Robert Hand books

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Robert Hand books

Post by Freya »

It's been a year and I have finally surfaced after a very intense year battling with twins and also postnatal depression....
I was tidying up my books today and I found one I haven't read, "Horoscope Symbols" by Robert Hand. Is this book any good for siderealists before I invest what little time I have left in reading it?
How about his other books? I have Planets in Youth and Planets in Composite
Thank you
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Robert Hand books

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Freya, welcome back. im sorry you had a run of PPD (but not entirely surprised: I saw a sad patch for the timr after you gave birth and didn't mention it because I didn't want to feed negativity as the births approached.) I hope you and your daughters are doing well now.

Rob's books are all good. Thst doesn't mean I agree with them entirely but rather that I respect his thought, most of his conclusions, and his ability to express them well. You will, of course, probably find least value in what he says about digs.

Horoscope Symbols is a master work. Not light or easy, but worthwhile as a skiw, reflective read.

Youth is a solid work. The early chapter in particular have great theory thst may interest you with two young daughters.

Composite is the standard text in composites. I think of them as inconsistent tools but having a certain value.While I don't agree with everything he says, it is a worthwhile read if you're interested in the subject.

As usual in such works, don't pay much attention to what aspect two planets have or to the (mostly theoretical) Tropical sign interpretations.
Jim Eshelman
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