Donald Trump
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Announced 3rd prez run
This time, he doesn't appear to have an astrologer advising him. At least, I can't imagine they would have suggested announcing during a 0°37' applying Moon-Saturn opposition. (I can see, given the style of campaigning, why they might have picked a 0°54' applying retrograde Mars square to Neptune, but not the Moon-Saturn; and really, who would suggest he start his campaign with those transits to his Sun and Moon.)
It's really a pretty miserable chart for him personally and suggests the move was made not out of optimism but out of misery.
t Pluto op r Venus 0°20'
t Neptune sq r Moon 0°28'
t Saturn op t EP-a 0°51'
-- t Saturn tr r Uranus 0°07'
t Mars co r Sun 0°31'
t Mercury sq r Mars 0°09'
The one thing that could be taken the least bit positive for him in that moment was t Moon 23°24' Cancer sextile his Jupiter (-4') and Uranus (-30'), meaning Mo = r Ju/Ur (13'). But, in the face of all the rest, this is pretty pathetic.
It's really a pretty miserable chart for him personally and suggests the move was made not out of optimism but out of misery.
t Pluto op r Venus 0°20'
t Neptune sq r Moon 0°28'
t Saturn op t EP-a 0°51'
-- t Saturn tr r Uranus 0°07'
t Mars co r Sun 0°31'
t Mercury sq r Mars 0°09'
The one thing that could be taken the least bit positive for him in that moment was t Moon 23°24' Cancer sextile his Jupiter (-4') and Uranus (-30'), meaning Mo = r Ju/Ur (13'). But, in the face of all the rest, this is pretty pathetic.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Announced 3rd prez run
I don't know. I think I'm kind tired of old men running the country. At this point, I don't have anything against Bidrn or Trump. I just wish we didn't live in a country ultimately controlled by special interest groups. We need an advanced psychic robot to keep everything running smoothly, which only intervenes whrn absolutely necessary.Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:33 pm This time, he doesn't appear to have an astrologer advising him. At least, I can't imagine they would have suggested announcing during a 0°37' applying Moon-Saturn opposition. (I can see, given the style of campaigning, why they might have picked a 0°54' applying retrograde Mars square to Neptune, but not the Moon-Saturn; and really, who would suggest he start his campaign with those transits to his Sun and Moon.)
It's really a pretty miserable chart for him personally and suggests the move was made not out of optimism but out of misery.
t Pluto op r Venus 0°20'
t Neptune sq r Moon 0°28'
t Saturn op t EP-a 0°51'
-- t Saturn tr r Uranus 0°07'
t Mars co r Sun 0°31'
t Mercury sq r Mars 0°09'
The one thing that could be taken the least bit positive for him in that moment was t Moon 23°24' Cancer sextile his Jupiter (-4') and Uranus (-30'), meaning Mo = r Ju/Ur (13'). But, in the face of all the rest, this is pretty pathetic.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
Yesterday (December 6, 2022) was one of the worst days in Trump's life. (He was in Mar-a-Lago for it, as best I can tell.)
In the morning, a New York jury returned after only a day of deliberation, finding his company, Trump Organization, guilty on all 17 counts of criminal tax fraud. (Neither he nor his family were personally implicated, though evidence of Trump's personal knowledge of the actions was part of the prosecutor's closing arguments.)
Later that morning, the House January 6 committee announced that it WILL be making criminal referrals to the Justice Department. They haven't announced who they will recommend be indicted or what charges will be attached - it's still under discussion - but it's clear that one of the things under discussion is whether Trump is personally named and how many of the people closely associated with him will be personally named.
Then, in the evening, his handpicked and loudly supported candidate for Georgia's Senate seat, Herschel Walker, lost to incumbent, the Hon. Ralph Warnock. Trump's candidates had fared badly (on balance) in the November elections and this final, highly public, much watched election was a big nail in his political coffin.
Yesterday, Trump learned that he doesn't really atter anymore. That's more hurtful to him than if someone had shot him. - He likely knows that voices in the Republican party are growing louder - approaching a majority - saying, "Hey, this guy isn't doing us any good anymore. We need to get rid of him."
So... what do his charts look like for this worst of days?
In the morning, a New York jury returned after only a day of deliberation, finding his company, Trump Organization, guilty on all 17 counts of criminal tax fraud. (Neither he nor his family were personally implicated, though evidence of Trump's personal knowledge of the actions was part of the prosecutor's closing arguments.)
Later that morning, the House January 6 committee announced that it WILL be making criminal referrals to the Justice Department. They haven't announced who they will recommend be indicted or what charges will be attached - it's still under discussion - but it's clear that one of the things under discussion is whether Trump is personally named and how many of the people closely associated with him will be personally named.
Then, in the evening, his handpicked and loudly supported candidate for Georgia's Senate seat, Herschel Walker, lost to incumbent, the Hon. Ralph Warnock. Trump's candidates had fared badly (on balance) in the November elections and this final, highly public, much watched election was a big nail in his political coffin.
Yesterday, Trump learned that he doesn't really atter anymore. That's more hurtful to him than if someone had shot him. - He likely knows that voices in the Republican party are growing louder - approaching a majority - saying, "Hey, this guy isn't doing us any good anymore. We need to get rid of him."
So... what do his charts look like for this worst of days?
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
Of course, this isn't yet the flushing noise of the rest of his life headed down the drain but, as said, it was a really, really bad day for him.Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Dec 07, 2022 7:32 am So... what do his charts look like for this worst of days?
Transits give much of the picture. Pluto is only 0°07' from opposite his Venus. I think it safe to say that he is feeling that his friends are fleeing him. Neptune is no longer in orb of square his Sun (it will be back) but is only 0°22' from square his Moon, an aspect well-known for anxiety, feeling frail and weak, perhaps losing focus (and, in more extreme conditions, one's mind): It is emotionally hurtful and, with Trump's temperament, magnifies the sense of irrelevance at the moment. Saturn transits within 0°25' of his natal WP-a in longitude, so it's probably similarly close in RA (I haven't precessed the transits to see). Jupiter and Uranus don't touch him.
One thinks that in two months he will get some gigantic win of this, when progressed Moon (yesterday at 21°43' Virgo) crosses natal Jupiter. That, however, is not part of yesterday's story.
His Solar Arcs are quite active during this stage of his life (his biggest personal concern being in two to four years when directed Neptune reaches his Moon and then Sun: (with Saturn square his Mercury) I don't think he'll emotionally, or even physically, survive that one). He's just past Uranus's conjunction with his Asc and Saturn's conjunction with his Neptune. Currently, he has:
d Mars sq r Pluto (05' applying)
d Pluto sq r Saturn (36' applying)
The Mars-Pluto, in particular, leaves him vulnerable to criminal prosecution and similar kinds of "karma called due, have to face the music" sort of things.
His current SSR set up in New Jersey and is better there than at Mar-a-Lago. I'm on the record as saying the NJ chart is good enough to protect him - get him off - this year, and I think the (much worse) one for Mar-a-Lago doesn't count. For Mar-a-Lago, natal Saturn and Pluto rule.
His November 25 SLR for Palm Beach has natal Saturn tightly angular (on MC, of all angles). This commonly marks a deep sense of loss and his personal demons coming out of the closet. The two foreground aspects are Pluto's opposition to his Venus (0°06' M) and Saturn (1°46'): Bad losses.
His Demi-SLR occurs tomorrow late morning, so it's more of an aftermath chart that he should be feeling by lunch today. Transiting Saturn is strongest, 2°17' from Ascendant. Natal Mars is 3°02' from IC (the other side of the angle) and natal Pluto foreground. No foreground aspects exist unless you consider Sedna (transiting Saturn-Sedna, plus Sedna to natal Mars and Pluto). Primarily, then, the chart is transiting Saturn and natal Mars: We'll see the usual defensive rage beginning sometime around lunch today, I suppose.
His SNQ for yesterday strangely shows progressed Venus angular, usually a mark of a better day than this. I think the key is that the longer he got into the day, the farther Venus got from the angle and the closer SNQ IC got to natal Saturn.
His PSSR probably told the tone of the day best, with transiting Mars and natal Uranus on PSSR MC (I think he actually was surprised at all this). Another PSSR angle will hit transiting Neptune day after tomorrow (with Neptune square natal Moon), so he likely will have an unusually demoralizing Friday.
His November 26 Ennead had - just to mention the closest thing - Moon square natal Neptune 48' with both of them tightly angular. His 10-Day Solar yesterday morning had a 0°08' Moon-Saturn square. His November 20 KLR had transiting Saturn exactly on EP and progressed Saturn-Pluto splitting Descendant. However, his December 3 Demi-KLR wasn't a bad chart with progressed Sun on MC. The one harshness (like to draw a bad reaction from him) is natal Mars precisely on Zenith.
I've expressed long-time dissatisfaction with Kinetic Solars, and this one strengthens that view with transiting Jupiter on MC opposite Moons and natal/progressed Neptune (which suggests victory and relieving anxieties). The chart is completely unfitting (no surprise to me). I've also said I plan to start watching progressions of the KSR just to see if there is something salvageable in it. This one has SQ Moon at 20°00' Virgo, doing nothing.
Anyway: Yes, he had a really bad day.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
Yesterday morning, a House committee referred Trump to DOJ for prosecution on four charges including insurrection. Within the last hour, the House Ways and Means Committee decided to release six years of his tax returns to the public.
The Republican majority winning the last election is costing him badly as Democrats (and some Republicans) race to finish old business before the end of the year.
I haven't looked at his charts for yesterday or today, but, when I get a chance, I should. The impact of this on him has to be enormous.
Already, most of the country, including at least half of his former supporters, regret that he was ever president. About now, Trump is probably starting to agree with them.
The Republican majority winning the last election is costing him badly as Democrats (and some Republicans) race to finish old business before the end of the year.
I haven't looked at his charts for yesterday or today, but, when I get a chance, I should. The impact of this on him has to be enormous.
Already, most of the country, including at least half of his former supporters, regret that he was ever president. About now, Trump is probably starting to agree with them.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
With the last post in mind - that right now is about as bad a time as he's had in his life - let's see what's going on in his chart. The events were stretched over Monday and Tuesday so, as a basic event, let's pick the moment the January 6 committee made its formal criminal charges referral, about a day before another committee yesterday voted to release his tax papers to the public. The January 6 committee concluded December 19, 1922, 2:16 PM EST. Trump AFAIK was in Mar-a-Lago (Palm Beach, FL).
t Pluto op r Venus 29'
t Neptune sq r Moon 27'
t Saturn op r EP-a 38'
t Venus oc r Mars 45'
There is something else unusual and interesting about Trump's transits. He has several soft aspect transits. Normally these aren't important because nothing happens from them. However, sometimes "nothing happens" is the whole point: The one study in which these showed in abundance were in Bradley's study of suicides. Trines and sextiles were abundant. I think the aspects don't just have insufficient strength to do anything but actually carry a block to action. Normally, that's not noticed (it's just "nothing happened") but, when there are several (especially if depressive or angry planets are involved) it can give a sense of, "There is nothing I can do!" I think we see that in Trump right now with this event: Besides Neptune's transit to his Moon (which I think is the main aspect, showing or horrible state of mind) but t Saturn sextile natal Moon (depressive), transiting Mars sextiles his Pluto (rage and power etc.), Sun trines his Mars (decisive action) - all with an added "can't do anything!" (Maybe even Pluto quincunx his Mars and Venus quincunx his Pluto. These are ALL partile.)
More conventionally, though, the hard aspect transits showing alienating friends, deep brooding emotional state with a sense of weakness if not paralysis, morbid burdens, sadness, and loss, and emotions that won't quit.
Something we can't ignore is that progressed Moon is applying to conjunction with natal Jupiter 1°17'. It isn't there yet - it's not part of this event - but it does suggest that in January he'll get a significant reprieve. (Progressed Moon will trine his Uranus at about the same time.) - Besides that, he has no progressions except a Mercury-Venus-Uranus sextile-trine triplet. (You'd think he'd be more popular right now.)
d Mercury sq r Sun 51' ap, sq r Moon 52' sep, midpoint 00' [but what does that mean?]
d Venus sq r Mercury 6' sep [quite wrong]
d Pluto sq r Saturn 34' ap [exactly right]
d Mars sq r Pluto 3' ap [must be right, but he seems so impotent that it's not decisive]
Overall, I'm not that impressed.
Trump's SSR didn't occur Palm Beach but in New Jersey, at Trump National Golf Club (40N39'11", 74W41'42"). It's better in New Jersey, making me still think he might get off totally free this year. For example, natal Jupiter is 0°28' from Zenith. His Venus-Saturn is more widely foreground though, aspected by transiting Uranus and Pluto, so it's not necessarily fun, but does look like he gets away with it.
For Mar-a-Lago, it's the reverse. Natal Saturn is most angular, 2°44' off Descendant, putting his natal Venus-Saturn (and Venus transited by Pluto) in the foreground. It's quite hard, especially self-punishing and isolated. I don't have confidence in SSR relocation within the year, but report it anyway. I do think it's how he's feeling, but I'm skeptical it comes from the local SSR.
His November 25 SLR is, again, mostly about Pluto's transit to natal Venus-Saturn. Natal Saturn is most angular (1°29' off MC), with moderate angularities of transiting Pluto (3°34' off IC), natal Venus (3°40' off MC), and natal Jupiter (4°10' off MC). Pluto's mundane transit to Venus is 0°06', and it's less than 2° from opposite the Saturn. It's a hard emotional and practical blow.
His December 8 Demi-SLR is led by transiting Saturn and natal Mars. Saturn is 2°17' from Ascendant, his Mars 3°02' the other side of Dsc. In brief: Things are bad and he's angry about it. A little natal Pluto, too. All while Neptune is transiting square his Moon!
Tomorrow he has a new SLR. Again, the chief foreground aspects are natal Venus-Saturn opposed by transiting Pluto. (Second verse same as the first.) However, there is another shoe to drop - a big surprise - since transiting Uranus is 1°06' from Ascendant, the primary planet.
His January 4 Demi-SLR comes as the new Congress is seated, and he's going to benefit from this. The new Speaker is going to do something beneficial for Trump. Though the closest single planet is natal Neptune 1°11' from IC, transiting Sun is about 2° from Descendant and 2° from square Jupiter. Things go his way. Mercury also squares natal Jupiter foreground. He should experience a turning tide, even though he's still in an emotionally hard SLR. With natal Neptune so strong (and transiting Neptune partile aspecting both natal luminaries, he's embarrassed - but he gets a break.
t Pluto op r Venus 29'
t Neptune sq r Moon 27'
t Saturn op r EP-a 38'
t Venus oc r Mars 45'
There is something else unusual and interesting about Trump's transits. He has several soft aspect transits. Normally these aren't important because nothing happens from them. However, sometimes "nothing happens" is the whole point: The one study in which these showed in abundance were in Bradley's study of suicides. Trines and sextiles were abundant. I think the aspects don't just have insufficient strength to do anything but actually carry a block to action. Normally, that's not noticed (it's just "nothing happened") but, when there are several (especially if depressive or angry planets are involved) it can give a sense of, "There is nothing I can do!" I think we see that in Trump right now with this event: Besides Neptune's transit to his Moon (which I think is the main aspect, showing or horrible state of mind) but t Saturn sextile natal Moon (depressive), transiting Mars sextiles his Pluto (rage and power etc.), Sun trines his Mars (decisive action) - all with an added "can't do anything!" (Maybe even Pluto quincunx his Mars and Venus quincunx his Pluto. These are ALL partile.)
More conventionally, though, the hard aspect transits showing alienating friends, deep brooding emotional state with a sense of weakness if not paralysis, morbid burdens, sadness, and loss, and emotions that won't quit.
Something we can't ignore is that progressed Moon is applying to conjunction with natal Jupiter 1°17'. It isn't there yet - it's not part of this event - but it does suggest that in January he'll get a significant reprieve. (Progressed Moon will trine his Uranus at about the same time.) - Besides that, he has no progressions except a Mercury-Venus-Uranus sextile-trine triplet. (You'd think he'd be more popular right now.)
d Mercury sq r Sun 51' ap, sq r Moon 52' sep, midpoint 00' [but what does that mean?]
d Venus sq r Mercury 6' sep [quite wrong]
d Pluto sq r Saturn 34' ap [exactly right]
d Mars sq r Pluto 3' ap [must be right, but he seems so impotent that it's not decisive]
Overall, I'm not that impressed.
Trump's SSR didn't occur Palm Beach but in New Jersey, at Trump National Golf Club (40N39'11", 74W41'42"). It's better in New Jersey, making me still think he might get off totally free this year. For example, natal Jupiter is 0°28' from Zenith. His Venus-Saturn is more widely foreground though, aspected by transiting Uranus and Pluto, so it's not necessarily fun, but does look like he gets away with it.
For Mar-a-Lago, it's the reverse. Natal Saturn is most angular, 2°44' off Descendant, putting his natal Venus-Saturn (and Venus transited by Pluto) in the foreground. It's quite hard, especially self-punishing and isolated. I don't have confidence in SSR relocation within the year, but report it anyway. I do think it's how he's feeling, but I'm skeptical it comes from the local SSR.
His November 25 SLR is, again, mostly about Pluto's transit to natal Venus-Saturn. Natal Saturn is most angular (1°29' off MC), with moderate angularities of transiting Pluto (3°34' off IC), natal Venus (3°40' off MC), and natal Jupiter (4°10' off MC). Pluto's mundane transit to Venus is 0°06', and it's less than 2° from opposite the Saturn. It's a hard emotional and practical blow.
His December 8 Demi-SLR is led by transiting Saturn and natal Mars. Saturn is 2°17' from Ascendant, his Mars 3°02' the other side of Dsc. In brief: Things are bad and he's angry about it. A little natal Pluto, too. All while Neptune is transiting square his Moon!
Tomorrow he has a new SLR. Again, the chief foreground aspects are natal Venus-Saturn opposed by transiting Pluto. (Second verse same as the first.) However, there is another shoe to drop - a big surprise - since transiting Uranus is 1°06' from Ascendant, the primary planet.
His January 4 Demi-SLR comes as the new Congress is seated, and he's going to benefit from this. The new Speaker is going to do something beneficial for Trump. Though the closest single planet is natal Neptune 1°11' from IC, transiting Sun is about 2° from Descendant and 2° from square Jupiter. Things go his way. Mercury also squares natal Jupiter foreground. He should experience a turning tide, even though he's still in an emotionally hard SLR. With natal Neptune so strong (and transiting Neptune partile aspecting both natal luminaries, he's embarrassed - but he gets a break.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
I think the transits basically nailed it and the lunar returns brought it on home.
Jim Eshelman
- Sidereal Field Agent
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Re: Donald Trump
Not sure which way Trump will go if he doesn't get the Republican nomination in 2024. Many voters who agree with his policies are sick of his personality and style. Should DeSantis win the nomination, would Trump run third party and split the vote, handing Biden reelection when it looks like Biden needs an answered prayer to win?. Trump seems to have a particular animosity toward DeSantis, but might have similar issues with any nominee who wasn't him.
Time matters
- Jim Eshelman
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SLR 3/14/23
Donald Trump's recent SLR for Palm Beach isn't so bad, but the whole world of it seems to converge on New York City. WiIl he be there? Here is a breakdown of the chart using ONLY closer angularity and partile aspects - which leaves out a lot (but there's a lot here). Will he be in NYC? Still waiting to see.
0°24' r Moon on N
0°40' t Mercury on Dsc
1°42' r Uranus on MC
2°07' t Sun on Dsc
2°43' t Neptune on Dsc
3°34' r Sun o MC
4°27' t Mars on MC
0°01' t Mars-Neptune sq
0°05' t Sun sq r Sun
0°21' t Sun sq r Moon M
0°33' t Mercury sq r Moon
0°36' t Sun-Neptune sq M
0°51' t Neptune sq r Sun M
0°53' t Mars sq r Sun M
0°57' t Neptune sq r Moon M
0°59' t Sun-Mars sq
Here's another way to view it with select ecliptical longitudes:
23°54' Tau - r Uranus
25°32' Tau - SLR MC
26°40' Aqu - t Mercury
26°49' Leo = SLR Asc
27°12' Sco - r Moon
28°56' Tau - r Sun
29°01' Aqu - t Sun
30°00' Tau - t Mars
0°01' Pis - t Neptune
Here's another way to view it with select PV longitudes:
28°18' 9H - r Uranus
29v20' 6H - t Mercury
1°27' 4H - t Moon
1°46' 4H - r Moon
2°07' 7H - t Sun
2°43' 7H - t Neptune
3°34' 10H - r Sun
4°27' 10H - t Mars
0°24' r Moon on N
0°40' t Mercury on Dsc
1°42' r Uranus on MC
2°07' t Sun on Dsc
2°43' t Neptune on Dsc
3°34' r Sun o MC
4°27' t Mars on MC
0°01' t Mars-Neptune sq
0°05' t Sun sq r Sun
0°21' t Sun sq r Moon M
0°33' t Mercury sq r Moon
0°36' t Sun-Neptune sq M
0°51' t Neptune sq r Sun M
0°53' t Mars sq r Sun M
0°57' t Neptune sq r Moon M
0°59' t Sun-Mars sq
Here's another way to view it with select ecliptical longitudes:
23°54' Tau - r Uranus
25°32' Tau - SLR MC
26°40' Aqu - t Mercury
26°49' Leo = SLR Asc
27°12' Sco - r Moon
28°56' Tau - r Sun
29°01' Aqu - t Sun
30°00' Tau - t Mars
0°01' Pis - t Neptune
Here's another way to view it with select PV longitudes:
28°18' 9H - r Uranus
29v20' 6H - t Mercury
1°27' 4H - t Moon
1°46' 4H - r Moon
2°07' 7H - t Sun
2°43' 7H - t Neptune
3°34' 10H - r Sun
4°27' 10H - t Mars
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: SLR 3/14/23
At about 5 PM EDT today (30 March 2023), a Manhattan grand jury indicted Donald Trump on 30 counts of business fraud.
In addition to the NY SLR mentioned above, his March 27 Demi-SLR for Palm Beach has transiting Pluto 0°09' from WP-a and natal Pluto 0°10' from Ascendant. For Manhattan, natal Pluto squares Demi-SLR MC 0°23'.
In addition to the NY SLR mentioned above, his March 27 Demi-SLR for Palm Beach has transiting Pluto 0°09' from WP-a and natal Pluto 0°10' from Ascendant. For Manhattan, natal Pluto squares Demi-SLR MC 0°23'.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Donald Trump
Man.. Yeah, I’m not envious of that at all.
Aggression, weakness, cloudy thinking, anxiety, temptation to do stupid things..
Those are stars for trying something stupid.
Aggression, weakness, cloudy thinking, anxiety, temptation to do stupid things..
Those are stars for trying something stupid.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: SLR 3/14/23
As I have a few minutes in between tasks here at work, I want to start the process of identifying what the patterns were that zoomed up to here. We know that the SLR centered on NY had overwhelming impact, and the Demi-SLR for where he actually was in Palm Beach was a super-hard smack that took him off guard. But how did we get here?Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 6:01 pm At about 5 PM EDT today (30 March 2023), a Manhattan grand jury indicted Donald Trump on 30 counts of business fraud.
The indictment occurred with Sun in 15° Pisces and Moon in 5° Cancer (partile opposite Pluto) - mentioned to set up knowing what solunars to check. Venus conjoined Uranus 0°04', which has given most of the Tropical mundane world the giggles (and I do think, in a mundane sense, that this aspect on the new Canlunar Ascendant for the nation was pivotal - but the current thread is about the man's own chart).
Transits to Natal
t Eris sq r Saturn 0°29'
t Saturn oc r Jupiter 0°55' {past r Dsc 1°34', probably affecting the leadup}
t Jupiter op r Jupiter 0°19' [!!] {notice how Saturn AND Jupiter to his Jupiter worked}
t Sun sq r Mercury 0°02'
These are all interesting, but I think we all will agree that, by themselves, they don't show this kind of event - especially considering what he has survived previously. We need more.
Solar Arc Directions
d Mars sq r Pluto 0°14' sep
d Pluto sq r Saturn 0°17' ap
d Venus sq r Mercury 0°22' sep
d Mercury sq r Sun 0°34' ap
The two closest are quite descriptive! The two wider ones are wrong or neutral, but the two closest are quite good.
His SSR set up at Trump National Golf Club 40N39'11" 74W41'42" and is much better than for Mar-a-Lago. It is also almost exactly at NYC where the action affecting him occurred. I predicted at his birthday that if he was in New Jersey (he was) he ultimately would get off (he may) since the single closest contact is natal Jupiter 0°18' from Zenith. The one foreground transiting aspect is Uranus square Pluto (mundo 1°07') though widely foreground, of questionable importance. Uranus also aspects his Venus (6') and Saturn, while Pluto opposes his Venus (natal Venus-Saturn is moderately-to-widely foreground) - I said his friends were going to tend to desert him or turn on him.
His SSR is much harsher for Mar-a-Lago (26N40'37", 80W02'13"). It doesn't have the Jupiter and it has a strong Saturn. I mention this even though my experience for years has been that the relocated-to-home SSRs don't mean anything. Nonetheless, natal Saturn 2°23' from Dsc is the strongest factor. Natal Venus-Saturn foreground opposed by transiting Pluto (Pluto widely foreground) is the only aspect structure of note.
His SLR for Mar-a-Lago, has all the right foreground aspects, though they aren't as closely angular as I'd like. But it does have all the killer aspects! Basically, transiting Mars-Neptune fortified by Sun (which, in this case, is not only a fortifier but means "the government") piles atop his natal Moon and Sun (and somewhat his Uranus). Here are the foreground aspects.
t Mars-Neptune sq 0°01'
t Sun sq r Sun 0°05'
t Mercury sq r Moon 0°33'
t Neptune sq r Sun 0°39'
t Mars co r Sun 0°47'
t Sun-Neptune co 0°56' M
t Sun-Mars sq 0°59'
t Sun sq r Moon 1°26'
r Moon-Sun op 1°43' M
t Mercury sq r Uranus 2°15' M
t Mercury sq r Sun 2°17'
t Neptune sq r Moon 2°22' M
t Sun-Mercury co 2°22'
t Mars op r Moon 2°30' M'
t Moon op r Uranus 2°51' M
Switch this to NYC where the action affecting him occurred and you get the killer angularities! Same aspects - and zeroed in. Here are the seven foreground planets, all closely or moderately angular:
t Mercury on Dsc 0°40'
r Moon on Nadir 0°24'
r Uranus on MC 1°42'
t Sun on Dsc 2°07'
t Neptune on Dsc 2°43'
r Sun on MC 3°34'
t Mars on MC 4°27'
For Mar-a-Lago, transiting Pluto is 0°16' from WP-a. Natal Pluto is 0°14' from Asc. Bam! Smacked hard in the face. Other than a wide Venus angularity (which, in any case, is Venus conjunct his Pluto!), that's it. (Of non-foreground partile aspects, notice that the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction is entirely off unless you vaguely and counter-intuitively read it as legal proceedings; so is Jupiter to his Jupiter. But Sun opposite his Neptune 0°04' fits.)
Other Charts
Other returns are ill-timed for the event or have little to offer. Also, the quotidians were boring. For Mar-a-Lago.
however, for Manhattan where the event occurred (even though he wasn't there), the SNQ had transiting Saturn within a degree of Descendant with progressed MC almost partile to natal Mars. The SQ had SSR Saturn on IC within a degree! Then though PSSR Moon was past the partile square to Mars, PSSR Asc conjoined Moon and squared Mars both partile - from their midpoint.
The EVENT, according to the lunar returns and quotidians, occurred in Manhattan - even though Trump wasn't there.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Upcoming Trump Lunar Returns of Note
Here are some upcoming SLRs and Demi-SLRs for Donald Trump, all calculated for Mar-a-Lago.
May 8, 2023. t Pluto (MC 0°57'), r Pluto on Nadir). Foreground Sun-Uranus conjunction (1°13') and Sun-Pluto square (2°27')
July 2. t Neptune (Asc 0°31')
July 15 Demi. t Venus (Dsc 0°49'), t Mars (WPa 0°11'), t Saturn (EP 0°28'), r Mars (Dsc 1°48'), with the only foreground aspect being t Venus co r Mars 0°25'
August 11 Demi. r Neptune (Nadir 0°53'), t Neptune (MC 2°12'), r Mercury (Asc 1°12'), t Neptune sq r Mercury 1°00' M
August 25. t Saturn (Asc 0°50'), t Sun (Dsc 1°29'), r Mars (wider). t Sun-Saturn op 1°25', t Sun co r Mars 2°16' M.
September 7 Demi. r Saturn (MC 0°11'), r Venus (MC 2°01'), t Pluto op r Venus 1°20'
September 22. No precise angularities, though transiting Pluto and natal Saturn are closest. But nearly a dozen important foreground aspects, of which the closest are t Mars sq r Saturn 0°59' and t Pluto op r Venus 0°55'. (Mars and Pluto to natal Venus-Jupiter-Saturn)
October 19. t Mars (Asc 0°34'), t Jupiter (WPa 0°23'), wider natal Plouto. t Jupiter sq r Pluto 1°20'. (Will they get the case moved up a month and a half earlier?)
November 15. r Mars (Dsc 0°14'), t Saturn (2°29'), t Mercury (1°25'). t Mercury-Saturn to r Mars. [By the current schedule, this covers his December 4 hearing.]
For NYC: t Saturn (Asc 1°07'), r Mars (Dsc 0°38'), t Saturn op r Mars 1°45'
November 28 Demi. t Saturn (EP 1°01'), r Pluto (Dsc 0°16'), t Mars-Saturn sq. 2°01' [By the current schedule, this covers his December 4 hearing]
For NYC: t Saturn (EPa 0°13'), t Sun (MC 0°47'), r Pluto (Dsc 2°44'), t Mars-Saturn sq 2°01', t Mars-Pluto sq 2°58' M, t Saturn op r Mars 1°53' M, t Sun sq r Pluto 1°57' M
December 13. t Venus (IC 1°54'), t Jupiter (MC 2°02'). t Venus and Jupiter square natal Pluto. [Merry Christmas?]
May 8, 2023. t Pluto (MC 0°57'), r Pluto on Nadir). Foreground Sun-Uranus conjunction (1°13') and Sun-Pluto square (2°27')
July 2. t Neptune (Asc 0°31')
July 15 Demi. t Venus (Dsc 0°49'), t Mars (WPa 0°11'), t Saturn (EP 0°28'), r Mars (Dsc 1°48'), with the only foreground aspect being t Venus co r Mars 0°25'
August 11 Demi. r Neptune (Nadir 0°53'), t Neptune (MC 2°12'), r Mercury (Asc 1°12'), t Neptune sq r Mercury 1°00' M
August 25. t Saturn (Asc 0°50'), t Sun (Dsc 1°29'), r Mars (wider). t Sun-Saturn op 1°25', t Sun co r Mars 2°16' M.
September 7 Demi. r Saturn (MC 0°11'), r Venus (MC 2°01'), t Pluto op r Venus 1°20'
September 22. No precise angularities, though transiting Pluto and natal Saturn are closest. But nearly a dozen important foreground aspects, of which the closest are t Mars sq r Saturn 0°59' and t Pluto op r Venus 0°55'. (Mars and Pluto to natal Venus-Jupiter-Saturn)
October 19. t Mars (Asc 0°34'), t Jupiter (WPa 0°23'), wider natal Plouto. t Jupiter sq r Pluto 1°20'. (Will they get the case moved up a month and a half earlier?)
November 15. r Mars (Dsc 0°14'), t Saturn (2°29'), t Mercury (1°25'). t Mercury-Saturn to r Mars. [By the current schedule, this covers his December 4 hearing.]
For NYC: t Saturn (Asc 1°07'), r Mars (Dsc 0°38'), t Saturn op r Mars 1°45'
November 28 Demi. t Saturn (EP 1°01'), r Pluto (Dsc 0°16'), t Mars-Saturn sq. 2°01' [By the current schedule, this covers his December 4 hearing]
For NYC: t Saturn (EPa 0°13'), t Sun (MC 0°47'), r Pluto (Dsc 2°44'), t Mars-Saturn sq 2°01', t Mars-Pluto sq 2°58' M, t Saturn op r Mars 1°53' M, t Sun sq r Pluto 1°57' M
December 13. t Venus (IC 1°54'), t Jupiter (MC 2°02'). t Venus and Jupiter square natal Pluto. [Merry Christmas?]
Jim Eshelman
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Turmp's 2023 SSR
If Trump is smart and astrologically wise, we will have his next birthday at Mar-a-Lago, not his New Jersey golf club as he usually does.
For the club, the next SSR has a partile Mercury-Saturn square close to the angles (with Mercury square natal Pluto mundanely). For Mar-a-Lago, it has instead a close Venus-Jupiter square on the angles.
For the club, the next SSR has a partile Mercury-Saturn square close to the angles (with Mercury square natal Pluto mundanely). For Mar-a-Lago, it has instead a close Venus-Jupiter square on the angles.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
It looks like "the greatest witch hunt of all time" found a witch! (With apologies to nice witches everywhere.)
Today, on the first day of deliberation, a jury found Trump committed sexual assault and libel, awarding his accuser $5 million for it. (One can rightly say this was Trump's hometown jury.)
He was at Mar-a-Lago. He didn't bother to show for the trial.
Today, on the first day of deliberation, a jury found Trump committed sexual assault and libel, awarding his accuser $5 million for it. (One can rightly say this was Trump's hometown jury.)
He was at Mar-a-Lago. He didn't bother to show for the trial.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:39 pm Here are some upcoming SLRs and Demi-SLRs for Donald Trump, all calculated for Mar-a-Lago.
May 8, 2023. t Pluto (MC 0°57'), r Pluto on Nadir). Foreground Sun-Uranus conjunction (1°13') and Sun-Pluto square (2°27')
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
A rather strange decision. Trump was found to have committed sexual assault but not rape (which I assume requires penetration). What most likely happened was some non-consensual lady part grabbing. I think Trump's "she's not my type" assertion helped sink him. Truth is, I think anyone human, female, and of age or nearly so is his type. He doesn't strike me as a pedophile, but I think that exhausts his virtues in the sexuality department.
The strangeness is that E. Jean Carrol's book alleged rape, which is arguably libel on her part, but were I on the jury, I would assume she was using the term as a synonym for "forced sexual activity", which is believable unless she specifically alleged penetration. In any case, I would consider any libel on her part to be minimal, comparable to stating someone had committed fifteen murders when they only committed ten. How much reputation does that killer have to be damaged?
I was a little disturbed about the lack of outcry in a very public place, but individual women react differently to the trauma of sexual assault, so I can't judge her for it, and I don't believe the jury held it against her credibility, either.
I think the evidence is in that Trump personally is an evil man. His policies need to be judged on their own merits/demerits, and each individually. One could deem he's right about China while wrong about handling COVID-19, for example.
The strangeness is that E. Jean Carrol's book alleged rape, which is arguably libel on her part, but were I on the jury, I would assume she was using the term as a synonym for "forced sexual activity", which is believable unless she specifically alleged penetration. In any case, I would consider any libel on her part to be minimal, comparable to stating someone had committed fifteen murders when they only committed ten. How much reputation does that killer have to be damaged?
I was a little disturbed about the lack of outcry in a very public place, but individual women react differently to the trauma of sexual assault, so I can't judge her for it, and I don't believe the jury held it against her credibility, either.
I think the evidence is in that Trump personally is an evil man. His policies need to be judged on their own merits/demerits, and each individually. One could deem he's right about China while wrong about handling COVID-19, for example.
Time matters
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
New York law defines "sexual assault" as any touching by A of the genitals or other body parts of B for the purpose of A's gratification. Broad in some ways and incredibly narrow in other ways. - NY's definition o rape is explicitly the insertion of a penis into a vagina without consent. (Forced oral copulation and sodomy are, strangely, separate laws.)mikestar13 wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 9:37 am A rather strange decision. Trump was found to have committed sexual assault but not rape (which I assume requires penetration).
The main issue of the case was the libel. His calling her a liar wasn't libel, and therefore wasn't defaming, if he was telling the truth that there was no sexual assault or rape. In order to prove defamation she had to prove libel, which means she had to establish that her facts were correct, i.e., that he raped or sexually assaulted her.
The jury said the facts presented to them were insufficient to conclude there had been a rape, though (after the verdict) she continues to insist that there was. Nonetheless, for legal purposes she only had to establish one or the other.
In today's society, he could probably have gotten away with "grab them by the whatever" except then he not only lied (as in denying a crime) but demeaned her (repeatedly tried to establish that a journalist was a liar, when her entire profession rested on people trusting what she said). That was a big tipping point. When post #MeToo laws allowed civil cases for sexual assaults even if the prior statute of limitations had expired, she went for it.What most likely happened was some non-consensual lady part grabbing. I think Trump's "she's not my type" assertion helped sink him. Truth is, I think anyone human, female, and of age or nearly so is his type. He doesn't strike me as a pedophile, but I think that exhausts his virtues in the sexuality department.
The standard is different in a civil case than a criminal one. Nobody has to be believed "beyond a reasonable doubt," just one person believed more than the other (preponderance of evidence). Trump could certainly have countersued that she was libeling him by saying he raped her, but I think the outcome was the same: He would have to have proved the rape did not occur: Again, the jury likely would have concluded that they didn't have enough evidence to come to that conclusion. (On rape, they probably didn't have enough evidence to determine either way whether a rape did or did not occur.)The strangeness is that E. Jean Carrol's book alleged rape, which is arguably libel on her part, but were I on the jury, I would assume she was using the term as a synonym for "forced sexual activity", which is believable unless she specifically alleged penetration. In any case, I would consider any libel on her part to be minimal, comparable to stating someone had committed fifteen murders when they only committed ten. How much reputation does that killer have to be damaged?
A trend this week on Facebook is for large numbers of women to post, "I was sexually assaulted and I didn't scream," which is actually the MOST common scenario. In the late '70s I counselled rape victims and, in the vast majority (nearly all) cases there was no calling out. I'm not sure I can compare those two, though, because in those cases there often was a fear for their lives, or at least a fear of being seriously hurt somehow.I was a little disturbed about the lack of outcry in a very public place, but individual women react differently to the trauma of sexual assault, so I can't judge her for it, and I don't believe the jury held it against her credibility, either.
In this case, her lawyer played and replayed a critical part of Trump's video taped depo. In the depo, she had played him the Access Hollywood "grab'em" quote and asked him to comment. He answered that he was just saying what had been true historically, that if you were a star you could get away with the grabbing, adding that this was true "unfortunately or fortunately."I think the evidence is in that Trump personally is an evil man. His policies need to be judged on their own merits/demerits, and each individually. One could deem he's right about China while wrong about handling COVID-19, for example.
She played this answer a few times and then asked the jury, "What part of that truth does he think is fortunate."
It was easy for them to believe that Trump was capable of this behavior, had admitted to (bragged about) a history of it, etc. Then, when presented with evidence of the crime, they were free to decide which party they were more likely to believe.
They believed her more than him on this point.
Jim Eshelman
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Donald Trump has been indicted on seven counts regarding the classified documents probe. News is emerging about 8 PM EDT. He has to appear at thr Federal courthouse in Miami next Tuesday at 3 pm.
We've been expecting this all day from various scraps of data over the last few days. I'll examine it as an event in Trump's chart when I get the chance, but feel free to run with it. (I believe he's in Mar-a-Lago, i.e., Palm Beach, FL). - Does anyone know if he's already left for New Jersey for the summer?
His June 4 SLR for Mar-a-Lago isn't all that bad, though two Neptunes are most angular. If we was at his NJ golf club, natal Neptune was 0°45' from Ascendant bringing his Mercury-Neptune to the foreground.
We've been expecting this all day from various scraps of data over the last few days. I'll examine it as an event in Trump's chart when I get the chance, but feel free to run with it. (I believe he's in Mar-a-Lago, i.e., Palm Beach, FL). - Does anyone know if he's already left for New Jersey for the summer?
His June 4 SLR for Mar-a-Lago isn't all that bad, though two Neptunes are most angular. If we was at his NJ golf club, natal Neptune was 0°45' from Ascendant bringing his Mercury-Neptune to the foreground.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Turmp's 2023 SSR
It looks like the legal proceedings will keep him in Mar-a-Lago - an outrageously lucky break for him. He has to report for arraignment in Miami on Tuesday June 13, so there is a significant chance he will still be in south Florida - probably at Mar-a-Lago (26N40'37" 80W02'12") at 4:21 AM June 15 when his SSR sets up. It's quite positive with transiting Jupiter 0°07' from EP (squared by Venus), among other things!Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2023 5:44 pm If Trump is smart and astrologically wise, we will have his next birthday at Mar-a-Lago, not his New Jersey golf club as he usually does.
For the club, the next SSR has a partile Mercury-Saturn square close to the angles (with Mercury square natal Pluto mundanely). For Mar-a-Lago, it has instead a close Venus-Jupiter square on the angles.
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Ju 11Ar18' 3" 1S 6 +11'53" 34°25' 12N36 80°31' + 9°19' 350°33' 100% E
Ur 25Ar53'53" 0S19 + 3' 2" 48°37' 17N42 69°46' - 0°39' 0°41' 100% A
Mo 25Ar35'49" 1N33 +12°57' 47°47' 19N25 68°37' + 0°52' 359° 5' 100% A
Ve 13Cn48'53" 1N59 +51'43" 131°52' 19N57 355°49' -43°16' 94°26' 95% I
Pl 4Cp51'56" 2S37 - 1' 5" 302°42' 22S43 187°10' +40°16' 261°38' 82% M
Radical Planets
Pl 16Cn 3'16" 6N22 + 1'17" 135°29' 23N33 351°52' -39°20' 99°47' 76% I
Class 1 Aspects
tMo co tUr 0°18'100%
tJu sq tPl 1° 5' 98% M
tVe sq tJu 2°31' 88%
tVe co rPl 2°14' 90%
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Me 11Ta33'37" 1S28 + 1°47' 65° 2' 19N59 61°20' - 1°56' 2°12' 99% A
Sa 12Aq 8'26" 1S34 + 0'14" 339°31' 10S19 149°18' +33°50' 307°18' 98% Z
Ve 13Cn48'53" 1N59 +51'43" 131°52' 19N57 2°16' -29°22' 85°59' 96% I
Ma 19Cn51'48" 1N20 +35'27" 137°48' 17N38 355°42' -31°36' 96°56' 87% I
Ur 25Ar53'53" 0S19 + 3' 2" 48°37' 17N42 73°31' + 8° 1' 351°39' 82% A
Radical Planets
Pl 16Cn 3'16" 6N22 + 1'17" 135°29' 23N33 358°28' -25°47' 93°11' 97% I
Class 1 Aspects
tMo co tUr 0°18'100%
tMe sq tSa 0°35' 99%
tMe sq rPl 0°58' 98% M
tVe co rPl 2°14' 90%
Jim Eshelman
Re: Donald Trump
He is expected to return to Bedminster this evening per the Guardian. I believe he is supposed to give speech there.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
Oh, he is so gonna get it! (An advantage of having a good astrologer on your staff, eh?)alinda wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:53 pm He is expected to return to Bedminster this evening per the Guardian. I believe he is supposed to give speech there.
BTW, the (I think inadvertent) screwed up headline I saw today:
Plump Treads Not Guilty!
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Turmp's 2023 SSR
Trump returned to New Jersey after the arraignment: ... ew-jersey/
His SSR occurs overnight: June 15, 2023, 4:21:12 AM EST, Trump National Golf Club, 4-0N39'11", 74W41'42". Here's an expanded version from the one above. For everywhere in the world, notice:
25°36' Aries - SSR Moon
25°54' Aries - SSR Uranus
The whole story:
To display this differently:
t Mars on IC -6°56'
t Sedna on Asc -6°48'
t Saturn on Z -1°52'
r Pluto on IC -3°11'
t Mercury on Asc -2°12'
t Venus on IC +4°01'
r Eris on Asc +6°33'
t Uranus on Asc +8°21'
t Moon-Uranus co 0°18'
t Moon-Eris co 2°17' M
t Mars-Sedna square 0°08' M
t Mercury-Saturn sq 0°35'
t Mercury sq r Pluto 0°58' M
t Uranus co r Eris 1°48' M
t Venus co r Pluto 2°14'
t Venus sq r Eris 2°32' M ... ew-jersey/
His SSR occurs overnight: June 15, 2023, 4:21:12 AM EST, Trump National Golf Club, 4-0N39'11", 74W41'42". Here's an expanded version from the one above. For everywhere in the world, notice:
25°36' Aries - SSR Moon
25°54' Aries - SSR Uranus
The whole story:
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Me 11Ta33'37" 1S28 + 1°47' 65° 2' 19N59 61°20' - 1°56' 2°12' 99% A
Sa 12Aq 8'26" 1S34 + 0'14" 339°31' 10S19 149°18' +33°50' 307°18' 98% Z
Ve 13Cn48'53" 1N59 +51'43" 131°52' 19N57 2°16' -29°22' 85°59' 96% I
Ma 19Cn51'48" 1N20 +35'27" 137°48' 17N38 355°42' -31°36' 96°56' 87% I
Se 4Ta56' 2" 11S45 + 0'45" 60°19' 8N39 72°42' - 6°30' 6°48' 88% A
Ur 25Ar53'53" 0S19 + 3' 2" 48°37' 17N42 73°31' + 8° 1' 351°39' 82% A
Radical Planets
Pl 16Cn 3'16" 6N22 + 1'17" 135°29' 23N33 358°28' -25°47' 93°11' 97% I
Er 12Pi41'47" 25S 9 + 0'12" 17°24' 19S57 122°22' + 5°32' 353°27' 89% A
Class 1 Aspects
tMo co tUr 0°18'100%
tMo co tEr 2°17' 90% M
tMe sq tSa 0°35' 99%
tMa sq tSe 0° 8'100% M
tMe sq rPl 0°58' 98% M
tVe co rPl 2°14' 90%
tVe sq rEr 2°32' 88% M
tUr co rEr 1°48' 94% M
t Mars on IC -6°56'
t Sedna on Asc -6°48'
t Saturn on Z -1°52'
r Pluto on IC -3°11'
t Mercury on Asc -2°12'
t Venus on IC +4°01'
r Eris on Asc +6°33'
t Uranus on Asc +8°21'
t Moon-Uranus co 0°18'
t Moon-Eris co 2°17' M
t Mars-Sedna square 0°08' M
t Mercury-Saturn sq 0°35'
t Mercury sq r Pluto 0°58' M
t Uranus co r Eris 1°48' M
t Venus co r Pluto 2°14'
t Venus sq r Eris 2°32' M
Jim Eshelman
Re: Donald Trump
Nah, he wouldn’t listen to an astrologer any more than he does his lawyers. He would try to negotiate.
So he went to Bedminster and talked about how he had the right to take all “his” documents on national television.
I didn’t want to say anything beforehand to jinx it.
He’s not playing for the trial. He’s already lost. He’s programming his supporters to promote his pardon.
So he went to Bedminster and talked about how he had the right to take all “his” documents on national television.
I didn’t want to say anything beforehand to jinx it.
He’s not playing for the trial. He’s already lost. He’s programming his supporters to promote his pardon.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Turmp's 2023 SSR
The contrast:
Change = 14
Benefic = 16, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 7, Indignity = 0
Spotlight = 6
New Jersey
Change = 10
Malefic = 8, Benefic = 7
Indignity = 5, Dignity = 0
Spotlight = 0
Change = 14
Benefic = 16, Malefic = 0
Dignity = 7, Indignity = 0
Spotlight = 6
New Jersey
Change = 10
Malefic = 8, Benefic = 7
Indignity = 5, Dignity = 0
Spotlight = 0
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
There is a perception in the wind that Trump is about to step into the worst legal danger he has yet. Concurrent with that (or, actually expressing his favorite legal defense tactic of stalling by going on the offense), he yesterday announced that if re-elected he'll assume nearly total dictatorial control over executive branch functions.
The pressures are definitely piling up. His SSR (see immediately above) is quite bd. Furthermore, his progressed Moon is squaring natal Saturn (applying 23' at the moment) and yesterday's New Moon conjoined that degree.
Transiting Uranus is approaching his MC, which could go either way for him. But it's his solar arcs that are exploding hard: With natal Saturn at 30° Gemini and progressed Moon at 30° Virgo, he also has directed Pluto square natal Saturn to the minute right now. Directed Mars is still within a degree (31' sep) of square his Pluto. Directed Uranus will soon leave the partile conjunction with his Ascendant that has marked almost the last two years. More minor but interesting, directed Mercury is squaring natal Sun.
The closest and most threatening ones, d Pl = r Sa and d Ma - r Pl, tells us that there is a natal midpoint pattern being ticked off. Since Pluto is in both of these, it's probably a natal Pl = Ma/Sa. Sure enough, checking his natal, we find Pluto 16°03' Cancer and Ma/Sa 16°18' Cancer. He's living out his natal Pl = Ma/Sa right now.
Using New Jersey where I think he is continuing to spend his summer, his July 2 SLR shows very strong Sun and Mercury activity (many meetings) but also natal Neptune precisely setting - meaning that his natal Mercury-Neptune is foremost, triggered by transiting Sun. His July 15 Demi-SLR is quite severe, though - surely the trigger of immediate events - including a Mars-Saturn opposition across the horizon and natal Mars about a degree from Dsc, the Mars-Mars conjunction being about 2° wide in mundo.
It's a good time not to be him.
The pressures are definitely piling up. His SSR (see immediately above) is quite bd. Furthermore, his progressed Moon is squaring natal Saturn (applying 23' at the moment) and yesterday's New Moon conjoined that degree.
Transiting Uranus is approaching his MC, which could go either way for him. But it's his solar arcs that are exploding hard: With natal Saturn at 30° Gemini and progressed Moon at 30° Virgo, he also has directed Pluto square natal Saturn to the minute right now. Directed Mars is still within a degree (31' sep) of square his Pluto. Directed Uranus will soon leave the partile conjunction with his Ascendant that has marked almost the last two years. More minor but interesting, directed Mercury is squaring natal Sun.
The closest and most threatening ones, d Pl = r Sa and d Ma - r Pl, tells us that there is a natal midpoint pattern being ticked off. Since Pluto is in both of these, it's probably a natal Pl = Ma/Sa. Sure enough, checking his natal, we find Pluto 16°03' Cancer and Ma/Sa 16°18' Cancer. He's living out his natal Pl = Ma/Sa right now.
Using New Jersey where I think he is continuing to spend his summer, his July 2 SLR shows very strong Sun and Mercury activity (many meetings) but also natal Neptune precisely setting - meaning that his natal Mercury-Neptune is foremost, triggered by transiting Sun. His July 15 Demi-SLR is quite severe, though - surely the trigger of immediate events - including a Mars-Saturn opposition across the horizon and natal Mars about a degree from Dsc, the Mars-Mars conjunction being about 2° wide in mundo.
It's a good time not to be him.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Federal indictment
Trump was indicted today (a few minutes ago, I think) on four federal charges.
He is ordered to appear before a judge Thursday, 4:00 PM, Washington, DC as a Moon-Saturn conjunction opposite Mercury crosses angles and Neptune approaches another. Sun will then be 2' from conjunct his Pluto.
He is ordered to appear before a judge Thursday, 4:00 PM, Washington, DC as a Moon-Saturn conjunction opposite Mercury crosses angles and Neptune approaches another. Sun will then be 2' from conjunct his Pluto.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Donald Trump
Jim, I am not familar with federal laws. What usually happens after indictments?
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
He'll likely be released in his own recognizance. The rest is criminal trial procedure, probably with some scheduling preliminaries. This one will be heard by a federal judge in DC, most likely. After a few months of prelims, there will at some point be motion to select a jury. If it's a DC jury, it won't be good news for Trump.
There are so many indictments now thst they're going to start interfering with each other (and more to come from Georgia, lilely(m The courts will have to figure out how to share time.
There are so many indictments now thst they're going to start interfering with each other (and more to come from Georgia, lilely(m The courts will have to figure out how to share time.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
His arrest at the Federal courthouse in DC was at 3:45 PM today. Saturn was exactly on Nadir as part of the broader Moon-Saturn opposite Mercury and Mars. Exact transits:
t Sun co r Pluto 0°06'
t Venus sq r MC 0°30'
t Uranus co PSSR Moon 0°02'
PSSR Asc op t Pluto
It got to him.
t Sun co r Pluto 0°06'
t Venus sq r MC 0°30'
t Uranus co PSSR Moon 0°02'
PSSR Asc op t Pluto
It got to him.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
We've seen it before and I keep forgetting: Trump responds quite strongly to his Anlunars. Both his full Anlunar and the demi for the federal arraignment are quite negative.
From the solunars op: He flew back t Trump International Gold Club in New Jersey for his SSR with the strongest factors being:
t Saturn on Z 1°52'
t Mercury on Asc 2°12'
-- Mercury-Saturn sq 0°35'
r Pluto on IC 3°11'
-- t Mercury sq r Pluto 0°58' M
If he was at the NJ club when this set up, t Mars is 0°59' from EP=a, t and s Saturn 2-3° from Dsc and in partile mundane conjunction, etc.
I don't know for sure where he was for his July 31 SLR but I suspect he's simply spending the summer in NJ. Presuming that location, the SLR ism marked primarily by natal Neptune 1°49' From Asc.
But lets get to those Anlunars. Lunar returns are adaptable to fluidly location, so let's look at these first for Washington, DC where the action occurred. The July 12 Anlunar had:
6°12' Leo - t Mars [5v49' from Asc]
8°18' Ta - Anlunar MC
11°39' Aqu - t Saturn [0°44' from Dsc]
11°34' Tau - s Mercury [0°18' from Z]
11°52' Leo - Anlunar Asc
12°08' Aqu - s Saturn [0°13' from Dsc]
-- t Saturn sq r Mercury 0°05' [plus the SSR Mercury-Saturn angular]
The July 27 Demi-Anlunar has:
10°56' Aqu - t Saturn [4°40' from MC]
12v08' Aqu - s Saturn [2°58' from MC]
14°53' Aqu - Anlunar MC
15°15' Leo - t Mars [1°01' from IC]
Foreground t Saturn squared natal sun 1°41' M.
His NLR for the day occurred at 2 AM August 3. For Washington, among other nearby planets:
19°34' Leo - t Mars
20°19' Tau -NLR Asc
27°03' cap - NLR MC
27°44' Ari - t Uranus
And, as already seen, that transiting Uranus was on his PSSR Moon exactly.
From the solunars op: He flew back t Trump International Gold Club in New Jersey for his SSR with the strongest factors being:
t Saturn on Z 1°52'
t Mercury on Asc 2°12'
-- Mercury-Saturn sq 0°35'
r Pluto on IC 3°11'
-- t Mercury sq r Pluto 0°58' M
If he was at the NJ club when this set up, t Mars is 0°59' from EP=a, t and s Saturn 2-3° from Dsc and in partile mundane conjunction, etc.
I don't know for sure where he was for his July 31 SLR but I suspect he's simply spending the summer in NJ. Presuming that location, the SLR ism marked primarily by natal Neptune 1°49' From Asc.
But lets get to those Anlunars. Lunar returns are adaptable to fluidly location, so let's look at these first for Washington, DC where the action occurred. The July 12 Anlunar had:
6°12' Leo - t Mars [5v49' from Asc]
8°18' Ta - Anlunar MC
11°39' Aqu - t Saturn [0°44' from Dsc]
11°34' Tau - s Mercury [0°18' from Z]
11°52' Leo - Anlunar Asc
12°08' Aqu - s Saturn [0°13' from Dsc]
-- t Saturn sq r Mercury 0°05' [plus the SSR Mercury-Saturn angular]
The July 27 Demi-Anlunar has:
10°56' Aqu - t Saturn [4°40' from MC]
12v08' Aqu - s Saturn [2°58' from MC]
14°53' Aqu - Anlunar MC
15°15' Leo - t Mars [1°01' from IC]
Foreground t Saturn squared natal sun 1°41' M.
His NLR for the day occurred at 2 AM August 3. For Washington, among other nearby planets:
19°34' Leo - t Mars
20°19' Tau -NLR Asc
27°03' cap - NLR MC
27°44' Ari - t Uranus
And, as already seen, that transiting Uranus was on his PSSR Moon exactly.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
I think we have an example here is return charts showing an effect for the location of the effect.
Donald Trump was indicted yesterday in Atlanta, the most threatening of the indictments to him thus far except perhaps the one in DC. His current July 29 SLR calculated for Atlanta (where he was not physically located) has t Neptune 0°35' from Descendant and r Sun 2°23' from MC, along with wider factors. Neptune squared natal Sun within 3°.
His August 11 Demi-SLR has a pile-up of acute angularities for Atlanta. Taking only the very closest, we find:
r Moon on WP-a 0°06'
r Neptune on N 0°45'
r Mercury on Asc 0°54'
t Mars on IC 1°04'
-- t Mars sq r Uranus 0°43'
-- t Mars sq r Mercury 1°58' M
-- t Mars sq r Moon 2°35'
In contrast, is SLR for Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey where he has been living for the summer (40N39'11", 74W41'42") has transiting Neptune over 7° from Descendant although it has natal Neptune within 1°49' of Ascendant. The Demi loses all of the acute angularities and nearly all sense of threat: In fact, natal Jupiter on Nadir is his strongest angularity! He does have relevant foreground aspects, but with the planets quite widely angular (the natal Venus-Saturn-Neptune mundane square he has at that latitude, transited by Pluto). If I drop all Class 3 angularities, the Neptune disappears from the mix and the foreground aspects are transiting Pluto (Dsc 6°41') opposite natal Venus (Asc 5°22') and Saturn (Asc 4°35') mundanely. Perhaps unpleasant, but not seriously threatening.
The same chart for Atlanta, where the effect occurred, is ferociously threatening, though.
Donald Trump was indicted yesterday in Atlanta, the most threatening of the indictments to him thus far except perhaps the one in DC. His current July 29 SLR calculated for Atlanta (where he was not physically located) has t Neptune 0°35' from Descendant and r Sun 2°23' from MC, along with wider factors. Neptune squared natal Sun within 3°.
His August 11 Demi-SLR has a pile-up of acute angularities for Atlanta. Taking only the very closest, we find:
r Moon on WP-a 0°06'
r Neptune on N 0°45'
r Mercury on Asc 0°54'
t Mars on IC 1°04'
-- t Mars sq r Uranus 0°43'
-- t Mars sq r Mercury 1°58' M
-- t Mars sq r Moon 2°35'
In contrast, is SLR for Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey where he has been living for the summer (40N39'11", 74W41'42") has transiting Neptune over 7° from Descendant although it has natal Neptune within 1°49' of Ascendant. The Demi loses all of the acute angularities and nearly all sense of threat: In fact, natal Jupiter on Nadir is his strongest angularity! He does have relevant foreground aspects, but with the planets quite widely angular (the natal Venus-Saturn-Neptune mundane square he has at that latitude, transited by Pluto). If I drop all Class 3 angularities, the Neptune disappears from the mix and the foreground aspects are transiting Pluto (Dsc 6°41') opposite natal Venus (Asc 5°22') and Saturn (Asc 4°35') mundanely. Perhaps unpleasant, but not seriously threatening.
The same chart for Atlanta, where the effect occurred, is ferociously threatening, though.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Donald Trump
So… the karma he left in Atlanta has a chart?
That’s an interesting possibility there.
That’s an interesting possibility there.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
Well, it's HIS chart, but Atlanta is certainly holding onto his chart's attention.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
Trump's arrest in Atlanta occurred last night (August 24) at what seemed about 7 PM. (I haven't seen an exact time, and I'm not sure it matters much.) At 7 PM, Sun was at 6°06' Leo, a few minutes from his natal Ascendant, and he was certainly in the spotlight.
All transits included:
t Eris sq r Saturn 14'
t Neptune oc r Pluto 50'
-- t Neptune tr r Venus 8'
t Saturn oc r Jupiter 31'
t Sun co r Asc 7'
t Mercury sq r Moon 24'
Moon was at 8° Scorpio, shy of his 27° Scorpio Moon, so technically he was still under the last SLR and Demi-SLR which (as detailed above) were quite severe. In response to recent discussions about whether solar returns move with you across the globe as you travel (I think they do not), his Atlanta SSR has transiting Jupiter exactly on EP-a and transiting Uranus rising - not really what he has experienced thus far this year in Atlanta. (The chart for where it set up, in New Jersey, is pretty ugly as expected.)
He was, however, in the shadow of his incoming SLR, which is today at 7:50 PM EDT, almost exactly 24 hours after the booking. For Atlanta, it has transiting Saturn and natal Mars most angular. We have a bit of an astrological puzzle since observations are that (1) the SLR moves around with you as you relocate, (2) the SLR seems like it's felt a day or so earlier than it occurs, yet (3) he isn't in Atlanta when it actually occurs. From my experience travelling as difficult SLRs come into force, I think the correct picture is that while was in Atlanta, he would feel the pending malevolent chart - have the emotions of it - but this chart will never "lock in" and be effective for the rest of the month.
But his SLR for his Bedminster golf club, where the chart will actually set up, isn't much better. It might be even worse! Transiting Saturn is 0°06' from Ascendant (with Sun and Mercury also close). Natal Mars-Uranus are foreground. A 1°25' Sun-Saturn opposition stretches across the horizon (also Mercury-Saturn), with the same Sun 1°06' (M) from conjunct natal Mars. Neptune is only 0°01' from square his Moon mundanely. (There is more; but isn't that enough already?)
All transits included:
t Eris sq r Saturn 14'
t Neptune oc r Pluto 50'
-- t Neptune tr r Venus 8'
t Saturn oc r Jupiter 31'
t Sun co r Asc 7'
t Mercury sq r Moon 24'
Moon was at 8° Scorpio, shy of his 27° Scorpio Moon, so technically he was still under the last SLR and Demi-SLR which (as detailed above) were quite severe. In response to recent discussions about whether solar returns move with you across the globe as you travel (I think they do not), his Atlanta SSR has transiting Jupiter exactly on EP-a and transiting Uranus rising - not really what he has experienced thus far this year in Atlanta. (The chart for where it set up, in New Jersey, is pretty ugly as expected.)
He was, however, in the shadow of his incoming SLR, which is today at 7:50 PM EDT, almost exactly 24 hours after the booking. For Atlanta, it has transiting Saturn and natal Mars most angular. We have a bit of an astrological puzzle since observations are that (1) the SLR moves around with you as you relocate, (2) the SLR seems like it's felt a day or so earlier than it occurs, yet (3) he isn't in Atlanta when it actually occurs. From my experience travelling as difficult SLRs come into force, I think the correct picture is that while was in Atlanta, he would feel the pending malevolent chart - have the emotions of it - but this chart will never "lock in" and be effective for the rest of the month.
But his SLR for his Bedminster golf club, where the chart will actually set up, isn't much better. It might be even worse! Transiting Saturn is 0°06' from Ascendant (with Sun and Mercury also close). Natal Mars-Uranus are foreground. A 1°25' Sun-Saturn opposition stretches across the horizon (also Mercury-Saturn), with the same Sun 1°06' (M) from conjunct natal Mars. Neptune is only 0°01' from square his Moon mundanely. (There is more; but isn't that enough already?)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
Did you see Trump's recent SLR? Talk about a smack! - Monday, in the New York attorney general's case against Trump, his son, and their business, the judge made a pre-trial ruling that Trump DID commit fraud by falsely overstating his wealth. (This was a continuing offense - not limited to when he actually did it - because every year he had to refile the same paperwork for the same loans and he used the same inflated numbers every time.
This likely will go up for appeal and nobody knows the outcome of that, of course, until it happens; but the judge was following (implementing) a decision of the same appellate court, so most legal opinion is they are going to say he did it exactly right.
This is enormous. It's not a criminal charge that could put anybody away, but if upheld it will come very close to dismantling Trump's businesses. (The repercussions are complex and far-reaching. You can find them in the press over the last few days.)
No matter what he says, Trump felt the impact and it was deeply personal - as shown in his September 22 SLR. Here is how it looks for Trump National Golf Club (40N39'11", 74W41'42") where I think he is living all summer.
t Venus on Asc -9°39'
t Pluto on WP +0°39'
r Pluto on Asc +2°19'
r Venus on EP +1°48'
r Saturn on EP-a +1°58'
t Pluto op r Venus 0°32' M
r Venus-Saturn co 0°45' M
t Pluto op r Saturn 1°18' M
Other (non-fore) Partile Aspects
t Mars sq r Venus 0°07' M
t Mars-Pluto sq 0°25' M
t Jupiter sq r Mars 0°30' M
t Mars sq r Saturn 0°52' M
This likely will go up for appeal and nobody knows the outcome of that, of course, until it happens; but the judge was following (implementing) a decision of the same appellate court, so most legal opinion is they are going to say he did it exactly right.
This is enormous. It's not a criminal charge that could put anybody away, but if upheld it will come very close to dismantling Trump's businesses. (The repercussions are complex and far-reaching. You can find them in the press over the last few days.)
No matter what he says, Trump felt the impact and it was deeply personal - as shown in his September 22 SLR. Here is how it looks for Trump National Golf Club (40N39'11", 74W41'42") where I think he is living all summer.
t Venus on Asc -9°39'
t Pluto on WP +0°39'
r Pluto on Asc +2°19'
r Venus on EP +1°48'
r Saturn on EP-a +1°58'
t Pluto op r Venus 0°32' M
r Venus-Saturn co 0°45' M
t Pluto op r Saturn 1°18' M
Other (non-fore) Partile Aspects
t Mars sq r Venus 0°07' M
t Mars-Pluto sq 0°25' M
t Jupiter sq r Mars 0°30' M
t Mars sq r Saturn 0°52' M
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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SN 2016aps
I just found something new and perhaps of legitimate interest regarding Trump's chart.
On and off, I've noticed erupting supernovas being of unusual importance as transiting factors. When they hit angles or luminaries of someone's chart they have different effects but all seem to create conditions reasonably described as the person becoming some sort of "erupting supernova" of their own (perhaps with each SN having a slightly different flavor). The effect unfurls within about a year after the effect and may have consequences cascading for years after.
On February 22, 2016, a supernova was discovered (i.e., light reached Earth) that was catalogued as SN 2016aps. If occurred in the constellation Draco, the Dragon and was physically characterized by an extraordinarily great amount of energy and radiation discharged.
This Draco supernova occurred at 1°22' Cancer. Donald Trump's Venus is 1°45' Cancer. Based on what I've seen in other cases, I would expect this to manifest as a sudden surging of popularity and affection and an almost unprecedented level ("the most luminous supernova-type event to date"), resulting in a significant event within a year of February 22, 2016 with consequences cascading for years, and themed by the symbolism of the Great Dragon and extreme eruptive energy.
Not a bad description... presuming, of course, that there is something to these exploding star events.
On and off, I've noticed erupting supernovas being of unusual importance as transiting factors. When they hit angles or luminaries of someone's chart they have different effects but all seem to create conditions reasonably described as the person becoming some sort of "erupting supernova" of their own (perhaps with each SN having a slightly different flavor). The effect unfurls within about a year after the effect and may have consequences cascading for years after.
On February 22, 2016, a supernova was discovered (i.e., light reached Earth) that was catalogued as SN 2016aps. If occurred in the constellation Draco, the Dragon and was physically characterized by an extraordinarily great amount of energy and radiation discharged.
This Draco supernova occurred at 1°22' Cancer. Donald Trump's Venus is 1°45' Cancer. Based on what I've seen in other cases, I would expect this to manifest as a sudden surging of popularity and affection and an almost unprecedented level ("the most luminous supernova-type event to date"), resulting in a significant event within a year of February 22, 2016 with consequences cascading for years, and themed by the symbolism of the Great Dragon and extreme eruptive energy.
Not a bad description... presuming, of course, that there is something to these exploding star events.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Donald Trump
It’s like occasionally the universe raises up and supports an archetype. Good ones, bad ones, but always exceptionally powerful in the public psyche. And they test us and profoundly affect us.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
Since I just did this for Biden, it seems a good idea to repeat it for Trump, whether or not he is on the national ballot next year. Here are his outer planet major transits for the year. Uranus transit to natal MC almost at the election is, of course, the most important (though it could mean opposite things, but Jupiter then conjoins his Uranus a week and a half later when counting could be concluded in a close election.) The first concern, of course, is how he does in the various legal actions against him, and the front part of the year looks positive.
Feb 28 - Jupiter sq r Pluto
May 6 - Jupiter co r Midheaven
May 16 - Jupiter sq r Mars
May 30 - Jupiter sq r Ascendant
Jun 6 - Saturn sq r Uranus
Jun 25 - Uranus co r Midheaven
Jul 22 - Saturn sq r Uranus
Aug 31 - Jupiter co r Uranus
Nov 11 - Uranus co r Midheaven
Nov 16 - Jupiter co r Uranus
His main secondary progressions of the year are Mercury squaring natal MC (exact in June) and Venus squaring natal Saturn (exact in August near the conventions) - that latter seems the most important. Both are in orb all year. He has several Moon progressions but the only major hard aspects are a square to progressed Saturn May 11 and a square to natal Pluto November 21.
Solar arcs are not to his advantage around the election. Exact directions for the year:
May 8 - d Uranus oc r Jupiter
Nov 6 - d Saturn sq r Mercury
For election day itself, here are his solar arcs that are within orb, sorted by orb:
0°00' - d Saturn sq r Mercury
0°19' - d Neptune co r Moon
0°29' - d Uranus oc r Jupiter
0°38' - d MC co r Pluto
0°39' - d Pluto sq r Venus
0°51' - d Sun oc r Saturn
0°59' - d Mercury sq r Sun
These don't look positive at all!
If, next year, he follows his usual practice of celebrating his birthday at his golf course, he has the most positive SSR he's had in years. It's not over-the-top positive, but he's had some unusually severe ones the last few years. This one doesn't have that acute severity and does have a partile Moon aspect to natal Sun! Mostly I think it just shows him roaring out of the gates in his usual fashion and grabbing for the limelight (which he seems to get).
r Mars on Asc -1°31'
t Uranus on Z +0°54'
r Pluto on EPa +1°13'
t Moon sq r Sun 0°39' M
t Moon sq r Moon 0°56' M
t Moon-Mercury sq 0°09' M
t Moon-Venus sq 1°28'
t Moon-Neptune op 1°39'
t Uranus sq r Mars 2°57'
Feb 28 - Jupiter sq r Pluto
May 6 - Jupiter co r Midheaven
May 16 - Jupiter sq r Mars
May 30 - Jupiter sq r Ascendant
Jun 6 - Saturn sq r Uranus
Jun 25 - Uranus co r Midheaven
Jul 22 - Saturn sq r Uranus
Aug 31 - Jupiter co r Uranus
Nov 11 - Uranus co r Midheaven
Nov 16 - Jupiter co r Uranus
His main secondary progressions of the year are Mercury squaring natal MC (exact in June) and Venus squaring natal Saturn (exact in August near the conventions) - that latter seems the most important. Both are in orb all year. He has several Moon progressions but the only major hard aspects are a square to progressed Saturn May 11 and a square to natal Pluto November 21.
Solar arcs are not to his advantage around the election. Exact directions for the year:
May 8 - d Uranus oc r Jupiter
Nov 6 - d Saturn sq r Mercury
For election day itself, here are his solar arcs that are within orb, sorted by orb:
0°00' - d Saturn sq r Mercury
0°19' - d Neptune co r Moon
0°29' - d Uranus oc r Jupiter
0°38' - d MC co r Pluto
0°39' - d Pluto sq r Venus
0°51' - d Sun oc r Saturn
0°59' - d Mercury sq r Sun
These don't look positive at all!
If, next year, he follows his usual practice of celebrating his birthday at his golf course, he has the most positive SSR he's had in years. It's not over-the-top positive, but he's had some unusually severe ones the last few years. This one doesn't have that acute severity and does have a partile Moon aspect to natal Sun! Mostly I think it just shows him roaring out of the gates in his usual fashion and grabbing for the limelight (which he seems to get).
r Mars on Asc -1°31'
t Uranus on Z +0°54'
r Pluto on EPa +1°13'
t Moon sq r Sun 0°39' M
t Moon sq r Moon 0°56' M
t Moon-Mercury sq 0°09' M
t Moon-Venus sq 1°28'
t Moon-Neptune op 1°39'
t Uranus sq r Mars 2°57'
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
So the Supreme Court is going to hear - on an expedited basis - the most fundamental constitutional issue currently on the burners, something the court has never addressed: Whether a current or former U.S. president has immunity from prosecution for alleged crimes.
The mundane charts are all over the place. Probably the best way to assess which way this will go is to look at Trump's charts. One of the problems is that I'm not quite sure where he is at any given point in time, but he seems to be mostly in NYC for the Manhattan fraud trial.
News accounts seem to say he was in Manhattan on November 15 when his last SLR occurred at 1:10 PM. It was a bad chart matching his bad month. Transiting Saturn is 1°07' below Asc, natal Mars 0°38' below Descendant, and Saturn's opposition to his Mars is within 2° mundo. Natal Pluto is also foreground, but Saturn-to-Mars is the only close foreground aspect.
His November 28 Demi-SLR for Manhattan isn't any better. In fact, it's worse. Besides Saturn again opposite his Mars in the foreground (and transiting Saturn being the most angular planet)m, transiting Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are all closely interwoven in aspects in the foreground and Sun conjoins his Pluto. That's at least a hard smack. The partile Sun-Saturn square in RA exactly on MC-EP is bad for anyone claiming executive privilege.
That brings us to his December 13 SLR - tomorrow. The timetable is that the Court wants Trump's attorneys to respond by December 20, and the court will target a decision before the end of the month, so that seems to mean it will be under the new SLR. But I don't know where he's sleeping tonight. Is he still in NY? The chart is... not sharp... orbs are wide. There are no close foreground aspects. Saturn still opposes his Mars, but it's wider, with both of them several degrees from angles. Uranus square his Mars is the closest foreground aspect but they don't have super-close angularity.
It is unlikely this means "nothing interesting is happening this month." It could be a matter of timing or of location. The same chart for Washington, DC has transiting Venus and Uranus most exactly angular, which looks very good for him (which would be bad for the country). If he sleeps at Mar-a-Lago tonight, transiting Venus (IC 1°54') and Jupiter (2°02') are the most angular! (Don't tell him, please.)
If they don't have an answer until after Christmas, the decision comes under his December 26 Demi-SLR. He probably won't be in NYC (courts closed for the holidays and he hasn't been staying in town when he can avoid it), but - if he is - the Demi has transiting Jupiter within a degree of Midheaven! (That's about as good as it gets.) There are, however, a LOT of non-foreground aspects to his luminaries, including both Mars and Neptune to his Sun and Moon. I suspect he's most likely to spend Christmas at Mar-a-Lago where transiting Jupiter is is exactly on Zenith (and a mix of other stuff). If the focus is Washington, the tone is a little different but mostly the same: Transiting Pluto is most angular, but transiting Jupiter is right behind it, still within 3° of Midheaven. Natal Venus is also strong. Pluto to his Venus is the one foreground close aspect.
It's hard to anticipate this not knowing the location but, for all likely locations, his charts are better for the next for weeks than for the last four weeks.
The mundane charts are all over the place. Probably the best way to assess which way this will go is to look at Trump's charts. One of the problems is that I'm not quite sure where he is at any given point in time, but he seems to be mostly in NYC for the Manhattan fraud trial.
News accounts seem to say he was in Manhattan on November 15 when his last SLR occurred at 1:10 PM. It was a bad chart matching his bad month. Transiting Saturn is 1°07' below Asc, natal Mars 0°38' below Descendant, and Saturn's opposition to his Mars is within 2° mundo. Natal Pluto is also foreground, but Saturn-to-Mars is the only close foreground aspect.
His November 28 Demi-SLR for Manhattan isn't any better. In fact, it's worse. Besides Saturn again opposite his Mars in the foreground (and transiting Saturn being the most angular planet)m, transiting Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are all closely interwoven in aspects in the foreground and Sun conjoins his Pluto. That's at least a hard smack. The partile Sun-Saturn square in RA exactly on MC-EP is bad for anyone claiming executive privilege.
That brings us to his December 13 SLR - tomorrow. The timetable is that the Court wants Trump's attorneys to respond by December 20, and the court will target a decision before the end of the month, so that seems to mean it will be under the new SLR. But I don't know where he's sleeping tonight. Is he still in NY? The chart is... not sharp... orbs are wide. There are no close foreground aspects. Saturn still opposes his Mars, but it's wider, with both of them several degrees from angles. Uranus square his Mars is the closest foreground aspect but they don't have super-close angularity.
It is unlikely this means "nothing interesting is happening this month." It could be a matter of timing or of location. The same chart for Washington, DC has transiting Venus and Uranus most exactly angular, which looks very good for him (which would be bad for the country). If he sleeps at Mar-a-Lago tonight, transiting Venus (IC 1°54') and Jupiter (2°02') are the most angular! (Don't tell him, please.)
If they don't have an answer until after Christmas, the decision comes under his December 26 Demi-SLR. He probably won't be in NYC (courts closed for the holidays and he hasn't been staying in town when he can avoid it), but - if he is - the Demi has transiting Jupiter within a degree of Midheaven! (That's about as good as it gets.) There are, however, a LOT of non-foreground aspects to his luminaries, including both Mars and Neptune to his Sun and Moon. I suspect he's most likely to spend Christmas at Mar-a-Lago where transiting Jupiter is is exactly on Zenith (and a mix of other stuff). If the focus is Washington, the tone is a little different but mostly the same: Transiting Pluto is most angular, but transiting Jupiter is right behind it, still within 3° of Midheaven. Natal Venus is also strong. Pluto to his Venus is the one foreground close aspect.
It's hard to anticipate this not knowing the location but, for all likely locations, his charts are better for the next for weeks than for the last four weeks.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
Looking at his chart other than with solunars, transits also show he's had things rough in November than he will in December, since Saturn was stationary and sitting on his natal Descendant for two months - and in a day or two will leave partile orb. His Saturn transiting Descendant phase is over.
Transiting Neptune is still close enough to square his luminaries that if they show on the angles of any relevant chart, the transit will be important. Otherwise, Neptune also is leaving the area where it can cause him the greatest harm. (He does have a period just before and after Christmas when Mars and Neptune will aspect his luminaries together.)
His next severe progression (other than the ongoing Venus applying to precise square with his Saturn) is progressed Moon square progressed Saturn in about five months. That targets May but not now.
His current solar arcs within partile orb are:
d Saturn sq r Mercury -0°52'
d Uranus oc r Jupiter -0°24'
d Mercury sq r Sun +0°06'
d Pluto sq r Saturn +0°23'
d Mars sq r Pluto +0°54'
Transiting Neptune is still close enough to square his luminaries that if they show on the angles of any relevant chart, the transit will be important. Otherwise, Neptune also is leaving the area where it can cause him the greatest harm. (He does have a period just before and after Christmas when Mars and Neptune will aspect his luminaries together.)
His next severe progression (other than the ongoing Venus applying to precise square with his Saturn) is progressed Moon square progressed Saturn in about five months. That targets May but not now.
His current solar arcs within partile orb are:
d Saturn sq r Mercury -0°52'
d Uranus oc r Jupiter -0°24'
d Mercury sq r Sun +0°06'
d Pluto sq r Saturn +0°23'
d Mars sq r Pluto +0°54'
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
A test of solar arcs: Donald Trump exact solar arc directions in 2024-2026:
May 8 2024 - d Uranus oc r Jupiter
Nov 6 2024 - d Saturn sq r Mercury
Mar 7 2025 - d Neptune co r Moon
Jul 4 2025 - d MC co r Pluto
Jul 11 2025 - d Pluto sq r Venus
Sep 21 2025 - d Sun sq r Saturn
Nov 17 2025 - d Venus oc r Mars
May 8 2024 - d Uranus oc r Jupiter
Nov 6 2024 - d Saturn sq r Mercury
Mar 7 2025 - d Neptune co r Moon
Jul 4 2025 - d MC co r Pluto
Jul 11 2025 - d Pluto sq r Venus
Sep 21 2025 - d Sun sq r Saturn
Nov 17 2025 - d Venus oc r Mars
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
Continuing with the question of whether lunar returns show symbolism for where an event occurs even if one is not at that event...
Yesterday, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump cannot be on the Colorado ballots for national office on 14th Amendment grounds. This may get appealed, of course, but at the moment it's a hard slam at him. Trump wasn't anywhere near Denver, but that's where the event occurred. Here is his recent SLR for Denver:
r Mars on IC -7°31'
t Mercury on WP-a -2°01'
t Pluto on Dsc +0°25'
r Mercury on EP-a +0°20'
r Venus on Asc +1°47'
r Saturn on Asc +2°34'
r Neptune on IC +5°34'
t Mercury op r Mercury 0°27' M
r Venus-Saturn co 0°47' M
t Pluto op r Venus 1°22' M
t Mercury sq r Neptune 1°33'
t Pluto op r Saturn 2°09'
t Saturn sq r Neptune 3°00' M
That looks to me like a pretty hard smack that feels personal.
In contrast, if he was at Mar-a-Lago, transiting Venus and Jupiter were on the meridian (though square his Pluto).
Yesterday, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump cannot be on the Colorado ballots for national office on 14th Amendment grounds. This may get appealed, of course, but at the moment it's a hard slam at him. Trump wasn't anywhere near Denver, but that's where the event occurred. Here is his recent SLR for Denver:
r Mars on IC -7°31'
t Mercury on WP-a -2°01'
t Pluto on Dsc +0°25'
r Mercury on EP-a +0°20'
r Venus on Asc +1°47'
r Saturn on Asc +2°34'
r Neptune on IC +5°34'
t Mercury op r Mercury 0°27' M
r Venus-Saturn co 0°47' M
t Pluto op r Venus 1°22' M
t Mercury sq r Neptune 1°33'
t Pluto op r Saturn 2°09'
t Saturn sq r Neptune 3°00' M
That looks to me like a pretty hard smack that feels personal.
In contrast, if he was at Mar-a-Lago, transiting Venus and Jupiter were on the meridian (though square his Pluto).
Jim Eshelman
Re: Donald Trump
Amazingly stupid things are happening in the US. The man has not even been convicted of what he's being accused of. This decision in Colorado is plain stupid and every citizen who cares for any kind of justice or respect for the judicial system and democracy should oppose and demonstrate that. No matter whether you like or dislike the person in question. But the 'democracy' in the US is highly compromised and always has been with the flawed system when it comes to elections. People are not even asked for an ID when voting (plain stupid) and can cast many votes each if they want. The whole system is seriously flawed which in actuality you don't really have a real democracy, but rather a very corrupt and flawed oligarchy.
The judicial system is in ruins and the US is most likely coming to an end of an Era after the Pluto return.
The judicial system is in ruins and the US is most likely coming to an end of an Era after the Pluto return.
Re: Donald Trump
Arena, while I feel similarly to how you seem to in general regarding US democracy being rather flawed, many of these statements are incorrect. I have been asked for an ID every time I have voted, regardless of state, and as far as I am aware, that is the law in every state. You cannot legally vote multiple times, and the instance of people actually pulling that off are incredibly low per election. Every investigation into election quality ever done - and everything brought into court, notably regarding the previous election - has repeatedly reaffirmed this. There just is no evidence of voter fraud beyond a handful of individuals here or there - certainly nothing systemic.
The Colorado Supreme Court decided on removing Trump from the ballot on constitutional grounds, as each state has authority to oversee its own election process. It is separate from a criminal proceeding and is unrelated to him being convicted of a criminal offense and being punished as a criminal.
The Colorado Supreme Court decided on removing Trump from the ballot on constitutional grounds, as each state has authority to oversee its own election process. It is separate from a criminal proceeding and is unrelated to him being convicted of a criminal offense and being punished as a criminal.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump ... tives.html
I want to post this New York Times article from last August so that it doesn't get lost or inaccessible. Its law review publication will happen sometime in the new year. The bottom line is that some leading, respected, conservative legal scholars have deeply researched the application of the 14th Amendment to the question of Mr. Trump's candidacy for federal office and concluded, based on conservative originalist principles, that he is barred from running for office or being elected. This is a purely legal analysis without the emotion routinely brought to the question. When I first read the article, I was excited that they researched and answered the exact questions I had (from a legal perspective), especially what particular words and phrases meant when the amendment was written). I had tried to research this and didn't get very far.
It may surprise many that my own view on this issue is more conservative than that of most of my friends. I was predictably happy with the Colorado and Maine decisions, of course, because I think they are just. I do not, however, think they are legal. (Just and legal do not always match.) My objection to the decisions is that there has not been a legal finding that Trump has engaged in an insurrection. I'm certain he did engage in an insurrection, but that hasn't been legally proven. In the same way that legal documentation is warranted to confirm that someone desiring to run for president is at least 35 years of age etc., some sort of formal determination needs to be made of engagement in insurrection. This is still pending, IMHO. Getting that determination quickly is of the greatest importance IMHO. The simplest and least political way the Supreme Court can navigate the Strait of Messina is to adopt this research and find that, yes, the amendment's language applies to the office of president blah blah blah AND requires a legal finding that one has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States or given aid or comfort to the nation's enemies.
BTW, the one success of my own research into the language of the 14th Amendment was to uncover that 'engage' comes from a French word (used in dueling, etc.) that literally means "to throw down the glove." I think that, unquestionably, Trump threw down the glove. I would be happy if a legal finding issued that agrees with me on that point
I want to post this New York Times article from last August so that it doesn't get lost or inaccessible. Its law review publication will happen sometime in the new year. The bottom line is that some leading, respected, conservative legal scholars have deeply researched the application of the 14th Amendment to the question of Mr. Trump's candidacy for federal office and concluded, based on conservative originalist principles, that he is barred from running for office or being elected. This is a purely legal analysis without the emotion routinely brought to the question. When I first read the article, I was excited that they researched and answered the exact questions I had (from a legal perspective), especially what particular words and phrases meant when the amendment was written). I had tried to research this and didn't get very far.
It may surprise many that my own view on this issue is more conservative than that of most of my friends. I was predictably happy with the Colorado and Maine decisions, of course, because I think they are just. I do not, however, think they are legal. (Just and legal do not always match.) My objection to the decisions is that there has not been a legal finding that Trump has engaged in an insurrection. I'm certain he did engage in an insurrection, but that hasn't been legally proven. In the same way that legal documentation is warranted to confirm that someone desiring to run for president is at least 35 years of age etc., some sort of formal determination needs to be made of engagement in insurrection. This is still pending, IMHO. Getting that determination quickly is of the greatest importance IMHO. The simplest and least political way the Supreme Court can navigate the Strait of Messina is to adopt this research and find that, yes, the amendment's language applies to the office of president blah blah blah AND requires a legal finding that one has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States or given aid or comfort to the nation's enemies.
BTW, the one success of my own research into the language of the 14th Amendment was to uncover that 'engage' comes from a French word (used in dueling, etc.) that literally means "to throw down the glove." I think that, unquestionably, Trump threw down the glove. I would be happy if a legal finding issued that agrees with me on that point

Jim Eshelman
Re: Donald Trump
They, whoever “they” may be have had 4 years to prove insurrection, why did “they” wait to election year when they knew Trump would be running for Prez in 2024? I think “they” have miscalculated their tactics waiting to election year to try and rush a judgement for insurrection. By rushing now for a judgement-- it is only strengthening Trump’s campaign for Prez by what I can see with polls and wagering odds. But, if Trump wins Prez “they” will have plenty more time to take him out legally, but would probably be improbable with the 5-4 Supreme Court favor for Reps. The only way I see “they” can take Trump out is with assassination and there is par-excellent hard-nose Mars-Uranus-Pluto symbolism in Hazelrigg’s next SSR for a possible assassination to occur for the 2024 Hazelrigg’s solar year. Or, “they” may indeed prove Trump is legally guilty for insurrection and if so—then Supreme Court I guess would have no choice but to remove Trump from office. Lots of high octane fuel here for more political division for USA. It’s time to buy Media Stocks---again. 

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Donald Trump
It took time to get it together. I don't think people were waiting. Other lawsuits were in motion, the DOJ was building its case, and a formal congressional investigation took most of a year to investigate and document the case very publicly. (There were political realities that cost them about a year along the way, then about a year to take testimony and organize documents behind closed doors, then about a year to hold the public phase.) The DOJ was still collecting evidence and organizing its case during the late stages of the congressional investigation, and there were minor fights between them on who got to control what evidence. I don't think it's a matter of rushing it now, but of fighting hard for three years to get everything lined up and over with before the election year got underway. They're behind schedule.
If Trump wins, it's probably over in his lifetime. He'll shut down the DOJ action in a minute.
Your point about assassination is sound. Also, his health isn't all that great. By inauguration day 2025, Solar Arc MC is within half a degree of his Pluto, p/d Sun semi-squares his Saturn, Saturn squares his Mercury, d Neptune is minutes from his Moon... his health isn't good.
Regrettably, we continue to live in interesting times. Any decade that has the U.S. Pluto return and Uranus return about a year apart, with Neptune opposite Neptune overlapping... will make for interesting times.
If Trump wins, it's probably over in his lifetime. He'll shut down the DOJ action in a minute.
Your point about assassination is sound. Also, his health isn't all that great. By inauguration day 2025, Solar Arc MC is within half a degree of his Pluto, p/d Sun semi-squares his Saturn, Saturn squares his Mercury, d Neptune is minutes from his Moon... his health isn't good.
Regrettably, we continue to live in interesting times. Any decade that has the U.S. Pluto return and Uranus return about a year apart, with Neptune opposite Neptune overlapping... will make for interesting times.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Donald Trump
Jim wrote:
Exactly Jim! Not only “interesting times” but very dangerous astrological times for USA till the end of this decade.Regrettably, we continue to live in interesting times. Any decade that has the U.S. Pluto return and Uranus return about a year apart, with Neptune opposite Neptune overlapping... will make for interesting times.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19528
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Donald Trump
Trump's current (January 9) SLR for Concord, NH has Sun rising square natal Jupiter on Zenith:
23°28' Vir - r Jupiter
23°39' Sag - t Sun
24°33' Sag - SLR Asc
Other planets foreground include:
Class 2: t Uranus, r Mercury, r Venus, r Saturn, r Pluto
Class 3: t Pluto
t Sun sq r Jupiter 0°11'
t Uranus sq r Venus 0°13' M
r Venus-Saturn co 1°55'
t Uranus-Pluto sq 2°14' M
-- t Uranus sq r Saturn 2°57' M
t Pluto op r Venus 2°27'
Obviously it means he wins, and probably big.
His Demi-SLR for Concord, NH for January 22, the day of the primary is quite the opposite, though: t Saturn at 10°17' Aqu is on IC 12°23' Aqu. The only other foreground planets are transiting Uranus (moderate) and natal Mars (barely).
While the non-astrological odds are still that he wins, this suggests a major disappointment for him in New Hampshire tomorrow. My only guess is that it means he doesn't win nearly as big as he expected he would.
23°28' Vir - r Jupiter
23°39' Sag - t Sun
24°33' Sag - SLR Asc
Other planets foreground include:
Class 2: t Uranus, r Mercury, r Venus, r Saturn, r Pluto
Class 3: t Pluto
t Sun sq r Jupiter 0°11'
t Uranus sq r Venus 0°13' M
r Venus-Saturn co 1°55'
t Uranus-Pluto sq 2°14' M
-- t Uranus sq r Saturn 2°57' M
t Pluto op r Venus 2°27'
Obviously it means he wins, and probably big.
His Demi-SLR for Concord, NH for January 22, the day of the primary is quite the opposite, though: t Saturn at 10°17' Aqu is on IC 12°23' Aqu. The only other foreground planets are transiting Uranus (moderate) and natal Mars (barely).
While the non-astrological odds are still that he wins, this suggests a major disappointment for him in New Hampshire tomorrow. My only guess is that it means he doesn't win nearly as big as he expected he would.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Donald Trump
Well, he seems particularly perturbed with Nikki Haley, with him recently resorting to threats of investigation after he’s elected. I think she’s really getting under his skin.Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Jan 21, 2024 3:48 pm
His Demi-SLR for Concord, NH for January 22, the day of the primary is quite the opposite, though: t Saturn at 10°17' Aqu is on IC 12°23' Aqu. The only other foreground planets are transiting Uranus (moderate) and natal Mars (barely).
While the non-astrological odds are still that he wins, this suggests a major disappointment for him in New Hampshire tomorrow. My only guess is that it means he doesn't win nearly as big as he expected he would.