2024 Libsolar

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Jim Eshelman
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2024 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Effective Oct 17 to Jan 14. Replacing confrontational and emotionally toxic quarter charts, the Libsolar is almost peaceful in contrast. It isn't quiet and calm, however: Like most election year Libsolars of recent decades, this one clearly displays that we are enacting our quadrennial ritual of overthrowing our head of state. Pluto conjoins Midheaven. This year, the symbolism is even more pronounced, since Uranus rises - always showing that people are ready for a change and something fresh - and Sun (due west at the Vertex) makes PVP squares to both Uranus and Pluto. Nothing could be clearer for overthrowing a head of state! Seeing this chart over a year ago reinforced the clear view that Joe Biden would be replaced as president at this election.

To get this chart's contribution to predicting the outcome of the pending election, we need only to ask: Which of the major party candidates is most clearly something new, refreshing, electrical, and startling?

Something of great interest is Moon's longitude. The weight of evidence tells us that these ingresses do not tie personally to the nativities of people who are at the center of the public events portrayed. Yet, it's hard to ignore this 7°11' Aries Moon only 0°08' from Pres. Biden's 7°03' Aries Moon. I have no idea what this might mean (if it means anything at all); but, if at all efficacious, it would seem to say that he is at the center of events of this quarter in ways currently unclear, even though, at the moment, he appears to be far in the background of this coming quarter's major events.

The election aside, how do we read this new Quarter chart? Its strongest messages involve Mercury. which is 0°30' from Westpoint and in somewhat wide mundane opposition to a closely angular Moon. This means that a primary theme of the quarter involves information - news and other flow of data - and perhaps transportation (aviation themes and commercial transport themes especially). Digital espionage remains a serious threat as long as transiting Pluto remains in aspect to the U.S.A. natal Mercury, but does not seem to be the primary information issue. Of course, Moon and Mercury most closely angular and in aspect says that a record number of people will vote (popular involvement meeting the casting of ballots). Digital interference with information is more domestic than foreign, but (in this one chart, at least) we do not see the "hanging chad" Mercury-Saturn aspects of November 2000. (Wait for November's ingresses.) With regard to other information and transportation themes, we may have to wait and see what pops up.

Despite relative calm compared to earlier times, there is still the emotional tension of a Moon-Pluto square. For the first time since at least 2015, we will see Moon-Pluto aspects fade in 2025. This is the recurring (week by week) aspect in lunar ingresses that has made extraordinary and out of bounds events seem ordinary and commonplace. Though things finally calm down in 2025, they are still quite riled up in the last quarter of 2024.

Furthermore, Uranus and Pluto both near angles signal "anything goes: don't be surprised how surprised you are!" But, this year, Uranus and Pluto are not in mutual aspect, so there is not the sense of overthrowing what is so and bringing down institutions.

Finally, a foreground Venus-Uranus opposition has two likely meanings. First, it signals significant revision of our relationships with other nations, whether our usual allies or usual opponents. Second, alongside Uranus' and Jupiter's current transit through Taurus, it reinforces that the issue of abortion will be in this election. While Venus-Uranus alone only means a strong (even historic) social statement on the matter, all astrological factors together favor decisions that liberalize abortion rights. (The Venus-Uranus opposition is even stronger due to PVP squares of Sun to both planets.)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2024 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It seems impossible at this point that the Capsolar's promise of peace in 2024 can come about, ending wars in Ukraine and Israel. Nonetheless, I have to point out that the Libsolar has Venus on IC for Moscow and Venus on Nadir through Israel (including Gaza).

To be more specific, Moscow has Venus half a degree from IC and Saturn 2 1/2 degrees from Descendant. While this isn't a pleasant pair of planets, they are not in aspect. Venus' only Class 1 foreground aspect is the opposition to Uranus, an aspect known for both inaugurating and ending wars.

For Tel Aviv, Venus is 0°19' from Nadir (and 2°15' from IC) and Uranus 1°11' from MC. Their midpoint is 0°32' from the meridian. This is quite astonishing and, yes, does suggest a surprise peace is possible.

I am not saying that reason leads me to think this is possible. At the moment, it looks like this couldn't possibly happen in either place. I am saying, though, that the astrology of this quarterly ingress has the astrological factors consistent with the ending of war and bringing of peace for both Moscow and Tel Aviv.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2024 Libsolar

Post by Veronica »

Regarding peace …

I will always be hopeful that these countries one day will stop hurting. My whole life I’ve been so sad that they just can’t sit down and talk it out and move past their fear and pain. I’ve heard so many different people say “can you believe what going on over there, this is so terrible…”. And honestly I always seem to say “ yes I believe it, that’s how they have always been, throughout history for thousands of years, why wouldn’t they behave as they always have.? Us American are a nation of war refugees and people striving for a different way to live and escape the horrors of these ancient countries.”
It would be so nice to be wrong about that. Maybe instead of UN meetings and Heads of State galas we could host Crocktober and have a great big pot luck buffet of each countries best crockpot recipes.
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Re: 2024 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

I hope the heavens with your insight Jim with the Libsolar gives peace a chance for these countries and their people.
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Re: 2024 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Furthermore, Uranus and Pluto both near angles signal "anything goes: don't be surprised how surprised you are!" But, this year, Uranus and Pluto are not in mutual aspect, so there is not the sense of overthrowing what is so and bringing down institutions.
Excellent observations Jim. Using clear 20-20 hindsight now, I believe the main angular theme of Uranus-Pluto definitely symbolized a strong COSI tone for the 2024 Election:
The process of transformation (Collapse of the old order, construction of the new). Revolution.

IMO, what we witness with the results of this election were revolutionary in scope in certain ways. With my recent studies of Jayne’s material he would give very high probabilities for Mars partile 90 Vx. Let’s put this to a test with the remainder of time for this Libsolar.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2024 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This Libsolar expires today. The forecast was pretty accurate, even though what my words actually meant were different from what I thought they meant at the time. By simply interpreting the chart as I saw it, the first two paragraphs especially are almost flawlessly descriptive of the outcome. The last two paragraphs are also mostly accurate.

I'm taken with how this chart accurately the chart described that this would be an essentially peaceful time (the three months as a whole). That's quite accurate and, I suppose, would not have been accurate if the election had gone the other way.

I'm happy with the forecast, in hindsight.
Jim Eshelman
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