Installed. Version number shows at the top. First paragraph is very tiny (and if you want it that tiny then it could go
immediately under the title (that might be a nice effect). No scrunching further down. Button scaling looks good (things can always be better, but this is looking pretty good! - Chart For Now on two lines and centered really caught my attention).
BUG FOUND: Marion's chart. Azimuth column has five planets more than 360° (e.g., Moon 500°35' azimuth). - Oops,. I just saw that you know about this.
Mike V wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:32 pm
Change strength calculation for minor angles (reduction in displayed strength)
Marion is my test case. Both Nadir points have exactly the right score. Yippee, I may not need that spreadsheet anymore!
Display meridian longitude
It's there. Other than quadrant correction (which I haven't done on my spreadsheet), test chart produces these exactly right! (Yippee!! Now, I won't need that spreadsheet either!!!)
Now I just have to train my eye to see and read this column correctly. The secret is going to be only look at that column if Azi is nearly 90° or 270°
Add indicator for Vertex/Antivertex contacts in azimuth
My pet Vertex test case is retired Justice Breyer. This correctly caught and labelled his four planets on Vx and Antivertex. Interestingly, it caught this test against 90°/270° even though, as in Marion's chart, several planets are more than 360° azimuth.
Code: Select all
Pl Azi Alt ML PVL Ang G
Mo 441° 1' +24°14' 4° 1' 204°30' 51%
Su 271°33' +25°29' 0°44' 334°31' Av
Me 269°53' + 5° 0' 179°59' 355° 0' Av
Ve 259°53' -17°28' 183°10' 17°43' 63%
Ma 272°35' +32°25' 1°38' 327°33' Av
Ju 448°33' -20°10' 359°28' 159°49' Vx
Sa 433°15' +27°25' 8°30' 208°26' 44%
Ur 420°20' +55°58' 36°14' 239°35' 0% b
Ne 262°53' - 0°56' 180° 7' 0°56' 100% A
Pl 276° 7' +47°12' 6°33' 312°38' 19% b
BUG FOUND: Most angle scores are missing. Was this intentional? They seem to be the ones where the Vertex markers are. (We still want the normal angularity scores from that. Perhaps I confused when I said the Vx/Av wouldn't affect the angle score - or however I badly said it.)
Stop autotabbing while typing in form fields
Confirm. (Thank you <s>.)
Add text wrap to buttons to prevent text from getting chopped off
Confirmed above.
Enable the single-formula "Eureka" angularity curve (available under chart options)
BUG FOUND: Turning this on only in the Temporary button (which should enable the future), it makes no change from the Cadent option.
Turning it on in Chart Options, the setting "sticks" (I can find it under the Temporary button after loading Natal_Default) but it still uses the Cadent option. (My Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune should all be exactly 50% IIRC. They stay 35-ish.)
Request: Can we rename it Eureka in options? "Single-equation" won't be meaningful. (Maybe Eureka won't either, but it's a name <g>.)
Things you won't notice (or shouldn't if I did them correctly):
I haven't so you probably did