Outstanding Incident SSR for my wife in 1970

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Outstanding Incident SSR for my wife in 1970

Post by SteveS »

Cyril Fagan writes from his book “A Primer of Sidereal Astrology”:
When two or more planets are simultaneously on the same, adjacent or opposite angles they are said to be in paranatellonta (Paran). This is the most powerful of all configurations. Planets may enjoy no mutual zodiacal aspect but may be in Paran with a return map and the natal map.

I have calculated all of my wife’s SSRs in her life, she has never had a Paran configuration with her SSRs Planets to her Natal Planets except one---her 1970 (Oct) SSR. It was a transiting Venus on her 1970 SSR IC (Birmingham, Al) adjacent to her Natal Jupiter on her SSR DSC. Paran configurations in any kind of charts are very rare! The first week in Oct 1970 I asked for her soul in marriage. Ebertin COSI says for the “Principle” Venus-Jupiter combos:
The joy of love, happiness in love.
Below is link to Gayle’s 1970 SSR (inside wheel) and her Natal (outside wheel) showing this most potent outstanding incident Venus (SSR) adjacent Jupiter (Natal) Paran. This blew me away when I first noticed her 1970 SSR a couple of weeks ago. I don’t why I have never before looked at her 1970 SSR covering the solar year she married me, because I have long known the excellect forecasting ability of SSRs for important life incidents.

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