Solar Arc Directions

Q&A and discussion on Solar Arc Directions.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:56 am
SteveS wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:44 am Venus, what have been your most recent 0, 90, 180 Solar Arc hits involving your Natal Angles?
Steve, here are a few:

d Asc = r Jupiter (9/2017) and Venus (5/2019)
This was potentially an interesting patch because her Venus-Jupiter square is 1°42' wide, meaning d Asc never left a 1° orb of one or the other benefics from [estimated] 9/2016 to 6/2020.

d Pluto = r Asc (1/2016)

d Asc = r Neptune (1/2013)
Wow, in 2013, I was trying to come off opioid medication and didn't do it until late summer 2014. 2016 was a particularly bad time financially, and within that year after my birthday, I was in two vehicular accidents. 9/2017, I don't remember anything too positive happening. On 5/2019 (5/3) I was admitted to nursing school for a second time, but this time, I actually attended.

Maybe, I just haven't happen been paying that much attention to my Solar Arcs.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Venus wrote:
Maybe, I just haven't happen been paying that much attention to my Solar Arcs.
I understand Venus. 0, 90, 180 Solar Arcs involving our primary Natal Angles (MC, ASC) are once in a lifetime events with our Natal Planets. These lifetime events are slow developing but will never be forgotten in a lifetime with retrospection. These type Solar Arcs with our Angles can occur in two ways, one with a Solar Arc Angle directed to a Natal Planet, or with a Solar Arc Planet directed to a Natal Angle.

In 1987 my life was involved with my MC directed to a conjunction with my Neptune. I had learned about the importance of Solar Arcs from Robert Hand years previously before 1987—so was very aware of the Planetary Symbolism (Neptune) going on in my life in 1987. Never in my life had I gone through so much confusion and deception in my entire life in 1987, my career and financial well-being were at stake. It just so happen I was working with a high grade psychic in 1987 desperately trying to work my way through this most confused time in my life. At the time I was about to give-up-- the psychic told me this very painful/confused time in my life was going to present me with a once in a lifetime financial opportunity and it happened. I was practically given an old closed down Theater and somehow with long working hours brought this Theater back to life with financial successes. My life’s dream came true! For the first time in my life, I became an Independent Theater Owner with all kinds of new born freedoms.

My main point here is: All of our once in a lifetime Solar Arc hits manifest within the context of our immediate environment happening at that time in our lifetime, and also within the context of the structures of our Natal’s. IMO, Solar Arcs have much to do with our fates manifested within the environment we were born into. Solar Arcs involving our Natal Angles are important timing factors for our lifetimes.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Venus_Daily »

Thank You, Steve. I appreciate your help and that of Jim's. Sometimes, I just feel like my own astrological manifestations are underwhelming. I had Directed Uranus conjunct my natal moon on July 18th, and I didn't notice anything at all. Next major aspect is Directed Venus Conjunct Saturn. Then, in 2024, I have Directed Venus conjunct my natal Sun/Moon Midpoint, which corresponds to an SSR that has a close moon/venus conjunction. This is followed by a 2025 SSR with a moon/venus opposition on the MC/IC. I would maybe like a child by then, but I've slowly learned not to expect too much out of life.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Venus wrote:
I just feel like my own astrological manifestations are underwhelming.
I understand Venus. Most of our life, not just you, are ho-hum everyday living. You must understand on this forum we are constantly posting charts with important events happening to famous people. And then occasionally I post when an eventful return chart calculates an important incident for me relative to my life with its immediate environments.
Venus wrote:
I had Directed Uranus conjunct my natal moon on July 18th, and I didn't notice anything at all.
Never forget, you have to look at Solar Arcs in the context of a two year time frame allowing partile 1 degree (1 year) approaching and 1 year separating aspects. Noel Tyl taught a careful analysis of outer planet transits and secondary progressed moon aspects will many time narrow the time frame down to when the main symbolism of Solar Arcs manifest, and if none of these exists the Solar Arc may not manifest. But, Solar Arcs involving our Natal Angles are the main life developing times for our lives.
Venus wrote:
Then, in 2024, I have Directed Venus conjunct my natal Sun/Moon Midpoint.
In all the material I have studied about Solar Arcs—this would be a very low priority Solar Arc to consider. Again, the main Solar Arcs I consider for major life developments are the ones involving my Natal Angles.
Venus wrote:
…but I've slowly learned not to expect too much out of life.
Yes, again, don’t get fooled by all the major events posted on this forum with other people. Most of life is like I said---ho-hum normal everyday living. Try to make the best out of life as you can and enjoy as much as you can the things which pleases your soul, most of the time these are the simple things in life.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, an example you probably haven't seen, that I thought you'd enjoy seeing. Solar Arcs for Donald Bradley on his death April 25, 1974. Don't miss the orb on the last one (or, for that matter, the first one)!

16°13' Ari - d Asc
16°15' Lib - r Saturn

2°37' Sag - r MC
3°04' Sag - d Saturn

18°05' Gem - p/d Sun
18°13' Gem - r Pluto

15°13' Aqu - d Jupiter
15°13' Aqu - r Moon

While all of these are appropriate (Jupiter is not rare for death, particularly at the end of long terminal illness), it does seem that the event itself was shown by those directions involving an angle (and perhaps one can add Sun), and then the rest filled out the event.

There were no significant Moon progressions. Progressed Sun, of course, is the same as directed Sun and had the important aspect listed above. No other significant progressions jump out at me.

Transiting Jupiter was then exactly in the same place as directed Jupiter - on natal Moon - at 15°57' Aquarius. Other transits include t Neptune sq. r Moon 0°53' (the long disease aspect, now fading to be replaced by Jupiter) and t Pluto sq. r Mars 0°05'.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

BTW - not sure if I ever mentioned this - my theory of why solar arcs work at all is that it is a consequence of extraordinarily powerful midpoint / planetary picture structures arising out of secondary progressions. Since the formula of, say, Bradley's d Asc = r Saturn above is a standard three-part equation such as Uranian astrologers (and some Cosmobiologists) use:

p Sun - r Sun + r Asc = r Saturn

This is the same as:

p Sun + r Asc = r Sun + r Saturn
pSun/rAsc = rSun/rSaturn

In other words, solar arc aspects are ALWAYS cases where a natal Sun-planet midpoint is exactly contacting another midpoint formed by progressed Sun and another natal planet.

If this is true, then it opens the way to a technique nobody has ever used to my knowledge, one that moves faster than Solar Arcs: The technique is Lunar Arcs. (This is all theoretical.) In other words, distance from natal to progressed MOON added to all points. (This would work on the same theory I gave above about why Solar Arcs work. I did one test only: For when Marion and I got together, my Lunar Arc Sun conjoined natal Venus within a couple of minutes.

Using the event of Bradley's death as another example, there is one aspect of serious interest:
LA d Neptune co. r Sun 34'.

It's a theory.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Impressive directions for Bradley's death Jim. I think it was C.E.O. Carter who said the best indicators for death is a pile-up of malefic directions. Very interesting Jim about your LA directions theory. Most new discoveries come from the birth of a theory.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by mikestar13 »

When I get around to the progressions directions module of Astro, I can add lunar arc directions (marked as experimental) as an option. Both SA and LA are derived from secondary progressions. I wonder if directions based on tertiary or minor progressions have any validity? They could also be offered as experimental options. I expect to have lots of toys for the advanced user.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »


BTW, at least on average, solar arc from Terts are the same as Lunar Arc from Secondaries.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

mikestar wrote:
I expect to have lots of toys for the advanced user.
8-) :)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Patricia Hearst AA Natal popped-up on another thread, so I decided to probe further with a huge Life Altering Event in her life with Solar Arcs. 2/20/1954; 6:01 PM PST; San Francisco, Ca

Patty Hearst’s kidnapping by the SLA is a most interesting story (link below), imo. I think Solar Arcs proves to me she most definitely did not willing join the SLA while in college as the prosecution claimed in her trial, and subsequent guilty verdict. I think she was held captive and raped twice as her defense team claimed in trial, if not psychically, at least mentally. (Time of kidnapping 2/4/1974)

Patty was held captive for 18 months after her 2/4/1974 kidnapping. As her Natal clearly calculates her Natal Saturn Solar Arc exact conjunct her Natal IC during this time period. Noel Tyl in his Solar Arc book teaches the vast importance of either our Natal angles Solar Arcing to Natal Planets or vice-versa, major “Life Developments” are timed.

There are some schools of Solar Arcs study who believe transits to Solar Arc Planets are important to consider. What little work I have done with these type transits prove to me they are only important when a major “Life Development” occurs with ours Natal Angles combined with Solar Arcs. At the time of Patty’s kidnapping the transits to her Solar Arc Planets were:

t. Pluto partile 180 her Solar Arc Natal Mercury and partile 90 her Solar Arc Natal Jupiter. Mercury-Pluto combos are noted by Bradley as:
Circumstances cause great nervous tension when Mercury and Pluto are prominently related. The native may be backed-up against the wall of convention or written law, and must “fight their way out” of the predicament. Crises arise which tax their patience, force them to “face the music,” and declare openly their stand on matters. Under terrific nervous pressure, the native may be forced to sign their name, as regard to a loyalty oath. This influence is the astrological index of “being given the third degree.”
:shock: This is exactly what happen to her with her kidnapping by the SLA.

And Bradley for Jupiter-Pluto combos:
No flights of the imagination are allowed by this planetary combination, which is the harbinger of the end of an old and new cycle in the native’s relationship to the outside world. It is the marker of crises which make or break the native’s reputation, by forcing grave issues out into the light of day, for all to see and Judge.

Another most important transiting effect happen at the time of her kidnapping to a Solar Arc Natal Planet:
t. Saturn partile 180 t Node partile Solar Arc Natal Venus. Ebertin for this combo:
…inability to express one’s feelings or emotions…
This transiting Saturn-Node effect hooked Patty up with the “association” (Node) of the SLA in a very inhibiting (Saturn) manner, smothering her normal expression of Natal Venus (“feelings/emotions).

I wish Patricia could understand how "Time Matters" with astrological practices, and for that matter--the whole world.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, here's one you will enjoy exploring. I just posted the data of Lizzie Borden (of the famous poem). She was born Jul 19, 1860, 9:46 AM LMT, Fall River, MA (A). Her parents' brutal murder (of which she was accused) occurred August 4, 1892 - take a look.

Some other dates:
Mother died when she was 11 years old
Acquitted of murder (after a 13-day trial) Jun 20, 1893 (after almost a year in jail)
Died (alone, friendless, probably from gall bladder surgery complications) Jun 1, 1927
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Steve, here's one you will enjoy exploring. I just posted the data of Lizzie Borden (of the famous poem). She was born Jul 19, 1860, 9:46 AM LMT, Fall River, MA (A). Her parents' brutal murder (of which she was accused) occurred August 4, 1892 - take a look.
Some other dates: Mother died when she was 11 years old. Acquitted of murder (after a 13-day trial) Jun 20, 1893 (after almost a year in jail) Died (alone, friendless, probably from gall bladder surgery complications) Jun 1, 1927.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Solar Arc analysis combined with the circumstances in this case (read link below) concludes the jury (all men) in this trial most likely acquitted Lizzie proving at times--"Justice Is Blind". An astrologer sitting on this jury would first want to analyze her Solar Arcs looking for a major “Life Development” involving her Natal Mars. Noel Tyl (RIP) instructs us from his book “Solar Arcs”, Astrology’s Most Successful Predictive System” to first look to see if Lizzie Natal Mars is either receiving or delivering a 0, 90, 180 hit to her Natal Angles? It is, in a double whammy most malefic manner! Her Solar Arc MC is partile 180 her Natal Mars. Her Solar Arc Natal Saturn is partile conjunct her Natal ASC. These two most malefic double whammy Mars & Saturn aspect hits involving Lizzie’s Natal Angles are once in a life time hits. Also for added malefic confirmation with Solar Arcs analysis---note Lizzie’s Solar Arc Natal Mars was partile 180 her Natal Saturn.

When we isolate a major “Life Development” angular hit with Solar Arcs, Noel then instructs us to do a careful analysis of the outer planets transits to the angles of the Natal Chart, in order to help determine if the major “Life Development” angular hit will manifest either neutral, benefic, or malefic effects. Transiting Saturn is 1,27 conjunct Lizzie’s Natal ASC on the day of these two brutal ax murders. As a Sidereal Astrologer, this tells me more than likely the build-up leading up to this brutal murder in Lizzie’s life came when t Saturn was partile and exact conjunct her Natal ASC. Another very important partile transit happening in Lizzie’s life on the day of this brutal ax murder was t Sun-Mars was partile 180 partile on her Natal Moon!!! The circumstances (read link below) of this murder case clearly prove to me we had a case where Lizzie hated her Step Mother and was under terrible emotional strains fearing her Father was going to give away his fortune to Lizzie’s Step Mother’s family.

I really don’t need to go into any further astrological details other than Solar Arcs knowing in an astrological knowing manner that Lizzie most likely committed these brutal murders, but Robert Hand has taught me to “ignore at my own peril” involving other people involved in everyday lives, Direct Midpoints in a Natal Chart. There is no doubt with a detailed analysis of Lizzie’s Direct Natal Midpoints—they are terribly afflicted! Here are a couple of her partile Direct Natal Midpoints with tones from COSI:

Moon/Pluto = MC
A highly strained emotional life, one-sidedness, the inclination to remain and to act alone and never in accord with other people.
Mars/Saturn = Pluto
Brutality, the rage or fury of destruction, murder, death of many people.
I also note a partile Direct Natal Midpoint of Mars/Pluto =Vertex in Lizzie's Natal for the capacity for “brutality.”

Of course as astrologers we never know for sure if the native is going to receive or dish-out malefic content with their Natal's---it probably is a combination of both directions, but in Lizzie's case with the circumstances of her case, we have a better understanding how Lizzie's life with these brutal ax murders spaawned iconic historic writtings about her. Its like the Universe convicted her in an historic legacy manner, but the jury could not convict.

Thanks Jim for Lizzie’s Natal Chart, most interesting and a great example of Noel's Solar Arc teachings for the serious astrologer. Since the jury in this case was only presented with circumstantial evidence, I suspect was the main reason for Lizzie’s acquittal, but with astrological analysis….
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

One of my favorite reasons I love the topic/thread interactions on this forum, it prompts me to check my charts looking at all kinds of astrological things for certain events/incidents in my life. Messing around on another thread recently, I discovered a profound Solar Arc configuration with my Natal :shock: . This Solar Arc configuration timed to the year, the worst Business Nightmare of my entire life and 2 + years later led me to my lifelong dream coming true. I am now discovering this profound Solar Arc hit in my life at 74 years of age with my new SSR with Uranus angular.

In a Stock Holder’s meeting on July 8th 1985 as a 1% stockholder owner, I was involved in a very hostile takeover of a small Theater Company. At this time, there was only one stockholder who knew how to manage and operate the Theaters of this Company and it was me! The CEO of this Company was fired along with his gold digging new second wife of 4 years. Outside the office building of this Company was a County Sheriff and a Deputy in a patrol car drinking coffee, in case the fired CEO and his wife needed to be escorted away from their offices. The majority of the stockholders were mad as a devil and a couple were scared to death! One of the stockholders was packing a pistol, and another stockholder was packing a small can of maze, there was a lawyer in the meeting, hence the immediate environment for a true hostile takeover.

The Stockholders wanted to vote me in as new CEO, but I refused this title because the fired CEO was like a second father to me. I accepted a position as Managing Director. The fired CEO offered me an executive position with this company years before I finished college and I owe to him everything I know, love and learned about the Theater Business. My lawyer advised me to abstain from the vote count in this stockholders meeting for personal legal reasons! I had not worked for this company since 1981. I was offered a nice financial package by the majority of the stockholders to run this Company which was on the verge of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, hence the removal of the CEO who was a dear friend to me in my business life. I worked for this Company since I was 6 years old and loved this Company and all of its stockholders which I grew-up with as a kid. All of these stockholders rewarded me well with all the work I had done for their Company over the years. I always had the trust of the stockholders. The main reason I resigned from this Company in 1981 was because of the gold digging second wife of the fired CEO who was after my executive position, and was pillow talking the CEO in allowing her to take my position and take over the Company. She quickly went about financially destroying the Company with her lack of business sense.

Here are my profound angular Solar Arcs Directions (d) for July 8th 1985, 10:00 AM on this dreadful fated day in my life:

d. Mars 07,10 Leo
r MC 06,24 Leo

d Mercury 27,30 Lib
r ASC 27,51 Lib
t Saturn 27,10 Lib

All the angular partile hits above are in Paran configuration! Cyril Fagan from “Primer of Sidereal Astrology” writes:
When two or more planets are simultaneously on the same, adjacent, or opposite angles they are said to be in paranatellonta (Paran). This is the most powerful of all configurations.
There is no doubt in my mind Fagan was absolutely correct about his above quoted statement with Parans. IMO, a specialized Paran computer program is needed for the serious astrologer’s eyes pertaining to all possible active Parans in our life with all various important life charts. It just so happens my personalized individual Solar Arc directed rates of movement happened to form a Paran Solar Arc Direction of Natal Mercury and Mars to the adjacent angles (MC-ASC) to my Natal Chart. Ever one has their own directed Solar Arcs rates.

IMO, Plato got it right:
God Geometrizes.

And Pythagoras got it right:
Time is the true soul of this world.
Other noted directed & transits aspects on this “fated” day in my life which God orchestrated with geometrized/mathematical Time using Principles of Solar Arcs:

d. Vertex 23,24 Can
r Saturn 24,02 Can

d Saturn 01,23 Vir
r Sun 02,50 Vir

t Venus 07,55 Tau
r MC 06,24 Leo
d Mars 07,10 Leo

Other notable partile transits:
t. Neptune 07, 18 Sag
d Jupiter 07,03 Sag

t Jupiter 20,41 Cap
r Pluto 20,23 Can

No doubt in my mind our angular Directed (d) Natal Solar Arcs Planets are very important with our lives when they are directed into partile contact with our Natal angles, as well as our directed Natal Angles to our Natal Planets.

On Oct 31 1987, the stockholders of the company sold the bankrupt company back to the fired CEO and his wife for 1 $, and sold me a closed down Theater's old equipment since 1975 for 8,000 $, finally ending 2 + years of intense fighting among the stockholders. I could just take so much of Mercury-Mars fighting, buy my lifelong dream for becoming an independent Theater owner came true with this most important Oct 1987 angular Solar Arc Direction of:

d. MC 16,03 Virgo
r Neptune 16,01 Virgo
“We all have to fight to become free!” Tom Petty
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by LeiLei »

Hi Steve, I was wondering if you could enlighten me. I only have one major solar arc happening right now.

d Neptune 4*31 Cap
r ASC 4*35 Cap

How would I interpret this? And without any other solar arcs maturing at the same time, is it that important?
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

LeiLei, unless you can clearly identify some kind of highly refined creative circumstances entering your immediate environment, you want to exercise caution with strong angular Neptune cycles. Negative Neptune can set us up for possible disappointments. For example: I have a tight Moon-Neptune conjunction in my SSR so I want to exercise more caution with my objections for this solar year, making sure I don’t set myself up for a big disappointment with an important objective.

You were born with Moon-Neptune in your 11th H. Since the 11th H symbolizes friends and companions, you want to be on guard for maybe experiencing a disappointment with a life-long friend or companion. Angular Solar Arc hits have to do with major “Life Developments”, so, you want to closely examine your life with retrospections, recognizing the major life patterns associated with your life’s background as a whole.

I have become a solid believer in Noel Tyl’s book teachings from “Solar Arcs.” He teaches whenever an angular Solar Arc hit occurs, you want to closely examine any possible major outer planet transits happening to your Natal Chart. I also include these possible same outer planet transits to the Solar Arc Planets, but only when there is an angular Solar Arc hit going off. I view our Solar Arc Natal Planets as moving life “extensions” of our Natal Planets. I note now, you have t. Saturn partile conjunct your Solar Arc d Moon. This clues me in that it just so happens in your life now you have both your 11th H Moon & Neptune involved with very important once in a lifetime Solar Arc cycles. I would examine 11 H symbolism for clues as to possibly how these Solar Arc hits may be or will manifest in your life. Is there anything going on you consider major as a cautionary nature concerning a lifelong friend of companion? If so, I would be on guard for any kind of possible negative Neptune confronting you.

From Ebertin’s book “Combination of Stellar Influences” here are the tones for negative Neptune:
Inclination to be influenced by others (with sensitivity), tendency to lay oneself open to exploitation by other people, insincere people, liars, crooks, betrayal of confidence, falsehood, deceit, the experience of disappointment and disillusionment.

I hope this may help you see/understand with more clarity and preparations with what may be happening in your life with this major “life development” angular Neptune Direction.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by LeiLei »

SteveS wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 12:35 am LeiLei, unless you can clearly identify some kind of highly refined creative circumstances entering your immediate environment, you want to exercise caution with strong angular Neptune cycles.

Is there anything going on you consider major as a cautionary nature concerning a lifelong friend of companion? If so, I would be on guard for any kind of possible negative Neptune confronting you.
Thank you very much Steve for such a thorough reply. I am a serious artist (painter) but lately my obsession with astrology has taken over. I'm very concerned for the future & able to focus on little else.

I'm wondering (hoping) the negative influence of this Neptune cycle may have just come to an end. I haven't had any betrayals in close relationships but my social circle is tiny. I have, however, had an ongoing situation at my residence with a neighbor & the people I rent from. Definite themes of deceit & betrayal & feeling I had no where to turn outside of taking it to court. This went on since last December 2020 & seems to have just came to its conclusion last Friday - my neighbor moved! Peace restored! I also happen to have a Jupiter-Uranus themed SLR & I was thanking the universe for sure. What's interesting is my last SSR, while not foreground, had two Moon-Neptune aspects, one partile. Should I continue to be on my guard or is it possible the negative potential of the cycle has been expressed? I ask because I would like to be more receptive to friendship & potentially romantic love but I don't see that working out if I'm worried that everyone could betray me. I'm already a very guarded person & I've recently come to a realization that if I want more interaction with the outside world, I have to work diligently to remove some of the walls I put up. It is a self-sabotaging feature of my personality that's for sure.

This doesn't belong in this thread & I can move it elsewhere if preferred but I thought I would mention, this Neptune solar arc reaches 0*00 at the same time of the partial lunar eclipse on 11/19. I was looking into the eclipse because it's supposed to be viewable from my area. Out of curiosity I looked at my transits for the time period & was a bit shocked at what I found. It's mostly static aspects but the Moon-Sun opposition forms a perfect rectangle to my natal nodes. I also have a partile Mars-Mars conjunction, t Jupiter sextiles my Moon 0*00, & t Mercury is conjunct my Venus 0*09. There's also all sorts of connections from the angles to a few of my natal planets & midpoints as well as to my current SSR. I read that Lunar eclipses are just increased Solar activity for a short duration so this may amount to a whole bunch of nothing. Nevertheless my curiosity is sparked!
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

LeiLei wrote:
I'm wondering (hoping) the negative influence of this Neptune cycle may have just come to an end. I have, however, had an ongoing situation at my residence with a neighbor & the people I rent from. Definite themes of deceit & betrayal & feeling I had nowhere to turn outside of taking it to court. This went on since last December 2020 & seems to have just came to its conclusion last Friday - my neighbor moved! Peace restored!
Yes, I think this may be the end of your d Neptune r ASC cycle. For angular Solar Arc hits the time orbs allowed are a couple of years, 1 year before exact and 1 year after exact aspect. I note Dec 2020 began t Saturn partile orb conjunct your Natal Asc. I do think the worse of this Neptune direction is behind you.
LeiLei wrote:
…but lately my obsession with astrology has taken over. I'm very concerned for the future & able to focus on little else.
:) I understand. IMO, I think your Morgantown 202O SSR themed partile Mercury-Uranus 180 probably played a role for bringing you to this forum for learning astrology. For serious learning purposes for the astrologer, there is no better forum than Jim’s teachings. Your 2020 “outstanding event” Mercury-Uranus SSR is par-excellent symbolism for learning about astrology. Also, your Natal Uranus was on your 2020 SSR ASC for new learning discoveries.
LeiLei wrote:
hould I continue to be on my guard or is it possible the negative potential of the cycle has been expressed? I ask because I would like to be more receptive to friendship & potentially romantic love but I don't see that working out if I'm worried that everyone could betray me.
Don’t worry about this. Just move with the flow of things and see if a new relationship possibly begins. Pay close attention to a couple of months’ time frame when your sp 2021 SSR Moon comes in partile 180 contact with SSR Uranus. This could time an exciting time frame for new discoveries. Secondary Progressed partile contacts of SSR Moon are important.
LeiLei wrote:
What's interesting is my last SSR, while not foreground, had two Moon-Neptune aspects, one partile.
Yes, probably manifested with the worry you experienced with the neighbor, as well as your art interest.
LeiLei wrote:
I read that Lunar eclipses are just increased Solar activity for a short duration…
Yes, no big issue with this aspect. Thanks for the post about your d Neptune angular hit. Live astrological interactions on this forum is unique for the astrologer and helps us all learn. :)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by LeiLei »

Thank you very much again, Steve, very helpful. :)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Looking back over 74 years of my life, there is no doubt the two most important “life developments” of my entire life occurred with Solar Arcs.
1: July 8th 1985 when both my radical Mercury & Mars directed partile conjunct my r ASC & MC respectively. Transiting Saturn at this time slow in motion was partile conjunct my radical ASC. This marked the most malefic year in my entire life.
2: Oct 31 1987 when directed MC partile conjunct my radical Neptune. This marked the most benefic year of my entire life along with other benefic cycles.

Relative to my immediate environment at these times, if it was not for the malefic year of 1985, the benefic year of 1987 would never had happened.

For the most part, Noel Tyl (RIP) with his book "Solar Arcs" has written a very important book for astrologers, IMHO.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:29 pm 2: Oct 31 1987 when directed MC partile conjunct my radical Neptune. This marked the most benefic year of my entire life along with other benefic cycles.
This is quite remarkable since your Neptune is exactly at your Sun/Saturn midpoint, with no close hard aspects.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
This is quite remarkable since your Neptune is exactly at your Sun/Saturn midpoint, with no close hard aspects
Are you seeing transiting Neptune with my Sun/Saturn midpoint? My Natal Sun/Saturn does not = Natal Neptune.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:01 pm Are you seeing transiting Neptune with my Sun/Saturn midpoint? My Natal Sun/Saturn does not = Natal Neptune.
Oops. My eyes mis-saw: It's Sun/Sedna. (Looks nearly the same.) - Sorry about that.

I was looking to see what about your natal Neptune - unique to you - would have an angle progressing to it correspond with the most benefic period of your life and was puzzled to see it was at Sun/Saturn. Much happier to see it isn't.

Looking further, I don't think it was the Neptune (or at least not just the Neptune). That was also the time when solar arc Ascendant exactly squared your Venus.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Looking further, I don't think it was the Neptune (or at least not just the Neptune). That was also the time when solar arc Ascendant exactly squared your Venus.
I agree! And there were other benefic influences. Recent posts have been about the A/M point in my chart and with my Neptune on this chart point, it strongly resonates with me with my Career. My Solar Arc MC to this chart point elevated my Career---big time! I am getting old and doing more reflecting on my Natal as to what symbolizes what in my Natal, relative to the immediate environments surrounding me in my life. AFAIC, it takes an astrologer with experience and age to know themselves better through the lens of symbolic astrology. Its so fascinating to see these two Solar Arcs in my life play such an important timing role in my life with my life winding down. Solar Arcs have been super important in my life from a timing standpoint.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:26 pm Recent posts have been about the A/M point in my chart and with my Neptune on this chart point, it strongly resonates with me with my Career. My Solar Arc MC to this chart point elevated my Career---big time!
The Uranian attribution of A/M to career is anomalous. OTOH, the direction of Midheaven to your Neptune is very pure symbolism, the most likely readings being "Neptunian career" or "being Neptunian about your career." In fact, it was a double "10th house" kind of affect since directed Asc on your Venus really means directed Zenith on your Venus!
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

It was the most important time of my entire life Jim.
The stage (our Natal’s) is always set, and when a transit, progression, or direction makes an aspect to a natal factor, the curtain on the stage goes up.
When my Solar Arc Mars directed partile conjunct my Natal MC the curtain on the stage of my Natal went up in a huge malefic Mars way. I was embroiled and caught in the middle of a corporate take-over which lasted for over two years. I was born with Mars in the 8th H, and the following 8th H symbolism manifested in my life in a huge way:
…wills, bank loans, other people’s money such as that of business partners, or dealings through debts owed with its business. Inheritance, bankruptcy.
This makes me wonder when a Natal Planet Solar Arcs to a Natal Angle, the House Symbolism of the planet manifests in a big way depending on the aspects of the planet, benefic or malefic planet?
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Fair question. I just looked: My d MC op. r Mars in early 1982, the middle of the two years I spent working for Neil Michelsen and an unusually positive time. Directed Mars crossed my Descendant in late 2017, missing more difficult times before and after (nothing particular comes to mind). Neither of these was particular rough and - my Mars being 4H at birth - nothing particular comes to mind for that either. (The sudden, unhappy change of our home was three years earlier, my Mom's death a few years before that. No real 4th House themes.)

But directed Jupiter-Uranus crossing Asc in 2013 was a definite peak in several ways, and most of them could b e considered 11H ways.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Then the first thing that comes to my mind is your Jup-Ur aspect is much more important than your Mars. And for me my Mars d to MC became more important because of its Paran with directed Mercury to my ASC in the same year, I really don't know. Noel Tyl says a critical examination of outer planet transits to the Natal determines the strenght of a Solar Arc bringing out Natal factors. Again, I don't know for sure, only have my life to try and make these astrological opinions.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

This is a great example for Solar Arcs! Freya, a member on this forum went through much difficulties for trying to birth children a few years ago, but will soon achieve her great objective in life, having children. Freya was born with a partile 90 of Moon-Venus in her Natal, clearly to me the most important aspect in her Natal Chart by the teachings of Sidereal Astrology. Let’s see what Ebertin from his great book “Combinations of Stellar Influences” has to say about the combo of Moon-Venus:
Principle: The feeling of love, devotion.
Sociological Correspondence: …mothers (also expectant mothers)…
Probable Manifestation: + …desire for motherhood…
Footnoted: It has been observed that in many cases a direction (Solar Arc) between Moon and Venus, have been found in the case of women at the time of their first conception or birth.
Jim observed yesterday with Freya’s Solar Arcs for her November birth of twin girls:
Here are your solar arc directions of the week of birth:
2 12' Leo - d Venus
2 16 Tau - r MC
2 31' Sco - d Moon
Solar Arcs are a great method for astrology and speaks much truth, and no one really knows who orginated the method of Solar Arcs. Noel Tyl (RIP) wrote a book on Solar Arcs and stated they were:
Astrology's Most Successful Predictive System
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Just to be clear, this wasn't hindsight. Freya confirmed this morning that, a couple of years ago (whenever we were working with her most intensely on other efforts), I told her that late 2022 would be the time she was most likely to give birth. She saved eggs for this last round and it worked.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Yes, I understand and remember Jim. I was only pointing this case out for the sucesss rate of Solar Arcs for timing 'once in lifetime' events. I didn't mean for my above post to take away from your eariler work with Freya. :)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

We are in agreement :)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Lyse »

Reading through some of your experiences with Solar Arcs prompted me to examine my own chart for any events that occurred within orb of an angle or aspect.

Moon and Pluto have yet to cross my ASC but I’ve had every SA directed planet conjunct natal MC or ASC and d. ASC to Saturn and Mercury. After looking at every single hit, there weren’t any noteworthy internal or external events but for two. The first was Sun-Uranus conjunct MC in 1980, when two important male figures in my life died (June 1 and November 28). Since SP Sun was conjunct MC anyway I discounted it but that may be wrong. The one SA that did correlate to an extremely happy period in my life was SA Pluto 90 Sun-Uranus, mid-August 1989. Other than the two examples given, secondary progressions using SA in Longitude, were more impressive for just about everything in my life to date, other than transits.

It would be fantastic if my current SA d. ASC opposite natal Venus would manifest as an event, it is within 14’ at the moment. Nothing to report so far!
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Most interesting Lyse :). Looking at your upcoming new SSR for Beaconsfield is even more interesting with SSR Venus partile conjunct SSR Nadir and SSR Jupiter partile conjunct your Natal DSC (Locked in for your entire solar year). Do you mind if we start discussing the symbolism for your soon to be new 2023 SSR for all our learning purposes? It could be your prominent angular SSR Venus may be indicating it will fire-off your d ASC partile 180 Natal Venus? :)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Lyse »

Looking at your upcoming new SSR for Beaconsfield is even more interesting with SSR Venus partile conjunct SSR Nadir and SSR Jupiter partile conjunct your Natal DSC
Steve, not sure which Beaconsfield you are using, I’m in Québec, Canada where Jupiter is rising.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Lyse »

However, Steve, I’m planning on being in Ottawa, Ontario for the SSR.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

However, Steve, I’m planning on being in Ottawa, Ontario for the SSR.
8-) Even better than the wrong Beaconsfield I was originally using. Did Jim relocate this SSR for you or did you choose this location for your new SSR?
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Lyse »

Did Jim relocate this SSR for you or did you choose this location for your new SSR?
Yes, he did. :)

My eyesight is poor, at the moment, so what I thought was a SA Pluto 90 Sun-Uranus in 1989 was in fact a 60 degree aspect. Unfortunately, this isn’t astrologically as big a deal so now down to the one SA Sun-Uranus d. MC in 1980, it doesn’t seem I’ve had much luck with Solar Arcs. Still hoping for the d Asc to Venus.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Lyse, since you and Jim have discussed your SSR, I will not butt in to this SSR discussion. But I will offer my opinion on the d ASC 180 Natal Venus. IMO, the only way we know if this Solar Arc is activated is if we see some strong 8H Venus symbolism or straight-up Venus symbolism manifest. What that could be I haven’t a clue, only you would know with the happenings in your immediate environment(s). Going by Noel Tyl’s Solar Arc book, there would be strong probability if the d Asc 180 Venus manifests, it has high % of manifesting in Spring of 2024 when your Natal sp Moon partiles 180 your sp Jupiter which will be partile conjunct your Natal MC. Noel used sp Natal Moons 0 90 180 partile aspects as timing angular Solar Arc manifestations. Anyway, wishing you a most Jupiter benefic new solar year. Keep us informed. :)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Lyse »

Thanks Steve, will do!
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Lyse wrote:
Other than the two examples given, secondary progressions using SA in Longitude, were more impressive for just about everything in my life to date, other than transits.
I understand and agree Lyse. Secondary Progressions under certain chart situations are just as impressive for major “life developments” as Solar Arcs.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Lyse »

Secondary Progressions under certain chart situations are just as impressive for major “life developments” as Solar Arcs.
Steve, one SA that was in operation when I experienced a profound emotional and psychological shift in my life began the second week of January 1987. Technically, in terms of Solar Arcs, natal Sun-Uranus was just beginning to form an aspect with n. Moon. Because there was an exact p. of Venus to n. Pluto and p. Mars to p. Pluto, I dismissed the SA aspects as not being close enough to count. Upon reflection, along with the progressions and transits, it’s highly likely the SA was more of a factor.

This event lasted almost two years and completely changed my thinking about relationships. It’s hard to discuss as it sounds weird and it was weird. Basically, I entered into a psychic relationship with a man whom I was not physically attracted to, which upended my life. During those many months, we had about an hour of verbal communication and we exchanged natal information. Straight away, I completely lost control of the situation and had two unplanned out-of-body experiences. By early 1989, my thoughts were I’d had a narrow escape and was able to finally move on with my life. What happened and why is not really appropriate for this SA discussion but, in this case, the SA was probably accurate for this two year period.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

That is interesting Lyse, and I completely agree with your time analysis for that SA Sun-Uranus hit to your Natal Moon , particularly when we consider/ponder the thought that was and will be the only time in your life you lived under Solar Arc Sun coming to your Natal Moon. And being born with a partile Sun 90 Uranus myself, I have always felt Uranus has to do with certain sudden flashes of psychic realms combined with Moons. Again—interesting—thanks for this Solar Arc feedback Lyse. :)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Lyse »

And being born with a partile Sun 90 Uranus myself, I have always felt Uranus has to do with certain sudden flashes of psychic realms combined with Moons.
That once in a lifetime SA Sun-Uranus N Moon, Steve, was enough. :lol:
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Lyse wrote:
That once in a lifetime SA Sun-Uranus N Moon, Steve, was enough. :lol:
I hear you Lyse and I understand. My “once in a lifetime” SA Mars to my MC was enough for me as well in one lifetime. :)
Lyse wrote:
Because there was an exact p. of Venus to n. Pluto and p. Mars to p. Pluto…
Lyse, sharing your SA & SP aspect experience with me has taught me we should all pay very close attention to any possible partile secondary progressions (sp) aspects (0, 90, 180) when we have SAs firing-off with our angles and lights. Both of these types of slow developing partile aspects become so important in our lives when they fire-off, but when they fire-off at the same time we must read both the SA & Secondary Progressions as a unit of symbolism for important “life developments.” Thanks for sharing your personal observations/experiences with these type aspects. :)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

Recently there has been some discussions about relocated local angles from the birth place angles pertaining to Solar Arcs (directions). I have a good friend who was born in Birmingham, Al but has lived in Gulf Shores for over 35 years. Yesterday his restaurant caught fire with extensive damage.

Friend’s birth data: Birth Data: Jan 8 1948; 10:05 AM; Birmingham, Alabama. AA rated with BC in hand. Current Residence: Gulf Shores, Alabama

Let’s take a look at his Solar Arcs comparing the two locations for this major fire event in my friend's life. My friend was born with Mars in his 6H of jobs, work, and service. He has always spent a tremendous amount of Mars energy pertaining to this 6H symbolism.

For his birth place of Birmingham, Al: d MC 14,24 Aqu, Natal Mars 13,35 Leo (separating orb of 49 minutes)
For his long standing residence Gulf Shores, Al: d MC 13,34 Aqu, Natal Mars 13,35 Leo (approaching orb of only 1 minute).

Even though this is only one example, this is a strong indication for me that long standing relocated residence angles from the birthplace angles are not to be ignored with directed Solar Arc angles.
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Lyse »

Even though this is only one example, this is a strong indication for me that long standing relocated residence angles from the birthplace angles are not to be ignored with directed Solar Arc angles.
Great example, Steve.

Looking at my own SA angles for birth location and the SA angles for my relocated chart in April 2011, there is a direct 90 aspect involving natal Venus and the relocated d MC.

We tried to sell our house in the summer of 2008 but when the sub-prime mortgage crisis occurred, we took it off the market. It took three years for things to turn around, we re-listed in 2011 and sold for 3% below the value in 2008.

It truly was one of the happiest events of my life because my husband was able to retire, we could move back to Canada to be close to family and start travelling again.

The d relocated angles were completely accurate for this event but my d birth angles were not involved at all. After losing my glasses yesterday, I’m linking to the charts rather than typing up numbers.


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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

:) Excellent observation Lyse! Over 1 degree difference in orb from your birthplace SA MC 90 Natal Venus with your relocated residence being only 7 minutes of arc, a huge difference for better accurate precise timing.

Lyse, I want you to know your life experiences you have shared with me about your SA Sun to Natal Moon with the Venus-Mars-Pluto conjunct secondary progressions allowed me to discover something most important about my life: When my SA Mars partile conjunct my Natal MC, there was a partile conjunction of secondary progressed Mars to my Natal & sp Pluto. This sp Mars-Pluto conjunction was dead-on symbolism in my life at the same time my SA Mars to Natal MC was happening. This tells me something which is probably very important for an astrologer to realize: At times in our lives Solar Arcs along with Secondary Progressions synchronize offering partile 0, 90, 180 aspects to offer superb symbolism for our major “life development” experiences. In other words we need to always look closely at both our 0. 90, 180 Solar Arcs & Secondary Progressions, separately and together. Again, thank you so much for your most valuable feedback for this Solar Arc Topic. :)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:32 am This tells me something which is probably very important for an astrologer to realize: At times in our lives Solar Arcs along with Secondary Progressions synchronize offering partile 0, 90, 180 aspects to offer superb symbolism for our major “life development” experiences. In other words we need to always look closely at both our 0. 90, 180 Solar Arcs & Secondary Progressions, separately and together.
It's more complex than that. Our lives are a collage of a dozen or more primary predictive factors ALL of which are ALWAYS in play.

My greatest discomfort not with Solar Arcs themselves but, rather, with the astrological community that historically has coalesced around them is that there is an underlying conversation about finding one outstanding system (while admitting that other systems might support it), and especially to find it in straight off the face of the natal chart without having to calculate other charts etc. There's no such thing. There are at least half a dozen things that have to be watched always, and more than a dozen that have to be watched (at least for oneself) as well. Each has a separate voice. Sometimes there are distinctions in the different voices, and sometimes it seems they're all piled together.

Bradley estimate that each PRIMARY method clearly catches about 70-80% of life's biggest events. That alone means that we need multiple overlapping methods. But transits often tell the story by themselves, solar and lunar returns surely capture over 90% of big things by themselves, secondary progressions and solar arc directions have significant voices especially in blocking out longer periods, while quotidians the supplemental return charts overlap and interweave.

Our life is a collage of all of these, a tapestry (in the exact sense Carol King wrote of it). Or, another way to say it is that our life is an orchestra. Too many astrologers keep trying to find a single instrument or a duet of instruments to watch, but we have a whole orchestra playing the songs of our lives with their separate movements rising and falling, gaining and dropping importance in the moment, and - for the really, really big moments - all coming together into a crashing, exploding crescendo of shared magic.

We have to look at lots of stuff OR settle for not necessarily catching everything in advance. (Or both, of course <g>.)
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Re: Solar Arc Directions

Post by SteveS »

:D I hear you Jim and basically agree. However, speaking for my astrological life of 76 years, Solar Arc Natal angles with their 0, 90, 180 aspects to and from my Natal Planets have definitely timed the most “outstanding incidents/events” for my entire life. Our Solar Arc Natal lights to and from our Natal Planets are important as well but secondary to the angles IMO, but a very close second.

I think this great Solar Arc Angles impact for my life has a-lot to do with your own words here:
One of astrology’s basic doctrines, handed down through the centuries, is that the angles of the horoscope---the horizon and meridian---represent the most powerful, active, dynamic areas of a map.
I understand you were using the above words only in the context of the static angles for a scope. But, based on my life, your above words resonates loudly with my directed Natal Solar Arc angles forming 0, 90, 180 aspects to and from with my Natal Planets. Without a doubt, relative to my life, they timed the most important major turning points for my entire life, these angular hits completely changed my life with a profound difference like night & day.
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