A heart attack

Q&A and discussion on Sidereal Solar Returns.
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Jim Eshelman
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A heart attack

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Nov 29, 2014
SteveS wrote:I was recently informed of a husband who suffered a heart attack and was asked by the wife if I could see the astrological symbolism in his current SSR indicating this heart attack. Not only is this malefic health condition indicated in the SSR, the heart attack was timed to the exact DAY by his Solar Quotidian (SQ) chart, along with a partile Mars transit. I was also asked to explain astrologically why her husband’s twin sister did not experience a heart attack. I will explain in Part 2 a couple of astrological factors which were a glaring difference between these twins with certain principles of Sidereal Astrology.

The only book that I am aware of in the entire history of astrology which allows the high possibility of this malefic health event to be seen with hard core principles of Sidereal Astrology is Jim’s book ‘Interpreting Solar Returns (ISR),’ including Solar Quotidian principles for possibly timing events to an exact day. In the days of Cyril Fagan, the inventor of the Solar Quotidian chart, there were no personal computers. Today we siderealists have a potent astrological tool with the personal computer, which allows us to calculate days in the future of a solar year when certain SSR aspects cross the progressed angles of a Solar Quotidian Chart, my favorite chart for seeing manifestations of ‘out of the ordinary’ incidents in a life of a native.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: A heart attack

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SteveS wrote:The heart attack occurred in Winchester England (. 50N49, 001W20) on Nov. 19th between 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM, BST. It was a slow occurring heart attack with worsening conditions and the doctor confirming a heart attack on Nov. 20th. I have used a time of 1:30 PM Nov 19th for the SQ chart with the beginning of the heart attack.

Birth data of husband: April 8th 1956, 6:20 PM UT, Winchester, England. 51N04, 001W19.

Jim teaches in his book ISR the importance of Solar Moon aspects to natal and solar planets. Jim emphasizes the importance of ‘The Solar Moon and Health’ where he says:
One other area exists where we can supply important information by examining the solar Moon’s placements and aspects: personal health. So potent are the medical implications and indications from this one factor that they deserve special mention and attention by how often years of important illnesses show afflictions to the solar Moon…
Jim Eshelman
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Re: A heart attack

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SteveS wrote:Please understand: Not every solar year showing an afflicted solar Moon will bring a medical illness, but when certain factors exists in the immediate environment-- Jim’s research has proven increased probabilities for health implications with an afflicted solar Moon.

In his book ‘Primer of Sidereal Astrology,’ Cyril Fagan, the father of Sidereal Astrology, emphasizes the importance of secondary progressed (sp) solar Moons maturing to a partile aspect (1 degree orb or less) for timing major events during a solar year. Since the secondary progressed (sp) solar Moon progresses app. 1.1 degree per month, this means with an accurate timed birth chart, in most cases, when we see an approaching partile 0, 90, or 180 sp solar moon during a solar year, the event will take place sometime within the preceding month before the exact aspect.

On Nov 19th the husband’s sp solar Moon 26,58 Can was partile 90 sp solar Saturn 27,11 Lib. But what else in his SSR symbolized this heart attack? (to be continued).
Jim Eshelman
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Re: A heart attack

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SteveS wrote:When we look at the husband SSR we see a middleground opposition of Sun 24,45 Pi Mars 23,43 Virgo, 2 minutes from a partile 180. Jim writes from ISR:
Solar Returns consist of transiting planets at a given moment in time, near or on one’s birthday, locked into collusion with natal planets for a year to follow.
Obviously meaning this Sun Mars 180 has a strong influence for the entire solar year. What does Ebertin say about negative Sun- Mars aspects? In his book (COSI), Ebertin says about negative Sun-Mars ‘Probable Manifestation’:
Failures caused by too heavy demands made upon oneself, overstrained, a strained relationship with other persons. Upsets (cardiac troubles).
Since we can see his sp solar Moon matures to a partile 90 to solar Saturn in Nov, we know there is probability this ‘locked into collusion’ Mars with Natal Sun for the entire solar year can manifest in a 'health' context of an afflicted solar Moon with solar Saturn in Nov, and this is exactly what happened--a heart attack. The Sun-Mars manifested with Ebertin's ‘cardiac troubles,’ and with Jim’s research where many cases an ‘afflicted’ solar Moon means health problems, which, of course, can manifest in many assorted health ways; but, Ebertin’s Sun-Mars research shows probability with ‘cardiac troubles.’ In Jim’s book ISR, he cites many timing techniques for determining WHEN symbolism in a SSR will manifest. Quotidian charts are one of the techniques. More later.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: A heart attack

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SteveS wrote:Freya asked:
Steve, do you see any more trouble of the same kind later on during the year that could bring on another acute attack?
I don’t really know for sure. In this case, his Nov 19th Solar Quotidian (SQ) nailed the event of his heart attack. There are only two days during his solar year when SSR Mars opposing his Natal Sun (‘locked into collusion for the entire year) makes an exact conjunction on his SQ Eastpoint-Westpoint axis, and these two days were May 21st 2014 and Nov 19th 2014, the day of the heart attack. Also on Nov. 19th t. Mars was partile 90 his SSR Mars and Natal Sun. Using a time of 1:30 PM Nov 19th, the husband’s West point was 23,33 Virgo and his p. SSR Mars was 23,29 Virgo, his Natal Sun 24,45 Pi. Jim writes from his book ISR:
The East Point and West Point are extremely significant positions. These two points intensify the significance of a planet(s) conjoining the point.
So, we see on Nov 19th the day of the heart attack, the husband’s SSR Mars opposed Sun line-up crossing the East Point-West Point axis with a partile aspect. Also, it just so happens on the day of the heart attack we see t- Mars partile 90 his SSR Mars and Natal Sun. I will later check to see the day(s) for the rest of his solar year when this same SSR Mars-Sun 180 crosses his other primary angles; but, I doubt we will see a partile transit of Mars involved like it was on Nov. 19th. What we see with this SSR is Mars attacking his Natal Sun, his heart, with Ebertin’s ‘cardiac troubles.’
Jim Eshelman
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