Calculating Solar Arc lists with Solar Fire

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Calculating Solar Arc lists with Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Instructions for calculating a Solar Arc list to your Natal Chart in Solar Fire (SF):

1: Highlight (in blue) your Natal Chart under the “Calculated Charts” section of SF.

2: Then from the set toolbar in SF, left click “Dynamic”

3: Then left click “Transits & Progressions.” This will open a Window named: Dynamic Reports Selection.

4: Then under “Period of Report” select the time period you want for a lists of your Solar Arcs.

5: Under “Location” section, SF will always default to Natal Location. If you use another location besides the birthplace location be sure to click on "Relocated."

6: Next—allow your eyes to move to the right to the “Event Selection” section. Make sure under the “Event Selection” section the only tab to x out is the “Directions to Radix” tab!!! This selection should be highlighted in green.

7: Next click the “View” box (lower right side). This will give you a list of your Solar Arc hits for the specific time period you designate for analysis.

The P1 positions are the zodiac degree for the Solar Arc natal positions, and the P2 positions are the zodiac degree for the natal planet. The abbreviation Sa represents Solar Arc. The abbreviation Na represent Natal.

*I have only read two authors who have written extensively about Solar Arcs, Reinhold Ebertin and Noel Tyl who was a student of Ebertin's work with Solar Arcs. I assume Tyl followed Ebertin's rules for calculating Solar Arcs involving the choice of locations (birthplace or residence) Tyl writes from his excellent book on Solar Arcs:
Calculations are made for the birthplace in Secondary Progressions & Solar Arcs. Geography plays no role. Bridging into the twentieth century, two German astrologers dramatically confirmed the efficacy of Solar Arcs as a streamlined and exacting prediction technique. Alfred Witte (1874-1941) founded the well- known Hamburg School of Astrology using the Solar Arc technique as its measure for developmental time. Reinhold Ebertin (1901-1988) founded the Cosmobiological School of Astrology, working strongly with the midpoint synthesis and Solar Arcs.

If anyone can recommend any authors who have done good statistical work with Solar Arcs for other locations besides birthplace locations, please list the authors and their books for I am interested and open-minded studying their work.

There are other guidelines for Solar Arc techniques but it would take many posts to explain certain other techniques. If anyone has anything to offer for our better understanding using Solar Arc techniques please post in my Solar Arc Directions thread under--"Misc. Transits & Progressions."
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Re: Calculating Solar Arc lists with Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

I forgot to add this to the above instructions:

Never forget the dates in the Solar Arc lists are the exact mathematical dates. But you should allow 1 year before the exact date and one year after the exact dates for a partile aspect with a 2 year time window for the Solar Arc hit to manifest. As a general rule—if you are working with an AA timed chart, Solar Arc hits normally start their manifestations a few months before the exact date for the Solar Arc hit. Many times a transit of an outer planet will excite the Solar Arc hit into operation, particularly an outer planet transit to a Natal angle. But, I have also seen where our Secondary Progressed Moons, both our Natal Moons and Solar Return Moons involving partile aspects 0,90,180 can excite a Solar Arc hit into full operation. Also, it is very important to do a serious analysis of your Sidereal Solar Returns (SSR's) for the years you see important Solar Arc hits involving your Natal Angles. At times, you will see dynamic or 'outstanding incident' SSR's offer more detailed symbolism coloring the Solar Arc hits.
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Re: Calculating Solar Arc lists with Solar Fire

Post by Arena »

Which settings do you find most accurate for the solar arc directions? I see there is a difference when I change the settings in "preferences" from SA in Long or Naibod f.ex.

Steve, I sent you a message a few days ago and it's still in my outbox. Is your inbox full?
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Re: Calculating Solar Arc lists with Solar Fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

That doesn't affect solar arc direction outcome. It only changes how the angles are calculated for progressions.
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Re: Calculating Solar Arc lists with Solar Fire

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
Steve, I sent you a message a few days ago and it's still in my outbox. Is your inbox full?
Just got your message Arena. I have been very busy with other life issues (nothing serious) and I will try to get back to you later when I get back to my normal environment.
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