June 23, 1848, Paris
June Days Uprising in France. France had previously created the National Workshops to provide work and baseline income for the unemployed; in 1848 they closed the National Workshops and this uprising broke out (and was suppressed by the military, resulting in over 10,000 deaths and injuries). Commentators said this signaled "the end of the hopes of a Democratic and Social Republic." A theme matching the present is that progressive voices were seriously worried by the election of a conservative government that seemed bent on eroding or removing progressive gains.
This is usually listed as June 22-26, 1848, but the triggering event appears to have been June 23. I'm using June 23 at noon as the "working time" for this. (We don't have as large a collection of uprisings of the people as I'd like, so I want to dig into this one.) In terms of concurrent aspects, the uprising occurred under a Venus-Saturn square and a Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto triplet spread across about 3°. Sun in Gemini perhaps traces back to causative events that began soon after the Arisolar, while Moon in Aquarius means there was a new Caplunar.
Year: Capsolar (Dormant.) Moon-Sun Moon-Pluto.
Year: Cansolar {+2 or +3}
Uranus N 0°36'
Mars N 0°57'
Mercury WP 1°00'
Sun Dsc 2°44'
Jupiter barely foreground
-- Mars-Uranus co 0°22'
Moon-Neptune op 1°04'
Moon-Mercury co 2°57'
t Neptune co Capsolar MC 5/1-9/20
CanQ Moon op s/p Saturn 5/30-7/15
t Jupiter co Capsolar Moon 6/9-28
Event window: Jun 9-28
Neptune crossing MC was exact. The Moon-Saturn progression was building to its peak in the week after. The overall Bridge window straddled the event.
Quarter: Arisolar {+2}
Mars EP-a 0°48'
Mercury MC 1°30'
Sun Z 1°30'
Venus MC 1°59'
Jupiter, Saturn, & Uranus widely angular
-- Jupiter-Saturn sq 0°07'
-- Mercury-Venus co 0°28'
-- Venus-Mars sq 0°51'
-- Mercury-Mars sq 1°33'
-- Sun-Uranus co 3°13' M
-- Sun-Pluto co 3°41'
Moon-Uranus 0°38' M
Month: Caplunar {+2}
Saturn Asc 0°51'
Uranus & Neptune widely foreground
-- Uranus sq background Mercury 1°06' & Jupiter 2°25'
-- Saturn sq middleground Sun 2°43'
Moon-Mercury op 0°07'
Moon-Uranus sq 0°58'
Moon-Jupiter op 1°27'
Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {+2/+2 at least}
t Neptune co s MC 0°01' [!!!]
t Sun co s Asc [in orb beginning 23rd, building over 2 days]
t Jupiter co s Moon (0°50') + sq Pluto [typical of civil rights uprisings]
p MC sq s Mars & co t Mars 2 days earlier, still in orb: Mars-Mars sq exact on 23rd [!]
Day: Cansolar Quotidian {+2}
p Moon-Saturn op 0°12'
p MC op t Pluto (exact a day earlier)
p EP-a tied into various related factors especially t Jupiter
Uprisings - June Days Uprising
I will archive recent major events here while deciding whether to permanently integrate them into the research catalogue.
- Jim Eshelman
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