Should I relocate to Italy? Or is another country better? Or stay?

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Should I relocate to Italy? Or is another country better? Or stay?

Post by saddutch »


Ive been thinking of relocating. But not sure if I actually should, and where.

So i’ll give you my background story first:
So my birthdate is 27th of March 2001, 5:30PM, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Living in this country throughout most of my life I felt lonely, unfulfilled, depressed, life feels grey.
I struggled keeping friendships, I only have 1 close friendship at the moment.
Dating always failed quickly.. most were in long distance, which ended up fizzling out, abuse or ghosting. The only date ive been here on in Netherlands, has also led me to tears, eventually later on getting ghosted, even though i tried keeping up the connection. After each connection fizzled out, i become very obsessed.

When I visited Venice, Italy. I met a guy romantically, I enjoyed my time so much there with him. Through him I met his few roommates, and I really liked them as well. It felt like such a happy place. Life felt colorful there.
Sadly me and him dont keep in contact after I left. He stated that he just wants a casual encounter and give me a good time and thats it.

Ever since i came back from that trip, I feel a strong pull towards this country. In end of January im visiting again, it was at first in hopes of meeting him, but most adviced me against it.. so i wont. Im visiting Rome and Florence by myself for a week.

I realize i dont like living with my family, especially after I tasted freedom when traveling alone in Venice, i want to move out. But there is shortage of houses.. so will take long before i move out.
Im also looking for a place where I can continue working on my dreams as a producer/DJ.

Do you think moving to Italy will improve my life, or not? Or would a better country suit me? Preferrably in Europe. But if its outside i am interested as well.

Many thanks for taking the time to read
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Re: Should I relocate to Italy? Or is another country better? Or stay?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to Solunars. Let's see what we can do to help.

First, I have to ask: Did I get your birth data correct, including time and zone? I have March 27, 2001, 5:30 PM (17:30) CEDT in Rotterdam. I ask because there seems to be a mismatch between your chart and your description.

Everything you described sounds like a "bad Venus." Actually, though, your chart has a neutral-to-good Venus and your charts leans toward luck. Your Venus is in a place of average strength, exalted in Pisces, conjunct your Sun - a significant part of your identity - with moderate soft aspects to Jupiter and Neptune.

You ARE a dreamer, though, probably with rich fantasies and visions. This mix with an excellent, sharp mind - a combination that should serve you well especially in some form of the arts.

You also have Jupiter a few degrees off Midheaven which, again, suggests an easier life than most people have.

The only real drag on all of this is Neptune. Neptune is incredibly important to you, since you have a Pisces Sun. It's not strongly placed but has a lot of important aspects. I would guess (though perhaps this is not true) that your Venus-Jupiter-Neptune combination (with Venus joined to Sun plus Jupiter on an angle) means that you have dreams and you'd like them to be easy. I doubt that you're lazy - the Aries Moon is active and industrious, and the Mars-Pluto conjunction in Scorpio has a lot of power - but you do seem wired to want things to be more or less as easy as simply wishing for them.

Might that be true?

And of all the Neptune connections (besides your Pisces Sun), Moon square Neptune is the strongest. Primarily this makes you sensitive and vulnerable - in every good way you can think of and every bad way you can think of. You are drawn to the imaginative, surreal, and creative. You feel things powerfully. You're easily wounded (rejection being a particular sore spot). You have to be careful of chemicals you consume. But the Aries Moon square Neptune also has a lot of power to shape new realities creatively.

But, while you feel things strongly and can sometimes feel lost and are vulnerable to rejection in general, this doesn't amount to the kind of "bad Venus life" you're describing, so I have to think these conditions are temporary. I have the happy opportunity here to tell a 22-year-old woman that life gets better. You have the chart of someone likely to have a lot of happiness in love over the course of your life and to fulfill a lot of your dreams.

So, before looking at Italy, let's look a minute at what your current astrological patterns are - because I think you're responding to temporary conditions.
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Re: Should I relocate to Italy? Or is another country better? Or stay?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Saturn has spent the last year going back and forth over your angles and will spend some of the new year doing the same. If we could work this out in detail, it probably would describe the points of disappointment.

You are at the age when everybody has Uranus square natal Urans, Neptune aspect natal Neptune, and Saturn square natal Saturn (the last happened last year). This is a life stage where people make decisions that shape the next several years - up to around age 28 to 30. Some people play it safe; others want to break away from their past and be daring. I think you fall in the second group and probably will define your 20s as risky, adventurous, with no particular eye on security. (You may change your mind about that when you hit 30, but that's not the issue right now.)

So, first of all, I think the idea of moving away, exploring, and seeking adventure is a good idea for you overall. Since Jupiter is headed to a conjunction with your Moon (square your Neptune) by early February, I suggest you get your travel fantasies lined up and start making plans now. (You also have a progressed Moon-Jupiter this month, which usually means advantage and luck being on your side).

You have three important Solar Arc directions this year - operative now, and for much of last year and this year. One is Uranus to your Pluto. One is Pluto to your Sun. One is Mars to your Venus. These three signify, respectively, a major uprooting and pattern of change, a period of significantly redefining yourself (goals and identity), and sex. Change, reinvention, and sex - that's what you're playing with currently.

Were you in or near Rotterdam on your last birthday? If so, Uranus was exactly rising in your birthday chart (Solar Return, describing a year of life between two birthdays). The Uranus was with Venus. Again, this means a time of change, opening up possibilities, and especially making that happen within love, pleasure, esthetics, and fun in general.

OK, let's look at locations.
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Re: Should I relocate to Italy? Or is another country better? Or stay?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

As already mentioned, you have Jupiter on Midheaven at birth, so your chart is already good where you live. That Jupiter does get closer, though, as you move east. For Jupiter on Midheaven, there is a line going through Piemonte (most exact near Turin), which could be one of the most fortunate places for you. Thel line passes due north-south through western Switzerland (the longitude of Sion and Basle) and western Germany (the same line passes through the longitude of Dortmund and Munster). Anywhere, say, 150-180 miles either side of that line will still have a strong Jupiter effect, though closer to the line is stronger.

You have another Jupiter line curving across southern-to-central France and through London. However, as you get near the longitude of London (specifically, the longitude of Birmingham) you get a Saturn line also. Possibly, with careful picking, that could be a place to build a business in the future, but I'd stay away from it for now - you're not in a mood to settle down and be stable and settled at the moment. But if you want more about the central France locations, ask.

At the moment, the Jupiter line in the first paragraph is the strongest positive. The effect does reach into more of Italy, though.

Venice had your Jupiter almost 5° off the angle, which is getting wide, but it had your Mercury and, especially, your Pluto closely angular. I would expect this to excite your curiosities, expand your mental horizons, and have other events that feel like reinvention, leaving your past behind you, etc. If you want to explore more about exact Pluto locations, ask.

Rome has your Pluto and Mercury similarly angular (not quite as close as Venice) and a modest amount of Jupiter. Florence is more Mercury and Jupiter (a place for study, retreat, and to be fascinated) but also some of the Pluto.

It might be the Pluto line you're looking for, at least initially. It's not about relationship and connection - it can be isolating - but it tends to be experiences that blow you away and cause you to reconsider all the parameters of your life and encounter alternatives. If that's the case, the scarlet line on this map shows where in Italy the Pluto line is closest. You can see how close it gets to Venice, but it also cuts through the middle. Within 60 miles of this line is very strong, and you'll feel it out to around 150+ miles either side.
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Re: Should I relocate to Italy? Or is another country better? Or stay?

Post by saddutch »

Hi, thanks a lot for your extensive reply.
Yes, the birth data and everything is correct. Not sure I guess why my description and my Venus don't match.. maybe it's just my own insecurities and negative thinking patterns. I'm planning to get therapy though, its starting monday. I was told once that due to the Saturn Midheaven on the left, which is going through England, is causing some of that isolation energy that I experience in the Netherlands.

You're pretty much right about everything, being a dreamer, having in general an easier life than most, in terms of material things, career etc, wired to want things to be as easy as wishing for them. Although not lazy, im willing to work for things, in my day job I am a software engineer, which requires lot of mental effort to graduate from and land in such position.

So you mean I should go on vacations instead of going somewhere to live permanently?
In my last birthday I was in Rotterdam yes.

I heard that Pluto places could be very bad to live near to, is that true?
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Re: Should I relocate to Italy? Or is another country better? Or stay?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

saddutch wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:35 am Not sure I guess why my description and my Venus don't match.. maybe it's just my own insecurities and negative thinking patterns. I'm planning to get therapy though, its starting monday.
I suspect it's the Mon-Neptune square. What I said above about sensitivity and vulnerability can make it hard. You're also strongly empathetic, probably absorbing/feeling others' psychological states strongly so that you have to be careful who you're around. Therapy should help clarify a lot for you.
So you mean I should go on vacations instead of going somewhere to live permanently?
Didn't mean to suggest that. I just wanted to describe the likely feeling tones of the different areas.
I heard that Pluto places could be very bad to live near to, is that true?
I've lived in one my entire adult life (though with Venus also). I love it, don't want ever to really leave. It did start with my cutting off most of my past life and earlier connections with a single swipe, and it has kept my life intense and non-stop interesting. Some would call it unstable, some would call it interesting. I've been through many waves of reinvention and hurling myself into new things, though I admit the Venus probably makes it kinder. I don't know if you'd like it or not, but it would certainly be intense.
Jim Eshelman
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