)
Pluto -135- r. Uranus (-15')
-- Uranus -45- r. Uranus (+47')
Neptune -180- r. MC (-60'), -135- r. Venus (+09')
Sun -135- r. Neptune (-25')
(NB: Certainly excitement, apprehension... no clear indication of outcome. Much is changing, much in his life is rearranging significantly.)

New Hampshire Primary 2/9/16 (use 8 PM)
Pluto -135- r. Uranus (0°00')
Neptune -180- r. MC (-43'). -135- r. Venus (+26'), -45- r. Mars (-57')
Jupiter -90- r. Jupiter (+41'), -45- r. Pluto (+28')
Venus -90- r. Moon (+44')
Mercury -90- r. Mars (+37')
(NB: He's currently a bit ahead in New Hampshire, so it may be his state - these transits are consistent with having a great day.)

Super Tuesday 3/1/16 (use 11 PM)
Pluto -135- r. Uranus (+35)
Neptune -180- r. MC (+05'), -45- r. Mars (-09')
Saturn -90- r. Sun (-42')
Mars -180- r. Saturn (-65')
(NB: If the birth time is correct, this is a devastating period. Even if it isn't correct, Saturn is now within orb of square his Sun, Mars opposes his Saturn the next day, the Jupiter advantages are withdrawn. This looks like he's at the end, or nearly so. His Demi-SSR occurs a few days later, though I haven't a clue where he will be at the time; maybe DC? - For Washington it has Uranus exactly on MC conjunct his Moon, partile square Pluto.)

Democratic National Convention July 25-28 (use 8 PM, 26th is probably most important)
Pluto -135- r. Uranus (-38')
Uranus -0- r. Mars (-14')
Saturn -90- r. MC (+31')
Jupiter -90- r. Jupiter (+17')
Mars barely 1° past conj. his Ascendant, close all week
Sun -0- r. Pluto on last night of convention
(NB: Much has happened since March 1. In particular, if this birth time is right, Neptune kept working itself across his IC and Uranus conjoined his Moon late March through late April and moved on to his Venus-Mars. Saturn squares his Sun 2/23-4/24, stationary late May 15' from exact.)

His September 8 SSR has Moon conjunct Saturn 10', sq. Neptune 11', Saturn-Neptune 01'. His natal Saturn-Uranus straddles the IC, his Pluto is setting for DC.

Election Day 11/8/16 (use 11 PM)
Pluto -135- r. Saturn (+48')
Neptune -180- r. MC (-14'), -45- r. Mars (-28'), -135- r, Venus (+55')
(NB: In the, I believe unlikely, eventuality that he is the Democratic candidate, he will lose, according to these transits.)

Inauguration Day 1/20/17, 12:00 PM
Neptune -180- r. MC (+45'), -45- r. Mars (+31')
Uranus -0- r. Moon (+19')
Jupiter -0- r, Venus (-39') [It opposed his Moon on Christmas.]
Sun -135- r. Sun (-50')
(NB: Not a good period, but not a bad day for him.)
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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News coverage today focuses on Sanders personally struggling with the question of whether to "go negative" on his advertising right before Iowa, or stay consistent with the tone of his campaign to date. (The campaign is ready either to launch "soft" ads or more attack-like ads against Clinton.)

He has a progressed Moon-Mars square right now, but it's separating. He's had this aspect for nearly two months. My thought is that, if he hasn't gone on attack mode until now, he's not going to do it under this aspect.

His current SLR for Iowa is coming on very strong, but not aggressively or harshly. His Demi-SLR Jan 30 for Iowa has Saturn on EP, Neptune on IC, which TW I think will show the outcome for him in Iowa.

This might prove reasonable tests for his chart.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Nevada caucuses
t. Pluto -135- r. Uranus +18'
t. Neptune -180- r. MC -18' [Highly dependent on exact birth time.]
t. Neptune -45- r. Mars -32'
-- t. Neptune -135- r. Venus +51'
t. Jupiter -90- r. Jupiter -31'
-- t. Jupiter -45- r. Pluto -44'
t. Sun -90- r. Uranus +43'
[Not a bad day at all, and some indications of it being a really good day - unless his birth time is quite accurate, in which case the Neptune effect is heavily eroding. It's either his last good showing, or the first clear sign of the end and, based on this, we can draw some conclusions about his birth time accuracy.]

South Carolina primary
t. Pluto -135- r. Uranus +29'
t. Neptune -180- r. MC -02'
-- t. Neptune -45- r. Mars -16'
-- t. Sun -180- r. MC -38'
-- t. Sun -45- r. Mars -52'
-- -- Sun-Neptune conj. -36'
t. Saturn -90- r. Sun -49'
t. Mars -0- r. Asc +64'
t. Venus -135- r. Neptune +25'
[Saturn enters its square to his Sun, which likely will end his campaign before the transit is through. But, much worse, if his birth time is correct then we add Mars and Neptune exactly conjoining his natal angles, reinforced by Sun. This is possibly one of the very worst days of his life.]
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Saturn transits Bernie Sanders' Sun within 1° beginning tomorrow, February 23,and continuing until April 25. I have predicted that there is a very good chance that this window will mark the end of his candidacy.

it isn't his worst time of the year under this transit, though. Another patch begins after the election. Saturn is in partile square to his Sun November12-30 and, this time, makes the exact square November 21.

The Nevada outcome increases my confidence in his birthtime being exactly right. I wrote previously concerning the Nevada caucus:
Not a bad day at all, and some indications of it being a really good day - unless his birth time is quite accurate, in which case the Neptune effect is heavily eroding. It's either his last good showing, or the first clear sign of the end and, based on this, we can draw some conclusions about his birth time accuracy.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Feb 22, 2016

The Washington Post just called Sanders' behavior in his campaign "courtly." What a marvelous description for a Leo!
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Feb 24, 2016

Harry Reid endorsed Hillary this morning and, more importantly, made a plea for the party to stop a contentious duel and lineup behind one candidate. (In other words, let her get back to campaigning as if for the main election, so she can speak more from the middle and attract right-leaning voters as well, rather than having to emphasize her liberal side and alienate them.) He told Bernie yesterday that this was going to happen. CNN broke the news at 10:13 AM PST.

This doesn't mean that the battle is over, but it is a significant turning point - coming (as predicted) as Saturn slips into partile square of Bernie's Sun.

I also think this phase is supportive of the accuracy of his birth time. Transiting Neptune is 0°10' from his IC. Transiting Mars is 0°17' from his Ascendant. Jupiter still squares his natal Jupiter, but the orb has stretched to 0°56' and will expire in about 5 days. Transiting Moon conjoins his Neptune as the announcement goes public and starts to spread.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Feb 27, 2016
Jim Eshelman wrote:South Carolina primary
t. Pluto -135- r. Uranus +29'
t. Neptune -180- r. MC -02'
-- t. Neptune -45- r. Mars -16'
-- t. Sun -180- r. MC -38'
-- t. Sun -45- r. Mars -52'
-- -- Sun-Neptune conj. -36'
t. Saturn -90- r. Sun -49'
t. Mars -0- r. Asc +64'
t. Venus -135- r. Neptune +25'
[Saturn enters its square to his Sun, which likely will end his campaign before the transit is through. But, much worse, if his birth time is correct then we add Mars and Neptune exactly conjoining his natal angles, reinforced by Sun. This is possibly one of the very worst days of his life.]
Yes. I'm increasingly confident of his birth time.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Mar 14, 2016

Bernie's transits for 10 PM EST tomorrow, 3/15/16:

t. Pluto -135- r. Uranus +51'
t. Neptune -180- r. MC +36'
t. Saturn -90- r. Sn -19'
t. Jupiter -0- r. Sun +40'
t. Venus -45- r Moon -56'

This looks rough, but better than other times in this period. I don't think the predictions are as strong as his supporters want everyone to believe, but he won't be really unhappy tomorrow night.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Mar 16, 2016
Jim Eshelman wrote:Bernie's transits for 10 PM EST tomorrow, 3/15/16:

t. Pluto -135- r. Uranus +51'
t. Neptune -180- r. MC +36'
t. Saturn -90- r. Sun -19'
t. Jupiter -0- r. Sun +40'
t. Venus -45- r Moon -56'

This looks rough, but better than other times in this period. I don't think the predictions are as strong as his supporters want everyone to believe, but he won't be really unhappy tomorrow night.
Five losses out of five. His only good marks for the day were making it skin-of-the-teeth close in Missouri, and making some inroads into Illinois. but not enough.

Not sure that the Jupiter was helping him any at all.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Apr 01, 2016

Sanders is having another surge period. I think it's basically the dance of Jupiter and Saturn around his Sun.

Uranus conjoins his Moon. This stirs a basic "awake" sense, refreshing changes, renewed interest, emotional unleashing, and consequent popularity. (If afflicted, it can be simply disruptive, but that isn't happening right now.)

Neptune has moved out of partile orb with his IC, if his birthtime is exactly right.

Saturn remains closely (17' at the moment) square his Sun, and Jupiter is outside a partile orb, but these will be on solunar and other angles for different locations as he moves about, and the two are in a kind of dance.

On balance, this seems to be showed renewed excitement and being saved from embarrassment, but still not winning the big game while these transits persist. He's likely to score big in Wisconsin, and will still have roughly half the delegates Clinton has.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Bernie's transits for the end of polling for the NY primary, April 19.

t. Uranus -0- r. Moon +35'
t. Saturn -90- r. Sun -47'
t. Mars -90- r. MC -38'

Doesn't look so good for him.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Apr 23, 2016

It has been looking like next Tuesday will mark the point where the Sanders campaign completely loses credibility about a forward path, with the suggestion that he could (could!) effectively end his campaign Wednesday. (I think he'll find a way to keep it nominally going to keep his message going, but that's a different thing.)

Everybody (including his campaign) is saying he needs to do really well, but odds are in excess of 90% that Hillary will win the state. How do the transits look for end of voting? His one advantage is that Saturn has just retrograded out of partile square to his Sun.

t. Uranus -0- r. Moon +58'
t. Mars -45- r. Venus -01'

That's not a lot - and, as I said, the absence of the Saturn-Sun transit may say more than anything else.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Apr 23, 2016

Oops... just noticed a big miss. Transiting Pluto is only 10' from conjunct Sanders' progressed Moon-Venus conjunction. Since I don't think he's getting divorced, this is likely to be another hard, transformative, breaking up his psyche type of event inspiring soul-searching and separation.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Apr 27, 2016
Jim Eshelman wrote:Democratic National Convention July 25-28 (use 8 PM, 26th is probably most important)
Pluto -135- r. Uranus (-38')
Uranus -0- r. Mars (-14')
Saturn -90- r. MC (+31')
Jupiter -90- r. Jupiter (+17')
Mars barely 1° past conj. his Ascendant, close all week
Sun -0- r. Pluto on last night of convention
At this point, the original "main question" is pretty well answered: Sanders will not be claiming the nomination in July. He has some "career turning point" moments (Jupiter-Jupiter phase), and he's scrappy and combative - capable of considerable impact - but not likely to succeed at anything large with thee transits. (Which is good, since his SSR a few weeks later has strong defeat signals, independent of location in the country.)

But do expect him to have impact.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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May 04, 2016

As I've just done for Trump and Clinton, here is a review of transits for turning-point events coming up in the next few months.

Democratic National Convention July 25-28 (8 PM July 26)
Pluto -135- r. Uranus (-38')
Uranus -0- r. Mars (-14')
Saturn -90- r. MC (+31')
Jupiter -90- r. Jupiter (+17')
Mars barely 1° past conj. his Ascendant, close all week
Sun -0- r. Pluto on last night of convention
(NB: What a complex combination of stuff! He is still in high-impact mode and even combative, and this is a turn-point in his career, but it looks ultimately like failure with some consolation. His birth time has seemed highly accurate.)

His September 8 SSR has Moon conjunct Saturn 10', sq. Neptune 11', Saturn-Neptune 01'. His natal Saturn-Uranus straddles the IC, his Pluto is setting for DC.

Election Day 11/8/16 (11 PM)
Pluto -135- r. Saturn (+48')
Neptune -180- r. MC (-14'), -45- r. Mars (-28'), -135- r. Venus (+55')
(NB: In the, I believe unlikely, eventuality that he is the Democratic candidate, he will lose, according to these transits. The words "shattered & dispirited" probably apply, especially in the context of his SSR.)

Inauguration Day 1/20/17, 12:00 PM
Neptune -180- r. MC (+45'), -45- r. Mars (+31')
Uranus -0- r. Moon (+19')
Jupiter -0- r. Venus (-39') [It opposes his Moon on Christmas.]
Sun -135- r. Sun (-50')
(NB: Not a good period, but not a bad day for him.)
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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June 7 is the date of the California and New Jersey primaries, the vast majority of all delegates left and the day it is expected Hillary will cement the nomination. How do Bernie's transits look? Using 10 PM Pacific time...

t. Pluto -135- r. Uranus +31'
t. Uranus-180- r. Venus +07'
t. Saturn -0-r. EP +19' [with Saturn sq. Neptune 43']
t. Mars -0- r. Asc +03'

Seems a pretty harsh, unhappy day.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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May 13, 2016
unique_astrology wrote:My speculative chart for Bernie Sanders: September 8, 1941, 6:59 pm, EDT, Brooklyn, NY

Elected Mayor: Tuesday, March 3, 1981. I used 11 pm, EST.

Bernie VT 80 PAL
Feb 20 1981, 1:06:23 am, EST +5:00
Burlington VT 44°N28'33'' 073°W12'45''

PAL MC 168°29'

PAL Moon on the MC 168°50'
PAL Uranus rose 168°46'

PAL Nadir 327°27'

PAL Mercury 326°38'
Midpoint PAL Sun-Venus 328°10'

Bernie VT - Sec.Prog. Q2 Mean Quotidian
Mar 3 1981, 11:00 pm, EST +5:00
Burlington VT 44°N28'33'' 073°W12'45''
Base Chart Details
Sep 8 1941, 6:59 pm, EDT +4:00
Burlington VT 44°N28'33'' 073°W12'45''

Progressed natal Uranus set 168°15'

Married: May 28, 1988. I used 10 am, EDT (They were in the Memorial Day parade so it might have been later but the MC only advances about 1 degree every 2 hours.

Bernie 88 DS PAL
May 27 1988, 3:52:36 pm, EDT +4:00
Burlington VT 44°N28'33'' 073°W12'45''

PAL East Point 200°31'

PAL Moon on the East Point at 199°48'

Bernie VT - Natal Chart
Sep 8 1941, 6:59 pm, EDT +4:00
Burlington VT 44°N28'33'' 073°W12'45''

Natal Moon on the West Point at 202°00'
Natal Venus on the East Point at 200°54'

Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. I used 11 pm, EST.

Bernie 90 PAL
Nov 3 1990, 4:54:19 am, EST +5:00
Burlington VT 44°N28'33'' 073°W12'45''

PAL MC 117°46'

Bernie VT - Natal Chart
Sep 8 1941, 6:59 pm, EDT +4:00
Burlington VT 44°N28'33'' 073°W12'45''

Natal Moon set at 118°18'
Natal Venus rose at 119°44'

PAL ASC 199°34'

Natal Jupiter trine at 79°02

Elected to the U.S. Senate. I used 11 pm, EST.

Natal MC 259°09'

Transit Uranus rose at 260°48'

PAL Zenith 201°25'

Natal Venus conjunct at 200°54'
Natal Moon on the Nadir at 202°00'

Bernie wins Michigan. He was in Miami, FL. I used 8 pm, EST.

PAL MC 137°01'

PAL Uranus trine at 17°23'

PAL Zenith 129°23'

Progressed natal Pluto conjunct at 129°20'

Secondary progressed natal East Point 235°08'

Progressed natal Uranus on the West Point at 56°05'

Progressed natal Sun at 237°34'. I think he may have had a rush for awhile.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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SteveS wrote:Thanks UA, I will be asking you a-lot of questions in the future so as to try and learn some of your 40 years of experience with the way you analyze charts. I am a big believer in learning from people with lots of experience in certain astrological techniques.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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unique_astrology wrote:My speculative chart for Bernie Sanders: September 8, 1941, 6:59 pm, EDT, Brooklyn, NY
We have a report (A rating) of a 12:27 PM chart that has been working like clock-work, especially as Neptune moved across his IC earlier this year.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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unique_astrology wrote:
Jim Eshelman wrote:
unique_astrology wrote:My speculative chart for Bernie Sanders: September 8, 1941, 6:59 pm, EDT, Brooklyn, NY
We have a report (A rating) of a 12:27 PM chart that has been working like clock-work, especially as Neptune moved across his IC earlier this year.
You use your preference and I will use mine OK.

I am satisfied with the appropriate symbolism aspecting the angles with very tight orbs for every major event I worked on for Bernie.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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unique_astrology wrote:I am satisfied with the appropriate symbolism aspecting the angles with very tight orbs for every major event I worked on for Bernie.
Obviously that's how it works :)

I do think it's bad form to use an admittedly speculative chart - especially to prove a point! - when we have a sourced time.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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unique_astrology wrote:That time is not sourced from a birth certificate as far as I know.

I would like to see the results it gives for the events I worked on.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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unique_astrology wrote:That time is not sourced from a birth certificate as far as I know.
Correct, it was from a personal report. I'm perfectly happy with A data (doesn't have to be AA), especially when the alternative is speculation - the A data usually turns out to be right.
I would like to see the results it gives for the events I worked on.
Go for it. I've posted a lot of transits above for key campaign events this year.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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SteveS wrote:I am extremely curious to endeavor to understand the astrology that explains Bernie's huge upset win in Michigan and Hillary's huge upset loss in Michigan. Bob has offered an analysis which he has being using for years and is the only prediction that came close to predicting this major primary upset. This peaks my interest. I have done no work with either of Bernie's timed charts posted here, but I am confident of Hillary's timed Natal Chart but have not looked in detail at her charts for the Michigan upset. I am very interested in all opinions and personal astro techniques pertaining to this Michigan upset issue. Bob, which timed chart are you using for Hillary? Below is quoted material pertaining to this major Michigan Primary upset.
Both the FiveThirtyEight polls-plus and polls-only forecast gave Clinton a greater than 99 percent chance of winning. That’s because polling averages for primaries, while inexact, are usually not 25 percentage points off. Indeed, my colleague Nate Silver went back and found that only one primary, the 1984 Democratic primary in New Hampshire, was even on the same scale as this upset. In that contest, the polling average had Walter Mondale beating Gary Hart by 17 percentage points, but it was Hart who won, with slightly more than 9 percentage points over Mondale.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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SteveS wrote:I am extremely curious to endeavor to understand the astrology that explains Bernie's huge upset win in Michigan and Hillary's huge upset loss in Michigan.
Do you mean personally to them, or mundanely?
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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SteveS wrote:Both, but mainly personal.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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SteveS wrote:Both, but mainly personal.
I agree that this is a worthwhile astrological project. The psychological impact was large.

Just to be clear, the "real world," practical details were much smaller than the psychological impact. His margin was very small, only about 1.5% lead. Sanders (from the last polls) was expected to get no more than about 42% of the vote and he got 49.8%. The bigger surprise was that Hillary was expected to get in the high 50s and only got 48.3%. They almost tied for delegates won. But there was a 99% chance given that Hillary would "win," i.e., get at least one more vote than Bernie. I pretty much understand how this happened in non-astrological terms, it's not really a mystery anymore; but it would be great to understand it in astrological terms also.

The Michigan primary was held March 8, 2016, and we can use 9 PM EST as the approximate time. I don't know where the candidates were at the time, so I have to ignore or minimize any techniques that are dependent on location.

Among Bernie's transits, we have two that do not promote winning, that marked negatively every detail of the surrounding weeks except the Michigan primary: Saturn squared his Sun, being 28' away when the polls closed, and Neptune crossed his IC (orb 21'). On that night, he was also set for a forceful surprise, with Mars opposite his Uranus and conjunct his progressed Sun.

Hillary has had Pluto semisquare her Jupiter all year, but on this night she had Mars conjunct her Jupiter: Mars-Pluto to her Jupiter. That cost her. Her SLR that night would have her natal Mercury-Saturn on the angles for Lansing - quite an appropriate aspect, on which elections have been lost before - but I'm not sure she was in Michigan.

But, with the tools available to us that don't rely on a location for the person, that's about all I can stir up. I would have expected Bernie to be in the middle of a demoralizing period (actually, he was - this just wasn't part of it) and Hillary to be fighting hard and doing OK.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:
SteveS wrote:I am extremely curious to endeavor to understand the astrology that explains Bernie's huge upset win in Michigan and Hillary's huge upset loss in Michigan.
There was no huge upset, either win or lose, in Michigan. Bernie won the primary and got 65 delegates. Hillary lost it and got 58. Nothing changed but a few numbers got added to the totals for both candidates. She was and is still winning the nomination, and he was and is not.

If you want to study the effect of this primary as a huge upset, you need to study the charts of the newspeople who were shocked and surprised. They were the only ones. Even pollsters weren't shocked. There was nearly no polling in Michigan, and what there was wasn't well done.

Bernie's people love to hype things like this, trying to make Hillarly look like a loser so people will let Bernie take the nomination at the convention. Don't get taken in by this tactic. This was not a big shocking surprise upset anything.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Here's a curio worth mentioning - one Bradley mentioned to me a couple times as something that was just too naggingly on the nose to ignore.

In the Dasa-Bhukti system the area from 20°00'00" to 22°00'00" Sagittarius is the Jupiter subzone of a Venus Nakshatra: Jupiter of Venus. If (as a little too often seems the case) these areas are pure 'zodiacal' zones, then this would be one of the most benefic 2° parts of the zodiac.

On March 8, as the returns came in, Bernie Sanders' progressed Moon was 20°23' Sagittarius, right in the middle of that zone. It entered February 27 and left April 17. That's a pretty wide swath, and I'd have to go back and see if that period was distinctly marked by anything. Of the cuff, I think it actually was the period when (due to the Saturn and Neptune transits) his campaign started heading for the toilet. But it's interesting in the context of pleasant surprise in Michigan.

Beginning April 17, he entered Saturn of Venus. He will stay in that until May 31.

Hillary, on March 8, had nothing so dramatic. Her progressed Moon at 11°00' Virgo was in the last minutes of the Moon of Moon period. Her progressed Moon had left a Sun major period and entered the 13°20' (roughly a year) Moon period February 10. Her progressed Moon entered the Mars sub-zone March 11, Uranus on April 30, will enter Jupiter of Moon May 21 (and stays there through the California and New Jersey primaries), and then Saturn on July 14.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:I have the spreadsheet you posted ages ago ( and if I input the progressed moon, I get the subzone and Nakshatra that you give, but I can't figure out how to use this spreadsheet to show when the moon enters or leaves one of these areas.
IS there another way?
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Remind me where the thread is that has that, and I'll updated it. Meantime, grab a copy of this updated file, and look on the last tab.

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Re: Bernie Sanders

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SteveS wrote:JSAD wrote:
Even pollsters weren't shocked.
I have very little experience following pollsters--never paid much attention to political polls, but this year I have been following Jim's posts with 538 as a possible future gambling interest, and noticed Silver had Hillary a 99% chance of winning Michigan and Silver himself stated Michigan was a huge upset with all the combined Polls he accumulates for 538. I interrupt this to mean Silver was "shocked" to the outcome in Michigan. Are you saying Michigan is unique to normal polling processes compared to other states and this is the reason 538 failed with its combined polls forecast in Michigan?
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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May 14, 2016
SteveS wrote:I have very little experience following pollsters--never paid much attention to political polls, but this year I have been following Jim's posts with 538 as a possible future gambling interest, and noticed Silver had Hillary a 99% chance of winning Michigan and Silver himself stated Michigan was a huge upset with all the combined Polls he accumulates for 538. I interrupt this to mean Silver was "shocked" to the outcome in Michigan. Are you saying Michigan is unique to normal polling processes compared to other states and this is the reason 538 failed with its combined polls forecast in Michigan?
Yes, I think it was a huge upset, and yes, I disagree with JSAD, the pollsters were taken by surprise. That's why I said the event had psychological impact. But it was only psychological impact. JSAD is right that there was almost no practical impact of that win. (He's also right that the news media had a huge run with it.)

Bernie had a great day. He had a Harry Truman moment: He went to bed early, assuming like the rest of the world that he'd come in 10-20 points behind Hillary in a state she was widely expected to win. They had to wake him up to tell him he'd won, and then he hopped out there, hair even more disheveled than usual, and gave a roaring speech. OTOH, I don't think it was as big event for Hillary. Losing is never fun, and she'd worked fiercely for the Flint, MI people in particular and had a leg up, but her trackers knew Bernie had been gaining. Like I said a few minutes ago in another thread about the Obamacare court case, this was surely disappointing to her, but not surprising the way it was for TV viewers.

And you can't think of this win-lose in the same sense as, say, a football game. This was a football game where both teams won, and nobody got any practical advantage except for enthusing their cheering sections. (But that makes it a matter of mundane astrology - the story of the cheer block, not of the candidates.) At the end of the day, Bernie got 67 delegates and Hillary got 63, almost the same.

Also, I think that "99%" figure keeps throwing people. A 99% prediction that Hillary would win does not at all mean that she was expected to get nearly all the vote. "Winning" is defined as getting more than the other person, so this was a statistical projection that it was 99% likely Hillary would get at least one more vote than Bernie. As it turned out, he got 49.8% of the vote (not even half) and she got 48.3%. That's close! He got 595,222 votes, she got 576,795 votes.

That "99% likely to win" prediction would have been correct if she'd gotten 18,428 more votes. That's not a lot.

So... I think you're right that there is something to track down here, but it's not an objective difference that matters. Bernie, with lousy transits, got a really nice surprise (but not a life-altering surprise - just something on the level of, say, having a favorite daughter show up on the campaign trail when he thought she was out of the country). The public got startled and got revved up to the excitement of a last minute touchdown game. (It was very much like a last-minute touchdown by the team that was slightly behind - that analogy is very close.) So mundane astrology is where I'd expect to see the most, I wouldn't expect much past routine frustration and grumbles for Hillary, and I'd expect a nice surprise in Bernie's charts.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:
Jim Eshelman wrote:Remind me where the thread is that has that, and I'll updated it.
add working link - thread Obama's Dasas

Thanks for the new spreadsheet.

ETA: I downloaded it and opened it in Open Office on my Mac.
It isn't obvious, but the three dots at the far right of the menu line is the additional options button and offers the option of downloading the file. Folks, if you don't have a spreadsheet program of your own, please download Open Office for free.
Jim, would you like a copy of the file I downloaded? I think I got it before it was edited.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:I said the pollsters weren't shocked because they weren't. They were a little surprised by how much Bernie won by, but the fact is there were no good recent polls in Michigan beforehand, and everybody knew it, and said as much, and said it often.
Michigan was thought to be much closer than it was, and it was expected Mrs. Clinton would win by a couple of points. Bernie won instead, but it wasn't a landslide. It was by 1.5% of the votes.

Some pollsters expressed surprise, but the press was claiming SHOCK! HORROR! DISASTER FOR CLINTON! and all the other headlines. Anything to get people who are frankly bored by the Democratic race to pay attention.

It was a bit of a surprise, but it wasn't a shock. A shock was what happened to Karl Rove when Romney lost in 2012.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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JSAD, thanks for offering the file copy. Asking you would have been my next step. Fortunately, OneDrive has some solid recovery and surgery tools. It was my own fault for being inattentive on sharing privileges, and I've now moved this to another isolated area and marked it uneditable. People can download it, but not edit. I suspect the editing was done by someone excited who popped it open and immediately began working with it :)

I've created a new thread for this tool and permanently shared it there. Here is the thread:
add working link
Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:It isn't obvious, but the three dots at the far right of the menu line is the additional options button and offers the option of downloading the file. Folks, if you don't have a spreadsheet program of your own, please download Open Office for free.
You can also get a free OneDrive account. (If you have any "Microsoft Account," you probably already have one, and with an Office 365 subscription you have one with huge amounts of free storage.) A (or - same thing) account gives you not only cloud storage, but web versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. If you don't own Excel, you can upload it and work with it directly on your web interface.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:I said the pollsters weren't shocked because they weren't. They were a little surprised by how much Bernie won by, but the fact is there were no good recent polls in Michigan beforehand, and everybody knew it, and said as much, and said it often.
Michigan was thought to be much closer than it was, and it was expected Mrs. Clinton would win by a couple of points. Bernie won instead, but it wasn't a landslide. It was by 1.5% of the votes.

Some pollsters expressed surprise, but the press was claiming SHOCK! HORROR! DISASTER FOR CLINTON! and all the other headlines. Anything to get people who are frankly bored by the Democratic race to pay attention.

It was a bit of a surprise, but it wasn't a shock. A shock was what happened to Karl Rove when Romney lost in 2012.
Exactly. I red a lot of analysis on this at the time, and the main factors emerging were:

1. Bernie was good about ramping up support at the last minute.
2. There hadn't been any recent polls, and Bernie pushed really hard in the last few days.
3. Additionally, that "99% sure" figure hurt Hillary. There was a lot of tracking showing that her supporters in Michigan figured it was a shoo-in (didn't understand what the 99% meant) and they crossed over to the Republican primary to vote against Trump. If they'd voted in their own primary, Hillary would have won.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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SteveS wrote:Thanks Jim for your psychological explanation for this Michigan Primary. Yes, I certainly understand it was not a big deal to Hillary but I think definitely a surprise to Bernie. I have to assume the candidates pay attention to 538 since it is considered a gold standard for polling.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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May 19, 2016

Bernie is feeling' the Bern himself.

He hasn't been doing so well. (Way better than he and others expected, but not well.) Last weekend in Nevada, and the follow-up, has him more than a little peeved. He's cited as having a renewed vigor and aggression, willing to "do some damage to Clinton in the short run" between now and the convention. Reports of his state all about Mars.

And Mars has been crossing his Ascendant. It's moved past now (but will be back for June 7's critical primaries - see summary below. Everything is spiraling back to his least kind chart scenario.
June 7 is the date of the California and New Jersey primaries, the vast majority of all delegates left and the day it is expected Hillary will cement the nomination. How do Bernie's transits look? Using 10 PM Pacific time...

t. Pluto -135- r. Uranus +31'
t. Uranus-180- r. Venus +07'
t. Saturn -0-r. EP +19' [with Saturn sq. Neptune 43']
t. Mars -0- r. Asc +03'

Seems a pretty harsh, unhappy day.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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SteveS wrote:
t. Saturn -0-r. EP +19' [with Saturn sq. Neptune 43']
par excellent symbolism for "removal."
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Jun 09, 2016

An interesting note about Bernie Sanders' dasas.

He entered his 16-year major Jupiter cycle in May 2014. This has clearly been an upsweep, a high point, a time of eminence etc. This has all been in the two-year JUPITER-Jupiter minor period.

But, this month - on June 23, if we have all our theories lined up correctly, he enters JUPITER-Saturn - the Saturn sub-period of Jupiter, one that acts much as Saturn transiting his Jupiter. This will last about two and a half years, until December 2018.

He is at least at the end of the road of his JUPITER-Jupiter time.

Hillary dropped out in 2008 also under a Saturn minor period.

Bernie's progressed Moon today is 24°04' Sagittarius, just a day or two out of 1° orb conjunct progressed Venus.

The zodiacal position of Bernie's progressed Moon isn't very revelatory in terms of the periods: It's in VENUS-Mercury. But Hillary's progressed Moon today is 14°28' Virgo, Right in the middle of the Jupiter sub-period of Moon - like a Jupiter transit to her Moon.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Jul 12, 2016

Around 11:30 AM Eastern Time this morning, Sanders ended his presidential run and - with surprising passion - endorsed Hillary Clinton. Here are his transits:

t. Pluto -135- r. Uranus -18'
t. Uranus -0- r. Mars -20'
t. t. Saturn -90- r.MC +64'
t. Sun -90- r. Moon +15'
-- p. Moon -90- r. Moon -07'
-- t. Sun -180- p. Moon +22'
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Re: Bernie Sanders

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Bernie Sanders was hospitalized in Las Vegas for artery blockage and has undergone stent surgery. His campaign is cancelling events until they have more word.

This is usually successful surgery that lengthens life and strengthens the individual. However, the political implications and short-term activity level are less certain. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, it gives us a chance to test his 12:27 PM birth time.

His September 9 SSR, relocated to Las Vegas, has Pluto partile square Asc, his natal Moon-Venus-Mars across the horizon (Moon closest, with transiting Pluto square natal Moon 0°16'). It's an appropriate health crisis and "cutting" chart.

His September 16 SLR for Las Vegas has the same Moon-Pluto square (0°12') tightly angular - same exact angles as the SSR.

His September 29 Demi-SLR has Neptune closely conjunct IC but Jupiter partile square MC. It seems like an inconvenience but with good diagnosis, good treatment, and optimistic outcome. Natal Sun is at MC (0°06' opposed by Neptune, 1°+ from square Jupiter) among other small things.

Besides looking good for Bernie's prognosis, these also are remarkably accurate, descriptive charts that increase confidence in his "C" birth time.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Besides looking good for Bernie's prognosis, these also are remarkably accurate, descriptive charts that increase confidence in his "C" birth time.
Excellent observation Jim, thanks.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

Post by SteveS »

On Election Day for Prez, Nov 3 2020, with the timed birth time for Bernie in this thread, he has a most interesting Solar Arc Jupiter 14,30 Leo conjuncting his Natal MC at 14,32 Leo. If this birth time is correct, at the very least, his Dem Party wins Prez.
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Re: Bernie Sanders

Post by SteveS »

Nov 3 2020:
SP Moon 23,04 Aqu
SP Jupiter 24,03 Tau

Jan 20 2021:
SP Moon 25,44 Aqu
Natal Jupiter 25,55 Tau
A candidate for public office can hardly expect election if Moon-Jupiter configurations are lacking.
Donald Bradley.
We may need to take Bernie's run for Prez more seriously. I will go on record now—If Bernie wins the Dem candidate for Prez, he will be elected Prez. The Right (Reps) will have a meltdown :shock: , no different when Trump was elected Prez the Left (Dems) had a meltdown. But if the Senate remains Rep majority, we will see the same so-so—gridlock. But, if Bernie happens to get a majority Senate. :o

Other notables:
SP ASC 11,17 Cap
SP Pluto 11,46 Can
Natal Pluto 11,08 Can

Ebertin from 'Combinations of Stellar Influences' says about Pluto-Ascendant combos:
The rule and control over one's environment. Striving for the attainment of power and authority.
Other angular hits:
SP UR 04,10 Tau
SP IC 03,07 Tau
SP DSC 11,17 Can
SP PL 11,46 Can
SP MC 03,07 Sco
NA Sat 04,37 Tau
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