Q&A and discussion on Sidereal Solar Returns.
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Post by SteveS »

t. Mars partile 90 your r horizon Venus, give it time to pass and maybe some fun can continue.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

SteveS wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 4:44 pm t. Mars partile 90 your r horizon Venus, give it time to pass and maybe some fun can continue.
I doubt it. Being ghosted twice in less than a year really just feels like the universe may be trying to tell me something. At least I can provide some education.

Also, notice my SSR relocated back home. His Venus/Neptune are on my Ic/Dsc. Honestly, he's a wealthy man, I think he was probably just playing games with a younger, naïve woman.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim, I'm curious
For the NSR, does the moon act like an angle as well like in the base SSR?
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:55 pm For the NSR, does the moon act like an angle as well like in the base SSR?
Though that's not usual for lunar returns as a class, I've often been more impressed with exact and appropriate Moon aspects with the NLR than I have been with the angular planets.

We still don't have sufficient evidence to say that the technique is valid, but the what I just wrote is true of the examples that have impressed me most.
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Hey, Jim. I was referring to the ennead and 10 day charts, not the lunars themselves.
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Venus_Daily wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:21 pm Hey, Jim. I was referring to the ennead and 10 day charts, not the lunars themselves.
Ah. You said NLR (Novienic Lunar Return).

The Ennead and 10-Day solars seem to follow the same Moon rules as SSRs.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

I ran my terts for March 19th, 2024. Some startling symbolism.

Transiting Jupiter is exactly conjunct tert Luna, which should be watched from now on. Both opposite my Sun/Moon Midpoint. Natal Pluto is square down to the minute of tert Mc/Ic.

Tert Uranus is conjunct Scott's Mars and obviously in the degree of paran square to my natal Venus.

Somethiing minor, my tert Sun is square his Neptune and on my local SSR zenith.
I'm excited for Venus to conjoin to my Natal Sun/Moon midpoint by Solar Arc.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Well, this NSR was quite accurate, very heartbreaking. More geared toward work & duty as opposed to romance. Close Venus/Saturn Opposite Moon Aspect.

I'm trying to fish out a good date for April to at least try and salvage this month. I went into March feeling extremely confident and attractive with transiting Jupiter finally moving forward over major Solar & Natal planets and complexes. One thing I can say though is that my lows don't seem as low anymore, and I don't know if that's due to self actualization or just growing up. Maybe both.

Anyway, On april 22nd, I noticed that I have a decent enough looking chart 10 day NSR. Moon partile opposite Venus in Venus' exhaltation/Antiexhaltation across the horizon. Sun square Pluto, both angular but Sun is exactly angular on the Westpoint. Mercury partile square Moon. And to a lesser extent Jupiter/Uranus in the background less than 30 minute conjunct Solar Uranus. Natal Pluto rising.

NLR looks great the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aries becomes almost exactly angular on the Eastpoint with the moon 2 degrees away from the DSC in mundo.

DSLR looks favorable with moon angular square Mercury/Venus midpoint, which are stradling each side of the DSC. This looks like another great way to fish narrow down dates. Feb 26th looks favorable for something. Maybe I'll get some money or recognition out of nowhere.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Hey, everyone. I am going to buy a plane ticket to Miami to hopefully circumvent the terrible SLR on Apr 29th, 2024. My natal Moon/Venus paran will be exactly in the foregeround, and the Jupiter/Uranus Conj will be on the Vx. I know Jim doesn't believe in the efficacy of the vertex in the SLR, but a 2007 Jul lunar return helped me show its efficacy. This SSR highlights relationships/ possibly friendships as opossed to public worries.
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Here's the breakdown:

t Mercury on Z -1°23'
r Venus on IC +0°27'
r Jupiter on WP-a +0°55'

t Moon on Dsc +1°06' [r Moon +1°22']
t Mars on MC +5°52'
t Neptune on MC +7°13'

t Mercury sq r Moon 0°20'
t Mars-Neptune co 0°20'

r Moon-Venus sq 0°48' M
r Venus-Jupiter sq 1°42'

t Mars sq r Neptune 0°00'
t Neptune sq r Neptune 0°20'
r Mars-Uranus co 0°35' M
t Venus op r Pluto 0°36'

MOON = 10
Benefic = 11, Malefic = 4
Spotlight = 10
Dignity = 5, Indignity = 1
Change = 0
Experimental scales: Sex = 13, Vulnerability-Sensitivity = 11
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Thank you, Jim. My new job is incredible. I'm actually having fun and wishing I had left earlier for something new. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize it. It's definitely an adjustment, but it's way better than having to deal with bullies, liars, jealousy, terrible doctors. The social roles are more well defined.
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Post by Veronica »

Miami sounds wonderful for you! That's so great to hear and congratulations on the job🙂.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Veronica wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:25 pm Miami sounds wonderful for you! That's so great to hear and congratulations on the job🙂.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:27 pmFantastic!
Thank you both, so much.
Venus_Daily wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:25 pm Thank you, Jim. My new job is incredible. I'm actually having fun and wishing I had left earlier for something new. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize it. It's definitely an adjustment, but it's way better than having to deal with bullies, liars, jealousy, terrible doctors. The social roles are more well defined.
Funniest thing about this LR chart, the Venus/Mars midpoint is the highest point in the chart conjoined N.Node. I hope it follows me back.
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Post by Veronica »

oh maybe you will find a perfect stone that fits just right in your hand to take home as a memory keeper! Venus and Mars balanced by the node makes me think of the magnetism in stones. I have a few memory stones that bring back a flood of memories when I hold them.
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Post by SteveS »

8-) :) on the new job Venus.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

SteveS wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 5:32 am 8-) :) on the new job Venus.
Thank You, Steve! I love my new manager! I've come to the realization that I probably have severe sleep apnea from imbalanced hormones and being overweight. I should be full time soon, so I can hopefully get a sleep study. Once again, I'm dreading my SLRs & DSLRs for this quarter. I was quite depressed at the begining of this month over being ghosted. This happened twice in a row after my Jupiter crossed my Sun/Moon midpoint. The first pass was a lot longer and lasted for a month. I'm trying to take accountability and realize what I did wrong. I realize that each time, I set my intention in the universe as simply seeking validation, but that doesn't pardon the way I have been treated.

There were no base return charts for the March 19th event, but the Lunar Demi-Solar and Soli-Lunar were very accurate.

The Solar Lunar features Sun on Asc with Venus exactly conjunct my Mars/Uranus in Scoropio with Solar Return Moon opposite Uranus both octile Venus.

The Demi Lunar Soli brings my natal Sun/Moon Midpoint to the Ic where it was transited by Jupiter.
Then the Daily Q2 Chart for the Solar once again brings my Natal Sun/Moon midpoint to the Asc.
It's very strange, I observe that men recognize my feminity, but I feel like the only ones who really do, I am in no way or shape attracted to .

Nothing interesting has happened for so far for my Demi-Solar return with Mercury/Venus both equidistant from the Dsc. At least this served as a great teaching tool for the power of these experimental charts. They were probably so active because of the Jupiter transit.
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Post by Veronica »

It's very strange, I observe that men recognize my feminity, but I feel like the only ones who really do, I am in no way or shape attracted to .
I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and I may be wrong so gentlemen please correct me if you disagree..
What Imhearing you say is that certain men are making it apparent that they see you as a potential mate/ sexual partner, that certain men try to "catch your eye" so to speak. These men who are letting you know they find you attractive, you do not feel mutual attraction to.
I think ( and maybe wrong IDK) that actually all men for the most part find you beautiful and attractive (because you are) but they are not sure of the situation and therefore are not sending the cues to you (trying to make contact) because it hurts them so deeply when they get rejected that they dont want to even try.
I think the ones who really do love you are quietly around you waiting for the right moment. This seems to be a good time for you to ignore those who are obviously interested in you and for you to ask out those other men who seemingly are not but you find you are attracted to.
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Post by SteveS »

Well put V 8-) !!! Venus was born with a Mars-Uranus partile conjunction in her 7H which can be a very difficult aspect to manage in life pertaining to any kind of relationships. I have known Venus for many years and have seen where she goes through a-lot of frustrations with male relationships. As I have told Venus many times, If I could find my lost magic wand I would wave it and make her relationships frustrations go away. :)
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Post by Venus_Daily »

SteveS wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:02 am Well put V 8-) !!! Venus was born with a Mars-Uranus partile conjunction in her 7H which can be a very difficult aspect to manage in life pertaining to any kind of relationships. I have known Venus for many years and have seen where she goes through a-lot of frustrations with male relationships. As I have told Venus many times, If I could find my lost magic wand I would wave it and make her relationships frustrations go away. :)
Being almost 40, I feel like this probably was a made for people like me. Maybe I'm jist not attractive enough.
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Post by SteveS »

Venus wrote:
Being almost 40, I feel like this probably was a made for people like me. Maybe I'm jist not attractive enough.
Venus, I am 76 and have known 3 attractive women for over 40 years and have socialized (friends of my wife) with em when I was studying astrology. I have asked all 3 when they were in their 40’s why they did not marry. All 3 said they were never proposed to for marriage, all their dating relationships ended in break-ups. I realize this will not help your personal dire feelings of not finding a mate to live with, but there are millions of single women in this World. Some things are just meant to be and we have to accept em and move on with life, but never give up finding the love you are seeking, some things happen late in life. :)
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

A discussion (with analytical procedures) on the astrology of marriage and sexuality is here:

You can read this as much or little as you like. A checklist of the procedure for assessing marriage or marriage-like relationships is didn't seem to make it into that thread, but is here (from the Big Book in progress).
  1. Venus is the planet of marriage: Its strength, constellation, and (especially) aspects show the desire and prospects for and probable outcome of married life.
  2. Moon is a strong second to Venus: Moon’s cosmic state describes intimacy, appetites, and desire for nesting and emotional security.
  3. Neptune shows strong merger needs (to be absorbed, immersed, enchanted, spellbound, and deeply entangled). Uranus requires independence (either within or from partnership).
  4. Sun is central to identity. (Sun’s sign always describes relationship behavior.)
  5. Mars feeds sexual frenzy and describes areas of conflict (where ego, control, and dominance needs are adverse to partnership).
  6. Jupiter and Saturn reflect economic and social status matters, plus feelings of happiness and blessing vs. cost and sacrifice.
  7. Planets in Libra have significant impact on marriage: Sun and Moon in Libra are most pro-marriage (Moon less than Sun: more independence and self-sufficiency). Venus and Mars in Libra have distinctive marriage profiles.
  8. Sun-Neptune, Mars-Uranus, and Mercury-Saturn aspects have been especially prone to marriage historically. Sun-Uranus, Mars-Neptune, and Mercury-Jupiter have been prone not to marry. All strong aspects generalize through the personality to affect marriage like other areas.
Applying these fairly mechanically to your chart (to see what we can see), gives something like this:
Venus is the planet of marriage: Its strength, constellation, and (especially) aspects show the desire and prospects for and probable outcome of married life.

Venus is background in Virgo (its fall), with close squares to Jupiter and Moon (and moderate aspects to Uranus and Mars). This suggests strong Venus desires and mixed characteristics on the outcome. Moon-Venus square means you are, in many ways, the essence of femininity, attractive, charming, with sexual charisma; gracious, affectionate, sensual; adversely inclined to be somewhat passive-dependent (though Mars-Uranus goes the other direction) and often blindsided by strong emotions.

Venus background and in her fall would normally be regarded as a weak, poorly placed Venus. The things that keep it from being a "bad Venus" are the one strong aspect to a benefic plus the strong luminary aspect. Venus in Virgo is not always the easiest Venus placement, with wishes for companionship and intellectual attraction outweighing sexual chemistry and physical attraction in general. You can be smitten in an instant and are strong on fantasy or daydreaming regarding people to whom you are attracted; demure and slow to disclose the depth of your interest, and perhaps seeming shy in those situations (even with the Mars-Uranus). - Or, at least, that's true of most Venus in Virgo people.

Despite this, with Venus strongest aspect being a square to Jupiter (and no afflictions, since the moderate aspects to Mars-Uranus can't be called "afflictions" for this purpose), one might expect "Venus with a good outcome," the eventual outcome being some version of "lucky in love." - It is the weakness and withheld quality of Venus (background, fall) that can be a problem more than its aspects, which suggest (overall, against the course of your life) good Venus experiences.
Moon is a strong second to Venus: Moon’s cosmic state describes intimacy, appetites, and desire for nesting and emotional security.
Your Moon is also well-aspected, two of its three closest aspects being the trine to Sun and square to Venus. (Moon sextile Saturn is moderate orb and a soft aspect.) As with Venus, Moon is well aspected, it's worst condition being that it is background.

Background planets don't have the same basic energy as other planets. This means that, with our background planets, we don't have the same automatic energy as the average person. The most common experience from this is feeling that we don't get the same opportunities everybody else gets - that (to our eyes) we go through life just fine like everybody else, but they get the breaks (in your case: in Moon an Venus matters) that we don't get. This can leave a big psychological bruise in that area. In the "sometimes easier said than done" category, the solution ultimately is to spend more energy on the matter, push harder, and overcome not quite having enough energy - if the life area matters to us.

We look to Moon's sign for typical behaviors regarding intimacy and appetites. I think I'll let you read the Moon in Sagittarius interpretation with this in mind (since it's so long).
Neptune shows strong merger needs (to be absorbed, immersed, enchanted, spellbound, and deeply entangled). Uranus requires independence (either within or from partnership).
Neptune is middleground with no aspects that really speak to this question very loudly. Uranus is foreground and exactly conjunct Mars - both of them square Sun - which suggests that your basic nature is independent and requiring generous freedom. Personally, I think this is a great, positive thing; however, I'm unclear how many men in your area have the same opinion. I can see (based on American social-sexual culture in general) that it may put many of them off.
Sun is central to identity. (Sun’s sign always describes relationship behavior.)

You can read Sun in Leo on your own (it's long) with a specific eye to how you operate in relationships and come across to others. (The rest of Sun's cosmic state isn't too important in your case: it is placed in moderate, middleground area with aspects that are well-balanced on positive-negative).
Mars feeds sexual frenzy and describes areas of conflict (where ego, control, and dominance needs are adverse to partnership).
Like your Uranus, your Mars has a strong voice. It is foreground, exactly conjunct Uranus, and both square Sun. I'd say about Mars a version of what I said about Uranus. - I'm not clear whether men see your Mars-Uranus and are initially attracted or disinterested (I could imagine it going either way).
Jupiter and Saturn reflect economic and social status matters, plus feelings of happiness and blessing vs. cost and sacrifice.
You haven't spoken about these factors and whether they are important in relationship matters for you. As a Leo Sun and (especially) Sagittarian Moon, I would expect social status and local custom to have a stronger grip on you than most people (even with your "willing to break some fences down" Mars-Uranus). Both of these planets aspect your Sun and have similar strength, though the Jupiter aspects are stronger. When both of these planets are active, instinctual matters often are constrained by considerations about local social convention, religious mandates, civil law, or something else outside ourselves that is restrictive or prohibitive.
Sun-Neptune, Mars-Uranus, and Mercury-Saturn aspects have been especially prone to marriage historically. Sun-Uranus, Mars-Neptune, and Mercury-Jupiter have been prone not to marry. All strong aspects generalize through the personality to affect marriage like other areas.
I don't think this applies to your Mars-Uranus. These statistics were based on men in the 1940s who hadn't married. I think Mars-Uranus was among the most marrying of aspects because sexual adventuring and lack of birth control tended to earn one a shotgun escort to the altar. More likely your Sun-Uranus (historically not prone to marriage, or at least demanding a great deal of freedom in marriage) may be a factor. I'm also intrigued by your close Mercury-Jupiter trine: Historically, Mercury-Jupiter has discouraged marriage. I think this is because they tend to not want to pin things down to fast and keep their eye open for a better offer down the road.

Anyway - slamming this out in five minutes - there's a perspective based on what we've been learning about the chart's indications for one's desire to and likely success in marriage.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

You haven't spoken about these factors and whether they are important in relationship matters for you. As a Leo Sun and (especially) Sagittarian Moon, I would expect social status and local custom to have a stronger grip on you than most people (even with your "willing to break some fences down" Mars-Uranus). Both of these planets aspect your Sun and have similar strength, though the Jupiter aspects are stronger. When both of these planets are active, instinctual matters often are constrained by considerations about local social convention, religious mandates, civil law, or something else outside ourselves that is restrictive or prohibitive.
Oh, I can tell you about this one. I am friends with and try to be nice to everyone, but I am a snob when it comes to dating. I am very realistic and do try to date within my own social strata, but when someone that I view as socially or physically repugnant hits on me, I do become quite incensed. I know there is something very special about me, and I don't plan on settling for someone, who has nothing to offer. If that means being alone, well, I guess the alternative is mental health issues.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Leo-Sagittarius comes by its snobbery honestly :D :lol: 8-)
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Post by SteveS »

Venus wrote:
I know there is something very special about me, and I don't plan on settling for someone, who has nothing to offer. If that means being alone, well, I guess the alternative is mental health issues.
We understand Venus you not finding the mate you are looking for is upsetting/possessing you. I am very curious, what would a mate have to “offer” to allow you to accept him as a mate? For sure you are special--we all are special in our own individual ways. :) Please don't let not finding the mate you are looking for unhinge your mind, like I said millions of women are without a mate.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

SteveS wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:02 am Venus wrote:
I know there is something very special about me, and I don't plan on settling for someone, who has nothing to offer. If that means being alone, well, I guess the alternative is mental health issues.
We understand Venus you not finding the mate you are looking for is upsetting/possessing you. I am very curious, what would a mate have to “offer” to allow you to accept him as a mate? For sure you are special--we all are special in our own individual ways. :) Please don't let not finding the mate you are looking for unhinge your mind, like I said millions of women are without a mate.
A man, who I'm reasonably attracted to.
A man with motivation and has a decent job...or is in the process of getting one. Someone I share similar interests and points of view with.
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Post by SteveS »

Indeed Venus, I understand. Some women find these traits/objectives for a man, some don't, and not worth damanging your mental health if you don't.
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Today is the 26th, I had a really great Noveinic Lunar return, and nothing. NGL, this tool has bern really hit or miss for me.
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Well, just some quick updates. Went to Miami. On the 29th, I met someone in Miami, he was 24 and wants to see me again. On Tuesday May 9th, I went full time and got a nice raise. So far this SLR has bern okay. Just fatigued from working nights now. I have an upcoming malefic DSLR (6/5) before I go to Hiroshima in late August. I wanted to go back to Miami atound this time, but it doesn't appear to have any benifics angular at this time. Any suggestions. Oh, my raise went from 33 to 37 dollars, which is a lot coming from only 28. I'll get another dollar after I get a certification in August. Plus 5 dollars for night shift differential.
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Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 7:47 pmYay!
I was thinking Lubbock, but it brings N Saturn to Mc, yet it has Tr Venus on the Dsc for Jul 5th.

Least of the two evils. Sun/Moon in other places, but they act like neutral figures when alone or combined.
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I wouldn't think the 6/8 Demi so bad - especially since it's a Demi - were it not for the exact Sun-Saturn square. foreground (tied to Venus). It's not that closely angular, but the aspect is foreground and quite close. To grab something positive, you would have to go with transiting Jupiter (near your Mercury- of the natal benefics.

the Jupiter MC doesn't go anyplace very distinctive. If you were into grabbing a car and moving about more, I'd suggest Paonia, Colorado (a little place on the west side, a couple of hours out of Grand Junction and then up into some higher altitude). Jupiter is a few minutes off MC there placing its square to your Mercury most foreground. The Jupiter Zenith line curves more and is about 1° off (wider than I'd like) in Salt Lake City - closer on the east side of the lake. Or smaller, less populated areas east of Phoenix.

Or, since it's a Demi - especially with a good SLR - maybe just take the bruises and extra hard work. (I don't like that exact Sun-Saturn, but things are rarely as extreme as we fear). Not sure what I'd do, it would depend on what's going on in your life.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 9:38 pm I wouldn't think the 6/8 Demi so bad - especially since it's a Demi - were it not for the exact Sun-Saturn square. foreground (tied to Venus). It's not that closely angular, but the aspect is foreground and quite close. To grab something positive, you would have to go with transiting Jupiter (near your Mercury- of the natal benefics.

the Jupiter MC doesn't go anyplace very distinctive. If you were into grabbing a car and moving about more, I'd suggest Paonia, Colorado (a little place on the west side, a couple of hours out of Grand Junction and then up into some higher altitude). Jupiter is a few minutes off MC there placing its square to your Mercury most foreground. The Jupiter Zenith line curves more and is about 1° off (wider than I'd like) in Salt Lake City - closer on the east side of the lake. Or smaller, less populated areas east of Phoenix.

Or, since it's a Demi - especially with a good SLR - maybe just take the bruises and extra hard work. (I don't like that exact Sun-Saturn, but things are rarely as extreme as we fear). Not sure what I'd do, it would depend on what's going on in your life.
Hey, Jim I'm referring to the Demi on 6/5 featuring a strongly foreground Mars/Pluto square.
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Venus_Daily wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 9:47 pm Hey, Jim I'm referring to the Demi on 6/5 featuring a strongly foreground Mars/Pluto square.
I don't see that you have a demi-lunar on June 5 (let alone one with Mars-Pluto angular). What am I missing? I see your Demi-SLR with Moon at 21°15' occurring June 8, 2024, 1:06 PM CDT. - On June 5, Moon is in mid-Taurus all day.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 6:21 am
Venus_Daily wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 9:47 pm Hey, Jim I'm referring to the Demi on 6/5 featuring a strongly foreground Mars/Pluto square.
I don't see that you have a demi-lunar on June 5 (let alone one with Mars-Pluto angular). What am I missing? I see your Demi-SLR with Moon at 21°15' occurring June 8, 2024, 1:06 PM CDT. - On June 5, Moon is in mid-Taurus all day.
Sorry, Jim. July 5th.
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I just had a full circle moment last night. I realozed how bad the environment I came from was when I started working as a new nurse. People were extremely jealous and willing to believe the worst about me for no reason. I have no idea why. Although my regal luminaries were a contributing factor, I also think my mundane Sun/Jupiter and Moon/Venus aspects played a major part. They're great aspects to have when relating to patients, but I'm sure they can make rural folk with little potential for ambition feel threatened. I would say that 98% of the people at new my job are amazing, and if they're not, my boss makes sure to put them in their place because she came from the same hospital system I came from, just in a larger city (Corpus Christi).

It's extremely strange how the universe colluded to get me to current situation. When I first interviewed, I had signed on for the job at 28.50 an hour, but there was some confusion with the recruiter, someone else got that position, so I signed on as PRN for 33 dollars/ hour, which was good. My boss apologized profusely for the mix up. Then, a week or two ago, I was offered a full time position, and because I signed on at my previous rate, they had to give me a raise. Initially, it was only 36, but I negotiated to 37 + 5/ per hour for nights! Initially, at my old job I was making 4,000 dollars per month, and my new job I make a little bit over 7,000 dollars per month, which is a lot for my part of Texas. From what I understand, people with my level of experience and in leadership are only making 28 to 29 base pay. The symbolism is there and foreground for Paige, which is Jupiter / Pluto tightly foreground (Gain Through Loss) with the Moon/Saturn square for blessings through hard work and practical matters. I'm looking forward to traveling to Hiroshima.
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:) I am so happy you have landed so well - and feel very good about having pushed you hard to go to that tiny spot in Arizona (or somewhere on that line) for your birthday. This is just exactly what you wanted as an outcome and (Moon-Saturn being what it is) the path was through some depressing, loss-themed circumstances and out the other side. - I do think this was as kind and beneficent an outcome as could be arranged for that Moon-Saturn SSR.

Welcome to the world of travelling for your Solar Return to shape the experience of each year :lol: :D

To refresh everybody else's memory, here is the SSR Venus got for the current year. The aspects aren't perfect - there was going to be some rough stuff. But Jupiter so precisely angular seems to have overwhelmed all the rest in the final balance.

t Moon on Asc -8°41'
r Pluto on WP -1°12'
t Uranus on Asc -3°47'

t Jupiter on Asc +0°01'
r Saturn on Dsc +1°07'
t Pluto on MC +1°36'

t Moon-Saturn sq 1°28'

t Pluto sq r Saturn 0°29' M
t Uranus op r Pluto 0°31' M

t Jupiter op r Saturn 1°06'
t Jupiter-Pluto sq 1°35' M
t Pluto sq r Pluto 2°36'
t Jupiter-Uranus co 3°48' M

t Mars co r Venus 0°03' M
t Venus sq r Saturn 0°13'
t Venus sq r Uranus 0°31' M
t Mercury co r Sun 0°32'
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Thank you, Jim. Strange enough, I think Pluto on the Mc was the catalyst for everything that happened this year, which proves that the relocation for the SSRs are indeed effective. I also learned to embrace change and the reasoning behind it. The more you fight against it, the worse the outcome.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 9:50 am The more you fight against it, the worse the outcome.
I've sometimes thought that the reason Saturn transits seem so hard is that, when Saturn is strong for us, our instinct is to resist and say No! to whatever is happening. Mars can be similarly cantankerous and argumentative about the nature of reality, but not as resistant and adamant as Saturn.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 10:59 am That sounds like a great trip :) Looks like you're going for the double-Venus with Moon, which is pretty close there. (It's a really nice Venus chart.) Here's the breakdown for Hiroshima.

t Venus on WPa -0°21'
t Moon on WPa -0°31'

r Venus on WP +1°39'
t Neptune on Asc +5°50'
r Jupiter on MC +6°16'

t Neptune sq r Jupiter 0°26' M
t Moon-Venus co 0°35' M
t Moon co r Venus 0°53' M

t Venus co r Venus 1°28' M
r Venus-Jupiter sq 1°42'

This will put those mundane Venus aspects and angularities in perspective. In PVL:

30°00' - Descendant
28°52' - t Venus
28°17' - t Moon
27°23' - r Venus
Hey, Jim. Now that my trip to Hiroshima is getting closer, I'm wondering about that Neptune Square Radical Jupiter with Jupiter exactly on the Mc in Hiroshima. I've fought so hard for this job, and I'm getting paid so well, and so far, the environment has been socially stable. All of the action with Transiting Moon/Venus Conj Radical Venus acutely in the foreground appears to be quite stabilizing, and I want to stay here for a long, long time.
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You'd have to work very hard to turn that into a negative.

Don't think of it as "an afflicted angular Jupiter." In fact, both are not very angular so it's not a dominant thing. Neptune to Jupiter, if nothing else, is great for a lovely vacation. My usual interpretation:
High hopes, optimism. Moral guidelines stretched. "Wheelin’ and dealin'." Financial or professional embarrassment possible (misrepresentation?); maybe smudged reputation. Strong desire to be accepted by others. Love of drama, ritual, philosophy.
Just have fun, do all your "unethical and stretched morality" stuff on the vacation, and be really ethical and conscientious in your job when you return. Also, spend the year indulging in Neptune-Jupiter things, e.g., buy a season ticket to the local theater group or opera company.
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I met another really great guy. Went out on a date, spent time together until 7;AM just talking. Turned into this guy telling me I'm beautiful, and that we need to arrange something, and then bam, he ghosts me again. I'm just done. This happened on the 5th/6th night of. I think I'm just doomed..
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Post by Veronica »

You must have really made him feel safe and comfortable so that he told you he thought you were beautiful. It's takes a lot of courage and confidence for most grown men to open up like that. Unless your dealing with a "playboy" most men dont casually say anything, let alone how attractive they are finding you. I'm not sure I'm understanding the rest of your post though about arrangements and on your 5th or 6th date?

Astrology teaches us that we are not doomed, cursed, blessed or fated but that we have choices in how to meet our characters needs.
If you know that you have a terrible SSR this year it seems like the universe is inviting you explore other avenues and expressions of love then the well trodden path.

I'm sorry this new friend hasn't called you back. I know it hurts to be ignored. I know its confusing and frustrating when actions dont mesh with words. People dont like to be honest and say things that they think might hurt or anger or upset another. Jerry Springer showed us bunches of people who could not take constructive criticism and went berserk and stirred the drama pot, and I really feel that most men are terrified of a womans anger, vengeance and pettiness...I know I am and I'm a woman.

You have a wonderful trip upcoming and a new friend in Florida if I recall correctly, I hope you can shake these yucky doomy feelings off and start getting excited and happy about the wonderful things you have in your life right now.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Thank you, I noticed I have this problem with men.
Men can open up to me within almost an instant. I always get, I love how feminine your voice, body, or way of being is..and then I'll never hear from them again. A lot of my girlfriends say they never receive compliments like that nor do they have men open up to them so easily, so you'd think I'd at least have a lot of male friends...well, wrong.
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Post by Veronica »

No, I wouldnt think you, or any woman, would have alot of male friends.

I am guessing that when you go on a date you go all out, hair makeup, clothes, accessories just right and polished all extra special?

If that is true, then I would suggest if you are looking for a lifelong companion that you take your personal appearance down several notches and go out in a ugly tshirt sweatpants and crocs, no makeup and hair in a bun. You are a beautiful person and I think your outer presentation (perfect hair clothes ect) is covering up your true beauty.

If you actually dont get all gussy uped for a date and instead do go out looking like a normal day to day natural human being and the men are complimenting you but not calling back...then you are much better off with out their company anyways, men can be gold diggers too, and a vibrant educated professional woman like you would be a target for exploitation and possible criminalness like stealing your money or being a sugar mommy.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Veronica wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 4:33 am No, I wouldnt think you, or any woman, would have alot of male friends.

I am guessing that when you go on a date you go all out, hair makeup, clothes, accessories just right and polished all extra special?

If that is true, then I would suggest if you are looking for a lifelong companion that you take your personal appearance down several notches and go out in a ugly tshirt sweatpants and crocs, no makeup and hair in a bun. You are a beautiful person and I think your outer presentation (perfect hair clothes ect) is covering up your true beauty.

If you actually dont get all gussy uped for a date and instead do go out looking like a normal day to day natural human being and the men are complimenting you but not calling back...then you are much better off with out their company anyways, men can be gold diggers too, and a vibrant educated professional woman like you would be a target for exploitation and possible criminalness like stealing your money or being a sugar mommy.
I actually don't get dolled up for dates given my Venus in Virgo. I am just wondering if my Moon/Venus natal square may be a bit more destructive than I thought. I just met someone who checked off all the boxes of what I want in a man, and it turns out, I was just a game or even just a fantasy.

Anyway, the good thing is, this quarter was a lot less destructive and difficult I thought it would be. My plan
for the rest of this year before I go and visit Japan. Lose the 30 lbs I gained after being so sad for so long, and then, focus on me. Next Lunar return "seems" promising, but scary.

Tr Venus rising in the exaltation degree of Jupiter.
Sun on the Ep square R. Pluto and opposite tr. Pluto. Natal Pluto partile the Ic.
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r Pluto on IC -5°13'
t Venus on Asc -1°10'
t Sun on EP-a -0°31'
t Pluto on WP +1°06'

t Pluto sq r Pluto 0°09'
t Sun-Pluto op 1°41' M
t Venus sq r Pluto 2°00' M
t Sun sq r Pluto 2°30'

There is another type of aspect we're experimenting with. We know it works for ingresses and we're watching to see how it behaves for return charts. Let me emphasize - we don't know that these work! But here they are in case the two weeks emphatically match or don't match them.

t Jupiter op r Uranus 0°25' p
t Venus sq r Uranus 0°50' p
t Venus-Jupiter sq 1°24' p
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 7:52 pm r Pluto on IC -5°13'
t Venus on Asc -1°10'
t Sun on EP-a -0°31'
t Pluto on WP +1°06'

t Pluto sq r Pluto 0°09'
t Sun-Pluto op 1°41' M
t Venus sq r Pluto 2°00' M
t Sun sq r Pluto 2°30'

There is another type of aspect we're experimenting with. We know it works for ingresses and we're watching to see how it behaves for return charts. Let me emphasize - we don't know that these work! But here they are in case the two weeks emphatically match or don't match them.

t Jupiter op r Uranus 0°25' p
t Venus sq r Uranus 0°50' p
t Venus-Jupiter sq 1°24' p
What type of aspects are these. Either way, this seems like a pretty intense chart with the two Plutos so prominent. I've always seen Pluto as a neutral figure, but apparently, the Sun/Pluto aspect is quite a negative influence. I hope this chart is not negative.
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Not negative at all UNLESS you consider dismantling current situations to be negative.

The aspects, for now, are called "prime vertical parans" (PVP) and are mundane aspects between a planet on the prime vertical and another on the horizon or meridian.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 9:28 pm Not negative at all UNLESS you consider dismantling current situations to be negative.

The aspects, for now, are called "prime vertical parans" (PVP) and are mundane aspects between a planet on the prime vertical and another on the horizon or meridian.
Sounds like an all or nothing type situation. If I was in a relationship, I'd expect some kind of breakdown or creation of barriers. I'm really also conscious of trying to keep my work relationships as such. Sure, I share things about my personal life, but I do not share secrets.

I have decided to start a diet, but, in the context, it does seem inconsequential considering that last year when I started a diet, I didn't have a dramatic lunar, but I did have a lot of Pluto to Pluto partile.

Anyway, my trip is coming up in less than 2 months, and I'm curious. What what is the difference between having a strong lunar aspect in the background vs conjunct in the foreground. I know the moon kind of creates its pwn angle when aspecting planets but how is it changed when in the foreground?
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