I just noticed that my progressed Moon is coming into an opposition with my pr. Sun which is right on n.Pluto ecliptic position. This opposition is then squared by my Ven-Jup opposition.
Any predictions on what this might mean in upcoming months?
With romance and art being primary themes in your life in recent years, anything in these areas is possible.Arena wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:50 am I just noticed that my progressed Moon is coming into an opposition with my pr. Sun which is right on n.Pluto ecliptic position. This opposition is then squared by my Ven-Jup opposition.
I do hope positive attention and perhaps a bit of fame or more recognition for my art is on the horizon.They are "phase changes," of a sort. The first thing to remember is that they are turning-points - the second, that they show very significant attention from a valued source, which might (for example) be a bit of fame and usually is a significant, intimate other.
I was guessing you'd say something like that.Have you guys started making wedding plans yet?
When it comes to my 2023 SSR, I'm not sure I am seeing the same thing as you do with my n. Ven-Pluto on the horizon. Are you seeing this in a biwheel? I do hope the Ven-Pluto will be experienced as a deepening of my love/relationship rather than the separative effect that Pluto sometimes brings.Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:46 am If you are in Reyk for your birthday, your Venus-Pluto opposition (yeah, your square is an opposition this time lol) is right across the horizon. With Asc 14°15' Gemini, here are the mundoscope positions (longitudes after for comparison):
25°41' 6H - r Jupiter - 4°54' Sag
0°00' 1H - Asc - 14°15' Gem
0°16' 7H - r Pluto - 5°44' Virgo
2°37' 1H - r Venus - 3°27' Gem
Focus is much more on Venus things than Jupiter things, though you have the usual mix. Progressed Sun conjoins your natal Pluto concurrent with natal Pluto being a quarter degree from your new SSR Descendant. It does seem that significant, Venus-Pluto type redefinitions of relationship matters are afoot.
The worst side of the chart is Moon closely aspecting Mars (ecliptical) and Neptune (mundane) - watch your health and double-read legal documents etc. Moon also mundanely conjoins your natal Moon and opposes your Uranus.
9°03' 6H - t Mars - 20°04' Leo
12°00' 12H - t Neptune - 2°19' Pis
12°32' 12H - r Moon - 25°01' Ari
12°46' 12H - t Moon - 18°51' Aqu
13°56' 6H - r Uranus - 20°36' Vir
But your natal Venus-Jupiter-Pluto is the main focus for the new year, I think, especially the Venus-Pluto. Art and romance seem to stay at the top of your heap.
You can't see it easily in Solar Fire - you need the mundane positions. (That's how you get the natal Venus-Pluto opposition, for example, because while natal Pluto is closer to the square of the mid-Gemini Ascendant, it actually is just above Descendant mundanely.) That's all moot, though, since your SSR won't occur there.Arena wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:15 am When it comes to my 2023 SSR, I'm not sure I am seeing the same thing as you do with my n. Ven-Pluto on the horizon. Are you seeing this in a biwheel?
Yes, I get slightly different but only slightly (e.g. we might be using slightly different geographic coordinates. TMSA calculates returns and ingresses slightly more accurately than SF so I have August 4, 2023, 1:12:02 UT in case you want to compare. The charts looks splendidly dignified, happy, and prospering (with Sun and three benefics), with an edge of Mars added.My 2023 SSR will happen in Tenerife, Spain. I'll be travelling there on August 1st-10th.And that means the SSR will set up with the Sun at 0,03 from the IC in mundo and 0,02° ecliptically. Sun is aspected by Uranus in a mundane square.
It's not foreground, so it will be "fill in details" overall. Usually Mercury-Saturn leans the opposite direction (frustrations, tedium, plans not quite working out no matter how carefully made), but could certainly represent the tedium of negotiating a contract. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it at least in terms of setting the general tone of the year. (Non-foreground partile aspects also include Urans square your Mars 15').Since you mentioned contracts, I also see a mundane partile Mer-Sat opposition, which might indicate a signing of contract.
IF the solar eclipse or this progression has any effect in my life, it will probably be around now IF the rectification is about right. So in the next couple of weeks. The eclipse Sun&Moon are partile 150° to my r. Moon.The exact moment of the eclipse lines up so that in my locality the MC is almost EXACT 0,01°on my r. Jupiter. And the DSC is almost partile 1,08° r. Pluto (ecliptic). So my natal Jup-Ven/Pluto T-square is brought to the angles of the exact moment of the eclipse.
Moon-Sun symbolism usually signals a meaningful event in ones life. Maybe, as you hint, you "becoming an artist" IS/WAS the Moon-Sun event?Jup and now Pluto. It has been a time full of love and art and becoming an artist. But that Moon-Sun is not showing up as a definite turning point other than what has already been going on with the forementioned.
I hear your Arena and agree.Maybe I had my mind narrowed too much as I was focusing on this being a relationship matter, since the Sun-Moon conjunctions and oppositions often have to do with them.