Solar Return Chart 2023

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Solar Return Chart 2023

Post by Element »

Hello,this is my SR chart,i would like to know prospects,positives or negatives about,career future,mental health condition,friendships,relationships,studies,financial condition,possible relationship prospects.Is there any positive coming for me that will bring happinnes,joy and satisfaction,success,or will face obstacles to overcome this year too? Thnx in advanced. ;)
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The chart you posted is your Tropical solar return. These aren't real return charts and they're astrologically worthless.

Your current solar return occurred September 20, 2022, 10:49 AM EEDT. As you know, it's a really rough one. Your next solar return will occur September 20, 2023, 4:57 PM EEDT with Pluto rising and Uranus on IC. I'll come back shortly with some notes on it.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Element wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:26 am i would like to know prospects, positives or negatives about, career future, mental health condition, friendships, relationships, studies, financial condition, possible relationship prospects. Is there any positive coming for me that will bring happiness, joy and satisfaction, success, or will face obstacles to overcome this year too?
Your next solar return occurs September 20, 2023, 4:57:25 PM EEDT. I've calculated it for Thessaloniki, Greece.

This will be a dramatically better year than the current one. (Your current SSR is dominated by a very burdensome Saturn.) The new chart doesn't lean particularly good or bad (it does say that the world is kinder to you than you are to the world), but it's a very powerful chart showing RADICAL CHANGE AND REVISION in your life. It is uprooting, revising, dramatically shifting. This is the year everything can change, that you can walk across a threshold and never look back. (There is no going back.)

Here are the main features:
t Pluto on Asc 0°37', t Uranus on IC 1°43', t Uranus-Pluto sq 2°20' mundo
t Venus on Dsc 4°53', r Mars on Asc 2°42', t Uranus sq r Mars 0°59' mundo
t Moon-Saturn sq 2°10'

Before diving into this, I should also mention (as I've mentioned before) that this is the main year Neptune opposes your Sun. It will take about two years to make the pass. Neptune to Sun dissolves any hard-defined sense of who you are or where you are going. This can be confusing at first, leave you without something hard to grab hold of. It's possible you will feel anxious and uncertain. But this is a necessary stage, letting go of old ideas and definitions to let an entirely new picture form in your life once this transit is over.

Back to the solar return: Uranus and Pluto exactly on angles is the most revolutionary aspect of all. Here is my general statement of it:
Overthrows existing frameworks: Unstable, revolutionary, revising, remapping, anti-establishment. Dismantles current structures, making way for substantial changes in one's life.
Especially with Uranus on IC square Pluto on Asc, it is uprooting. I know you have been resistant to the idea of living somewhere else where you have a better chart. In that case (if you do not physically uproot yourself) you will at least psychologically uproot yourself, breaking out of existing ideas about life as if you were hatching into a new world and being born for the first time. In the simplest way, this could be the fruits of the therapy you started. It could be a natural breakthrough in your mind. Or it could be a significant physical relocation sufficiently removed to allow you to shake loose from any way you've looked at your life before.

As an example, I've had Uranus and Pluto both angular in my solar return five times in the last decade, with three of those being consecutive years. The three central years marked the climax of work I'd been doing for decades, a complete revamp of a certain organization pivotal in my life, and leaving the home where I had lived for over 40 years. In fact, the year of this biggest move was a year I also had Moon-Saturn, which you have next year.

With all of this non-trivial, perhaps life-redefining change, Moon square Saturn surely means loss and a certain amount of loss, removal, or hardship. Loss is often a part of radical change. You may not want to leave certain things physically or psychologically behind at first. There may be extra financial demands as part of the change. This doesn't make it a bad year, it just means there is a certain amount of mourning or letting go.

After the Uranus-Pluto, the strongest planets are transiting Venus and natal Mars. This is what I meant by the world being kinder to you than you are to the world. It shows affection and pleasure coming in from the world, while aggression and assertion stream out from you toward the world. I can't guarantee that this shows new sexual experiences, but one thing Venus and Mars mean together is sexual activity. Generally, you are on the receiving end of affection, love, kindness, pleasure, while you (with your Mars rising closely aspected by Uranus) are somewhat unleashed. Your aggressiveness is unleashed, you are more willing to assert yourself into the world and take risks.

How will this affect the specific things you asked about? That's hard to tell because the very nature about Uranus-Pluto is that it is unpredictable, bringing about things you've never thought about or anticipated. This sense of the new and unprecedented will permeate all the areas of your life.
  • CAREER is uncertain because the Neptune transit means that your old sense of purpose and direction is diffused or dissolved; but Uranus-Pluto says something unexpected is appearing to take their place.
  • MENTAL HEALTH rests, I think, on whether you consciously choose to embrace the changes or resist them: Resisting will put you in conflict with the universe (and, actually, conflict with yourself). Normally having Neptune transit your Sun under a Moon-Saturn square is bad for mental health (leads to depression and losing track of yourself), but the Uranus-Pluto is by far the dominant force and can make everything fresh (new world).
  • HEALTH: Nothing here specifically speaks to health except the Moon-Saturn square. If anything, your refreshed, freer mindset likely will improve your immune system. I had Moon-Saturn (and worse: Moon-Mars-Mars-Saturn-Pluto) at the worst part of Covid-19 and my health went unscathed except for loss of energy right around when it was exact. There is a difficult spot about two months after your birthday (reaching a few weeks either side) when your physical and mental energy are likely to be at their lowest and practical matters weigh more heavily; then it clears and life moves on.
  • FRIENDSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS. Transiting Venus says you get more affection from the world, and Uranus-Pluto says things will be significantly different than they've been in the past. Both of these are optimistic for this topic. On the other hand, the anticipated changes may separate you from specific others (the sense of loss I mentioned). Overall, if you put yourself out there, connections will open up for you. - I've already addressed the particulars of ssexual or romantic connections above.
  • STUDIES: Nothing in particular, except that everything is changing and you are likely to find things fascinating and holding you attention.
  • FINANCES may suffer a bit. Moon-Saturn can do this and, more importantly, Sun-Neptune creates a sense of being lost on direction. These can indirectly affect finances. Other than that, it goes back to the one main note of the year: Everything is changing: Be ready for anything to shift.
  • "Is there any positive coming for me that will bring happiness, joy and satisfaction, success, or will face obstacles to overcome this year too?" There are always obstacles and there are always positives (even when they're harder to see). This year, the world will be kinder to you than you are to the world, but - I repeat - the move is to have everything uprooted, your life spun around in ways you may not be able to imagine, so anything can happen. The tone is definitely more positive than negative.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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When it comes to change, your chart shows two sides: Much of your chart (your character) wants things to be stable, not to move, to hold onto what you have, to keep life ordinary. On the other hand, your Uranus and Pluto are both well aspected: Pluto conjoins Venus; Uranus squares Jupiter and trines Moon. So there is a part of you that really, really enjoys instability, new things, and shifting conditions.

I think these two are in conflict with each other: You are almost screaming for change AND you define your life as one that can't change dramatically. Beginning with your 2023 birthday, you have to choose. According to the charts, you should choose change and be willing to go with any new, uncertain adventure or opportunity that presents itself or that you can create for yourself.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Very thanx for the analytical and mostly positive reading outcome,i'm a bit scared about the changes you read it may come for me,i fear change to be honest and the uknown,that's why i prefer in my life to be in stability.

-My therapy stopped,it was too expensive to continue,not too effective so far,i've changed two therapists in two years,i spent a lot of money and time but i got back not really help.I got a break now,i feel not great yet but better than back between dec 2020 till late summer 2022,it was a very tough and rough time for me in mental health,i have recovered slowly and have stopped taking drugs/meds/antidepressants,that's positive.From the other hand,i have to focus on losing 10-12kg overweight i gained from side effect drugs had on me. :x But i will continue to search for solution and treatment,this disorder cannot ruin anymore my life,it should reduced.

-Studies,i did a small step taking my language degree,next 4-6 months should prepare well about passing my degree with title Pc Technician,this will really improve my cv,i hope for success there too.

-Friendships,i kept two friends from previous workplaces,at least i have small opportunities of taking a break at times with them.
-Relationships,nothing to see here yet,i hope to be a more open person next year and meet women for having sex experiences,fun and maybe a serious relationship,i seek acceptance,need to be loved and feel comfortable.

-Career,i'm not enjoying current job and searching to apply something different but opportunities coming so far are just too limited not worthable so to quit from current job.If i will find a better workplace/enviroment and subject,then will rise up in all areas of my life.My previous workplace hurt me so much with behaviors from women and colleauges i didn't expect to come,negative criticizing,backbiting,slandering etc,i felt so down and weak back then,but now i'm better financially,my current company pays what the law says and my work is not that dangerous as before.

-Financial condition,i have saved some good money all over the years,so it's not that i don't have nothing,but these money is for specific purpose,to help me go out from parents house someday and be independent and free.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Preferring you life to be stable is essentially the same as not wanting to get change.

Your current circumstances are the result of who you are and the strucres and forms you currently have. To get the vast change you want, these things have to go.

The good news is that your current sense of self and direction will dissolve over the next two years. Don't fight it. And circumstances invite really dramatic change after your birthday. Embrace that. Choose it when it presents itself.

This can be your time to hatch out of your egg and discover a different world with different rules.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 3:56 pm Preferring you life to be stable is essentially the same as not wanting to get change.

Your current circumstances are the result of who you are and the strucres and forms you currently have. To get the vast change you want, these things have to go.

The good news is that your current sense of self and direction will dissolve over the next two years. Don't fight it. And circumstances invite really dramatic change after your birthday. Embrace that. Choose it when it presents itself.

This can be your time to hatch out of your egg and discover a different world with different rules.
Happy New Year!

I want to change,really,but i fear the progress of the change,the uknown and the lack of experience for the new upcoming start which will change me as person.I have to accept it as you say,this may will reduce the insecurities and fears when will realize that is for my own good and growing as person. :P

I suppose when you read dramatic change,is from a positive prespective and view.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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True. - But it seems clear, from your posts, that you want things dramatically different, almost as if everything were wiped out and you started all over again (like deleting a word processor document then starting to write something new from the beginning). That is the fastest route to more or less EVERYTHING being different. For best results, you need to open to this and strongly, actively seeking it.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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I feel generally emotional sadness for many years,it's just won't go away,dunno if this coming cause i dislike my current job or is deep inner rooted issue. :|

Just with a life that you dislike your job,you have personality disorder that needs long term therapy and much money ,you have no friends,you have no relationship,no personal time,no vacations,no joy or satisfaction or hobbies,still living in parents house etc,all these together looks like a mountain of issues to overcome,so sometimes comes to feel discouraged and inferior. :roll:

Anyway,let's wait and see what 2023 has to bring for me. :arrow:
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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In saturday early morning,i had an accident,a fainting episode,i woke up for toilet,then i just when i did to return back to bed...i just don't remember nothing,i had lost my senses and felt down,i got injured in my chin and went to hospital. :| This is the first time i had something like this,it's sure my mental and physical health are under pressure lately.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Element wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:40 am In saturday early morning,i had an accident,a fainting episode,i woke up for toilet,then i just when i did to return back to bed...i just don't remember nothing,i had lost my senses and felt down,i got injured in my chin and went to hospital. :| This is the first time i had something like this,it's sure my mental and physical health are under pressure lately.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you're OK now and recovering from the fall.

As I'm sure the doctors told you, this should not be taken lightly. Fainting can be a sign of something serious. I assume they took your blood pressure (a drop in this is the most common cause). Did they tell you the likely cause? Though I'm not a doctor, I know that this can be caused by many things that are routinely tested, including low blood sugar and dehydration. Do any of these make sense with your medical history?

Transiting Saturn has been sitting on one of your angles (the Westpoint) and was almost exactly there yesterday. This is extremely fitting but not very helpful: I can tell you that Saturn is typical for falls and that it signifies conditions like dehydration, but none of this should replace a medical assessment. It also describes the pressure you say you've been under. It might be tempting to say that Saturn will move on now and, after another month or month and a half will be gone from the current pattern. However, it's surely not a good idea to ignore something like fainting and assume the underlying problem will just go away.

Do you have a history of blood sugar problems? If so, ask me to tell you about your Lunar Return and Secondary Progressions.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:25 am
As I'm sure the doctors told you, this should not be taken lightly. Fainting can be a sign of something serious. I assume they took your blood pressure (a drop in this is the most common cause). Did they tell you the likely cause? Though I'm not a doctor, I know that this can be caused by many things that are routinely tested, including low blood sugar and dehydration. Do any of these make sense with your medical history?

Transiting Saturn has been sitting on one of your angles (the Westpoint) and was almost exactly there yesterday. This is extremely fitting but not very helpful: I can tell you that Saturn is typical for falls and that it signifies conditions like dehydration, but none of this should replace a medical assessment. It also describes the pressure you say you've been under. It might be tempting to say that Saturn will move on now and, after another month or month and a half will be gone from the current pattern. However, it's surely not a good idea to ignore something like fainting and assume the underlying problem will just go away.

Do you have a history of blood sugar problems? If so, ask me to tell you about your Lunar Return and Secondary Progressions.
Νow,i'm better,the cause was probably from dehydration,hypotension,low blood sugar in that specific moment,i had no issues before or medical history in my own self or family enviroment,exams seemed clean for heart,lungs,belly etc,i have to repeat some of them in a few days from now just to be sure it's all fine.

I don't have the proper time to make a plan or program for a healthier daily life with nutrition and gym,i'm just lack of personal time with work,so i'm vulnerable mentally and physically.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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I returned from cardiologist,the check was fine,nothing to see there as cause of fainting episode. ;)

My anxiety remains in general,fears,insecurities,emotional struggles,i need radical life changes in career,in social life as soon as possible.I need a better stable job with more money,financially independent and in another house out of parents enviroment.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Congratulations on the great news!

Yes, your chart would have a hard time flourishing in your parents' home.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Jim,i have an interview to give at 28/03 and 11:00 morning for a new job,can you have a look if there is any chance of agreement/contract,or is not a job worthable to look.Second,i got my date of exams for degree and it's 29/04/2023,if you can read how this date could affect for success or failure. Thanx :!:

Let's hope to start from next 2 months to get out from struggles.
Last edited by Element on Sat Mar 25, 2023 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Element wrote: Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:41 pm Jim,i have an interview to give at 28/03 and 11:00 pm for a new job
Do you mean 11 PM (an hour before midnight, 23:00) or 11 AM? (It doesn't matter much for this question, but I thought Id get it right.)

Saturn is riding you very hard now through the spring. This is the start of the difficult period I mentioned before, though there will be positives and negatives during the larger time frame.

For this specific day, you have Jupiter approaching your Moon and a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction on your Moon for the interview. That's usually a very positive sign for an interview.

Your lunar return March 23 (covering an entire month) has surprises: Uranus is exactly angular. It doesn't describe pro or con for the interview, but does show you being abrupt. You are inclined to be more aggressive, which, of course, can be very good in pursuing a job.

I think it's a good day for an interview, given the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction on your Moon. You are likely to come across well. Others are inclined to listen to you favorably.
Second,i got my date of exams for degree and it's 29/04/2023,if you can read how this date could affect for success or failure.
As I think I said before, your best shot at these exams is in your own preparation. This is the center of the very difficult period I mentioned. Saturn is exactly on your Descendant that day, which also means it squares your Saturn.

First the worst news: This is hard. It usually means losing. The main thing is that all sorts of things can go wrong. You can be physically depleted, a bad state of mind, and people judge you negatively.

For the good news: You're willing to work really hard during this period, and you need to do that. You need to take care of all concerns ahead of time, plan well, get plenty of rest, make sure you've anticipated possible problems like transportation. - Also, since Saturn squares your Saturn, it is minor destiny moment, a time when your actions and things you've set in motion for the last seven years come to a head. For the things you've done well, for good preparation - you get rewards. For things you've done poorly and left incomplete, you also get the consequences of that. (Neptune is already opposite your Sun by then. I wrote at length about this in early answers to your questions.)

I'm not as optimistic about the exams as about the interview. So, again, my best advice is to prepare well then spend the last 24 hours just taking care of yourself, to make sure that you are in the best possibly physical and psychological shape.

You will have a new lunar return April 19. It's much more optimistic than what I just wrote. The two-to-four weeks beginning April 19 are marked by Mercury-Uranus - mental brightness, quickness, but also mental surprises. These tend to be good surprises! Your state of mind is shown by your natal Venus on an angle, meaning you are feeling good. Here is the main feature of the chart:

14°03' Aries - SLR Midheaven
15°31' Aries - r Libra

20°23' Aries - t Mercury
22°43' Aries - t Uranus
22°56' Cancer - SLR Ascendant

So it's a struggle - circumstances are weighed against you - but you are well equipped to overcome these problems and have a breakthrough. This looks like a positive two weeks with a really good state of mind.

When do you expect to get the results?
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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I expect to know the results after 3 months i think,if the interview goes well and will ask me for contract,i will take the risk and leave current unstable job,it ruins my mental health,no joy for me and boring. :|

I will keep up the thread with updates. ;) *I mean,11 morning.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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I went to the interview,it went well,their answer next week possible positive,but the job is not worthable,it's worst and lower salary than i get in current job and worse workplace condition,as employee into warehouse to place orders,heavy transports etc,i will answer negative and stay in current job,keep searching. :!:
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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I changed company,i retired from current job,next week i will start elsewhere,similar as guard in my towns port,i hope to get rid of this job someday.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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How you see this job change,will i stay in this job,will i make it to succeed? :| I'm a bit anxious for changing workplace,avpd affecting me.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Element wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 10:45 pm How you see this job change,will i stay in this job,will i make it to succeed? :| I'm a bit anxious for changing workplace,avpd affecting me.
There's no way to answer this question astrologically. Wed have to examine every period of time - each month, week, etc. - in your future. I've previously given you extensive forward-looking on your life in general for the next couple of years, and the new job is part of "your life in general."

As a minor additional thing, if you give me the date, time (the minute you went on the clock), and place (city) that you STARTED the job, I can do a "start chart." This doesn't so much show how the job will go as it does what kind of employee you will be.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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I did something that comes more under the heading of fortune telling (astromancy) than astrology - it's called a horary chart, or chart for the moment you asked your question. This exposes the psychological tone at the time of the question and some seeds of how things will go from there.

Four messages stand out:

1. Overall, the impression is positive. The world is being good to you. Venus is exactly rising in her own sign, Taurus. The message overall is good.

2. This move has ENORMOUSLY HIGH IMPACCT. We already know that you are in a stage of very important shifts, making new life decisions about what of your past to leave behind, some kind of reinvention for the future. The hour you asked your question above was the hour of a solar eclipse exactly square Pluto, which means THE ENDING OF THE OLD - WITH COMPLETE FINALITY - AND ITS REPLACEMENT WITH THE NEXT STEP. Horary astrology says that since you asked your question in this hour, the eclipse with Pluto is innate to your question. Though this eclipse doesn't touch your natal chart directly, it's tied to your question about the new job. (You might have been feeling the strong energies about "everything will shift now" that the world was undergoing that hour.)

3. You are your own worst enemy. That is, your negativity and worry are the things that can trip you up. At the time of your question, your natal Saturn was setting and half the planets were in the 12th house. These are positive, bright, supportive, intellectually exciting and surprising planets, but they are positioned to show your INWARD ABSORPTION and especially concentration on negativity and failure. Find a way to stop it! The horary chart suggests this is a good break for you but your own absorption in negativity is part of the question, the basis of your anxiety.

4. You have a chance of discovery and opportunity - perhaps something new to take on - either in a little more than two weeks or a little more than two months. After that, you have a challenging period in three to four months: It doesn't look severe, but (from the horary chart) seems quite clear. If you navigate that period well, then nothing else major is in your way for a while.

Remember, this wasn't astrology so much as fortune-telling. If you can get me the time and place you started the job (went on the clock), I can look a bit more.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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The time and place i can tell you i started the job,was 19/04/2023,at town thessaloniki,port of town as workplace,at 08:00 morning and at 21/04/2023,same place,at 15:50 noon,these the speficic details as most as accuarate i can remember.

For negativity and self blaming and in general mental health issues i cannot control at times,i've tried with therapies but wasn't possible to recover and control them,so i have to search,try and find a more effective therapy maybe to try but nobody can guarantee healing.

Yeah,i remember the first analytical reading you did and i have bookmarked that,if my career improved,financials too,the rest will follow up i think,it's a matter of time.I believe this job to be a step forward and then go a bigger step further with even a better job later,they promised me indefinite contract after few months.I have a low profile in general,i just want to do my job well and not giving the opportunity anyone to discuss negative.Maybe you see challenges cause i will have to learn new skills and positions at work in next months,so 3-4 months will be with more responsibilities.

High impact you mean,that this move was right decision to leave the other company for this one,yeah,it feels like that,more friendly workplace and better daily programs.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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I'm going to join usui reiki levels 1&2 learning,i hope to give me an alternative way of self help,self protection and more control of my issues.Also will try some bioenergy kind therapy and olistic therapies to reduce stress,negative thoughts and healing possible past traumas following me in the present for years,hope works too.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:36 am Remember, this wasn't astrology so much as fortune-telling. If you can get me the time and place you started the job (went on the clock), I can look a bit more.
Can you have a look at it,i gave time and place of the job. :)
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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Μy contract signed at 19/04/2023,time around 12:00-13:00 pm.I have some stress at some positions i worked due to lack of experience and responsibility but it' comes and go.My studies are complete stuck,i wait results from exams i wrote to see if will pass to get first degree but i feel a bit negative as wasn't able to prepare as i wanted.
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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I just learned results of degree exams i gave back in april and is as expected,failure,i expected it,i haven't the proper time to prepare well,i'm sad and feel failed. :| :cry:
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

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I have to prepare harder into 2024 to get my basic degree,now i have a bit more time than previous year and will hire a teacher to support me with lessons before the exams.I need to feel succeeded this year. :?
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Re: Solar Return Chart 2023

Post by Element »

I need a way better job and salary to boost my career,my finances and achieve goals,otherwise is just a matter of lost life time,in next two years i hope to have solve some of these in my life and focus to balance this life. :!: :roll:
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