One of my favorite reasons I love the topic/thread interactions on this forum, it prompts me to check my charts looking at all kinds of astrological things for certain events/incidents in my life. Messing around on another thread recently, I discovered a profound Solar Arc configuration with my Natal

. This Solar Arc configuration timed to the year, the worst Business Nightmare of my entire life and 2 + years later led me to my lifelong dream coming true. I am now discovering this profound Solar Arc hit in my life at 74 years of age with my new SSR with Uranus angular.
In a Stock Holder’s meeting on July 8th 1985 as a 1% stockholder owner, I was involved in a very
hostile takeover of a small Theater Company. At this time, there was only one stockholder who knew how to manage and operate the Theaters of this Company and it was me! The CEO of this Company was fired along with his gold digging new second wife of 4 years. Outside the office building of this Company was a County Sheriff and a Deputy in a patrol car drinking coffee, in case the fired CEO and his wife needed to be escorted away from their offices. The majority of the stockholders were mad as a devil and a couple were scared to death! One of the stockholders was packing a pistol, and another stockholder was packing a small can of maze, there was a lawyer in the meeting, hence the immediate environment for a true hostile
The Stockholders wanted to vote me in as new CEO, but I refused this title because the fired CEO was like a second father to me. I accepted a position as Managing Director. The fired CEO offered me an executive position with this company years before I finished college and I owe to him
everything I know, love and learned about the Theater Business. My lawyer advised me to abstain from the vote count in this stockholders meeting for personal legal reasons! I had not worked for this company since 1981. I was offered a nice financial package by the majority of the stockholders to run this Company which was on the verge of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, hence the removal of the CEO who was a dear friend to me in my business life. I worked for this Company since I was 6 years old and loved this Company and all of its stockholders which I grew-up with as a kid. All of these stockholders rewarded me well with all the work I had done for their Company over the years. I always had the trust of the stockholders. The main reason I resigned from this Company in 1981 was because of the gold digging second wife of the fired CEO who was after my executive position, and was pillow talking the CEO in allowing her to take my position and take over the Company. She quickly went about financially destroying the Company with her lack of business sense.
Here are my profound angular Solar Arcs Directions (d) for July 8th 1985, 10:00 AM on this
dreadful fated day in my life:
d. Mars 07,10 Leo
r MC 06,24 Leo
d Mercury 27,30 Lib
r ASC 27,51 Lib
t Saturn 27,10 Lib
All the angular partile hits above are in Paran configuration! Cyril Fagan from “Primer of Sidereal Astrology” writes:
When two or more planets are simultaneously on the same, adjacent, or opposite angles they are said to be in paranatellonta (Paran). This is the most powerful of all configurations.
There is no doubt in my mind Fagan was absolutely correct about his above quoted statement with Parans. IMO, a specialized Paran computer program is needed for the serious astrologer’s eyes pertaining to
all possible active Parans in our life with
all various important life charts. It just so happens my personalized individual Solar Arc directed rates of movement happened to form a Paran Solar Arc Direction of Natal Mercury and Mars to the adjacent angles (MC-ASC) to my Natal Chart. Ever one has their own directed Solar Arcs rates.
IMO, Plato got it right:
God Geometrizes.
And Pythagoras got it right:
Time is the true soul of this world.
Other noted directed & transits aspects on this “fated” day in my life which God orchestrated with geometrized/mathematical Time using Principles of Solar Arcs:
d. Vertex 23,24 Can
r Saturn 24,02 Can
d Saturn 01,23 Vir
r Sun 02,50 Vir
t Venus 07,55 Tau
r MC 06,24 Leo
d Mars 07,10 Leo
Other notable partile transits:
t. Neptune 07, 18 Sag
d Jupiter 07,03 Sag
t Jupiter 20,41 Cap
r Pluto 20,23 Can
No doubt in my mind our angular Directed (d) Natal Solar Arcs Planets are very important with our lives when they are directed into partile contact with our Natal angles, as well as our directed Natal Angles to our Natal Planets.
On Oct 31 1987, the stockholders of the company sold the bankrupt company back to the fired CEO and his wife for 1 $, and sold me a closed down Theater's old equipment since 1975 for 8,000 $, finally ending 2 + years of intense fighting among the stockholders. I could just take so much of Mercury-Mars fighting, buy my lifelong dream for becoming an independent Theater owner came true with this most important Oct 1987 angular Solar Arc Direction of:
d. MC 16,03 Virgo
r Neptune 16,01 Virgo
“We all have to fight to become free!” Tom Petty