Code: Select all
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| | | |tMa 6Cn 1 19°24|
|rPl 28Vi 8 13°18| | | |
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| | | | |
| |rJu 7Vi36 18°46| | |
| | | | |
| |rSa 11Vi 4 23°11| | |
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| |rVe 14Vi59 27°53| | |
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|rMe 12Li 5 01°28| | |
|rMo 13Li58 02°27| | |
| | Transiting (t) Chart | |
| | Alinda | |
| | Solar Return | |
|rSu 20Li32 11°35| 7 Nov 2024 13:08:09 UT | |
|tSu 20Li32 11°35| Newport News, VA USA | |
| | 37N 5'29" 76W31'17" |tJu 24Ta51 14°57|
| | UT 13:08:09 | |
| | RAMC 167°44'43" | |
| | OE 23°26'19" | |
|rUr 0Sc43 22°32| SVP 4Pi54'48" | |
| | Sidereal Zodiac | |
| | Campanus Houses | |
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8Sc 2-----------+ +----------- 8Ta 2
| | Radical (r) Chart | |
| | Alinda | |
|tMe 11Sc21 04°35| Natal | |
| | 7 Nov 1980 1:20:00 EST |tUr 0Ta33 22°20|
| | Portsmouth, VA USA | |
| | 36N49'55" 76W17'52" | |
| | UT 6:20:00 | |
| tEp 23Sc39 | RAMC 65°18'32" | |
|rMa 24Sc26 15°36| OE 23°26'24" | |
|rNe 26Sc36 16°05| SVP 5Pi31'52" | |
|tVe 29Sc52 20°52| Sidereal Zodiac | |
| | Campanus Houses | |
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| | |tNe 2Pi18 12°34| |
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|tMo 29Sg31 16°18| | | |
|tPl 4Cp43 19°23| | | |
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| |tSa 17Aq40 26°50| | |
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Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt ML PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Mo 29Sg31' 7" 4S54 +13° 7' 297°30' 26S 1 90°17' -46°18' 359°42' 46°18' 12% b
Su 20Li31'56" 0S 0 + 1° 0' 223° 9' 16S31 125° 7' +15°14' 8°54' 341°35' 33%
Me 11Sc20'31" 2S28 + 1°19' 244° 6' 23S48 116°57' - 4° 6' 358° 9' 4°35' 94% A
Ve 29Sc52'13" 2S 1 + 1°12' 264°25' 25S22 107°14' -20° 0' 353°51' 20°52' 57%
Ma 6Cn 1'20" 1N37 +18'55" 123°43' 21N29 260°14' +48°59' 11° 2' 229°24' 8% b
Ju 24Ta50'59" 0S43 - 5'34" 79° 7' 22N21 287°25' +14°18' 175°38' 194°57' 94% Wa
Sa 17Aq39'46" 2S 7 - 0'51" 344°55' 8S44 5°52' -61°32' 241°24' 86°50' 97% I
Ur 0Ta33' 3" 0S16 - 2'27" 53°22' 18N55 299°49' - 6°40' 183°19' 172°20' 85% D
Ne 2Pi17'58" 1S19 - 0'58" 358° 8' 2S15 342°13' -53°52' 232°31' 102°34' 71%
Pl 4Cp43'25" 3S16 + 0'45" 302°44' 23S22 83°25' -49°11' 187°34' 49°23' 8% b
Radical Planets
Mo 13Li58'25" 4N57 +11°56' 218°16' 9S49 124° 3' +23°23' 13°36' 332°27' 2% b
Su 20Li31'56" 0N 0 + 1° 0' 223° 9' 16S31 125° 7' +15°14' 8°54' 341°35' 33%
Me 12Li 5'11" 0N53 -57'51" 215° 7' 13S 5 128°54' +22°56' 14°53' 331°28' 1% b
Ve 14Vi58'49" 1N42 + 1°13' 189°55' 2S25 147°29' +45°27' 40°35' 297°53' 45%
Ma 24Sc25'55" 0S59 +44'31" 258°31' 24S 0 109° 8' -14°47' 355° 3' 15°36' 98% Ea
Ju 7Vi35'53" 1N 7 +11' 4" 182°54' 0S 2 155°49' +50°18' 47°42' 288°46' 61%
Sa 11Vi 3'35" 2N 8 + 6'19" 186°29' 0S28 150°55' +48°37' 44°46' 293°11' 53%
Ur 0Sc43'24" 0N14 + 3'41" 233°32' 18S59 119°46' + 6°29' 3°14' 352°32' 85% A
Ne 26Sc35'49" 1N19 + 1'55" 261° 2' 21S52 105°58' -15°30' 355°38' 16° 5' 65%
Pl 28Vi 8'28" 16N38 + 2'15" 207°37' 6N27 120°11' +42°32' 24°46' 313°18' 18% b
Class 1 Aspects Class 2 Aspects Other Partile Aspects
tMo tr tUr 1° 2' 98% tMo op tMa 6°30' 42%
tMo sx tNe 2°47' 85% tMo co tPl 5°12' 62%
tSu tr tSa 2°52' 84% tMe tr tMa 5°19' 47%
tVe sq tNe 2°26' 89% tVe op tJu 5° 1' 65%
tMa op tPl 0° 1'100% M tMa sx tUr 5°28' 44%
tJu sq tNe 2°23' 89% M tMa tr tNe 3°43' 74%
tUr sx tNe 1°45' 94% tUr tr tPl 4°10' 67%
tNe sx tPl 2°25' 89% ----------------------
---------------------- tSu co rMo 6°34' 41%
tMo sx rUr 1°12' 97% tMe sx rVe 3°38' 75%
tMo sq rPl 1°23' 96% tMe sx rJu 3°45' 73%
tMe sx rSa 0°17'100% tVe co rMa 5°26' 59%
tVe sq rJu 2° 5' 92% M tVe co rNe 3°16' 85%
tVe sq rSa 2°19' 90% M tMa sx rSa 5° 2' 53%
tVe sx rPl 1°44' 94% tMa tr rUr 5°18' 48%
tMa sx rJu 1°35' 95% tJu tr rPl 3°17' 79%
tJu op rMa 0°25'100% tSa tr rMo 3°41' 74%
tJu op rNe 1° 8' 97% M tSa tr rMe 5°35' 42%
tSa tr rSu 2°52' 84% tNe op rJu 5°18' 61%
tUr op rUr 0°10'100% tNe sq rNe 5°42' 40%
tNe tr rUr 1°35' 95% tPl sx rUr 4° 0' 70%
tPl tr rJu 2°52' 84% ----------------------
---------------------- rMo co rSu 6°34' 41%
rMo co rMe 0°59' 98% M rVe co rSa 3°55' 78%
rMa co rNe 0°29'100% M rMa sx rPl 3°43' 74%
rJu sq rNe 2°41' 86% M rJu co rSa 3°28' 83%
rNe sx rPl 1°33' 95%
Cosmic State
Transiting Planets
Mo Sg | tr tUr 1° 2' sx rUr 1°12' sq rPl 1°23' sx tNe 2°47'
| co tPl 5°12' op tMa 6°30'
Su Li- | tr tSa 2°52' co rMo 6°34'
Me Sc | sx rSa 0°17' sx rVe 3°38' sx rJu 3°45' tr tMa 5°19'
Ve Sc- | sx rPl 1°44' sq rJu 2° 5'M sq rSa 2°19'M sq tNe 2°26'
| co rNe 3°16' op tJu 5° 1' co rMa 5°26'
Ma Cn- | op tPl 0° 1'M sx rJu 1°35' tr tNe 3°43' sx rSa 5° 2'
| tr rUr 5°18' tr tMe 5°19' sx tUr 5°28' op tMo 6°30'
Ju Ta | op rMa 0°25' op rNe 1° 8'M sq tNe 2°23'M tr rPl 3°17'
| op tVe 5° 1'
Sa Aq | tr tSu 2°52' tr rSu 2°52' tr rMo 3°41' tr rMe 5°35'
Ur Ta | op rUr 0°10' tr tMo 1° 2' sx tNe 1°45' tr tPl 4°10'
| sx tMa 5°28'
Ne Pi+ | tr rUr 1°35' sx tUr 1°45' sq tJu 2°23'M sx tPl 2°25'
| sq tVe 2°26' sx tMo 2°47' tr tMa 3°43' op rJu 5°18'
| sq rNe 5°42'
Pl Cp | op tMa 0° 1'M sx tNe 2°25' tr rJu 2°52' sx rUr 4° 0'
| tr tUr 4°10' co tMo 5°12'
Radical Planets
Mo Li | co rMe 0°59'M tr tSa 3°41' co tSu 6°34' co rSu 6°34'
Su Li- | tr tSa 2°52' co rMo 6°34'
Me Li | co rMo 0°59'M tr tSa 5°35'
Ve Vi- | co rSa 3°55' sx tMe 3°38'
Ma Sc+ | op tJu 0°25' co rNe 0°29'M sx rPl 3°43' co tVe 5°26'
Ju Vi | sx tMa 1°35' sq tVe 2° 5'M sq rNe 2°41'M tr tPl 2°52'
| co rSa 3°28' sx tMe 3°45' op tNe 5°18'
Sa Vi | sx tMe 0°17' sq tVe 2°19'M co rJu 3°28' co rVe 3°55'
| sx tMa 5° 2'
Ur Sc | op tUr 0°10' sx tMo 1°12' tr tNe 1°35' sx tPl 4° 0'
| tr tMa 5°18'
Ne Sc | co rMa 0°29'M op tJu 1° 8'M sx rPl 1°33' sq rJu 2°41'M
| co tVe 3°16' sq tNe 5°42'
Pl Vi | sq tMo 1°23' sx rNe 1°33' sx tVe 1°44' tr tJu 3°17'
| sx rMa 3°43'
Created by Time Matters 0.5.5 (29 Jul 2024)
Foreground planets are Mercury, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter. Radical Mars is also very close to the eastpoint.
This looks fairly mixed with some benefic influence from Jupiter / Uranus and malefic influence from Saturn Mars. The malefic are the closest to the angles however, so I would expect these to be the strongest.
Saturn conjuct IC would point to difficult issues of security, property, family and home. Natal mars foreground suggests that I respond agressively and / or competitively.
For the benefics, Jupiter in on the west point shows some recognition and harmony in relationships... so maybe that will help modulate the Saturnine influences. Uranus may be pointing to new / surprising relationships.
Mercury conjunct ascendant places emphasis on communication.
t.Jupiter opp r.Mars would hopefully give me some confidence to take action as needed
t. Uranus opp r.Uranus points to a major change or turning point
t. Moon square r.Pluto... all I can find is the following:
Overall, this seems to point to some problems at home or with family. Major changes are implied which are sure to be stressful and there is more emphasis on communication than I am comfortable with. The benefics seem to be providing resources to deal with all this.BRADLEY: " are the receiving end of an influx of communicative pressures from outside yourself... [exposed to] 'hidden persuaders'..."
Not sure, but maybe I should plan a birthday vacation for myself...