Astrological methods for timing Love, Marriage, Long lasting relationships.

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Astrological methods for timing Love, Marriage, Long lasting relationships.

Post by SteveS »

As old as I am (76) and as long as I have been married (52 years), and as long I have been studying the predictive methods of astrology (40 years), it recently occurred to me to go way back into time and examined the main predictive methods for the astrological timing reasons which initially united Gayle & I. Here are my final conclusions, feel free to add any you may see or to discuss your relationships with their astrological predictive methods for our learning purposes.

Gayle’s birth data: 10/20/1950; 11:07 PM; Columbus, Georgia; 32N28; 084W59
My birth data: 9/20/1947; 10:00 AM; Albertville, Alabama; 34N16; 086W13
We met in the summer of 1970 in Birmingham, Alabama and married in Birmingham Jan 23 1971.

For sure, the main predictive method I see for uniting me to Gayle comes from my Solar Arc directions (d). Some astrologers believe Solar Arcs (d) are “the most successful predictive system” in astrology. IMO, I think Solar Arcs, the Sidereal Solar Return (SSR), and the four Moons (Natal & SSR Moons; sp Natal & SSR Moons) are the best predictive methods in Astrology. I will only use 0, 90, 180 partile d aspects for my Solar Arc directions (d), here they are:

d Moon = n Venus; Ebertin’s COSI “Principle” for Moon-Venus:
The feeling of love, devotion

d Venus = n Mars; Ebertin’s COSI words:
The impulse to love. Passion. Passionate love, sensuality, desire, a warm heart. A strongly sexual, sensual nature. “Sociological Correspondence”: People in love, sex unions, the beginning of associations based purely on sex.
Both these two Solar Arc hits above is obvious to me how/why I fell in love with Gayle in the summer of 1970. Including 0, 90, 180 d aspects, these two above were the only time in my entire life they occurred (once in a lifetime Solar Arc directions), and they both involved Venus, Cupid’s (Venus) arrow pierced my heart. :)

Next Gayle’s main predictive astrological method she fell in love with me, hers came from her 1970 SSR.
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Re: Astrological methods for timing Love, Marriage, Long lasting relationships.

Post by ODdOnLifeItself »

Yes, for such a (normally) impactful event, potentially affecting so much into the future, it would make sense that the astrology indicators should be strong.

As I got married the first time, it was as my (topocentric primary) directed Ascendant conjoined Node (0° 10' arc). [I was looking for a Mother-figure, to replace my recently deceased Grandmother/adoptive-Mother.]

As I got married the second time, it was right as my directed Ascendant conjoined Venus (0° 0' arc). [This time, I was looking for a partner/lover.]

The first marriage lasted approx. 9 years, the second one is 22+ years and still going...

For the current marriage,

Transit-wise, there was an Eris-Mars opposition that had lined up squaring my Ascendant, but the real statement to me, is Node conjunct Ascendant.

Progressions-wise, it occurred as my progressed Ascendant conjoined Venus (0° 15'). Progressed Venus conjoined the IC (0° 12' arc), when we met!

The Solar Arcs were also impressive. As Jupiter squared my Ascendant, I took my first trip overseas and consummated my relationship with a foreigner. (I consider this 10-day time period, my camelot.)

In Age Harmonics, it was right as AH IC (conjoined) and AH Pluto (opposed) my natal Node. [Interestingly, there was a Mars-Eris opposition at the time and it had lined up directly on Mars. In the chaos and festivities, my wife did fall and break her wrist while dancing.]

In the sidereal lunar return for the wedding, Venus is ~2° off the Ascendant.
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Re: Astrological methods for timing Love, Marriage, Long lasting relationships.

Post by SteveS »

:) Thanks ODdon, excellent Venus symbolism for your ongoing marriage again proving prominent Venus needs to in our go-to astrological methods for meeting and falling in love with the love relationships in our lives. After 52 years of marriage I will never forget the powerful Venus impulses I felt when I first met Gayle. We met by accident and had eye contact that we later discussed as "a mutual strong attraction," might have been love at first sight for me :). I was so desiring to get with her and was trying to figure out how to contact her. She had a cousin who happened to know me in a distant way (I did not know they were cousins) and she called him and asked him to contact me to see if I was interested in asking her out. Her cousin gave me her phone # and the rest is 52 years history :). Thanks oDon for your feed back.
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Re: Astrological methods for timing Love, Marriage, Long lasting relationships.

Post by SteveS »

Cyril Fagan writes from his book “A Primer of Sidereal Astrology”:
When two or more planets are simultaneously on the same, adjacent or opposite angles they are said to be in paranatellonta (Paran). This is the most powerful of all configurations. Planets may enjoy no mutual zodiacal aspect but may be in Paran with a return map and the natal map.
I have calculated all of my wife’s SSRs in her life, she has never had a Paran configuration with her SSRs Planets to her Natal Planets except one---her 1970 (Oct) SSR. It was a transiting Venus on her 1970 SSR IC (Birmingham, Al) to her Natal Jupiter on her SSR DSC. The first week in Oct 1970 I asked for her soul in marriage. Ebertin COSI says for the “Principle” Venus-Jupiter combos:
The joy of love, happiness in love.
Jim in his book “Interpreting Solar Returns” says:
Lunar aspects in a Solar Return to natal and solar planets can never be treated lightly. (This also includes secondary progressed Solar Return Moons".
We were married on Jan 23 1971 at 2:00 PM. Gayle’s 1970 secondary progressed SSR Moon was 27,13 Gem partile 90 her Natal Venus 27,06 Vir. Again Ebertin COSI “Principle” for Moon-Venus combos:
The feeling of love, devotion.
Just as for me with my Solar Arcs in 1970 there were two prominent Venus with Gayle’s 1970 SSR.
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