Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

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Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

On my birth certificate, it says I was born on January 27, 1990, 12:28am, Durham, NC, USA.

I live in Massachusetts right now and I am not happy. I understand happiness and life struggles is not about just astrology, but I feel this area is making things worse and I want to (and will) leave.

I want to move to Atlanta because of the warmer climate, the arts scene and progressiveness and diversity. I'm an artist, so I want to be in a place that fuels my creativity, but also a place where I can make friends and meet my romantic partner for a long term relationship. I want to feel happier and more confident and heal from everything that was exposed to me here in MA. I feel emotionally erratic up here, depressed, I don't trust at this point, and I feel heavy. I have absolutely no interest in settling down up here too, so I feel it has played a part in why my romantic relationships haven't lasted up here too. I want to get away from all of this.

I wanted to ask, does Atlanta look like a good place for what I'm looking for, in terms of creativity, friends, love, and more happiness/comfortability in myself and my life?

Also, I noticed there is a mars line going through Atlanta for me. Because my mars is badly afflicted in my chart, is that a bad thing? Or no since that mars line is a positive one?

Is Atl close enough to my sun line where it will make a noticeable difference?

If someone could give me insight about how Atlanta would be for me in terms of astorlogy, that would be great.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to Solunars.
rcooke13 wrote: Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:13 pm On my birth certificate, it says I was born on January 27, 1990, 12:28am, Durham, NC, USA.
You were born with an exactly angular Sun. Most people would find that to be a positive place in general. Any place on the same longitude of Durham within, say, 100-150 miles would have this affect but there aren't any places I recognize on that line that matches the criteria you give for the kind of place you want to live.
I live in Massachusetts right now and I am not happy. I understand happiness and life struggles is not about just astrology, but I feel this area is making things worse and I want to (and will) leave.
Boston is exactly on another Sun line - in this case, Sun square Ascendant (i.e., on the Nadir) which is essentially the same as the Sun on IC of your birthplace. However, your Moon is also close to IC in Boston, making your more vulnerable to impressions - perhaps not comfortable for a double Capricorn - and Pluto has strength.

As I read your post, I think the problem with Boston might be this planet arrangement but is more likely to be simply the northern latitude. A lot of people become depressed on a genuine chemical basis in the winter when, in a northern latitude, there are fewer hours of sunlight. (This might actually start to improve as we enter spring and the days become longer.) I suspect this is more pronounced for people born in the south and people born with Sun on an angle, such as yourself. As a temporary treatment, I suggest getting "full spectrum" light bulbs for your home which have the same lighting effect as sunlight and keep them on - right around you - all the hours you're awake.
I want to move to Atlanta because of the warmer climate, the arts scene and progressiveness and diversity. I'm an artist, so I want to be in a place that fuels my creativity, but also a place where I can make friends and meet my romantic partner for a long term relationship.
The longitude and latitude of Atlanta have no astrological significance one way or the other for you. This isn't necessarily bad - it's neither good nor bad per se. It does remove you from the astrological and astronomical (available sunlight) limitations of Boston, so that may help you by itself. Besides, something is drawing you there.

While your natal chart has no particular significance for Atlanta, your Solar Returns for Atlanta are going through several years when your natal Mercury-Neptune will be angular. This attunes you to altered perceptual realities. The negative potential for this is to exacerbate any tendency to mental instability (you may have no such tendency, of course). The positive indication is that it's consistent with your artistic expression interests, at least for the next few years.
Also, I noticed there is a mars line going through Atlanta for me. Because my mars is badly afflicted in my chart, is that a bad thing? Or no since that mars line is a positive one?
Here's the good news: You don't really have a Mars line there. You must have gone to a web site that lists all sorts of aspects to angles, including Mars sextile Ascendant for Atlanta. Aspects to angles are a fiction - they don't exist - so this Mars line doesn't exist.
Is Atl close enough to my sun line where it will make a noticeable difference?
Sun has a weak presence in Atlanta. It's much weaker than either your birthplace or Boston. It is, however, the most angular planet, 5° from IC, so it probably has a little significance. Not a big deal either way.

Should you be open to other locations, there are some really nice, benefic locations farther west. I think you need to stay in the south (based on the need for more hours of sunlight each day) and I hear that you prefer a warmer climate, a progressive location, an arts scene, and diversity. The negative is that most of the locations that have strong Venus and Jupiter influence are rural and out of the way, but I'll mention them anyway.

You have a Venus line (Venus on IC) at almost exactly the border of Texas and Louisiana, moving due north from there. (Use a ruler to mark this line on a map.) For latitude and culture, I wouldn't go farther north than Kansas City, which is less than a degree off the line. You do have a bit of Saturn there also, though Venus outweighs it a lot - it's a balancing act, depending on how you adapt to a little Saturn and a lot of Venus.

You have a secondary Venus line that curves from near New Orleans exactly through Jackson, MS, nearly through Memphis, then further north. Jackson has a clear astrological advantage but not necessarily the cultural advantage you want. Memphis, which is a fairly progressive city with an arts-leaning culture, has your Venus very strong, only 0°27' off the Nadir.

Jupiter is on MC farther west. It doesn't go through many interesting places, though. To get an approximate line, lay a ruler straight up and down through Boise, ID. Boise is too far north and not the type of community you want anyway, then further south the line doesn't pass through any significant cities. For example, it passes through Southern California a little west of the Arizona border. Oh, wait, it's within 1° of MC in Las Vegas. I'm not sure that's the place you're looking to live, but I need to mention it. (Besides, anyone with Jupiter within 1° of Midheaven for Las Vegas needs to go there sometime the charts are right and test his luck!)

The secondary Jupiter line (Jupiter on Zenith) is nearly the same line. It's even a little stronger in Vegas.

In summary, there is nothing weighing against you in Atlanta so, if you're drawn, I suggest you follow your instincts. It gets you away from some more vulnerable feelings in Boston and gets you to a location that matches your wishes and also provides more hours of sunlight per year.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

rcooke13 wrote: Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:13 pm Also, I noticed there is a mars line going through Atlanta for me. Because my mars is badly afflicted in my chart, is that a bad thing? Or no since that mars line is a positive one?
As Jim said, there is no Mars line going through Atlanta, but I want to focus on your idea that that Mars line could be "positive." Is that because it's a sextile?

That's a wrong idea, and is patently false. It's based on the idea that trines and sextiles are static and squares and oppositions are dynamic. Dynamic isn't bad. It can be challenging. Static can just be stuck. Sextiles are not positive. Neither are trines. Squares are not negative.

Finding that idea espoused on a web site or by someone claiming to be an astrologer or teach astrology is a big red flag. There are really good astrologers out there, and you'll find those astrologers do not agree with this idea. This trines = good squares = bad is a sign to be cautious about the knowledge being displayed.

But again, as Jim said, angles don't make or take aspects, and this Mars line is nonexistant.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

BTW, the only aspects I see to your Mars (within about 5°) is an opposition to Jupiter and a semi-square to your Moon.
Um... Jupiter's not an affliction. The benefics are not afflictions. The dynamic aspect to your Moon might make you quick to anger, but it's more quick to react emotionally. It's not a "severe affliction" in any sense. If you're upset or feeling emotional, go for a walk. Even if it's just circling around inside your home, you need the movement.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 8:14 am
rcooke13 wrote: Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:13 pm Also, I noticed there is a mars line going through Atlanta for me. Because my mars is badly afflicted in my chart, is that a bad thing? Or no since that mars line is a positive one?
As Jim said, there is no Mars line going through Atlanta, but I want to focus on your idea that that Mars line could be "positive." Is that because it's a sextile?

That's a wrong idea, and is patently false. It's based on the idea that trines and sextiles are static and squares and oppositions are dynamic. Dynamic isn't bad. It can be challenging. Static can just be stuck. Sextiles are not positive. Neither are trines. Squares are not negative.

Finding that idea espoused on a web site or by someone claiming to be an astrologer or teach astrology is a big red flag. There are really good astrologers out there, and you'll find those astrologers do not agree with this idea. This trines = good squares = bad is a sign to be cautious about the knowledge being displayed.

But again, as Jim said, angles don't make or take aspects, and this Mars line is nonexistant.
Well the site said it was positive. And if the mars line is not existent then why does the sun square ascendant line exist if they are both aspects? Why does one exist while the other does not?

Anyway, I didn't want to focus on ''what I got wrong about my chart''. I was asking about good places for me to live based on my chart. So I'll just follow Jim's suggestions.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 12:40 am Welcome to Solunars.
rcooke13 wrote: Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:13 pm On my birth certificate, it says I was born on January 27, 1990, 12:28am, Durham, NC, USA.
You were born with an exactly angular Sun. Most people would find that to be a positive place in general. Any place on the same longitude of Durham within, say, 100-150 miles would have this affect but there aren't any places I recognize on that line that matches the criteria you give for the kind of place you want to live.
I live in Massachusetts right now and I am not happy. I understand happiness and life struggles is not about just astrology, but I feel this area is making things worse and I want to (and will) leave.
Boston is exactly on another Sun line - in this case, Sun square Ascendant (i.e., on the Nadir) which is essentially the same as the Sun on IC of your birthplace. However, your Moon is also close to IC in Boston, making your more vulnerable to impressions - perhaps not comfortable for a double Capricorn - and Pluto has strength.

As I read your post, I think the problem with Boston might be this planet arrangement but is more likely to be simply the northern latitude. A lot of people become depressed on a genuine chemical basis in the winter when, in a northern latitude, there are fewer hours of sunlight. (This might actually start to improve as we enter spring and the days become longer.) I suspect this is more pronounced for people born in the south and people born with Sun on an angle, such as yourself. As a temporary treatment, I suggest getting "full spectrum" light bulbs for your home which have the same lighting effect as sunlight and keep them on - right around you - all the hours you're awake.
I want to move to Atlanta because of the warmer climate, the arts scene and progressiveness and diversity. I'm an artist, so I want to be in a place that fuels my creativity, but also a place where I can make friends and meet my romantic partner for a long term relationship.
The longitude and latitude of Atlanta have no astrological significance one way or the other for you. This isn't necessarily bad - it's neither good nor bad per se. It does remove you from the astrological and astronomical (available sunlight) limitations of Boston, so that may help you by itself. Besides, something is drawing you there.

While your natal chart has no particular significance for Atlanta, your Solar Returns for Atlanta are going through several years when your natal Mercury-Neptune will be angular. This attunes you to altered perceptual realities. The negative potential for this is to exacerbate any tendency to mental instability (you may have no such tendency, of course). The positive indication is that it's consistent with your artistic expression interests, at least for the next few years.
Also, I noticed there is a mars line going through Atlanta for me. Because my mars is badly afflicted in my chart, is that a bad thing? Or no since that mars line is a positive one?
Here's the good news: You don't really have a Mars line there. You must have gone to a web site that lists all sorts of aspects to angles, including Mars sextile Ascendant for Atlanta. Aspects to angles are a fiction - they don't exist - so this Mars line doesn't exist.
Is Atl close enough to my sun line where it will make a noticeable difference?
Sun has a weak presence in Atlanta. It's much weaker than either your birthplace or Boston. It is, however, the most angular planet, 5° from IC, so it probably has a little significance. Not a big deal either way.

Should you be open to other locations, there are some really nice, benefic locations farther west. I think you need to stay in the south (based on the need for more hours of sunlight each day) and I hear that you prefer a warmer climate, a progressive location, an arts scene, and diversity. The negative is that most of the locations that have strong Venus and Jupiter influence are rural and out of the way, but I'll mention them anyway.

You have a Venus line (Venus on IC) at almost exactly the border of Texas and Louisiana, moving due north from there. (Use a ruler to mark this line on a map.) For latitude and culture, I wouldn't go farther north than Kansas City, which is less than a degree off the line. You do have a bit of Saturn there also, though Venus outweighs it a lot - it's a balancing act, depending on how you adapt to a little Saturn and a lot of Venus.

You have a secondary Venus line that curves from near New Orleans exactly through Jackson, MS, nearly through Memphis, then further north. Jackson has a clear astrological advantage but not necessarily the cultural advantage you want. Memphis, which is a fairly progressive city with an arts-leaning culture, has your Venus very strong, only 0°27' off the Nadir.

Jupiter is on MC farther west. It doesn't go through many interesting places, though. To get an approximate line, lay a ruler straight up and down through Boise, ID. Boise is too far north and not the type of community you want anyway, then further south the line doesn't pass through any significant cities. For example, it passes through Southern California a little west of the Arizona border. Oh, wait, it's within 1° of MC in Las Vegas. I'm not sure that's the place you're looking to live, but I need to mention it. (Besides, anyone with Jupiter within 1° of Midheaven for Las Vegas needs to go there sometime the charts are right and test his luck!)

The secondary Jupiter line (Jupiter on Zenith) is nearly the same line. It's even a little stronger in Vegas.

In summary, there is nothing weighing against you in Atlanta so, if you're drawn, I suggest you follow your instincts. It gets you away from some more vulnerable feelings in Boston and gets you to a location that matches your wishes and also provides more hours of sunlight per year.
Thank you for your helpful response.

Do you believe in midpoints as it relates to relocation astrology? And do you believe in treasure maps? Should I use those to determine if a place is good for me or not?

I ask because an astrologer told me the following midpoints are there for me in atl:

Venus = Saturn/Ascendant (45, 0.3) – The tendency to fall in love, but also the inability to express the
feelings due to circumstance or the loved one being involved in another relationship.
Venus = Saturn/Midheaven (90, 1.2) – The tendency to become easily depressed by slights or minor
Saturn = Jupiter/Midheaven (180, 1.8) – A serious-minded and plodding worker, but one who will
encounter setbacks.
Saturn = Uranus/Ascendant (45, 0.8) – Personal development will be hindered by feelings of oppression.
Saturn = Uranus/Midheaven (90, 0.8) – The individual will have to cope with sudden career setbacks, but
must learn cooperation with colleagues.
Ascendant = Sun/Saturn (90, 0.6) – Shyness, lack of confidence. Problems with the father or older
relatives. Slow, sound development.
Midheaven = Neptune/Pluto (135, 1.3) – The inability to hold down a progressive career. The constant
need for change.
Midheaven = Moon/Saturn (180, 1.1) – Sense of duty and slavish adherence to routine can become
obsessional. Over-concern with achievement, ambitions.
Midheaven = Saturn/North Node (180, 1.0) – The need to take action, unassisted by friends and family
– simply having to go it alone.
Midheaven = Saturn/Pluto (135, 1.5) – Powerful endurance and tenacity to make a success, but a
difficult workmate.

Kepler software interpreted the following midpoints as:

* Descendant Quadnovile Pluto *      (Orb: 0 Deg 46 Min)
        You get drawn into deep and difficult issues such as death or illness, and you are able to give and receive something of lasting inner value. A place of positive, although sometimes difficult, inner change.

MC Triseptile Uranus       (Orb: 1 Deg 27 Min)
        In this geographic area you tend to experience a struggle to bring new ideas into your work environment, while encountering resistence. If you persist in the effort, you gradually will make progress.

MC Opposition Moon/Saturn       (Orb: 1 Deg 05 Min)
        If you have self-discipline and you enjoy solitude, you can enjoy the peace and quiet that are available here, but you may simply feel uninspired and withdrawn while in this geographic area. If life becomes too dull, then leaving this location may help enliven your spirits.

Would you put much stock into these midpoints? If so, are these interpretations of the midpoints correct in your view, or do you have a different opinion about these midpoints in Atlanta? I'm concerned about these midpoints, that's why I ask. There are positive midpoints too, but since I wasn't concerned about those, I didn't list them here.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Squares to angles are other angles. There's a lot about that on this site. Try here: viewforum.php?f=15

Sorry, not trying to be adversarial. We don't want people thinking we agree with or endorse things we don't on this site. These posts may interest you.

"Sidereal Astrology Points of Agreement"

"Astrological Structures"
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

rcooke13 wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 8:43 am Well the site said it was positive. And if the mars line is not existent then why does the sun square ascendant line exist if they are both aspects? Why does one exist while the other does not?
That's a great question! I confused you with my sloppy language because "Sun square Ascendant" is easier to say than to explain what's really happening.

What's really happening is this: Sun is on a different angle, the Nadir. Nadir isn't the same as IC. Zenith and Nadir are the points exactly overhead and exactly underfoot (whereas MC and IC are the southernmost and northermost points of the ecliptic). If you take the zodiacal longitude of Zenith and Nadir, they always are exactly square Ascendant. (All zodiacal squares to angles are actually other angles.)

So - to repeat and summarize - Sun is not square Ascendant in Boston (since angles don't have aspects) but is on your Nadir (which just happens to exactly square your Ascendant always).
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

rcooke13 wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 8:55 am Do you believe in midpoints as it relates to relocation astrology?

Midpoints to angles are valid for locality but I think they are minor enough that they don't usually warrant attention. Nonetheless, you're right, I might have looked at those for Atlanta since nothing is very close to the angles.

However, I've lost confidence in midpoints involving angles if measured in the zodiac. Since planet contacts with the main angles are taken mundanely (in prime vertical longitude), I've come around to the idea that midpoints involving angles need to be taken that way also. (We've seen this decisively in mundane astrology, where there is no doubt about the time of an ingress chart down to the second of time; and I have no reason to think human horoscopes work under different rules).

If I were to take midpoints involving your Atlanta angles in zodiacal longitude (which I think is not valid), the most important are:

Asc = Sun/Saturn = Moon/Neptune
Sun =- Moon/MC
Saturn = Uranus/MC

These are quite bad! One would expect you would suffer a great deal emotionally at such a spot, so I am happy for you that I don't think these are valid. If we look, instead, at aspects involving angles in your mundoscope - measuring the planets in prime vertical longitude (which defines their spatial relationship to the horizon and meridian) - we get a different picture for Atlanta:

MC = Asc = Moon/Venus
Sun = Moon/MC
Saturn = Uranus/MC

Instead of Sun/Saturn and Moon/Neptune defining the primary experience, it's shown as Moon/Venus! That looks perfect for what you said you wanted.

We can test this theory of how midpoints work against your experience in Boston. If midpoints were taken in the zodiac, the only important one involving an angle is Venus = Jupiter/MC, which (to the extent it has power) would suggest Boston was a very happy place for you. (It hasn't been.) If, instead, we take the Boston angles' midpoints mundanely, we get Mars = Pluto/MC, which is a much harder, harsher experience than the Ve = Ju/MC we'd expect from ecliptical midpoints.
And do you believe in treasure maps? Should I use those to determine if a place is good for me or not?
I don't know what these are. I'm unaware of an astrological technique called" "treasure maps." (I'm guessing you didn't mean the fun printed parchments in ghost town general stores.)
Would you put much stock into these midpoints?
Not the ones you mentioned because they are taken ecliptically. - You'll have to draw your own conclusions based on what I've shown you above.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

There are many levels of digging down on locality. Since I have more time this morning than I did at midnight last night, let me add one more now. (It's pretty calculation intensive.)

One astrological factor that some astrologers find more important than others are parans. These are a variety of aspect that changes specifically with geographic latitude. A paran is formed when two planet are simultaneously on the horizon or meridian mundanely. Some astrologers think these are as important as ecliptical aspects; I do not, but I find where they really shine is in relocation, where (as subtle factors) they finally find their voice in contrasting one area to another.

In your case, though, this makes no difference. For the latitudes of birthplace, Boston, and Atlanta, your only paran within 1° is Mercury conjunct Neptune - which you also have partile in your ecliptical chart.

We can also examine changes in mundoscope (prime vertical longitude) aspects, which seem equal to ecliptical aspects and change with location.

For your birthplace, your close mundoscope aspects are:
Mercury-Neptune conj. 0°45' [already in your horoscope 27']
Venus-Saturn conj. 2°47' [in your horoscope but wide]
Mars-Jupiter op. 3°26' [already in your horoscope]

For Boston, your close mundoscope aspects show some changes:
Mercury-Uranus conj. 3°46'
Mercury-Neptune conj. 0°51'
Venus-Saturn conj. 1°42'
Mars-Jupiter op. 3°10'

In Boston, you add a moderately wide Mercury-Uranus - I'd take this as a positive, perhaps exciting your curiosities etc. - but your Venus-Saturn conjunction is more than a degree closer. Overall (based only one these aspects), I'd expect Boston to be interesting, uncertain, always something new to discover, engaging your mind, and personally unhappy.

For Atlanta, there are again important changes:
Mercury-Neptune conj. 0°51'
Venus-Saturn conj. 3°19'
Mars-Jupiter op. 3°33'

The Mercury-Uranus goes away. Perhaps most important, the closeness of Venus-Saturn backs away considerably. Based on how well these mundane aspects go, I'd suggest that (other factors confirming, e.g., what's on angles in each spot) you can judge your relative happiness by how wide the mundane Venus-Saturn conjunction is. In all three spots, the mundane aspect is closer than your moderate-to-weak ecliptical Venus-Saturn conjunction (5°13'). For the three location, the ranking of the mundane aspect orbs will, I think, reflect the gradient emotional tone (at roughly the same longitude, farther south makes the orb larger, farther north makes Venus-Saturn closer).

Boston 1°42'
Durham 2°47'
Atlanta 3°19'
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:18 am
rcooke13 wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 8:55 am Do you believe in midpoints as it relates to relocation astrology?

Midpoints to angles are valid for locality but I think they are minor enough that they don't usually warrant attention. Nonetheless, you're right, I might have looked at those for Atlanta since nothing is very close to the angles.

However, I've lost confidence in midpoints involving angles if measured in the zodiac. Since planet contacts with the main angles are taken mundanely (in prime vertical longitude), I've come around to the idea that midpoints involving angles need to be taken that way also. (We've seen this decisively in mundane astrology, where there is no doubt about the time of an ingress chart down to the second of time; and I have no reason to think human horoscopes work under different rules).

If I were to take midpoints involving your Atlanta angles in zodiacal longitude (which I think is not valid), the most important are:

Asc = Sun/Saturn = Moon/Neptune
Sun =- Moon/MC
Saturn = Uranus/MC

These are quite bad! One would expect you would suffer a great deal emotionally at such a spot, so I am happy for you that I don't think these are valid. If we look, instead, at aspects involving angles in your mundoscope - measuring the planets in prime vertical longitude (which defines their spatial relationship to the horizon and meridian) - we get a different picture for Atlanta:

MC = Asc = Moon/Venus
Sun = Moon/MC
Saturn = Uranus/MC

Instead of Sun/Saturn and Moon/Neptune defining the primary experience, it's shown as Moon/Venus! That looks perfect for what you said you wanted.

We can test this theory of how midpoints work against your experience in Boston. If midpoints were taken in the zodiac, the only important one involving an angle is Venus = Jupiter/MC, which (to the extent it has power) would suggest Boston was a very happy place for you. (It hasn't been.) If, instead, we take the Boston angles' midpoints mundanely, we get Mars = Pluto/MC, which is a much harder, harsher experience than the Ve = Ju/MC we'd expect from ecliptical midpoints.
And do you believe in treasure maps? Should I use those to determine if a place is good for me or not?
I don't know what these are. I'm unaware of an astrological technique called" "treasure maps." (I'm guessing you didn't mean the fun printed parchments in ghost town general stores.)
Would you put much stock into these midpoints?
Not the ones you mentioned because they are taken ecliptically. - You'll have to draw your own conclusions based on what I've shown you above.
Wow, this is really information, thank you.

Are there more midpoints for atl that are in Mundoscope that you didn't list? If yes, are the ones you didn't list influential at all? if they are, could you tell me what the other midpoints (in mundoscope) are, and your interpretation of them?

I was also wondering what midpoints you see for Charleston, SC and Jacksonville, FL that are in Mundoscope, and your interpretation of them?
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

rcooke13 wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:12 pm Are there more midpoints for atl that are in Mundoscope that you didn't list?
The mundoscope is only needed for midpoints involving angles. It gives lots of other "original" midpoints but I don't think they're relevant.
I was also wondering what midpoints you see for Charleston, SC and Jacksonville, FL that are in Mundoscope, and your interpretation of them?
In Charleston, the first thing is that ir prints your Sun back into close conjunction with IC. Its a very solar location.

In terms of midpoints involving angles measured mundanely, you have:
Sa = Ju/MC (which tends to put a damper on success)
Ve = Ur/MC (which might make it fun and creative)

For Jacksonville, where nothing is closely angular, you also get Sa = Ju/MC. and Ve = Ur/MC.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 12:40 am Welcome to Solunars.
rcooke13 wrote: Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:13 pm On my birth certificate, it says I was born on January 27, 1990, 12:28am, Durham, NC, USA.
You were born with an exactly angular Sun. Most people would find that to be a positive place in general. Any place on the same longitude of Durham within, say, 100-150 miles would have this affect but there aren't any places I recognize on that line that matches the criteria you give for the kind of place you want to live.
I live in Massachusetts right now and I am not happy. I understand happiness and life struggles is not about just astrology, but I feel this area is making things worse and I want to (and will) leave.
Boston is exactly on another Sun line - in this case, Sun square Ascendant (i.e., on the Nadir) which is essentially the same as the Sun on IC of your birthplace. However, your Moon is also close to IC in Boston, making your more vulnerable to impressions - perhaps not comfortable for a double Capricorn - and Pluto has strength.

As I read your post, I think the problem with Boston might be this planet arrangement but is more likely to be simply the northern latitude. A lot of people become depressed on a genuine chemical basis in the winter when, in a northern latitude, there are fewer hours of sunlight. (This might actually start to improve as we enter spring and the days become longer.) I suspect this is more pronounced for people born in the south and people born with Sun on an angle, such as yourself. As a temporary treatment, I suggest getting "full spectrum" light bulbs for your home which have the same lighting effect as sunlight and keep them on - right around you - all the hours you're awake.
I want to move to Atlanta because of the warmer climate, the arts scene and progressiveness and diversity. I'm an artist, so I want to be in a place that fuels my creativity, but also a place where I can make friends and meet my romantic partner for a long term relationship.
The longitude and latitude of Atlanta have no astrological significance one way or the other for you. This isn't necessarily bad - it's neither good nor bad per se. It does remove you from the astrological and astronomical (available sunlight) limitations of Boston, so that may help you by itself. Besides, something is drawing you there.

While your natal chart has no particular significance for Atlanta, your Solar Returns for Atlanta are going through several years when your natal Mercury-Neptune will be angular. This attunes you to altered perceptual realities. The negative potential for this is to exacerbate any tendency to mental instability (you may have no such tendency, of course). The positive indication is that it's consistent with your artistic expression interests, at least for the next few years.
Also, I noticed there is a mars line going through Atlanta for me. Because my mars is badly afflicted in my chart, is that a bad thing? Or no since that mars line is a positive one?
Here's the good news: You don't really have a Mars line there. You must have gone to a web site that lists all sorts of aspects to angles, including Mars sextile Ascendant for Atlanta. Aspects to angles are a fiction - they don't exist - so this Mars line doesn't exist.
Is Atl close enough to my sun line where it will make a noticeable difference?
Sun has a weak presence in Atlanta. It's much weaker than either your birthplace or Boston. It is, however, the most angular planet, 5° from IC, so it probably has a little significance. Not a big deal either way.

Should you be open to other locations, there are some really nice, benefic locations farther west. I think you need to stay in the south (based on the need for more hours of sunlight each day) and I hear that you prefer a warmer climate, a progressive location, an arts scene, and diversity. The negative is that most of the locations that have strong Venus and Jupiter influence are rural and out of the way, but I'll mention them anyway.

You have a Venus line (Venus on IC) at almost exactly the border of Texas and Louisiana, moving due north from there. (Use a ruler to mark this line on a map.) For latitude and culture, I wouldn't go farther north than Kansas City, which is less than a degree off the line. You do have a bit of Saturn there also, though Venus outweighs it a lot - it's a balancing act, depending on how you adapt to a little Saturn and a lot of Venus.

You have a secondary Venus line that curves from near New Orleans exactly through Jackson, MS, nearly through Memphis, then further north. Jackson has a clear astrological advantage but not necessarily the cultural advantage you want. Memphis, which is a fairly progressive city with an arts-leaning culture, has your Venus very strong, only 0°27' off the Nadir.

Jupiter is on MC farther west. It doesn't go through many interesting places, though. To get an approximate line, lay a ruler straight up and down through Boise, ID. Boise is too far north and not the type of community you want anyway, then further south the line doesn't pass through any significant cities. For example, it passes through Southern California a little west of the Arizona border. Oh, wait, it's within 1° of MC in Las Vegas. I'm not sure that's the place you're looking to live, but I need to mention it. (Besides, anyone with Jupiter within 1° of Midheaven for Las Vegas needs to go there sometime the charts are right and test his luck!)

The secondary Jupiter line (Jupiter on Zenith) is nearly the same line. It's even a little stronger in Vegas.

In summary, there is nothing weighing against you in Atlanta so, if you're drawn, I suggest you follow your instincts. It gets you away from some more vulnerable feelings in Boston and gets you to a location that matches your wishes and also provides more hours of sunlight per year.
I’m sorry, this is my very last question, I know it must take work to answer these questions but this is my last one!

For the locations you recommended, what are the Mundoscope midpoints that you see for them that are influential? And what are your interpretations of them?

The locations I’m asking about is Memphis, Austin, Houston, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

rcooke13 wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:19 am For the locations you recommended, what are the Mundoscope midpoints that you see for them that are influential?
Thanks for understanding that this is indeed a lot of work, but let me start the answer and then get back to it between other tasks.
The locations I’m asking about is Memphis, Austin, Houston, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles.
Memphis was recommended because Venus is 0°27' from Nadir. Midpoints involving angles are:
Me = Ne = Ma/MC
Sa = Ne/MC
Ve = Sa/MC

I don't think this will be happy with the last two - it concentrates emotional despair. Ironically, it's very much old school Memphis (where opium and the Blues intertwined to produce amazing outcomes and devastated lives). Maybe not the best spot, though, to the extent these secondary factors are important.

Austin is a horrible place for you. Just totally {bonked} up. I wouldn't recommend it at all with Saturn 0°17' from IC. (I didn't really recommend it, did I?) We really don't need to go any further with it.

Houston is almost as bad as Austin, but at least a little better. Saturn backs off a little (but is still easily the strongest force) while Venus comes into the picture. Saturn is 1°14' from Nadir and 2°31' from IC, Venus is 1°38' from IC. If you feel you must emotionally suffer for your art, this could actually be a really productive move, but the focus would definitely include emotional suffering and loss (plus the positive Venus-Saturn elements of pleasure in work, dedication to what you love, knowing sacrifice). - You picked two major Texas cities but remember the location I remembered was the longitude of the Texas-Louisiana border, and even Houston is too far from that to give the pure Venus expression. - Midpoints involving angles are:

MC = Ve/Sa (0°26')
Me = Ju/MC (usually a good business aspect)

New Orleans
New Orleans was also picked for a very strong Venus influence: It is 0°32' from Nadir to it is a place where pleasure, art, and generally positive things could be anticipated. Midpoints with angles are:

Su = Pl/MC
Me = Ne = Ma/MC
Sa = Ne/MC
Ve = Sa/MC

While I stick with my statement that this would be a fundamentally positive place (none of these lesser factors like midpoints outweigh a planet tightly angular, which is real, primary force of a location), these midpoints do stir some emotional challenges. You get Ve-Sa through a "back door" of the Sa/MC midpoint being at Venus. Add Sa = Ne/MC. Both of these can be creative, but not purely happy. The first one says the place will have a profound, identity-shaping impact on you. The second row is also creative (Me-Ma combinations are the most creative of all) but also has emotional drama - hey, it's New Orleans, why would you go there if you didn't want ancient-feeling emotional drama? A good spot AND it comes with complexities that might be good, bad, both, etc. but will follow the pattern of these combinations.

Las Vegas
Las Vegas was recommended at least for a well-timed visit because of Jupiter 0°26' from the Zenith and 0°43' from Midheaven. It also has Uranus and Mars each about four and a half degrees (either side) of IC, which isn't necessarily bad - there are lots of very nice "liberated Mars" expressions - but does incline to recklessness, accidents, etc. Jupiter is clearly the major, overpowering factor, but here are midpoints involving angles:
MC = Ma/Ur (0°03')
Ur = Me/MC = Ne/MC
Ne = Ve/MC

These are very complex and interwoven. I don't have a quick summary. I imagine if you spent extensive time here you would go through quite a few interesting adventures, some seeming immediately good, others bad. I could spend six months thinking about and then a couple of hours writing about all the possibilities, but they'd just be possibilities: You'd have to live the energies. They intermix surrealism, inventiveness, having your ideas upset and reset, art, romance, disappointment, and more, all under the one primary factor of the most positive, winning planet shining overhead.

Los Angeles
Los Angeles starts out as a blend of positive and negative influences. Jupiter is 2°11' before MC, Mars is 1°43' past IC, a benefic and a malefic. (And you get a little Uranus.) We can tell already that the Ma/Ju midpoint will be along the angles: For positive, it's industrious, lets you win by competing, thrive in pouring yourself nonstop into a thing. For negative, it's expensive (literally for cash and, in some other sense, just "costs you"). I think it best to think of Mars-Jupiter as cash FLOW: You may indeed have a lot of cash flow through your hands but you have to keep it flowing because it WILL flow away about as fast as it comes in. Midpoints involving angles are:

MC = Ma/Ju
Ur = Ne/MC = Me/MC
Me = Ne = Ve/MC
Sa = Su/MC

I'm fascinating how many variations of Uranus with your Mercury or Neptune has come in. This does seem to be a dynamic you need to include in your expression. These contacts seem generally good for creative expressiveness. The one with roadblock potential is Sa = Su/MC, which could just mean an enormous amount of hard work or could mean that something (authorities, employers, etc.) block you. That midpoint usually has an element of sadness (but at least it won't be for lack of sunshine! - it may be circumstantial, not biochemical).
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:41 am
rcooke13 wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:19 am For the locations you recommended, what are the Mundoscope midpoints that you see for them that are influential?
Thanks for understanding that this is indeed a lot of work, but let me start the answer and then get back to it between other tasks.
The locations I’m asking about is Memphis, Austin, Houston, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles.
Memphis was recommended because Venus is 0°27' from Nadir. Midpoints involving angles are:
Me = Ne = Ma/MC
Sa = Ne/MC
Ve = Sa/MC

I don't think this will be happy with the last two - it concentrates emotional despair. Ironically, it's very much old school Memphis (where opium and the Blues intertwined to produce amazing outcomes and devastated lives). Maybe not the best spot, though, to the extent these secondary factors are important.

Austin is a horrible place for you. Just totally {shagged} up. I wouldn't recommend it at all with Saturn 0°17' from IC. (I didn't really recommend it, did I?) We really don't need to go any further with it.

Houston is almost as bad as Austin, but at least a little better. Saturn backs off a little (but is still easily the strongest force) while Venus comes into the picture. Saturn is 1°14' from Nadir and 2°31' from IC, Venus is 1°38' from IC. If you feel you must emotionally suffer for your art, this could actually be a really productive move, but the focus would definitely include emotional suffering and loss (plus the positive Venus-Saturn elements of pleasure in work, dedication to what you love, knowing sacrifice). - You picked two major Texas cities but remember the location I remembered was the longitude of the Texas-Louisiana border, and even Houston is too far from that to give the pure Venus expression. - Midpoints involving angles are:

MC = Ve/Sa (0°26')
Me = Ju/MC (usually a good business aspect)

New Orleans
New Orleans was also picked for a very strong Venus influence: It is 0°32' from Nadir to it is a place where pleasure, art, and generally positive things could be anticipated. Midpoints with angles are:

Su = Pl/MC
Me = Ne = Ma/MC
Sa = Ne/MC
Ve = Sa/MC

While I stick with my statement that this would be a fundamentally positive place (none of these lesser factors like midpoints outweigh a planet tightly angular, which is real, primary force of a location), these midpoints do stir some emotional challenges. You get Ve-Sa through a "back door" of the Sa/MC midpoint being at Venus. Add Sa = Ne/MC. Both of these can be creative, but not purely happy. The first one says the place will have a profound, identity-shaping impact on you. The second row is also creative (Me-Ma combinations are the most creative of all) but also has emotional drama - hey, it's New Orleans, why would you go there if you didn't want ancient-feeling emotional drama? A good spot AND it comes with complexities that might be good, bad, both, etc. but will follow the pattern of these combinations.

Las Vegas
Las Vegas was recommended at least for a well-timed visit because of Jupiter 0°26' from the Zenith and 0°43' from Midheaven. It also has Uranus and Mars each about four and a half degrees (either side) of IC, which isn't necessarily bad - there are lots of very nice "liberated Mars" expressions - but does incline to recklessness, accidents, etc. Jupiter is clearly the major, overpowering factor, but here are midpoints involving angles:
MC = Ma/Ur (0°03')
Ur = Me/MC = Ne/MC
Ne = Ve/MC

These are very complex and interwoven. I don't have a quick summary. I imagine if you spent extensive time here you would go through quite a few interesting adventures, some seeming immediately good, others bad. I could spend six months thinking about and then a couple of hours writing about all the possibilities, but they'd just be possibilities: You'd have to live the energies. They intermix surrealism, inventiveness, having your ideas upset and reset, art, romance, disappointment, and more, all under the one primary factor of the most positive, winning planet shining overhead.

Los Angeles
Los Angeles starts out as a blend of positive and negative influences. Jupiter is 2°11' before MC, Mars is 1°43' past IC, a benefic and a malefic. (And you get a little Uranus.) We can tell already that the Ma/Ju midpoint will be along the angles: For positive, it's industrious, lets you win by competing, thrive in pouring yourself nonstop into a thing. For negative, it's expensive (literally for cash and, in some other sense, just "costs you"). I think it best to think of Mars-Jupiter as cash FLOW: You may indeed have a lot of cash flow through your hands but you have to keep it flowing because it WILL flow away about as fast as it comes in. Midpoints involving angles are:

MC = Ma/Ju
Ur = Ne/MC = Me/MC
Me = Ne = Ve/MC
Sa = Su/MC

I'm fascinating how many variations of Uranus with your Mercury or Neptune has come in. This does seem to be a dynamic you need to include in your expression. These contacts seem generally good for creative expressiveness. The one with roadblock potential is Sa = Su/MC, which could just mean an enormous amount of hard work or could mean that something (authorities, employers, etc.) block you. That midpoint usually has an element of sadness (but at least it won't be for lack of sunshine! - it may be circumstantial, not biochemical).

It sounds like Atlanta will be less ambitious and less career minded and more so settled down and family minded, more mellow. I want to be ambitious with my career too though, not just family dominating my life. And it sounds like Vegas, New Orleans and LA has ambition, success, lessons and excitement. Gosh. This is going to be tough deciding which life to move towards. I'm really going to have to think about this. I'm leaning towards Atlanta still. I just hope I don't miss anything or cheat myself out of experiences by moving to Atlanta as opposed to LA, Vegas or New Orleans.

Thank you SO much for doing these midpoints for me Jim, I really appreciate it! This was all really eye opening!!
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »


I've been living on my Venus square AC line in New Orleans for a year now. I don't think this is the place for me as far as the energy, but I wanted advice as to if I am on track or completely misunderstanding something, or maybe I'm confusing things with transits or something?

I do not feel seen here. I feel invisible here like people don't notice me. I feel even when I go to meetup type events and talk to people that I'm not really being listened to, and that I'm not forming in depth, genuine friendships here. I do meet people easily here, more easier than when I was near Boston, and people are really friendly here. I just feel like I'm not forming an actual deep connection with people, whereas the few friends I did make near Boston, those are deep friendships and they really cherish and love me. I also felt seen and popular near Boston, whereas I feel invisible and ignored down here. That includes with men. You'd think on a venus line I'd find love but men do not notice me. Or the ones who did seem attracted to me in jobs down here, they are not available and don't make a move. And others dont notice me at all. It makes me wonder, with these issues I am having: is it transits? Is it the nearby saturn line? Is it the saturn antardasha and Sade Sati I'm currently in? Do I wait until those periods or transits pass or do I need to move back to a solar place where the sun is angular for me?

The other is, I feel lazy and uninspired. I feel very bored and useless. I don't feel I am productive or of use to anyone or anything and it is making me very depressed. Is it the saturn line nearby? Is it the saturn periods I'm in? Is it that I'm right on my mercury-neptune paran and it is causing me mental issues? Or do I need to be in more confident, productive energy like the sun?

If the answer is that I need to move again, I can accept it. I would move back to where my sun is angular, but it would need to be far enough from moon IC because too much moon IC makes me an emotional mess and physically sick often. I also want warm weather. I also want to be near the water, and if mercury-neptune is making me lazy and uninspired, or giving me mental issues, I also do not want to be right on that paran too. It seems this leaves me with southeastern Florida, like Miami or the places around there. It sucks cause it's not an affordable part of Florida. But is that where I need to be to be solar again and without the other issues?
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Also, if Miami or those surroundings is the answer, what midpoints are there for me?
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:41 am
rcooke13 wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:19 am For the locations you recommended, what are the Mundoscope midpoints that you see for them that are influential?
Thanks for understanding that this is indeed a lot of work, but let me start the answer and then get back to it between other tasks.
I've been living on my Venus square AC line in New Orleans for a year now. I don't think this is the place for me as far as the energy, but I wanted advice as to if I am on track or completely misunderstanding something, or maybe I'm confusing things with transits or something?

I do not feel seen here. I feel invisible here like people don't notice me. I feel even when I go to meetup type events and talk to people that I'm not really being listened to, and that I'm not forming in depth, genuine friendships here. I do meet people easily here, more easier than when I was near Boston, and people are really friendly here. I just feel like I'm not forming an actual deep connection with people, whereas the few friends I did make near Boston, those are deep friendships and they really cherish and love me. I also felt seen and popular near Boston, whereas I feel invisible and ignored down here. That includes with men. You'd think on a venus line I'd find love but men do not notice me. Or the ones who did seem attracted to me in jobs down here, they are not available and don't make a move. And others dont notice me at all. It makes me wonder, with these issues I am having: is it transits? Is it the nearby saturn line? Is it the saturn antardasha and Sade Sati I'm currently in? Do I wait until those periods or transits pass or do I need to move back to a solar place where the sun is angular for me?

The other is, I feel lazy and uninspired. I feel very bored and useless. I don't feel I am productive or of use to anyone or anything and it is making me very depressed. Is it the saturn line nearby? Is it the saturn periods I'm in? Is it that I'm right on my mercury-neptune paran and it is causing me mental issues? Or do I need to be in more confident, productive energy like the sun?

If the answer is that I need to move again, I can accept it. I would move back to where my sun is angular, but it would need to be far enough from moon IC because too much moon IC makes me an emotional mess and physically sick often. I also want warm weather. I also want to be near the water, and if mercury-neptune is making me lazy and uninspired, or giving me mental issues, I also do not want to be right on that paran too. It seems this leaves me with southeastern Florida, like Miami or the places around there. It sucks cause it's not an affordable part of Florida. But is that where I need to be to be solar again and without the other issues? Also, if Miami or those surroundings is the answer, what midpoints are there for me?
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

My first impression on reading your letter is this: You have moved from places where your Sun is exactly angular to a place where Sun is no longer angular but Venus is closely angular. In doing so, you have experienced a pleasurable spot where it is easy to meet people but you don't feel you are making deep connections. Also, you feel lazy and uninspired.

I wonder if "not making deep connections" means that they don't see you as a unique, distinct person and clearly get who you are. - If that's more or less what you mean that you are describing the difference between Venus angular (but not Sun) vs. Sun angular (but not Venus)!

Think about it: You have various Venus positives but you find it easier to enjoy yourself than to work or direct. (Venus does love pleasure.) Venus angular isn't at all averse to work and accomplishment (I've lived under one for nearly 50 years) but it does enjoy its pleasures.

Sun, on the other hand, shows your ego at the center of things, as if a spotlight were always shining directly on you. The attention gotten can be good or bad, but you DO tend to draw attention. Sun is also the planet energy for having purpose and direction. Perhaps for the first time in your life, you are living somewhere that does NOT have your Sun closely angular.

This doesn't mean that you have to choose one over the other. You can become a fully rounded person more or less everywhere, it just takes finding the right approach. What it DOES mean is that you are living somewhere that Venus is continually active AND away from a place where your Sun is continually active. Somebody turned off the spotlight. You're still on stage with the rest of the cast but (I suppose) your life is now an ensemble production.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I got back and forth on how important potential parans are in our charts. I've more or less stopped thinking of the question until Mike Nelson adds paran calculation to TMSA, which will make checking them a hundredth as difficult. Therefore, I don't know how important to consider the Mercury-Neptune potential paran for your chart at the latitude of New Orleans. (Intellectually, I think they are probably important. OTOH I don't even bother to check them for myself.)

I will say this, though: If they are important and you have a Mercury-Neptune paran for New Orleans that is defining your experience of the city, then you don't want to go to Miami! Your Mercury and Neptune do set in the exact same minute at the latitude of New Orleans. However, you might get a rude shock leaving a Venus line for Miami where your Venus-Saturn rise within 0°10' of each other. If the Mercury-Neptune is indeed active in New Orleans, then you have Venus-Saturn marking south Florida.

Also, you have no close angular planets in Miami other than returning to the Sun angular of your birthplace and Boston.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Looking at current patterns, this was always going to be a difficult year. Your have a progressed Mars-Saturn conjunction that began in April 2021 and continues three years until May 2024. It was exact last October and stays in effect for 1° either side of that (about a year and a half either side). This may give a sense of being "stopped" somehow. OTOH, as a double Capricorn, you probably handle Mars-Saturn energies much better (more naturally) than most other people.

I think I know the one thing that is locale-related. Were you in New Orleans for your birthday this year, or did you go somewhere else? If in NOLA, your natal Neptune (more broadly, your natal Mercury-Neptune) is exactly on the MC. There are pleasant things about the Solar Return, including Moon rising square natal Venus, but the natal Neptune exactly at Midheaven is descriptive of the things about which you were complaining.

Here is an interpretation I wrote in the 1970s for natal Neptune angular in a Solar Return:

For Neptune specifically on MC, add: "Identity and life direction confused, uncertain. Easier to dream than to transform dreams into reality. Applying imagination in successful, functional ways is the main need. Practical matters require focused, conscious attention."

If this is the Solar Return you got, then it stays in effect until your 2024 birthday (no matter where you go in between). While I still think NOLA is a great place for you to live, it may not be the place to celebrate your birthday for the next few years. If you want, we can help you pick a place for a birthday trip. For example, your next Solar Return will have Venus rising near Los Angeles. Jupiter is on Midheaven at the longitude of Bridgeport, CT (that city and due north, including Vermont and westernmost Massachusetts. Jupiter squares Ascendant on a curve from the South Carolina side of the SC-Georgia border, across eastern Tennessee and Kentucky, and curving on northwest from there. There are more, but that gives you some idea.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Lol that's funny, I got fired from a job last October!! Oh my gosh hahahaha. So accurate!

I did spend my birthday in New Orleans. This all definitely sounds like what is happening with me! Cause it's not like I've always felt this out of touch and uninspired while living here anyway. Seems to be much stronger this year mostly.

For the cities that you named for next year's solar return, which would you recommend if I want more popularity with people next year, like to be more seen and visible to people, but also good career direction and focus? And finding a romantic partner. Would that all be Jupiter MC or jupiter square ascendant? Or if you think venus rising would be better for all of these I'm open to that theory too.

Thank you for looking into all this for me. You have no idea how much you saved me. I was very depressed but I feel so much more positive and hopeful now. You really are a life saver.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

rcooke13 wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 1:44 pm For the cities that you named for next year's solar return, which would you recommend if I want more popularity with people next year, like to be more seen and visible to people, but also good career direction and focus? And finding a romantic partner. Would that all be Jupiter MC or jupiter square ascendant? Or if you think venus rising would be better for all of these I'm open to that theory too.
One usually thinks, "Venus for happiness, Jupiter for prosperity" - though one cannot divide it up quite so "either-or," and these two things do overlap a lot. Venus probably fits the range of things better, so Los Angeles is good. (There is a whole band of places in California, but the LA region is the only one on the coast. The rest of the line cuts deeper inland that is probably better for longer stays and more patient exploration.) This even brings some reasonably strong Jupiter (natal Jupiter) along with the Venus.

Your next Solar Return occurs January 27, 2024, 2:45 PM PST. If you are in Los Angeles at the time, it looks like this (using central LA coordinates):

r Uranus on Dsc -1°10'
t Venus on Dsc -0°04'
r Jupiter on Asc +3°13'
r Mars on Dsc +6°51'

t Venus co r Uranus 1°15'
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Okay. How long should I stay there for the solar return chart to be effective? As far as hours.

I'm surprised the solar return time will be 2:45pm PST. I thought it would've been 10:28pm January 26 since my birthtime is 12:28am EST?
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It's not the same time of day, it's for when Sun returns to the exact place.

You only have to be there when it occurs - the minute. Certainly if you make a vacation to celebrate your birthday you'll be long enough. OTOH for a lunar return my wife has flown to a city, sat in the airport a few hours, and boarded the next plane back.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 8:07 pm It's not the same time of day, it's for when Sun returns to the exact place.

You only have to be there when it occurs - the minute. Certainly if you make a vacation to celebrate your birthday you'll be long enough. OTOH for a lunar return my wife has flown to a city, sat in the airport a few hours, and boarded the next plane back.
Hahaha, that's funny. I will start doing that too.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

To flesh that out a bit: Your Sun is at 12°24'29" Capricorn. Your Sidereal Solar Return (SSR) occurs every year when Sun completes one full circle (i.e., Earth completes one full orbit of the sun), which occurs every about every 365.25 days; specifically (on average, varying only a few minutes plus or minus every year) this is every 365d 6h 9m 10s.

Each year (give or take about 10 minutes) the Solar Return occurs on the same day but 6h 9m later (about a fourth of the circle). Sometimes this overlaps to the next calendar day (unless you were born very early in the day. If the calendar were always 365 days long, your SSR would occur one year later every four years; but, every four years, leap year adds an extra date that takes these accumulated 0.25 days and throws it back to about your birth time.

Then, due to precession of the equinoxes, this time slowly advances a full day by abut age 72. (Our calendar is locked to the vernal equinoxes. The zodiac is not. The calendar loses a day every 72 years compared to the stars.)

Bottom line, every year the SSR will be about (usually just slightly more than) 6 hours later (about 92° on Midheaven) from the year before, and the whole train moves forward one calendar day each 72 years of life.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by JD Fan »

hello dear rcooke13

we sometimes have trouble, but results come soon after having seen an advanced astrologist.

I'll try to help you, even if I don't know you. (for learning purposes)

Your eris is in pisces. Squares your mentality and your illness and spiritual world.
(this alone is not enough to give bad fortune when relocating, but it gives a hint)

You're a good capricorn (s and m). However your Venus is retrograde, even though it is in nice sagitarius.

Mars, mercury and uranus there too enhance your aspirations on this earth.

Mars is opposited to a super-weak jup. so your jupiter is totally dead.

However since mercury is also in sagitarius, that is not completely bad.

However if you work thru mercury (contacts) you will have to go thru neptunian fields of fog and dizziness, because it is so.

The eris square doesn't mean much if you become ultra-spiritual, and so.

Saturn usually means death too, and it's right inbetween your planets in sagg.

Personally i would be very careful while traveling off-side.

Capricorns need a high career, first, do you have one?
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

JD Fan wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:55 am hello dear rcooke13

we sometimes have trouble, but results come soon after having seen an advanced astrologist.

I'll try to help you, even if I don't know you. (for learning purposes)

Your eris is in pisces. Squares your mentality and your illness and spiritual world.
(this alone is not enough to give bad fortune when relocating, but it gives a hint)

You're a good capricorn (s and m). However your Venus is retrograde, even though it is in nice sagitarius.

Mars, mercury and uranus there too enhance your aspirations on this earth.

Mars is opposited to a super-weak jup. so your jupiter is totally dead.

However since mercury is also in sagitarius, that is not completely bad.

However if you work thru mercury (contacts) you will have to go thru neptunian fields of fog and dizziness, because it is so.

The eris square doesn't mean much if you become ultra-spiritual, and so.

Saturn usually means death too, and it's right inbetween your planets in sagg.

Personally i would be very careful while traveling off-side.

Capricorns need a high career, first, do you have one?
Jim said my Jupiter isn't bad.

Are you saying I'm going to die or have a high chance of dying, especially while traveling because of saturn...?

I have a professional career that I like a lot because of the freedom and I like the work, but it's not high like that no, and I am not very noticed but it's been a couple months and I have a solar return chart that's strongly Neptune. I don't want a high position right now because I dont want the extra work or responsibility. I've been feeling very lazy and unmotivated. I am however a filmmaker and now have a podcast too, and I have won awards and traveled with my films in the near past. That kind of creative work is what I want "highness" in, and real estate investments, but nothing other than that right now.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 4:52 pm
rcooke13 wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 1:44 pm For the cities that you named for next year's solar return, which would you recommend if I want more popularity with people next year, like to be more seen and visible to people, but also good career direction and focus? And finding a romantic partner. Would that all be Jupiter MC or jupiter square ascendant? Or if you think venus rising would be better for all of these I'm open to that theory too.
One usually thinks, "Venus for happiness, Jupiter for prosperity" - though one cannot divide it up quite so "either-or," and these two things do overlap a lot. Venus probably fits the range of things better, so Los Angeles is good. (There is a whole band of places in California, but the LA region is the only one on the coast. The rest of the line cuts deeper inland that is probably better for longer stays and more patient exploration.) This even brings some reasonably strong Jupiter (natal Jupiter) along with the Venus.

Your next Solar Return occurs January 27, 2024, 2:45 PM PST. If you are in Los Angeles at the time, it looks like this (using central LA coordinates):

r Uranus on Dsc -1°10'
t Venus on Dsc -0°04'
r Jupiter on Asc +3°13'
r Mars on Dsc +6°51'

t Venus co r Uranus 1°15'
Does this mean in LA, I will have Uranus and Jupiter on my ascendant, and venus and mars on my descendant next year? Does that mean adventure (uranus), and possible love (venus dc) and attraction and drive (mars dc) is for me in 2024 in LA?

Other than that, do you see anything else particularly good for my LA solar return chart next year, and anything that would be a big deal as far as challenges in the chart?
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Basic answer: Yes to all your questons.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 4:52 pm
rcooke13 wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 1:44 pm For the cities that you named for next year's solar return, which would you recommend if I want more popularity with people next year, like to be more seen and visible to people, but also good career direction and focus? And finding a romantic partner. Would that all be Jupiter MC or jupiter square ascendant? Or if you think venus rising would be better for all of these I'm open to that theory too.
One usually thinks, "Venus for happiness, Jupiter for prosperity" - though one cannot divide it up quite so "either-or," and these two things do overlap a lot. Venus probably fits the range of things better, so Los Angeles is good. (There is a whole band of places in California, but the LA region is the only one on the coast. The rest of the line cuts deeper inland that is probably better for longer stays and more patient exploration.) This even brings some reasonably strong Jupiter (natal Jupiter) along with the Venus.

Your next Solar Return occurs January 27, 2024, 2:45 PM PST. If you are in Los Angeles at the time, it looks like this (using central LA coordinates):

r Uranus on Dsc -1°10'
t Venus on Dsc -0°04'
r Jupiter on Asc +3°13'
r Mars on Dsc +6°51'

t Venus co r Uranus 1°15'
Just wanted to say I am super excited to travel to the LA airport in 3 weeks. I've been counting down the months and weeks. I have my trip booked. I'm ready for this solar return! I'm excited to get uranus and venus in the picture. I've always liked uranus' energy, and that with venus might mean I'll find the attractive, eccentric man I tend to fall for. Thanks for showing me this solar return. You seemed to have known uranus and venus would probably be a fit for me.I look forward to not being so sensitive, lazy and out of focus too. Gonna be myself again soon. I just cannot wait!
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Fantastic. (And welcome back. Haven't seen you in a while.)

I'm super excited that you're so excited. Are you staying in town to do anything, or just landing for the Solar Return and leaving again?
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2024 7:11 pm Fantastic. (And welcome back. Haven't seen you in a while.)

I'm super excited that you're so excited. Are you staying in town to do anything, or just landing for the Solar Return and leaving again?
I can't afford to stay longer but I do have a long layover, so I'll have like 6 hours to do something fun. I was thinking about either doing Manhattan Beach or Venice Beach, unless you can suggest something better! I'll be coming from LAX.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Both of those are nice areas in different ways. Manhattan Beach is only a few blocks away. Venice is more spectacular, more of the classic "LA beach scene," and within a short walk of the Santa Monica pier. Google tells me the drive is 25-30 minutes from LAX to Venice Beach (so, with calling Uber or whatever, probably allow an hour for that; Manhattan Beach is a few minutes closer). The area around the airport isn't the most interesting area, so a Pacific Ocean beach is a great idea. FWIW, just outside the airport on Sepulveda (about a long block north of he airport) is an In-n-Out Burger, a California burger chain that every non-vegetarian in the state loves (just for a bit of local color; but it might be awkward to get a car there, then another Uber to the beach).

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions. Might as well enjoy the day!
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 11:43 am Both of those are nice areas in different ways. Manhattan Beach is only a few blocks away. Venice is more spectacular, more of the classic "LA beach scene," and within a short walk of the Santa Monica pier. Google tells me the drive is 25-30 minutes from LAX to Venice Beach (so, with calling Uber or whatever, probably allow an hour for that; Manhattan Beach is a few minutes closer). The area around the airport isn't the most interesting area, so a Pacific Ocean beach is a great idea. FWIW, just outside the airport on Sepulveda (about a long block north of he airport) is an In-n-Out Burger, a California burger chain that every non-vegetarian in the state loves (just for a bit of local color; but it might be awkward to get a car there, then another Uber to the beach).

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions. Might as well enjoy the day!
Oh I love In N Out! But yeah I think I'll just uber to the beach. I just looked up both beaches online and Venice Beach definitely looks like my kind of place (people watching, variety, adventure). I walk Bourbon St. sometimes just for my own amusement lol, so I know this will be fun! This is exciting, thanks for being of help! I'll also let you know how it goes :D
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

When I was last in NOLA (not recently), I also walked Bourbon Street - every night.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2024 7:11 pm Fantastic. (And welcome back. Haven't seen you in a while.)

I'm super excited that you're so excited. Are you staying in town to do anything, or just landing for the Solar Return and leaving again?
I really enjoyed visiting Venice. I saw the canals and the pier, it was nice. When 2:45pm hit, it was a very special and spiritual moment for me, very touching. I'll have the memory of that forever. When I uber'd back to the airport after, there was beautiful classical music playing on the radio and everything looked and felt beautiful. When I got to the airport and went to the bar of a restaurant, a man sat down next to me and talked to me and asked for my number. Now, I was not attracted to him and it never went anywhere, but it was just amazing how that happened right after my venus dc solar return hit! Wow! It was just a beautiful day. It seems more men are attracted to me in California, whereas in Louisiana, basically not that much.

So with that said, I noticed I have felt irritated the past few days. Is it just a transit that will go away soon, or is there something in my solar return that is making me more stirred up? The good thing is I have been WAY more productive since my solar return which I love. I was so depressed being unmotivated and unproductive and now I am energized, productive, clearer-minded and have direction! Very happy about it. Just wondering if the irritation thing is temporary or with the solar return?

I still am not getting romantic attention in Louisiana with the venus dc, but I am hoping it will happen. I'm going to Vegas in April and again, men seem to like me on the west coast, so it'll be nice to get attention again. Can't get none here lol...
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Thanks for sharing the story. It sounds like a lovely (albeit short) trip. I'm glad you went out to Venice.
rcooke13 wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 6:29 pm When 2:45pm hit, it was a very special and spiritual moment for me, very touching. I'll have the memory of that forever. When I uber'd back to the airport after, there was beautiful classical music playing on the radio and everything looked and felt beautiful.
Welcome to the club of those who have intentionally intersected with a moment in time and space. :) Several of us do this more or less every year. Sometimes it is ordinary; with intention, it can be as you described.

We have a friend who lives in Long Beach (south LA County) and her SSR would have been perfectly nice this year anyway, but it was a decade birthday and she wanted something special (and a nice place for dinner after). We picked the exact mile or so of the beach in Malibu (north LA County) where her natal Jupiter was rising in the SSR. It also occurred essentially at sunset. So she and her sister drove up to that spot of Malibu beach late afternoon and set there (it was mostly empty), took in the sun and ocean, then sat to watch the sunset over the Pacific, feeling her old solar cycle complete and something entirely new get born. (She made quite an internal ritual of it as a moment of life transition.) They then turned and drove up the road behind them into the hills to one of LA's most beautiful and reliably wonderful restaurants we had recommended, nestled up in dense woods (Inn of the Seven Ray, for those who know it). She said it was her most beautiful, awesome birthday ever.

They're not all like that. But they can be like that.
When I got to the airport and went to the bar of a restaurant, a man sat down next to me and talked to me and asked for my number... It was just a beautiful day. It seems more men are attracted to me in California, whereas in Louisiana, basically not that much.
The fresh breath of the new SSR was showing what the year and life can be like - and an attraction encounter with a complete stranger while travelling is an almost perfect metaphor of Venus conjunct natal Uranus exactly on solar return angle.
So with that said, I noticed I have felt irritated the past few days. Is it just a transit that will go away soon, or is there something in my solar return that is making me more stirred up? The good thing is I have been WAY more productive since my solar return which I love. I was so depressed being unmotivated and unproductive and now I am energized, productive, clearer-minded and have direction! Very happy about it. Just wondering if the irritation thing is temporary or with the solar return?
The one big thing relocation doesn't remove are Moon aspects - they persist and are important everywhere in the world. The first thing I'm reminded is that you have a somewhat wide Moon-Saturn conjunction, just over 4° wide. The most challenging part of the year will be a point about four months after your birthday when this Moon-Saturn becomes perfect (with two to four weeks either side). The astrological theory (that I've lived) is that it won't be so bad because it's quite weak in the chart itself AND it exists under a positive, beautiful overall chart. (Moon-Saturn is consistent with both the positive and negative results you mentioned.)

You also have an exact Mercury-Mars conjunction in the SSR (everywhere on Earth). Again, this isn't angular, not especially prominent, and exists within a Venus (and Venus-Uranus) themed chart. It is an irritable aspect (nerves irritated sort of thing) and great for creative ideas and mental activity. If you find your tolerance of frustrations and irritations are building here and there, lean back into the Venus - use that as a signal to treat yourself to comfort and pleasure.

So yes, there is potential for some of this during the year (no great year is non-stop great). At least you have those things in the context of Venus, instead of the Mercury-Mars-Pluto plus Venus-Saturn you'd have had on the angles in NOLA.

The solar return was just the first "current pattern" thing, though. Let me look a little deeper.

I would expect this to be an unusually great time. With your natal Sun 12°24' Capricorn and your Midheaven 12°20' Cancer, transiting Jupiter is currently square both of them. But, oh... there it is... since you've been back there have been a few days of Mars transiting conjunct your Saturn. This is an often frustrating, uncomfortable few days (and can also be productive: it fits "labor intensive"). This is a quickly passing transit. Grumble-grumble sort of thing.

I'm still very optimistic for a "Venus adventure" pleasant year.
I still am not getting romantic attention in Louisiana with the venus dc, but I am hoping it will happen. I'm going to Vegas in April and again, men seem to like me on the west coast, so it'll be nice to get attention again. Can't get none here lol...
Oh, give it a chance :D :lol: With a new solar return, we can always say, "That old attitude is soooo last year." - BTW, while the theme of Venus-Uranus is refreshed, renewed Venus attention (and Venus opposite your Jupiter), this may need the new characteristic to jump start it. If you are trying to get attention from familiar faces, that may not have the same spark, the same magic. There is a feel about "romantic attention while on vacation or a stranger passing through town" that you can nurture at home. NOLA, from my memory, should be one of the easier places to grab the spirit of, "Right now, it's got to be new, fresh, maybe strange, like an encounter of strangers."

Or whatever. You don't need coaching. I'm only suggesting you remember the feeling of that birthday trip all year and lean into the Venus side when occasional aggravations hit (i.e., "life") and capture the spark of that Venus-Uranus energy.
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 9:02 am Thanks for sharing the story. It sounds like a lovely (albeit short) trip. I'm glad you went out to Venice.
rcooke13 wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 6:29 pm When 2:45pm hit, it was a very special and spiritual moment for me, very touching. I'll have the memory of that forever. When I uber'd back to the airport after, there was beautiful classical music playing on the radio and everything looked and felt beautiful.
Welcome to the club of those who have intentionally intersected with a moment in time and space. :) Several of us do this more or less every year. Sometimes it is ordinary; with intention, it can be as you described.

We have a friend who lives in Long Beach (south LA County) and her SSR would have been perfectly nice this year anyway, but it was a decade birthday and she wanted something special (and a nice place for dinner after). We picked the exact mile or so of the beach in Malibu (north LA County) where her natal Jupiter was rising in the SSR. It also occurred essentially at sunset. So she and her sister drove up to that spot of Malibu beach late afternoon and set there (it was mostly empty), took in the sun and ocean, then sat to watch the sunset over the Pacific, feeling her old solar cycle complete and something entirely new get born. (She made quite an internal ritual of it as a moment of life transition.) They then turned and drove up the road behind them into the hills to one of LA's most beautiful and reliably wonderful restaurants we had recommended, nestled up in dense woods (Inn of the Seven Ray, for those who know it). She said it was her most beautiful, awesome birthday ever.

They're not all like that. But they can be like that.
When I got to the airport and went to the bar of a restaurant, a man sat down next to me and talked to me and asked for my number... It was just a beautiful day. It seems more men are attracted to me in California, whereas in Louisiana, basically not that much.
The fresh breath of the new SSR was showing what the year and life can be like - and an attraction encounter with a complete stranger while travelling is an almost perfect metaphor of Venus conjunct natal Uranus exactly on solar return angle.
So with that said, I noticed I have felt irritated the past few days. Is it just a transit that will go away soon, or is there something in my solar return that is making me more stirred up? The good thing is I have been WAY more productive since my solar return which I love. I was so depressed being unmotivated and unproductive and now I am energized, productive, clearer-minded and have direction! Very happy about it. Just wondering if the irritation thing is temporary or with the solar return?
The one big thing relocation doesn't remove are Moon aspects - they persist and are important everywhere in the world. The first thing I'm reminded is that you have a somewhat wide Moon-Saturn conjunction, just over 4° wide. The most challenging part of the year will be a point about four months after your birthday when this Moon-Saturn becomes perfect (with two to four weeks either side). The astrological theory (that I've lived) is that it won't be so bad because it's quite weak in the chart itself AND it exists under a positive, beautiful overall chart. (Moon-Saturn is consistent with both the positive and negative results you mentioned.)

You also have an exact Mercury-Mars conjunction in the SSR (everywhere on Earth). Again, this isn't angular, not especially prominent, and exists within a Venus (and Venus-Uranus) themed chart. It is an irritable aspect (nerves irritated sort of thing) and great for creative ideas and mental activity. If you find your tolerance of frustrations and irritations are building here and there, lean back into the Venus - use that as a signal to treat yourself to comfort and pleasure.

So yes, there is potential for some of this during the year (no great year is non-stop great). At least you have those things in the context of Venus, instead of the Mercury-Mars-Pluto plus Venus-Saturn you'd have had on the angles in NOLA.

The solar return was just the first "current pattern" thing, though. Let me look a little deeper.

I would expect this to be an unusually great time. With your natal Sun 12°24' Capricorn and your Midheaven 12°20' Cancer, transiting Jupiter is currently square both of them. But, oh... there it is... since you've been back there have been a few days of Mars transiting conjunct your Saturn. This is an often frustrating, uncomfortable few days (and can also be productive: it fits "labor intensive"). This is a quickly passing transit. Grumble-grumble sort of thing.

I'm still very optimistic for a "Venus adventure" pleasant year.
I still am not getting romantic attention in Louisiana with the venus dc, but I am hoping it will happen. I'm going to Vegas in April and again, men seem to like me on the west coast, so it'll be nice to get attention again. Can't get none here lol...
Oh, give it a chance :D :lol: With a new solar return, we can always say, "That old attitude is soooo last year." - BTW, while the theme of Venus-Uranus is refreshed, renewed Venus attention (and Venus opposite your Jupiter), this may need the new characteristic to jump start it. If you are trying to get attention from familiar faces, that may not have the same spark, the same magic. There is a feel about "romantic attention while on vacation or a stranger passing through town" that you can nurture at home. NOLA, from my memory, should be one of the easier places to grab the spirit of, "Right now, it's got to be new, fresh, maybe strange, like an encounter of strangers."

Or whatever. You don't need coaching. I'm only suggesting you remember the feeling of that birthday trip all year and lean into the Venus side when occasional aggravations hit (i.e., "life") and capture the spark of that Venus-Uranus energy.
This was so helpful, and amazing advice. Thank you so much!! This site really is great. I'm really happy for this solar return. Way better than the ones I had and would have got. Really grateful.

Currently filling up my calendar with events :D Going to take great advantage of the year. :D
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Re: Is this a good place for me to move to, according to my chart?

Post by rcooke13 »

Yep, you were right! My grouchiness was gone by Sunday LOL. I feel way less grouchy now. It was def that transit you mentioned. I feel good (minus my annoying capricorn moon getting in the way sometimes), but in general I feel pretty dang good! And I love the mercury-mars. Just what I needed after last year!
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