My friend's next 2023 SSR

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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
By the way, from the local Gulf Shores press (actually, the Orange Beach community website), I found that the fire started about 5 PM July 16. (I thought it must have been earlier in the day, but this confirms it.) So far (from reports early the next day) the news was that the fire started in a dumpster and primarily impacted the kitchen area of the building (though with great damage).
It is my understanding Jim the Fire Marshall has video surveillance of the dumpster area for the entire day when the Fire started. For sure the fire started in the dumpster by accident. The Fire Marshall by looking at the video surveillance thinks an outside table ashtray dumped into a trash container and then into the dumpster started the fire. This surveillance and Fire Marshall's report has to go to the insurance company for their review.
Jim wrote:
The fire was reported across the south, including in parts of Louisiana where it appeared on travel news because locals travel to Gulf Shores a lot, often heading specifically to that restaurant. All the news emphasized that fire authorities are still investigating how the fire began. One local TV news site mentioned that other local restaurants "stepped up and offered temporary positions" to the employees, i.e., grabbed them up while the getting was good (I imagine).
The restaurant was very popular with the locals and tourists from the entire south, also for the “snowbirds” who flock to Gulf Shores from the North in the winter time. Jim It’s unreal the business restaurants do in this area. Ever since Covid, there has been a tremendous labor shortage for restaurant employees---wages for restaurant employees have skyrocketed. If I told you how much servers make in tips alone you would not believe me.
Jim, I see/understand your take on “wheels within wheels” and your mundane look at local community. But by my studies of Solar Arcs, I still believe my friend’s d MC = n Mars timed exactly what it was supposed to by timing a major malefic Mars “life development” relative to his entire life. No way could an astrologer using Solar Arcs have predicted a fire, only a major Mars “life development.”
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Here's another super-benefic indicator that either shows we don't know the outcome yet OR that the predictive technique is nonsense: As you know, for many years I've casually tracked Bradley's unsettled suspicion that the Hindu Dasa system is important (in terms of pure planetary symbolism). I especially like to check it when a major event happens that doesn't easily, clearly match the primary predictive methods.

The Dasa system shows that your friend should be in the middle of the two best years of his life! The happiest, most prospering. He entered his 16-year JUPITER major period June 21, 2022. The first two years of this (until July 28, 2024) are JUPITER-JUPITER, the best of all 81 periods.

As I said, this system might just be wrong - invalid. It has seemed broadly correct for a long time, but that could be wishful thinking since I've never done applied the statistical method to it.

But it it's valid, then your friend should one day find himself looking at June 2022 to July 2024 as the luckiest, best period of his life.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
But it it's valid, then your friend should one day find himself looking at June 2022 to July 2024 as the luckiest, best period of his life.
I have no experience with this system. By what I understand from the city code laws, he will not be able to rebuild his beach side café. This is presently slamming him in the dumps. His attorney has told him pertaining to city codes, the old saying: “You can’t fight City Hall” applies to rebuilding the café. But, who knows for sure, after he adapts to not being in the hectic restaurant business he may indeed become a very happy person involved in other things. My friend has spent enough time in my office over the many years and has been very aware of the excellent forecasting ability of his past SSRs throughout his life. But he told me yesterday: Unless by a miracle the city allows him to rebuild the café-- this year’s SSR forecast has completely failed, but as you said he still has a few months to go before his current SSR ends. Jim, this tells me we probably have something new to learn/implement in ways for reading certain SSRs.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

With my ongoing research with my life confirming Fagan's views in this topic as very true: “A Fagan Observation With a Successful Predictive Method for SLR’s” in the below link, I can now also clearly see this Fagan Observation applying to my friend’s 2023 SSR with his café’s fire, big time.


Here are the two glaring partile aspects in his 2023 SSR and they are not angular, but are dominating his life now with the devastating fire at his cafe!

2023 SSR Mars partile 90 his Natal Mars
2023 SSR Saturn partile 180 his Natal Saturn

Although this outer planet transit of Saturn was not used by Fagan with his observation in the above link, only the fast moving transiting planets, this partile transiting SSR Saturn 180 his Natal Saturn for sure plays a very important role in his life now. And not to be ignored IMHO, these two malefic transits are both wired into his two Natal malefic planets of Mars & Saturn in his 6H of: “Work, employees, servants, government agencies, law enforcers, firemen, food…” Put these two SSR partile transiting planets together with his 1 minute orb of Solar Arc MC 180 his 6H Mars for the day of the fire, and we see clear symbolic aspects which has shut his business down manifesting if they are angular in nature.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Jim, again I thank you for your feedback, I think with your feedback I am learning new things with SSRs. Your observation for that July 5 Demi Anlunar for my friend is an eye opener for me. I have basically ignored Anlunars with my work, I agree with your thinking: “How many damn charts are we supposed to look at?” Maybe when we see very benefic or malefic partile transits in the SSR only to Natal Planets we should see if they are featured angular for both the SLRs & Anlunars for pinpointing “outstanding incidents?” I still feel his most benefic SSR will somehow bail him out of this devastating situation with the fire, he has worked so much/difficut to achieve his success for his beach side cafe.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I still have high expectations for the solar as well.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Jim, my friend has been and is still well aware of his super benefic 2023 SSR. He told me this morning if he gets the benefic influence of Jupiter with his 2023 SSR and is allowed to build back from the fire, it will be the greatest benefic SSR action he has witness since a Jupiter-Uranus Paran SSR in the 80s. I forgot which one in the 80s, but when I was going over the symbolism with him asking him what happened after not seeing him for years since college, he told me it was the most benefic time (solar year) he had experienced in his life.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Surely it was 1987. That one looks legendary.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Surely it was 1987. That one looks legendary.
:) Indeed it was Jim, thanks, and here is a bird’s eye view of that incredible lucky 1987 SSR and everyone needs to eye this beautiful incredible lucky "Thank You Lord" Jupiter-Uranus Paran.

We hooked-up again in 1992 after 20 years being apart in college as best friends. He wanted me to prove to him that I had learned from your work in Sidereal Astrology was valid/true. I started with his 1987 SSR and he has been hooked on SSRs ever since then :) .
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Jim, somewhere in this thread you mentioned my friend in Gulf Shores had a benefic Jupiter SLR in Oct. Below is a link to his Oct 19 Jupiter—MC SLR. To update my friend’s situations for rebuilding his beach-side café, Bahama Bob’s (BB), he is in a tedious process of coordinating things with the architect/structural engineers required by city codes. It appears to me by what he telling me it will take to “sometime in Oct” before he will know if he gets a green light from the city to start rebuilding. He explains to me it is critical that he opens on Jan 1 for cash flow purposes. I note this opening date is still within his most benefic 2023 SSR :) . Time will tell.

Friend’s Oct 19 Jup-MC SLR:

Note a partile Sun-Mercury cnj---partile 180 Node. I think this symbolizes communications (Mercury) from the city (Sun-Node-Authority--Contacts) giving him a green light to start the rebuilding process which according to my friend will give plenty of time to be open Jan 1 2024. Again, Time will tell.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This is encouraging. For his sake, I hope it works out. For astrology's sake, I'm extremely interested in how this continues to unfold.

My fantasy for him is that this turns out so spectacularly that people wonder if maybe he didn't set the fire to make it all come out perfectly.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Ever since he moved to Gulf Shores everything has turned out perfectly for him, he lowered his lattitude which improved his attitude. Even with women. When I hooked back up with him after not seeing him for years I was talking to his date one night and asked her what kind of reputation does my friend have in Gulf Shores---she responded--the women in Gulf Shores nicked -- named him "the whore of gulf shores." I almost died laughing. :lol:
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:48 am ...the women in Gulf Shores nicked-named him "the whore of gulf shores." I almost died laughing.
While he always had the natal potential for this with that superbly aspected and tightly angular Scorpio Moon, moving to Gulf Shores put Jupiter 0°17' from his Zenith. It sounds like he "got lucky" in more ways than one. (It's nearly as close at birthplace, though.)

In fact, his Gulf Shores relocation - just from planets on angles - is terribly interesting. Counting only the four closely foreground planets:

22°25' 9H - Jupiter [0°17' from Zenith]
23°54' 9H - Moon
27°31' 6H - Mars stationary
2°58' 4H - Uranus
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm curious... did he by chance open the restaurant in 1987 or '88? (Or were there life overturning shifts in '87?) If the answer is yes, I have something terribly interesting to mention; otherwise, it's not worth mentioning.

And actually, with your Sun degree, I should ask the same thing: Specifically was there some life-overturning event in 1987 that was like the universe suddenly cracked open and demanded your unresisting attention?
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

My friend opened BB in 1999. But, when he hit Gulf Shores he was off and running with new energies all around him. He once told me it was a feeling that "he found his ture home".

And yes, in 1987 was when my MC Solar Arc to my 11H Neptune ("hopes & dreams") and I became the proud owner of a commercial theater which was closed down. It was mine to do my thing and I felt like a true King for the first time in my life. :)
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I asked, Steve, because of something that was exact to the minute in my chart, but is also with a degree in your chart. I've known about this a few years but only recently have realized what a stupendous astronomical event it was.

First (as you know) your Sun is at 2°50' Virgo and your Uranus at 2°06'. The Galactic Center is at 2°06' Sagittarius, opposite your Uranus 0°00'. I'm not big on squares of stars and galactic formations to natal planets, or of ecliptic contacts of stars at all, so this wouldn't be a big deal except you also have an exact Sun-GC paran: For birthplace, your Sun rises at RAMC 86°15', your Uranus is on MC at 85°46' (your only actual Sun-Uranus paran), and the GC was on IC at 85°35' when you were born. (Already it deserves a wow!)

Then, on February 23, 1987 a remarkable thing happened: 168,000 years after the faint star Sanduleak actually exploded into a supernova, the light of the supernova explosion reached Earth, bathing the planet for 13 seconds in off-the-map neutrino radiation. This first supernova visible to the naked eye since Kepler's 1604 supernova just happened to be at 2°09' Gemini - 0°03' from opposite the Galactic Center, 0°03' from conjunct your Uranus, and within a degree of square your Sun.

If that weren't enough, later that year while this was all fresh, Uranus passed through 2° Sagittarius several times - squaring your Sun, opposing your Uranus, conjoining the Galactic Center, and opposing the visible-in-daylight 1987 supernova.

Finally, every time transiting Uranus passed this way, it was semi-square transiting Pluto!

Just to put this in perspective, here is the lineup for noon (your time zone) February 23, 1987 (although I think the effect lasted much longer).

15°22' Lib - t Pluto
1°36' Sag - t Uranus
2°06' Gem - r Uranus
2°06' Sag - Galactic Center
2°09' Gem - Supernova 1987A
2°50' Vir - r Sun

I just thought you should know :)

I suggest looking at a 45° graphic ephemeris for 1987-88 showing only your natal Sun-Uranus and transiting Uranus-Pluto.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I just thought you should know :)
Indeed Jim!
Jim wrote:
First (as you know) your Sun is at 2°50' Virgo and your Uranus at 2°06'. The Galactic Center is at 2°06' Sagittarius, opposite your Uranus 0°00'. I'm not big on squares of stars and galactic formations to natal planets, or of ecliptic contacts of stars at all, so this wouldn't be a big deal except you also have an exact Sun-GC paran: For birthplace, your Sun rises at RAMC 86°15', your Uranus is on MC at 85°46' (your only actual Sun-Uranus paran), and the GC was on IC at 85°35' when you were born. (Already it deserves a wow!)
Indeed a wow Jim. I never realized my Sun-Ur 90 potential paran was wrapped into the GC by grand cross aspects. I knew my potential paran of Sun-Uranus offered uniqueness for being squared the circle when it rotated to its paran everyday with the rotation of the earth on its daily axis. Jim, in your opinion what is the astrological symbolism of the GC by itself? Being born in a very rural area and being raised in a culture with no inkling to anything astrological, I have always deeply pondered why in this world I became naturally interested to a point of total absorption in the field of astrology. I had to contribute this to my partile Sun-Uranus 90 and that it formed a potential paran with its ecliptical partile 90 aspect, just made symbolic common sense. But now you have pointed out my Sun-Uranus is tied into the GC. I note your ASC MC is also placed in a squaring configuration with the GC. In other words, your Natal squares the circle with the GC. Can’t be a coincidence Jim, since our true soul passion is the study of Sidereal Astrology with its beautiful symbolic charts for natives. Thank you so much Jim for pointing this GC out to me with my all-important Sun-Uranus partile 90 in my Natal, it’s a new revelation for me to ponder.
And then about the super nova that happened during my 1987 solar year, which was for sure the most important year of my life as far as finally achieving my freedom as a business owner in my passion for the Movie Industry.
I suggest looking at a 45° graphic ephemeris for 1987-88 showing only your natal Sun-Uranus and transiting Uranus-Pluto.
I have never used a graphic ephemeris but remember Matthew says it was his favorite tool to use with his astrological work. But I damn sure know this: My freedom achieved in my 1987 solar year was absolutely born out of one hell-of a Uranus-Pluto Business Revolution. If it was not for this Uranus-Pluto business freedom/revolution, I never would have been able to set myself –up in retirement to pursue my passion of studying astrology. And you have to realize as long as I have been an active member of this forum---its the only outlet I have to be around other astrologers to communicate astrological things for learning curves, its my only passion left since I no longer have my passion by being out of the movie business. Thanks Jim :)
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 5:13 am Jim, in your opinion what is the astrological symbolism of the GC by itself?
It seems to be a hyper-Sun - the ultimate hub or pivot point. Not with the usual solar character traits but in the sense (as that which the Sun itself orbits) of a fundamental hub around which people and very significant ideas swarm. The examples that one finds tend to be people with something distinctive to contribute - one is inclined to say (i.e., it feels to them like it is) a "cosmic destiny" or something of singular contribution.

Fagan thought it had a special connection to aviation, his favorite example being the Wright brothers' first flight.

It does seem that interests are in some broad sense "galactic," but also that one's role is "galactic."
I note your ASC MC is also placed in a squaring configuration with the GC.
Transiting Uranus crossed my IC December 9, 1987 on the exact day it was semi-square Pluto to the minute. (Both of these were to the minute.) At 5:15 PM that day in Santa Ana, CA, as the whole thing came across the horizon I had the single most important event of my life.
And then about the super nova that happened during my 1987 solar year, which was for sure the most important year of my life as far as finally achieving my freedom as a business owner in my passion for the Movie Industry.
I went 30 years not knowing that the supernova was part of the picture but, at this point in time, a lot of stuff is coming out about events in the immediate aftermath of that SN.
I suggest looking at a 45° graphic ephemeris for 1987-88 showing only your natal Sun-Uranus and transiting Uranus-Pluto.
I have never used a graphic ephemeris but remember Matthew says it was his favorite tool to use with his astrological work.
Oh, man, before computers these were amazing. Yes, Matthew and I used to buy the large=scale size (pads of them) that the Ebertin organization put out every year. Solar Fire does them easily. With your Cosmobiology leaning, I'm suirprised you haven't used these and the 90° routinely.

In Solar Fire, do this: Select your chart and click the graphic ephemeris button on the toolbar, or click Dynamic > Graphic Ephemeris, or shift press Shift+F4. It works like the normal transit report. From the Saved Selections dropdown, pick "45 Deg Transits (2 years)." Make sure the "Start Date" field says, say, Jan 1, 1987. In the middle click Transits and confirm the other entries (as they should) say Longitude and 45°00'. In the check boxes, pick Radix Positions, Sign Labels, Deg Grid Liness, and Date Grid Lines (they should be automatic). At this point you can just click View, but, for best effect, under Point Select, set Transits to "outers."

See at a glance your 1987-88.

You can make this more dramatic by creating a custom transiting point file (call it Temp) just with Uranus and Pluto, and a custom point file for Radix that has only Sun and Uranus. (This is just for Wow effect.)

If you start playing with the graphic ephemeris and see what it can do for overviews of a year's aspects, or an individual's transits, or watching progressions or solar arcs across a lifetime at a glance, or any number of other things - you probably won't quit!
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
It seems to be a hyper-Sun - the ultimate hub or pivot point. Not with the usual solar character traits but in the sense (as that which the Sun itself orbits) of a fundamental hub around which people and very significant ideas swarm. The examples that one finds tend to be people with something distinctive to contribute - one is inclined to say (i.e., it feels to them like it is) a "cosmic destiny" or something of singular contribution.
OMG Jim, these words hit my soul like a ton of bricks, it explains so much about my inner life I could not understand about myself astrologically, things that are so difficult for me to put into words. If I have something important to contribute it has to be with stuff my soul feels/sees about Giza with the Sidereal Zodiac, but it certainly does not mean I am right, it’s just a strong soul feeling. Definitely timed for me to see/understand better with your above words with my current SLR “locking-in” that transiting Sun-Uranus Paran on my Natal. I wanted so much to understand this Jim about myself astrologically before I kicked that bucket, maybe in order to take with me and my soul back to the heavens. You and your work have been so special for my life for understanding things astrologically. Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

And thanks for the special instructions for the Graphic E, I will try to work with it.
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Re: My friend's next 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

My good friend in Gulf Shores is still waiting on the slow processes of the Architect completing Plans which have to be summited to the city for approval, in order to rebuild his beach-side cafe from the fire. My friend is getting very antsy, the Architect has to wait on two different Engineers to attach their plans to the main plans of the Architect. Because of Jim’s observation about my friend’s benefic Lunar on Oct 19, I have told my friend----high % the Plans will be City approved by the end of Oct. Time will tell, it always does. :)
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