Venus-Saturn progressed conjunction

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Jim Eshelman
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Venus-Saturn progressed conjunction

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Today is an astrologically significant day for me because - for the first time in many years - I no longer have a partile progressed Venus-Saturn conjunction.

Progressed Venus and Saturn have been conjoined in Libra - the sign in which both are dignified - so I wondered in advance if I could expect unusually good expressions. Ultimately, that's been the case, though there have been some sour expressions in getting to the unusually positive outcome. This is interesting to me because - based on a fresh survey of progressions across my whole life a few weeks ago - I'm tending to think that most people ultimately have positive expressions of nearly all secondary progressions. (The exceptions are dramatic, of course,) The 'incident' or 'expected internal development' framing of progressions is starting to seem to me to be in the form of, "What traits do I have to develop or what choices do I have to make for what comes next?" Presuming one doesn't resist it, this leads to positive outcomes nearly always.

Progressed Venus and Saturn were in partile conjunction (Venus retrograding back past Saturn) September 2003 through December 2010. Venus continued back and was stationary direct in April 2011. In forward motion, it then conjoined Saturn again February 2017 to January 2025. The exact conjunctions were 5/31/2006 and 1/12/2022.

During these times, I lost three women close to me - two that were romantic partners and one that was my guru. The net affect of these two (nearly uninterrupted) decades is to lead me to connecting with, living with, and marrying that love of my life.

My then-current partner had degrading health due to two strokes during the earliest years (2003-2010). Throughout 2006 she was holding it together as best she could, I was often covering her rent since she couldn't work, and I did some significant caretaking. In early 2007, her family (with no warning to me) relocated her overnight to upstate New York; I only ever saw her twice after that. She was hospitalized much of the rest of her life and died in 2016.

A woman with whom I'd previously been partnered for 21 years and remained close friends (and continued sharing two halves of a duplex) began to develop signs of dementia which led to her family selling the house and putting her in a care facility in 2014. She died in 2020.

After a time of keeping our relationship quiet, Marion and I decided to go public in the spring of 2008, still inside the first pass, and became engaged in January 2009. I don't recall that 2011 (Venus' station) was a particularly significant turning point (no pun intended), although it was around the time we were clearly settled into our life together.

Progressed Moon moved through the Venus-Saturn square twice. Once was in late 2006 near the time my then-girlfriend was fading (soon before her family moved her). The other time, though, was Marion's and my wedding! If one takes the last progressed Moon aspect to this conjunction as the effective climax of it's 20-year run, one can argue easily that the whole run was one long path toward Marion and me being together permanently.

I don't know where this might go now, but the path here has been a fascinating example of multiple faces of Venus-Saturn.
Jim Eshelman
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