Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

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Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by Arena »

Like I said in the initial thread about my new relationship here:

The synastry and solar arcs as well as transits and progressions all have a great story to tell us about my new relationship that I am so enjoying. The composite also tells a story and I would like in the future to make note of transits to it and solar arcs moving from the day we met for exploration purposes.

The composite chart cast for our birth places shows DSC as partile the midpoint between Venus just below and Jupiter just above = Ven/Jup=DSC. Jupiter is also in 7th. For Rvk this changes to Ven/Pluto=DSC. The MC for our birth places is the midpoint between the composite Moon/Mars while the composite MC for Rvk (where we met and live) is partile the Sun/Moon. Composite Jupiter is partile 0.21° the Ven/Mars midpoint.
If using WSH Moon is in 11th house while 7th house has Jup and Pluto as well as Ven/Jup, Sun/Ven, Ven/Mars. The 8th house has Ur, Mer, Sun, Mars and Nnode as well as Sun/Mars and Jupiter midpoints to Sun, Mars, Mer. Saturn falls into the 5th with WSH so I guess that is where we feel the seriousness and responsibilities in our relationship - our children. But if I use Campanus house system it puts all those planets plus Pluto, Jup and Nep into a big 7th house.

IF we explore the solar arcs moving from the date we met August 30th 2019 and we see that the Sun/Moon midpoint as well as the Ven/Jup midpoint will conjunct the MC and DSC within the first year I suspect it may mean we will be seen as a couple within half a year from meeting (although not married yet, we did indeed "publish" ourselves or appear as a couple to those who know us in December and January). Having those midpoints on those angles may also simply mean that this can be a very loving and long lasting and good marriage/relationship. The Moon/Mars midpoint is denoting an instant sexual attraction/connection with high sexual energy and having it partile the other MC and then the Ven/Pluto=Rvk DSC may mean that we are always projecting and sense our togetherness as a sexy and passionate couple :D

I don't know exactly what I should think about the solar arc Moon coming to an opposition to the Ven/Saturn midpoint in just over 3°. Ebertin says about Ven/Sat=Moon: "Emotional depressions caused by unsatisfied love, emotional inhibitions, an unfortunate disposition or difficult circumstances in all matters of love-expression. A woman living separated from her husband or living a lonely life." I guess it may mean either a total separation or a temporary separation from each other or it may also mean a rough patch or depression for me that the relationship will suffer from.

For the Rvk DSC we see that comp Venus will conjunct it within 9 years but the d DSC will also conjunct with Pluto at the same time. This is slightly different for the composite with our birth places; d. DSC to Pluto within 4 yrs and the d. Venus to the DSC in about 13 yrs. The Moon/Pluto midpoint will also direct to square Venus in just over 5 yrs.

But maybe a relationship with the Sun/Moon and Moon/Mars= MC as well as Ven/Jup and Ven/Pl= DSC is indeed a long lasting connection that can be strong enough to withstand challenges.

Ebertin about the important angles to midpoints:
A harmonious soul-life, individual attitude to friendship and marriage. The consummation of marriage.
The spiritual relationship to wife, getting married.
The joy of love, happiness in love. People engaged to be married, artists.
The stage of falling in love, becoming engaged or marrying, outward "happiness".

Ven/Jup=ASC (he doesn't take the DSC)
Cheerfulness, a warm heart, sociableness, confidence. Acquaintanceship and love, being happy with others.
Fanatic love, the desire for sensual pleasure, lasciviousness.
Fanatics in love or in art.
Being madly in love with one's lover, the state of being attracted to a lover by a kind of inner compulsion.

Ven/Pluto=ASC (he doesn't take the DSC)
An attractive and fascinating personality wielding a great influence upon other people. An unusual love affair.
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Re: Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by Arena »

I will now continue with the important contacts I see from our natal charts to our composite charts.

Arena to composite:
N. DSC 1,14° conj comp. MC.
Rvk. DSC conj. comp. Moon/Pluto.
N. Jup conj comp Sun/Moon and Rvk comp MC and this is opp n. Sun/Moon midpoint.
(Might this mean that my relationship will somehow relate to our career or be somehow projected into the world?).
This also puts natal Pluto square those.
N. Uranus conj. comp. Jupiter within 2°.
N. Neptune partile comp. Uranus.
N. Mars partile opp comp. Moon and n. Ven/Ur 1,37° opp comp. Moon.

Ebertin about Sun/Moon=Jupiter
Desire for joint endeavour, for expansion and possessions. Happy relationship, joint success, marriage, shared happiness, birth.
I ask because we are already talking about publishing the music we have composed and written together. :) Also we have so much fun together that we might do more than just music together, as in a joint venture of some kind.

His natal to composite:
ASC conj. comp. MC
Rvk ASC sq comp Sun/Venus & Jupiter and Venus/Mars.
Jupiter conj. comp. IC.
Sun&Mars partile sq comp. Uranus.
Sun/Moon and Moon/Mars conj. comp. Sun/Moon and Rvk. MC.
MC & Nep partile comp. Moon/Jupiter.
Rvk MC & Venus partile conj. comp. Moon/Pluto.
Mars/Pluto partile conj. comp. Nep.
Moon/Pluto 1,08° conj. comp. Sun.
Venus/Jup 0,30° conj. comp. Pluto.
Moon/Jup partile comp. Ven/Pluto and Rvk DSC.
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Re: Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by SteveS »

Arena, here is my simple main reason I see you having so much fun with your new mate. Your secondary progressed Jupiter 05,12 Sag is partile 180 your Sun/Moon Midpoint (05,41 Gem) (the king midpoint for relationships) :) . Robert Hand teaches:
The effects of individual midpoints will be seen most clearly when they are set off by dynamic factors such as transits, solar arcs directions, or progressions.
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Re: Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by Arena »

Well, I think there are so many reasons astrologically that make this a great time for me in this relationship. Don't forget that my n. Jupiter is also partile opposite the Moon/Sun midpoint - so I am natally designed this way :)
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Re: Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by SteveS »

Arena, there is no doubt in my mind because your Sun/Moon MP (The Kingpin MP for Relationships) is structured with your Natal Venus- Jupiter 180 as a Direct MP, by far, its the most important MP Tree Structure in your entire Natal Scope pertaining to Relationships, and because its the ONLY Tree Structure in entire Natal Scope with a Sun/Moon MP.

Sun/Moon (0,48 Direct)
Nep/Node (0,01 Direct)
*Pluto* (0,50-- 90 degree aspect)
*Venus* (1, 26 Direct)

In other words, your Natal Venus-Jupiter 180 is wired Directly into your Sun/Moon MP. And because it just so happens (rare to see) your sp Jupiter is now also partile = your Sun/Moon MP & r Jupiter , you are enjoying double whammy of Jupiter for your relationship with your new mate at this time in your life. :)
I find that direct midpoints are as important as major aspects in influencing a chart. If you use no other type of midpoint, use direct midpoints. Robert Hand
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Re: Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by Arena »

Yes indeed Steve, this natal design/structure would therefore apply to all my relationships, for all my life while this is in partile contact. But it was never this great with my ex, the father of my children. Therefore there must also be other astrological signatures in this particular timing with me and this new love as well as the particular interaction with our charts, synastry, composite, solar arcs, progressions and our transits that make this relationship so unique, the connection so deep, the sex so great, our interaction so loving and such a profound and good experience. It simply feels soooo right. But there are so so so many contacts with all those plus midpoints that it amazes me.

Here is the post I did about our solar arcs:

And here is the first post I did about our synastry:

But since there are so many contacts with our charts every way it's looked at I thought about simplifying it into only the points that you have focused on Steve, the contacts to our angles plus Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Sun/Moon and Venus/Mars (I looked at more combos of those planetary midpoints). Using this focus it is still a whole lot of contacts and good synastry:

Partile DSC conj ASC
Partile Jupiter conj Moon/Sun with my Venus opp.
Partile Moon/Sun to Moon/Sun
Moon opp Moon
D. Moon opp d. Moon conjunct each others n. DSC

Rel DSC conj rel MC and n. Venus
Rel MC conj rel ASC

N. Sun partile d. Sun/Moon
N. Ven/Mars opp d. Venus
N. Sun/Moon opp d. Uranus
N. Mar&Mer opp d. Ven/Mars
N. Moon sq d. Ven/Mars

D. Mars&Mer sq d. Moon&ASC
D. MC partile d. Mer.
D. Venus tr n. Venus.
D. Jupiter within 3° d. ASC.
D. ASC and Saturn on his d. IC and close to his n. Jup and opp his n. Sun-Mars.
D. DSC partile opp d. Ven/Mar
D. Sun/Moon conj d. DSC
D. Pluto sq d. ASC.

Since I am older I also tried directing my chart to his birth day to see where everything falls:
D. Jup partile n. ASC with Venus opp
D. Sun/Moon partile n. ASC
D. Sun partile trine n. Venus.
D. DSC 2,26° n. Ven/Mar
D. Ven/Mar partile opp n. Mars and opp n. Sun
D. Moon almost partile opp n. Moon

And then you see our composite chart described in this thread.
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Re: Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by Arena »

Now we are just over three years into this relationship and still very happy. We never really argue, we rarely feel any irritations with each other and we constantly give each other compliments and praise. We are very loving, supportive and expressive to each other. That is the pattern that has emerged.

I have been wondering about this composite chart. Since the composite MC/IC angle falls directly on my n. Ven-Jup aspect would we assume or conclude that this relationship "brings out" this aspect?

I'm wondering about this because I've never painted or pursued any artistic endevoures all my life since I put my ideas about becoming an artist and going to art school on the shelf at the age of 16 when my father kind of stopped me. The natal proximity of Saturn might be this restriction and a late life discovery of my artistic talents. But then I meet this man that I have this aspect angular in our composite and he is actually the catalyst to bring out my inner artist. He was the one who encouraged me to try painting. He said he was convinced that I would be a talented painter and yet he had never seen anything of the sort. He was the one to create space in his studio for me and gifted me a good easel. And he was the one to challenge and encourage me to produce my first private exhibition. I've just been wondering why nothing of this sort has ever happened in my life until I meet this particular guy and form a relationship with him.
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Re: Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote/asked:
I have been wondering about this composite chart. Since the composite MC/IC angle falls directly on my n. Ven-Jup aspect would we assume or conclude that this relationship "brings out" this aspect?
I have little experience with these type composite charts but common sense would tell me: A definite YES! I will try to dig out Robert Hand’s book on Composites to see what he says with his experience with dozens of composite charts.
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Re: Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I tend to think the answer is yes. Within the relationship, your Venus-Jupiter evidently flourishes.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by Arena »

SteveS wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:59 am I have little experience with these type composite charts but common sense would tell me: A definite YES! I will try to dig out Robert Hand’s book on Composites to see what he says with his experience with dozens of composite charts.
Great. Thank you Steve. Looking forward to hearing what Robert Hand says about this. Common sense leans toward a yes.

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:41 pm I tend to think the answer is yes. Within the relationship, your Venus-Jupiter evidently flourishes.
Yes it certainly seems/feels like it does. 🙂
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Re: Scary Pluto transit to our composite

Post by Arena »

I'm wondering about transits to the composite chart. I remember way back that Jim mentioned that somewhere, but I don't know where.

I'm asking because I see something scary is coming up soon. Very scary.
Pluto is about to oppose our composite Saturn. To me, Pl-Sat is a total loss of something. Total loss, as in death or divorce. Using whole sign houses (just trying to figure out where this is happening) Saturn is either in the 5th or 6th house. Pluto will also be squaring our comp. Uranus very soon.

Saturn is trining our stellium of planets and will soon square comp. Nep and oppose comp. Venus.

At the same time t. Pluto is also about to conjunct his Sun-Mars conjunction opp. Jupiter. It is making it's last pass to my n. nodes and is about to trine my n. Pluto. It is going to be transiting my 8th sign from ASC and his 2nd sign or alternatively through my 11th from EP and his 12th. Until 2040!!! This transit is possibly/potentially about money, other people's money, death and inheritance. OR it may have something to do with our children since it is opposing Saturn in our composite.

IF my bt is right and I cast our composite to where we live now, then the directed DSC is about to hit comp. Pluto at the same time this Pluto transit occurs. However, IF my bt. is slightly earlier, then dir. comp. Venus is about to hit the DSC.

Have you had a similar Pluto transit to your composites?

I hope we can withstand whatever is coming our way. I don't think it will be easy. Something very heavy is about to happen in our lives.
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Re: Scary Pluto transit to our composite

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Arena wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:57 am I'm wondering about transits to the composite chart. I remember way back that Jim mentioned that somewhere, but I don't know where.
Anna-Kria and I used to find these interesting enough to watch for a while. I think they are technically effective, but they don't catch everything (not even the really big events) so I don't usually look at them anymore.

For example, with Marion's and my composite chart, the only partile transit for our wedding was the barely partile and ill-fitting t Uranus op c Neptune 56' and the entirely wrong t Saturn op c EP (although there is a serious question of whether there is such a thing as a composite EP, so perhaps don't lean on that too much). Then the two that looks appropriate, t Sun co c Jupiter 39' and t Venus sq c Uranus 7'. Some of the transits are quite good, some are puzzling-to-bad, and on the whole it didn't exactly reach across time to say, "This is when you're getting married."

For the event that triggered our getting together, there was one vague "huh?" transit and one totally wrong (Saturn-Neptune) transit - quite a terrible showing overall. For her recent braking her ankle in three places (which occurred on a trip together and has had effects on both of us individually and together), there is the one striking t Pluto crossing composite Descendant 27' - certainly a disruption, although the fact that it was minutes from opposite my Jupiter-Uranus (which are exactly on c Asc) makes it less solid. Saturn opposed c Pluto 22', a good, clean hit. Jupiter squared c Uranus 16', not a usually expected aspect but perhaps having some meaning. So this came off better than the others.

Overall, the accuracy level does not seem to be worth the effort of looking IMHO.

If what you are seeing is not replicated in your individual personal charts, I would not let transits to the composite stir anxiety.
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Re: Our composite with midpoints - The flame is lit and kept alive

Post by Arena »

Thank you Jim. We'll it's kind of reassuring that it's not always as heavy as it might seem.

However, this is actually replicated in our natal charts and solar arcs. The t. Pluto is going to touch his Sun-Mars and t. Saturn is about to oppose his Saturn and square his Venus while my solar arcs have double Pluto symbolism with my luminaries and t. Saturn will square my Saturn.
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