U.S. Ingresses Dec 4 - 31, 2024

Archive of forecasts covering January 20, 2021 to January 20, 2025.
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U.S. Ingresses Dec 4 - 31, 2024

Post by Jim Eshelman »

USA Mundane Forecast
for the four weeks beginning DECEMBER 4, 2024

Effective Jan 15, 2024 to Jan 14, 2025. For a full interpretation of the 2024 "year chart," click here.

Effective Oct 17 to Jan 14. For a full interpretation of the current Quarter chart, click here.

MEDIUM-TERM (The Bridge)
  • START-Dec 25: t Mars op Capsolar MC
  • Dec 6: t Mars stationary 11°05' Can
  • Dec 7: t Neptune stationary 2°03' Pis
  • Dec 24: t Jupiter-Saturn sq 18°56' Tau-Aqu
  • Dec 30: USA t Pluto co r Pluto
Transiting Mars remains conjunct Capsolar IC for Washington, DC through December 25. This weeks-long transit that began November 17 pivots around Mars' December 6 station (a day before Neptune's station). The entire time is volatile, especially because all lunar ingresses of the month suggest that the sound of war drums grows louder each week.

This martial volatility for the U.S. leads up to one of the most astrologically significant dates of the year: December 30 is Pluto's final conjunction with USA natal Pluto (Pluto return) for the next two and a half centuries. After a brief pause for Christmas, the war drum feeling rekindles in the first week of January as progressed Capsolar Moon squares ingress Mars and transiting Mars opposes the conjunction of natal and transiting Plutos, both beginning on New Year's Day.

CAPLUNAR (Dec 4) Effective Dec 4-31
Pluto squares Ascendant in Washington, DC within 0°06'. This tells s bluntly that events of the next four weeks (and especially the first week) strike hard, landing with swift impact. Puto events stun the senses and halt the mind, at least for a moment, as it serves a mix of unprecedented conditions and irrevocable shifts. This is a more significant Caplunar than we have in most months.

We don't learn much else from the chart. Pluto does conjoin a middleground Venus (not too closely), which normally means irrevocable changes in relationships. In mundane astrology, that commonly means destabilizing foreign relations, especially with realignment of formal alliances and antipathies. Events can also have more personal (separation and loss) impact on individuals; but, this first week, the aspect is not too strong.

These days before the Arilunar seems to set up the rest of the month. On the one hand, the Mars station (critically placed for the U.S.) and emotionally unstable Neptune station occur this week; on the other hand, Moon conjoins Venus closely. This likely secures the peace for the moment.

In addition to draping over the central East Coast, angularity lines of Moon, Pluto, Venus, and Mars spray across the Northwest, especially the Seattle area.

ARILUNAR (Dec 11) Effective Dec 11-17
Tempers burn hotter in the new week, and people are less concerned with whether the stay connected. Rather, connections are frayed, alliances are threatened, and strong emotions rage. As the mundoscope shows, Moon square Pluto and Venus opposite Mars theme the week, with Moon-Pluto closer to the angles.

Every chart this month looks to me like pending war; but, in case that's not the exact way this works out, let's break down the pieces. First, Moon is the most angular planet, 1°30' from Descendant. Lunar months show mass-mind rising up, often with tidal force. There is, in any case, a powerful response by the people - the overall "herd" of the nation - responding to something that emotionally moves us collectively. Children tend to be integral to the main story of the time.

Moon squares Pluto mundanely. Events stun our sensibilities and halt the mind with their intensity. This is harder to pull off in a nation inured to a daily dose of the inconceivable every few days over the Covid and post-Covid years when Moon-Pluto aspects occurred in every ingress - every week - for years on end (when Pluto was in late Sagittarius and early Capricorn). Moon-Pluto events, besides being stunning, tend to have severing or separation as a basic characteristic (including deaths and departures).

This is compounded by an aspect you can't see in the chart above: Uranus is on the prime vertical, 0°33' from a mundane (PVP) square to the setting Moon. The exact combination of a closely angular Moon aspecting both Pluto and Uranus is common for uprisings and revolts of the people, civil instability, populist challenges to prevailing authority, and other staggeringly intense events that hold our unflinching attention. Conditions change rapidly. People are both taken by surprise and kept on the edge of their seats.

This leaves Venus opposite Mars. The planets are only widely angular, but the aspect itself is close. At root, it means great passion (excited emotion) prevails over sound reason. Otherwise, it tends to act primarily as an afflicted Venus. Restlessness, short tempers, and selfish desires win out over any greater social mindfulness. International relations are strained and frayed. Especially with Pluto also active it can lead to war (or warlike attacks outside of a declared war). While all these aspects could also crest in a hurtful natural disaster, the focus seems to be on human emotion and action.

The longitude of San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle has the best line of the week (Jupiter) which, however, may bring unseasonably high rainfall. Los Angeles has abundant Sun (and sun).

CANLUNAR (Dec 17) Effective Dec 17-31
Building patterns climax in the last two weeks of the Caplunar month. Events may thematically tie into the third and (for now) final Pluto return in the U.S. chart, especially because - as the mundoscope above shows - Pluto is within 1° of Canlunar Ascendant.

Take a few moments to glance at the chart. Its overall feel expresses itself easily. Pluto is most angular, but Moon and Uranus nearly tie it. Moon, Uranus, and Pluto are form close aspects, with Moon square Uranus 0°07'. The Moon/Pluto midpoint is 0°06' from the horizon, much closer than the orb of Moon opposite Pluto itself.

This reiterates (with much greater force) the essential message of last week's ingress: It is too mild to say there is disruption and that circumstances are rapidly shifting. Although there are many kinds of specific events that could upset existing conditions, the Moon-Uranus-Pluto trio is especially known for uprisings and revolts, civil instability, and populist challenges to prevailing authority. The events grip our attention, stunning our senses.

Add to this another Venus-Mars opposition. Events are filled with roused passions and excited emotion, not with reason. Restlessness, short tempers, and selfish desires win out. the pressured sense of urgency pushes people hard. Though there is a sense of calm in the U.S. in the few days immediately around Christmas (as transiting Mars pulls away from Capsolar IC), peace on Earth is at risk, both domestically and internationally, through this whole time.

Areas around Portland, Oregon feel this week's Jupiter-Saturn square more strongly than other parts of the country. The push-pull seesaw of Jupiter-Saturn tends to focus especially on political and financial matters and traditional institutions, asking questions like, “What will it cost me to win?” or “What do I gain if I lose?”

The Liblunar is dormant. The Canlunar persists as chart of the week.

Saturn is on Midheaven at a longitude tangent to Florida's east coast and continuing north. It intersects setting Sun - a Sun-Saturn mundane square - in central North Carolina which is still reeling from this year's hurricanes. This likely means an intensification of unhappiness and hardship in the area, perhaps resulting from failing or frozen government. In any case, their plight somehow comes to a head (and politics are at the heart of it). Meanwhile, the Denver area (northeast Colorado in general) has some Venus-Jupiter sort of blessing. Venus skirts almost the entire California coast
Jim Eshelman
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Pres. Biden's Lunar Returns

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Effective Dec 10-Jan 7. Under the circumstances (including the tense ingresses this month), Pres. Biden's new lunar return is surprisingly upbeat. It suggests positive, successful action, being strongly responsive to things going on around him.

Natal Moon is much stronger than it looks in the chart above: It is only half a degree above Ascendant. This draws the most angular planets into closer mundane aspects: With natal Mars 2° above Descendant and natal Jupiter 5° before IC, Biden has natal Moon-Mars and Mars-Jupiter mundane aspects within 3°.

Mars-Jupiter is optimistic and jolly, willing to take chances, "go for broke," and dive into a fight - which the Moon-Mars opposition suggests he just might do. Notice that these are all natal planets: Although there is plenty of conflict in the world around him (domestically and internationally), these are his own robust energies. For these two weeks, there is nothing shy about Biden.

If we look at more experimental factors, we see that transiting Eris is about 1° below Ascendant (and natal Eris about 6°farther away). These form seven Eris aspects with transiting Uranus and natal Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter. Especially since this includes a widely angular transit of Uranus to natal Mercury, it's hard to guess what chaotic twists Eris might introduce - but it's a good opportunity to see what we can discern about Eris in practice.

Effective Dec 24-Jan 7. Transiting Sun rises, natal Jupiter squares MC, and natal Neptune squares Ascendant, all within a degree. The one foreground aspect is Sun's square to natal Neptune.

The Sun-Jupiter-Neptune trio in this Christmas Day demi-lunar feels reflective and contemplative. Biden surely is turning to his deep faith, finding acceptance for how things have turned out and trusting the future - soon out of his hands - to Providence. Orbs are close for all of these aspects, so this is a strong return chart for him. Though Sun-Neptune in commonly passive, vulnerable, and receptive, if anything urgent draws him from his reflections, we can expect decisive leadership and unusual luck on his side.

This chart includes the joint session of Congress formally affirming who his successor will be. It is his last full lunar cycle as president... though the new lunar return in two weeks shows him unusually happy.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pres. Biden's Lunar Returns

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Today's New York Times has an article confirming this forecast almost verbatim.
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/25/us/p ... ction.html
Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:25 pm SIDEREAL DEMI-LUNAR RETURN (Dec 25)
Effective Dec 24-Jan 7. Transiting Sun rises, natal Jupiter squares MC, and natal Neptune squares Ascendant, all within a degree. The one foreground aspect is Sun's square to natal Neptune.

The Sun-Jupiter-Neptune trio in this Christmas Day demi-lunar feels reflective and contemplative. Biden surely is turning to his deep faith, finding acceptance for how things have turned out and trusting the future - soon out of his hands - to Providence. Orbs are close for all of these aspects, so this is a strong return chart for him. Though Sun-Neptune in commonly passive, vulnerable, and receptive, if anything urgent draws him from his reflections, we can expect decisive leadership and unusual luck on his side.
Jim Eshelman
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