Gayle’s birth data: 10/20/1950; 11:07 PM; Columbus, Georgia; 32N28; 084W59
My birth data: 9/20/1947; 10:00 AM; Albertville, Alabama; 34N16; 086W13
We met in the summer of 1970 in Birmingham, Alabama and married in Birmingham Jan 23 1971.
For sure, the main predictive method I see for uniting me to Gayle comes from my Solar Arc directions (d). Some astrologers believe Solar Arcs (d) are “the most successful predictive system” in astrology. IMO, I think Solar Arcs, the Sidereal Solar Return (SSR), and the four Moons (Natal & SSR Moons; sp Natal & SSR Moons) are the best predictive methods in Astrology. I will only use 0, 90, 180 partile d aspects for my Solar Arc directions (d), here they are:
d Moon = n Venus; Ebertin’s COSI “Principle” for Moon-Venus:
The feeling of love, devotion
d Venus = n Mars; Ebertin’s COSI words:
Both these two Solar Arc hits above is obvious to me how/why I fell in love with Gayle in the summer of 1970. Including 0, 90, 180 d aspects, these two above were the only time in my entire life they occurred (once in a lifetime Solar Arc directions), and they both involved Venus, Cupid’s (Venus) arrow pierced my heart.The impulse to love. Passion. Passionate love, sensuality, desire, a warm heart. A strongly sexual, sensual nature. “Sociological Correspondence”: People in love, sex unions, the beginning of associations based purely on sex.

Next Gayle’s main predictive astrological method she fell in love with me, hers came from her 1970 SSR.