U.S. Ingresses Dec 31, 2024 - Jan 28, 2025

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Jim Eshelman
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U.S. Ingresses Dec 31, 2024 - Jan 28, 2025

Post by Jim Eshelman »

USA Mundane Forecast
for the four weeks beginning DECEMBER 31, 2024

2024 CAPSOLAR (Jan 15)
Effective Jan 15, 2024 to Jan 14, 2025. For a full interpretation of the 2024 "year chart," click here.

2024 LIBSOLAR (Oct 17)
Effective Oct 17 to Jan 14. For a full interpretation of the current Quarter chart, click here.

2025 CAPSOLAR (Jan 14)
20250114 CpS.png
Effective Jan 14, 2025 to Jan 14, 2026. The 2025 Capsolar for the United States is neutral and benign. It has a single strong angularity: Moon, dignified in her home constellation of Cancer, is 0°27' from Eastpoint in right ascension. Uranus is also barely angular, 2°21' from Zenith.

Moon foreground signifies "the voice of the people" powerfully expressing its collective will. In mundane astrology, Moon signifies the herd mind, the pooled subconsciousness of the masses surging in a single voice responsive to persisting conditions or emerging events. In unsettled times (as in charts across the Arab world during the 2010-11 "Arab Spring"), it has coincided with uprisings of the masses against solar forms of government. (With a weakly angular Uranus, we will see some of that this year.) In more settled times, it shows a powerful shared response by the masses to emerging events that move us deeply.

Children are often a central element of those events. Although sign placements have not proven themselves important in solar ingresses, seeing Moon shining brightly in the early evening sky against the faint stars of Cancer stirs ideas of maternity - of matters affecting mothers and their children. Beyond that, Cancer's archetypal themes center on containment, enclosure, and protection which we may observe in the major news stories (if the sign placement of an angular Moon have anything to say).

With so little to go on, one wants to dig deeper. The major outer planet aspect of the season, Jupiter square Saturn, primarily shows the changing of the political guard, which we know is coming. Outer planet sign transits will have unusual voice this year, especially Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. Uranus, briefly retrograded into autocratic Aries, seems to have the world holding its breath until it enters Taurus in April for the long-haul. Saturn enters Pisces in April also and then spends the summer inseparable from Neptune; but that is a story to tell later in the year.

Sun opposite Mars falls across the horizon on a curve rising through the middle of Mexico and then the border towns in southwest Texas, through New Mexico, Utah, Idaho and into the Columbia Valley in western Washington. (It continues up Canada's west coast and through Alaska.) We can expect increasing violence and raging through Mexico impacting the most southern of these U.S. areas, a year of unusually intense fires in Idaho and eastern Washington, and other obvious martial manifestations through all of these areas all year. Sun-Mars squares Midheaven due north-south straddling the longitude of Oklahoma and Kansas eastern borders: About 200 miles either side of that will feel martial ferocity in its weather, confrontations with authority, fires, and violence. (It is also likely to be a year of unusual strength and heroic prowess for the Kansas City Chiefs.)

MEDIUM-TERM (The Bridge)
  • Jan 1-14: Mars
The only Bridge factor this month is progressed Capsolar Moon square Mars January 1-14. Conservatively speaking, this indicates agitation or outrage, a persistent feeling of threat, and perhaps the sense that the smallest spark could ignite a large fire.

Progressed Moon-Mars is not limited to the U.S. - it has worldwide reach. Historically, it has coincided with a heightened sense of alarm and such events as violence, blood, fire, bombs, earthquakes, accidents, and other destruction, including loss of life. Ongoing wars will gain new fury with no chance for peace unless it arises from complete military triumph through newly unleashed fury. Bombing, shootings, and other attacks pool and concentrate in such times. Leaders face crisis. - This is exacerbated the closer we get to January 3 when Mars exactly opposes Pluto in space.
  • Dec 30: t Pluto co USA r Pluto
  • Jan 3: t Mars-Pluto op 6°03' Can-Cap [also op USA r Pluto]
  • Jan 9: t Jupiter co USA r Uranus
  • Jan 11: Eris STATIONARY 29°18' Pisces
  • Jan 12: t Mars co USA r Mercury
  • Jan 18: t Mars enters GEMINI
  • Jan 20: t Mars-Eris sq 29°18' Gem-Pis
  • Jan 30: Uranus STATIONARY 28°10' Ari

CAPLUNAR (Dec 31) Effective Dec 31-Jan 28
20241231 CpL.png
Despite the approaching threat of meteorological and political storms, the citizens of Washington, DC begin the Sidereal month - and New Year's Eve - happy and ready to celebrate. This could, of course, stem from most of the politicians being out of town and the political war engines are a little more quiet than usual. The town is planning for its quadrennial inauguration festivities and people are amazingly at peace.

This is due to Venus being the most angular planet, 0°06' from exact square to MC. The one foreground aspect is an exact Venus-Uranus mundane square, so we also know that friendships and other alliances are shifting. Whether domestically or in America's international reach, we see coalitions rearranging along different lines: The old rules of polarity don't quite apply anymore, so new choices (and new friendships or alliances) are made.

This seems independent of the Capsolar's progressed Moon-Mars energies the first half of the month.

ARILUNAR (Jan 7) Effective Jan 7-13
20250107 ArL.png
This is the most worrisome week of the month. With a Moon-Mars progression in the Capsolar and a transiting Mars-Pluto opposition hanging around, Mars opposite Pluto stretches across the Arilunar horizon bringing it forefront for the United States. Mundanely, Mars opposition Pluto is only 0°18' wide.

It seems inconceivable that there will not be major erupting violence dominating the week. Nor are Mars-Pluto alone, since Venus - due east on the horizon (i.e., on the Antivertex) is in mundane square to them. This is not pacifying; rather, it deepens the human cost of events. Venus-Mars-Pluto are the "war trio" of planets, most commonly entwined when war breaks out. In less extreme manifestations, the aspects individually work as follows:
  • Mars-Pluto (0°18'): Violent, ferocious, even explosive unleashing of force. Broadly disrespectful of law. Consequences of cumulative stresses.
  • Venus-Pluto (1°57'): Irrevocable changes in relationships (both alliances and antipathies). More locally, a final, stark severing of emotional ties (loss of loved ones, the destruction of homes and community). Events of high social impact.
  • Venus-Mars (2°07'): Inflamed passions prevail over reason. Restlessness, short tempers. Selfish desires win out over greater social mindfulness. Strains and frays international relations, likely wounding alliances. More broadly, a secondary form of a “mournful tragedies and emotional pain,” earning this afflicted Venus the occasional nickname “widow-maker”).
CANLUNAR (Jan 13) Effective Jan 13-21
20250113 CnL.png
This week climaxes with inauguration of the next U.S. president. Perhaps there is nothing more to it than that, with the close Sun-Moon opposition commonly highlighting the chief executive and always showing a "turning of the page" or cyclic swing to a reverse direction.

Otherwise, Uranus and Mars mark the time. Uranus is 1°18' from Zenith and Mars is 2° from conjunct Moon. The incoming administration is expected to bring strong uranian and martial energies, with no shortage surprises, knocking tables over, igniting rage and power-plays, and even military mobilization. It will be a crazy time. (With Moon exactly aspecting Eris, as it will be for a while, there will also be no shortage of chaos where we have become accustomed to order.)

LIBLUNAR (Jan 21) Effective Jan 21-28
20250121 LiL.png
In the aftermath of the inauguration, we get much the same as in the Caplunar. Uranus is the only angular planet (on Westpoint in RA). With a 0°15' Sun-Pluto conjunction, Moon squares Sun, Mars, and Pluto, with both the Mars and Pluto aspects being partile (and Moon-Pluto 0°05' mundo); and, of course, the ubiquitous partile Moon-Eris opposition as the chaotic planet hovers long-term near 0° Aries.

As said last week for the Canlunar, with attention concentrated on the chief executive we can expect strong uranian and martial energies with no shortage surprises, knocking tables over, igniting rage and power-plays, and even military mobilization. It will continue to be a crazy time.
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Pres. Biden's Lunar Returns

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20250107 Biden SLR.png
Effective Jan 6-Feb 4. President Biden's last lunar return as president is surprisingly bright and happy. For reasons entirely unclear as I write this, he seems in the best of possible moods beginning the day after Congress formally confirms his successor's election.

Two Venuses, two Uranuses, and a Sun dominate the lunar return. Transiting Venus is half a degree from Descendant, natal Venus half a degree from IC, natal Uranus half a degree from square Ascendant, and natal Sun also close to IC. (Transiting Uranus is more widely angular, near Midheaven.) This suggests he is in the spotlight, almost the celebrity of the hour and (as mentioned) happy as a clam.

Uranus transits opposite Mercury, which usually means surprising new information. Either he learns something significant that startles and delights him or - more likely - he surprises us with a revelation. Besides this Uranus-Mercury aspect, the other foreground aspects are transiting Venus to natal Sun, Venus, and Uranus, which are usually the mark of celebration, affection, and popularity. - I look forward to the surprise!

20250121 Biden DSLR.png
Effective Jan 20-Feb 4. Then comes the morning after. Angularities are not strong. (Neptune and Mercury are closer for Rehoboth Beach, where he likely will be after leaving Washington.) Aspects are unpleasant but not surprisingly so. They suggest resignation and some defeat. The closest foreground aspect is a half degree Mercury-Neptune square. To these we add Mercury opposite Mars, Venus conjunct Saturn, and Mars square Neptune. Off the angles, a partile Sun-Pluto conjunction exactly squares his Moon showing a big change in his life as he leaves public service after half a century.

We, of course, wish him the best.
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Pres. Trump's Lunar Returns

Post by Jim Eshelman »

20241229 Trump SLR.png
Effective Dec 28-Jan 25. The president-elect likely will be in Mar-a-Lago when his new lunar month begins. The chart isn't at all bad - especially for him (though perhaps for the people around him). In a man less than half his age, it might even be memorably excellent. What I expect, though, is that it will be the usual picture of having great (sadistic, cruel) glee with unbridled surprise attacks if not explosiveness.

Venus is exactly on Eastpoint (i.e., square MC) with Uranus closely angular and moderate angularities from natal Pluto and transiting Mars-Pluto. The strongest angular aspects are Venus square Uranus, Mars opposite Pluto and mundanely square Uranus, and Venus transiting opposite natal Mars.

He will be in Washington, DC before the month is over. (This month includes his inauguration.) On arriving there, the same chart becomes more aggressive and possibly violent. Besides more tightly angular Marses (transiting Mars on Descendant 0°05', natal Mars on Westpoint 0°42'), the only aspect involving planets with close angularity is the Mars-Pluto opposition. The chart screams of feral ferocity if not violence.

20250111 Trump DSLR.png
Effective Jan 10-25. Beginning a week and a half before his inauguration, Trumps enters one of the darker two-week periods of his life. If he is still in Florida when this sets up, it is already difficult with transiting Saturn 2° off Ascendant closely aspecting his Moon, while Neptune squares his Sun , also in the foreground. Natal Uranus is on IC and transiting Venus is moderately angular, but the real focus is diminishing and demoralizing: Saturn to his Moon and Neptune to his Sun.

However, we expect him to be in Washington, DC at least by January 20. With that relocation this chart becomes not merely diminishing and demoralizing, but perhaps emotionally devastating. It completely stands against his well-being.

As seen above, natal and transiting Moon are precisely angular. Saturn (which ecliptically looks to be only minutes of Ascendant) is actually 1°23' below Ascendant, square both natal and transiting Moons. There is a happy-seeming Moon-Venus square mundo, but that's also tied into Saturn.

His Sun, just a few degrees off IC, receives devastating aspects. Mundanely it is squared by both Saturn (+2°11') and Neptune (-2°52'), being 0°21' from their midpoint. This is more the chart of someone being dragged down off his throne into the gutter than someone about to take his throne.

If was substantially on the basis of this chart that I forecast Donald Trump's loss last November, on the premise that he would be in emotional misery and humiliation come inauguration time. Obviously, that was wrong. However, his election does not change the nature of the time for him.

With transiting Sturn exactly (to the minute!) on his solar return's quotidian at noon January 20, one expects it to be one of the worst days of his life - not one of the best.
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Re: U.S. Ingresses Dec 31, 2024 - Jan 28, 2025

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This is now complete.
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Re: Pres. Trump's Lunar Returns

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Trump will be sentenced January 10 for his hush-money convictions.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:14 am SIDEREAL DEMI-LUNAR RETURN (Jan 11)
Effective Jan 10-25. ...Trumps enters one of the darker two-week periods of his life. If he is still in Florida when this sets up, it is already difficult with transiting Saturn 2° off Ascendant closely aspecting his Moon, while Neptune squares his Sun, also in the foreground... the real focus is diminishing and demoralizing: Saturn to his Moon and Neptune to his Sun... If was substantially on the basis of this chart that I forecast Donald Trump's loss last November, on the premise that he would be in emotional misery and humiliation come inauguration time. Obviously, that was wrong. However, his election does not change the nature of the time for him.
For this event, he presumably will be in New York City. Here is the relocated Demi-SLR for NYC. (It's not fun for him, though it's a little better than for Florida or Washington. (Every expectation is that he'll get off easy, but I bet he gets his ego more than a little bruised.)

r Neptune Dsc -8°27'
r/t Moon N -1°28'
t Neptune Asc -4°03'

t Saturn Asc +0°38'
r Sun IC +2°33'
t Venus Asc +4°57'
r Uranus N +1°51'

r Mars Dsc +9°41'

t Moon sq r Mars 1°21' M
t Venus sq r Moon 1°30' M
r Moon-Sun op 1°43'
t Saturn sq r Sun 1°55' M
t Venus sq r Sun 2°24' M
r Moon-Uranus sq 3°19'

If PVP aspects are valid:
t Saturn-Neptune sq 0°04' p
t Venus-Neptune sq 1°16' p
t Neptune sq r Neptune 1°17' p
t Neptune sq r Sun 1°51' p
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Re: U.S. Ingresses Dec 31, 2024 - Jan 28, 2025

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'll have to redo Biden's SLR when I get back. He won't be in DC for that happy SLR. Monday through Wednesday he's in LA, staying in Century City across the street from my office. I'm sure it will be a very different chart.
Jim Eshelman
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