Redgrave, Vanessa. January 30, 1937, 6:00 PM GMT, Blackheath, England (B).
Cheney, VP Dick. January 30, 1941, 7:30 PM CST, Lincoln, NE (AA).
Roosevelt, Pres. Franklin D. January 30, 1882, 8:45 PM LMT, Hyde Park, NY (AA).
Davis, T. Patrick. January 30, 1927, 8:11 PM CST, Kansas City, KS (A).
I feel like I have a particular connection to this birthday, though there is only the unsatisfying commonality of Sun on that day square my Mercury-Saturn. I worked with Pat Davis on some special projects, including doing the statistical work for her retrogrades and stations research (Mercury-Saturn enough). Additionally, Vanessa Redgrave gave me surely the greatest two hours of theater of my life when Marion and I saw her with James Earl Jones on Broadway in Driving Miss Daisy.
Jan 30: Vanessa Redgrave & Dick Cheney
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19392
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Jan 30: Vanessa Redgrave & Dick Cheney
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19392
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Jan 30: Vanessa Redgrave & Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney is back in the news today because Trump openly threatened daughter Liz. Some people in the know are speculating how long it will take the Godfather of Haliburton to make sure Dumpster understands he has to stop.
But this got me looking at Cheney's chart again. First, he has transits and especially progressions and directions that make me wonder how much he's straining that new heart he got a few years ago. But the same aspects suggest there's blood in the water and he has the nose of a shark.
Cheney's natal is really fascinating in ways that only a Sidereal astrologer is likely to really appreciate. On first look, the chart seems intellectually adventurous - Mercury and Uranus foreground and Capricorn-Aquarius luminaries don't seem so bad.
But when you break it down with due attention to the luminary signs - and then especially consider the mundane aspects, which give a totally different view than the ecliptical aspects - it really comes alive with the man sometimes called Darth Cheney. As a Capricorn Sun, he already has strong Mars + Saturn characteristics, and luminary aspects reinforce that a little bit (but they aren't all that close). Then we look at the mundoscope and - hokey smokes! - some things really are that close. Moon square Mars is 0°07' in mundo. Sun mundanely squares Saturn 0°06' and Jupiter closely.
Sun-Saturn and Moon-Mars make Mars and Saturn 100% strong even before you consider that they are the two planets defining his Sun-sign. On balance, the while chart is overwhelmingly Mars + Saturn plus significant Jupiter as a condiment.
But this got me looking at Cheney's chart again. First, he has transits and especially progressions and directions that make me wonder how much he's straining that new heart he got a few years ago. But the same aspects suggest there's blood in the water and he has the nose of a shark.
Cheney's natal is really fascinating in ways that only a Sidereal astrologer is likely to really appreciate. On first look, the chart seems intellectually adventurous - Mercury and Uranus foreground and Capricorn-Aquarius luminaries don't seem so bad.
But when you break it down with due attention to the luminary signs - and then especially consider the mundane aspects, which give a totally different view than the ecliptical aspects - it really comes alive with the man sometimes called Darth Cheney. As a Capricorn Sun, he already has strong Mars + Saturn characteristics, and luminary aspects reinforce that a little bit (but they aren't all that close). Then we look at the mundoscope and - hokey smokes! - some things really are that close. Moon square Mars is 0°07' in mundo. Sun mundanely squares Saturn 0°06' and Jupiter closely.
Sun-Saturn and Moon-Mars make Mars and Saturn 100% strong even before you consider that they are the two planets defining his Sun-sign. On balance, the while chart is overwhelmingly Mars + Saturn plus significant Jupiter as a condiment.
Jim Eshelman