Aug 6, 1997, 1:42 AM, near Asan-Maina, Guam @ 13N27'19" 144E43'58"
South Korea's deadliest air disaster was the crash of Korean Air Flight 801 in Asan-Maina, Guam while on landing approach at a nearby airport. Of the 254 people on board, 229 died. NTSB concluded that the cause was "poor communication between the flight crew... along with the captain's poor decision-making on the non-precision approach."
Conditions were poor: It was raining heavily, visibility was "considerably reduced," and the crew was attempting an instrument landing. The electronic guidance for the target runway was out of service (and the captain though it was operative). When he thought he was picking up the runway signal, he actually had detected a random electronic device on the ground. He then accidentally crashed the plane into a mountain peak.
Pluto exactly squared MC at the time of the crash. In addition to a 2° Mars-Saturn opposition, there were closer Moon-Mercury-Mars aspects.
Year: Capsolar (Dormant.) Moon-Mercury Moon-Venus.
Year/Quarter: Cansolar {0}
Moon Asc 0°54'
Bridge {+2}
t Pluto sq Cansolar Asc 7/16-12/13
t Saturn co CapQ Moon 7/31-9/1
Event window: Jul 31 to Sep 1
Month: Caplunar {+1 or +2}
Pluto IC 1°44'
Venus barely foreground
Moon-Sun op 2°34'
Moon-Neptune co 3°54'
Week: Canlunar (Dormant.) Moon-Mars Moon-Neptune.
Week: Arilunar[ {+2, maybe +1}
Uranus IC 0°25'
Sun and Neptune more widely angular
-- Mercury-Venus co 0°48' p
-- Sun-Uranus op 3°41'
Day: Capsolar Quotidian {+2}
t Saturn co p Moon 0°45'
p EP-a op s Uranus 0°34'
p Asc op t Uranus 1°40'
Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {+1 / -3 = 0}
t Pluto sq s Asc 1°15'
t Venus sq s MC 1°34', sq s Moon +0°03'
t Mercury op s EP-a 1°34'
t Venus sq p Moon -0°42'
Korean Air Flight 801
Analyses of distinct mundane events, using the methods of Sidereal mundane astrology
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