Donald Trump

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Re: Donald Trump

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The news media is reporting this predictably as "Trump wins," "Trump beats Haley by double digits," etc. What those catchy attention-grabbers don't reflect is that he got a little above 50% and she got a little under 50%. We knew he'd win and, to me, this doesn't seem like much.

The real test will be South Carolina, her own state, where he is currently WAY out in front and strategically dangling the currently popular Tim Scott as a running mate. Non-astrological odds are that he will win by much larger margins in her own state February 24 - which probably means the end of her campaign.

Trump's Feb 5 SLR for Columbia (but pretty similar for whatever parts of the East Coast he's on) has transiting Jupiter exactly on MC with a close foreground Sun-Jupiter square and a partile Mercury-Pluto conjunction angular. This is very winning (and may also show him prevailing in critical legal decisions for the two to four weeks following). His February 8 Demi-SLR is more complicated for Columbia, and leaning negative with a closely rising Saturn, the angularities being:

Class 1: t Saturn (1°26'), r Uranus (2°03')
Class 2: r Moon
Class 3: t Sun, t Neptune, r Mercury

Saturn square his Uranus and Neptune square his Sun are partile and foreground - and, even closer, transiting Sun opposite natal Mars. These don't look in his favor at all. One might interpret this in terms of the legal cases, too, and suggest his freedom is at stake (and he's fighting ferociously).

As in the past, the civil war may once again for real in South Carolina.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Arena »

Well it must be a huge defeat if she loses that state as well. I wonder what she will do.

Feb 24th :
t. Ven and t. Jup will form a square which is partile to Trump's Pluto. A winning combo. However, t. Mars is lurking by t. Venus which might not be a good omen. Perhaps his win will arouse anger.

t. Ur will be on the midpoint of his r. Moon-Jupiter. Acc. to Ebertin this means occasional outbursts of hilarity and gaiety, confidence and good fortune.
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Re: Donald Trump

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This afternoon a Manhattan-based federal jury found Trump AGAIN liable for defaming E. Jean Carroll (oops! he did it again!) and ordered him to pay her $83 million. One can expect he will now defame her again and she will sue for that also. (He can't help himself.)

His SLR for Manhattan is actually positive. One might have expected (if it were for this SLR alone) that he would have come off much better. Transiting Sun exactly rose, mere minutes from square his Jupiter. There were other factors, but this was the closest foreground factor.

But, in fact, the SLR was not the main factor. It had been replaced by his January 22 Demi-SLR. For Manhattan:

t Saturn on IC -1°10'
t Uranus on Dsc +3°28'
r Mars on MC +6°51'

Saturn tightly angular is really all that we need to see. - There were no Class 1 aspects. With slightly wider orbs, Uranus squared his Mars and transiting Saturn-Uranus were square. Of particular interest, though are the non-foreground partile aspects, which seem to have a bit more of a punch in this chart.

t Mercury op r Mercury 0°02'
r Jupiter-Saturn sq 0°06' M
t Sun-Pluto co 0°10' M
t Neptune sq r Uranus 0°45' M

His SNQ was interesting: He has a decades-long exact progression of Uranus to natal Moon, now 16' wide. Today the SNQ MC squared them. He also has transiting Pluto exactly square progressed Moon. His chart also suggests he's not doing great with women right now, with progressed Venus partile square his Saturn (still applying: it will be exact in August). His SQ had s Neptune on IC today.

I'm still agnostic about whether transits to solar arcs are valued. If they are, then notice that transiting Saturn is now in orb of conjunct his directed Moon and is soon to oppose his directed Sun.

Which way will Solar Arc MC to natal Pluto tip?
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Re: Donald Trump

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I thought I'd posted what follows but I can't find it anywhere.

Regarding the election, we know that Biden's charts are terrible (and they're even worse after the election, i.e., with his 2024 SSR). I still think something severe and hurtful is happening in April and I'm not sure we know who either major party candidate will be.

The best we can say about Trumps' charts is that they're better than Biden's. He has mixed charts somewhat leaning positive. Then he has a lot of "big change and shocks" stuff that can go more than one way (all at the same time LOL). The focus has been on what's good in his charts.

But have we looked at his Solar Arcs for the election? For closing of polls, at the same time that he has transiting Uranus conjunct his MC and Jupiter not sure whether it will quite be in partile orb of anything (but with really positive returns, most likely), here are his directions. (I list them by orb. The separating ones will have passed and may have peaked, the applying ones are still coming on strong.) I don't think these look so good.

d Mercury sq r Sun 59' sep
d Uranus oc r Jupiter 29' sep
d Saturn sq r Mercury 0°00'
d Neptune co r Moon 19' ap
d MC co r Pluto 38' ap
d Pluto sq r Venus 39' ap
d Sun oc r Saturn 51' ap
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Ember Nyx »

Wow, those look brutal. Honestly, having been paying attention to these kinds of factors any time someone dies, I feel like he's not likely to survive those.
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Re: Donald Trump

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Trump has been under a miserable Solar Return for about 11 months. I think when I saw he was celebrating his birthday in New Jersey, I said something like, "Oh, he's gonna get it!" And he has.

As a reminder, here is the break down of his June 15, 2023 SSR a 4:21:12 AM EDT, Trump National Gold Club, 40N39'11" 74W4142".

t Mars on IC -6°56'
t Saturn on Z -1°52'
r Pluto on IC -3°11'

t Mercury on Asc -2°12'
t Venus on Asc +4°01'
t Uranus 0n Asc +8°21'

t Moon-Uranus co 0°18'

t Mercury-Saturn sq 0°35'
t Mercury sq r Pluto 0°58' M

t Venus co r Pluto 2°14'
t Mars co r Pluto 3°46' M

My recollection was that the 2023 SSR (current SSR) is the worst of them, the peak of a trend toward threatening solar returns. While his next one isn't fabulous, it's better than he's had (especially considering Moon exactly square his Sun). The new SSR sets up June 14, 2024, 10:32:06 AM EDT, presumably again at the Bedminster golf course since that's where he's spending his summers, though it could be in NYC (and, for that matter, could be campaigning somewhere - so we just have to watch). If it occurs at the NJ golf club, here is the new chart he gets that, may have implications for the verdict of the current trial, for the other trials yet to come, and for the election. He will certainly be aggressive and feisty (but what else is new?).

r Mars on Asc -1°31'
t Uranus on Z +0°54'
r Pluto on EP-a +1°13'

t Moon-Mercury sq 0°09' M
t Moon sq r Sun 0°39' M
t Moon sq r Moon 0°56'
t Moon-Venus sq 1°28'
t Moon-Neptune op 1°39'

t Uranus sq r Mars 2°57'
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Trumps April & May lunar returns

Post by Jim Eshelman »

There is a jury verdict coming up soon. These (current and upcoming) are all calculated for Manhattan (only Class 1 & 2 angularities):

SLR April 27
t Saturn on WP 1°54'
r Uranus on Z 1°28'
-- t Saturn sq r Uranus 2°38'

With slightly wider (Class 3) angularities, natal luminaries and transiting Mars are included, with Mars square the luminaries.

Demi-SLR May 10
t Neptune on MC 1°15'
r Jupiter on N 0°34'
r Saturn on Asc 6°33'

SLR May 25
r Moon on Asc 0°25'
r Sun on Dsc 1°03'
r Uranus on Dsc 3°22'
r Jupiter on MC 5°23'
t Mars on IC 5°28'
-- t Mars op r Jupiter 0°03' M
-- r Moon-Sun op 1°28'
-- t Moon sq r Jupiter 1°57' M
-- t Moon-Mars sq 2°02' M
-- r Moon-Uranus op 2°57'

The main configuration is complicated in a list like this. In mundoscope terms:
3°26' H1 - t Moon
5°23' H10 - r Jupiter
5°28' H4 - t Mars

Demi-SLR June 6
t Venus on WP 0°01'
r Uranus on WP-a 0°21'
t Sun on WP 0°38'
t Jupiter on Dsc 0°39'
t Saturn on IC 2°44'
t Mercury on Dsc 5°04'
-- t Saturn sq r Uranus 0°01'
-- t Sun-Venus co 0°33' M
-- t Venus co r Uranus 1°22' M
-- t Sun co r Uranus 1°55'
-- t Sun-Saturn sq 2°17'
-- t Mercury-Saturn sq 2°20' M
-- t Jupiter-Saturn sq 2°05' M
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Re: Donald Trump

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phosphate wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 10:45 am Do you think Trump will win the election in November?
That would be the prevailing theory. One thing I can say for sure is that Biden has terrible charts. Trump's aren't great, but they're passable. "Passable" beats "terrible."

However, I think it is too early to call. Biden's charts could mean so many things. (For example, his charts also could mean he won't still be alive by the time his next birthday comes around.) With sports contests, I like not to call a game until I know who is playing. I will probably wait until both nominating conventions are over to take a position on this.
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Re: Donald Trump

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Yikes, the first 2 charts look quite awful, but the second 2 look, overall, rather good.
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Re: Donald Trump

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I'm quite intrigued with what Saturn's transit to his Uranus this summer means. Saturn wraps around the Uranus during Saturn's station period. Normally, this means "constrained and can't move or change while you're bursting to get out," i.e., "liberty is limited." That would sound like short-term imprisonment, but the lunars don't look this is going to happen.

The full range of the transit is:

Saturn square Uranus first begins: May 18, 2024
Exact Jun 6, 2024
Exact Jul 22, 2024
[Republican National Convention July 15-18]
Temporarily not partile Aug 11-Feb 5 [DNC Aug 19-22]
Exact Feb 14, 2025
Saturn square Uranus last ends: February 23, 2025

Then, next spring, he also has:

Saturn square Moon first begins: March 5, 2025
Saturn-Moon exact Mar 13, 2025
Saturn square Sun first begins: March 19, 2025
Saturn square Moon last ends: March 22, 2025
Saturn-Sun exact Mar 28, 2025
Saturn square Sun last ends: April 5, 2025
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Re: Donald Trump

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At 5:05 pm today: Guilty on all 34 counts.
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Re: Donald Trump

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Trump's new SSR is this morning. Yesterday he was in DC and I think the news said he'd be there all week. But does anyone know for sure?
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

I will keep my eyes/ears open and try to know for sure.
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Re: Donald Trump

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Since the time for his 2024 SSS sets-up app 9:30 AM, not sure if he flew into Detroit last night from DC or sometime this morning, but anyway….
On Friday, Trump will spend his birthday in Michigan (Detroit), a battleground state. He'll speak at The People's Convention, which is being hosted by Turning Point USA. In honor of his birthday, the MAGA Conservative Coalition planned a MAGA Boat Parade on Saturday on Lake St. Clair. ... se-1912613
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Re: Donald Trump

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Confusing: AP says he will talk to 5,000 members of Club 47 USA in Palm Beach. Probably that's tonight.

The Newsweek article, as you mention, is unclear when he is doing something in Michigan. I did find another article that said he "is not expected to attend the Detroit [boat] parade as he is speaking downtown." ... it-1912769
Except... reading further... it looks like the parade "celebrating his birthday" is Saturday at 1:00 PM. He may not be there today at all. The article goes on to say, "Trump is... in Detroit this weekend," but nothing yet that says he's there this morning. He's attending The People's Convention downtown. The convention begins today at 1 PM:
This seems to say he's not there until tomorrow, but it's not clear: ... e-set-city

In case anyone else is looking, the critical time is 10:32:06 AM EDT today, June 14.
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Re: Donald Trump

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For now, my best guess is that he did not remain in Washington (where he no longer has a hotel) and isn't going to Detroit until tonight or tomorrow morning (to be there about noon). If both of those are correct, then he probably went to his Bedminster, NJ golf course which is at 40N39'11" 74W41'42". If that's where he was at 10:32 this morning, here is the SSR (which is similar in DC and Detroit and somewhat different in Florida).

r Mars on Asc -1°31'
t Uranus on Z +0°54'
r Pluto on EP-a +1°13'

t Moon-Mercury sq 0°09' M
t Moon sq r Sun 0°39' M
t Moon sq r Moon 0°56' M
t Moon-Venus sq 1°28'
t Moon-Neptune op 1°39'

t Uranus sq r Mars 2°57'
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Re: Donald Trump

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I’m finding articles that state that he’ll be in palm beach today/tonight. I’d be surprised if he wasn’t already there and was just flying in from elsewhere.
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Re: Donald Trump

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Mike V wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:37 am I’m finding articles that state that he’ll be in palm beach today/tonight. I’d be surprised if he wasn’t already there and was just flying in from elsewhere.
Yes, I forgot that piece. In that case (despite the currently miserable weather there), he probably went to Mar-a-Lago last night: 26N40'37" 80W02'13". Florida is a different SSR with almost nothing going on other than the Moon aspects. The angular planets are barely worth mentioning except they do give one legitimate aspect (one that convicted felons don't want to see):

r Pluto on Asc +7°30'
t Mars on MC +9°20'

t Moon-Venus sq 1°28'
t Moon-Neptune sq 1°39'

t Mars sq r Pluto 1°50' M

If it turns out that PVP aspects are valid in personal return charts, we can add the following (even though natal Pluto is quite a bit off the horizon):

r Uranus-Pluto sq 0°10'
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Re: Donald Trump

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At least I now know for sure he isn't coming here today :)

The hotel across the street from my office has police blocking off all the streets from just after I arrived at work through late Sunday. The only information is that "a dignitary" will be at the hotel and nearby events. This is usually reserved for presidential visits but Biden is in Italy and Trump is in Florida (then heading to Michigan for Saturday). It might be Harris (I think she's in Atlanta all day) or perhaps a foreign dignitary. (The Pope isn't coming to LA this year.) - I don't really need to know who it is, but of course we're curious.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Lyse »

Seems Trump flew to Florida with Marco Rubio last night.

“ One of the people familiar with the meeting said Mr. Rubio, a top contender to be Mr. Trump’s vice-presidential nominee, flew back on Mr. Trump’s plane with him to Florida afterward” ... p-election
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Re: Donald Trump

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Thank you. Since his events today are a short drive from Mar-a-Lago, he surely slept at his home there last night and was there (or nearby in Palm Beach) this morning.

I think we've got it! He has the foreground Mars transit to natal Pluto in mundo and does not have the dignifying Moon mundane square to his Sun etc. - just the "mixed signals" Moon aspects to Venus and Neptune.
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Re: Donald Trump

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My post a few minutes ago on a Facebook mundane astrology page:
Donald Trump's Sidereal Solar Return occurred this morning at 10:32:06 AM EDT, apparently at Mar-a-Lago, 26N40'37" 80W02'13". I base this on news reports that he flew back to Florida from DC last night in preparation for a Palm Beach event today a short drive from his resort, so he surely slept there and was there or within "a short drive" this morning.
I'm not on a computer where I can edit graphics to post - I may come back and do that this weekend (though I mostly have to finish my Uranus in Sidereal Taurus wire-up ahead of Monday's sign entry). I'll just say for now that of all the places Trump might have been to lock in his solar return for the year, Mar-a-Lago is pretty much the worst. Nothing is VERY close to the angles but the only aspect involving foreground planets is a mundane square of transiting Mars to natal Pluto. That's simply not an aspect that a convicted felon wants to have defining their year. Besides angles, Moon aspects are important in the SSR and for Florida he has the close ecliptical Moon aspects to Venus-Neptune (a "mixed messages" pair), missing the Moon mundane aspects to, say, natal Sun that he would have had in Washington, NY, or New Jersey.
Where he decided to wake up for his birthday kinda sucks for him.

This doesn't mean I think Biden has the advantage. Biden has really negative charts for this birthday year (and they get worse right after the election). I am only saying that, of all the places it was likely Trump might have his birthday, this year he picked the worst.

He did that last year, too. His 2023 SSR occurred at Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey (40N39'11" 74W41'42"). Once I found where he was, I said on this page that, oh, he is so screwed - and I said on Solunars that it was really not a good time to be him. And that's the way the last 12 months have been with him. FWIW, here is a discussion from a year ago beginning with when we learned where his solar return occurred:
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Re: Donald Trump

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BTW, on the "who is the dignitary coming to the hotel across the street," it seems it's Biden after all - or perhaps Biden and Obama. The fund-raiser I'd been seeing advertised with Biden, Obama, Clooney, Roberts, and Kimmel is being put on by Jeffrey Katzenberg tomorrow night. Just in case anyone was curious. ... trump.html
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

With my SSR studies/learnings, the main aspects I see in Trump’s 2024 SSR are Moon 90 Venus (1,27) and Moon 180 Neptune (1,39) ; as well, with t Saturn partile 90 r Uranus; t Uranus partile 0 r MC; t Mercury partile 0 r Sun and tightly 180 r Moon (his radical full moon)---all of these transits “locked-in” for the entire solar year. If at his Fl residence, Natal Pluto 2,32 90 SSR MC and I have I always associated Pluto with power politics, particularly in light when we see Trump's Directed (Solar Arc) MC partile cnj his Natal Pluto for this Prez election cycle, which is a major "Life Development" Solar Arc hit.
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Re: Donald Trump

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I have no idea what (if anything) this means, but - with yesterday's conversations - thought I'd list these.

Natally, Trump has the following distant planet positions:

6°48' Vir - Quaoar
12°42' Pis - Eris
22°35' Gem - Haumea
28°33' Pis - Sedna
22°50' Can - Makemake

The only natal significance is that Eris connects to his natal Mercury-Neptune (one of the chart examples that helped me sort out what Eris aspects mean).

In his new SSR, he has:

5°33' Tau - Sedna
13°43' Vir - Haumea
14°15' Sag - Quaoar
0°18' Ari - Eris
5°05' Lib - Makemake

This means:
s Sedna sq r Asc 0°26'
s Haumea-Quaoar sq/op r Mercury 1°09'/0°37' (+ r Eris)
s Eris sq r Saturn +0°28', r Venus -1°17'

What does it mean that a deity representing the genderless creative force of the universe, who sang and danced the other deities into existence, opposes his Mercury supported by the Hawaiian goddess of childbirth? As already said, I simply don't know (unless it has a "puppet-master" effect). I seriously doubt Haumea transiting his Mercury means pristine truthfulness and right action as some astrologers have alleged.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by BlueKnight22 »

Jumping in very late to this thread, I am wondering what the astrology for Trump and Biden is for the inauguration? It is on 1/20/2025 (I believe it is at 12pm in Washington DC)

Since there is no official time for the actual election, but an actual time for the inauguration, it could be treated similarly to posts on here where I have seen you guys predict several past Super Bowl outcomes correctly.

And I think the inauguration charts are valid. For example, I remember back in 2005, George W. Bush (Jr.) had his Jupiter Return very close to the inauguration day, and that (to me) was a sign that he was going to be the one who was inaugurated on that day.

Just a thought/request. :-)
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

Hi BlueNight,
I think astrologers look at an inauguration chart to describe what kind of symbolic actions the Prez will experience no matter who the Prez for his 4 year term. If so, this inauguration chart for 12:00 Noon on Jan 20, 2025 is potentially awful. I see PVP Moon involved with partile 90 aspects to angular Mars & a partile angular 90 aspect with Mars to Eris, with Uranus angular as well. Moon partile 90 Mercury. I read this chart as a stormy chaotic war of words/communications for the term of the Prez, typical for today's DC politics but much more stormy DC political proceedings.

Jim could delineate this inauguration chart better than me with his work/experience with PVP aspects.
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Re: Donald Trump

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BlueKnight22 wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:22 pm Jumping in very late to this thread, I am wondering what the astrology for Trump and Biden is for the inauguration? It is on 1/20/2025 (I believe it is at 12pm in Washington DC)
So far as I've looked, Trump looks like he's kind of the world and Biden looks like he's not there. At least, that's how comparison to the inauguration chart itself looks. That's not the whole story, but it's where the story starts.

The most obvious think is that Moon for inauguration is at 23°25' Virgo (square Mercury at 23°10' Sagittarius). Trump's natal Jupiter is 23°28' Virgo.

It's not all peaches and cream for him though, since Mars at 29°18' Gemini is 0°32' from conjunct his Saturn.

Biden's one clear transit is a good one, with t Jupiter 16°33' Taurus conjunct his Saturn (0°32') and octile his Jupiter (0°21'). His natal Jupiter-Saturn octile is one of his important political skills aspects. However, these transits don't show outright eminence: Jupiter to Saturn in particular is more of a reprieve where old guilts are assuaged and things somehow turn out better than one feared.

However, the lunar returns give a different picture:

Trump's December 29 SLR may not be useful since, even if he wins, we don't know when he'll move to Washington; i.e., we don't know where he will be when the SLR sets up. If calculated for DC, it shows him engaged in combat with transiting Mars 0°05' from Descendant and natal Mars 0°42' from square MC. It's closest foreground aspects are Venus square Uranus and Mars opposite Pluto - he's willing to sacrifice any relationship to blow away the landscape. His natal Mars and Pluto are also involved with these aspects. Uranus aspects his Venus-Saturn. But this chart may not be valid.

His January 11 Demi-SLR marks a time he's more likely to be in DC if he won, but still might not be. It's a terrible chart for him, with Saturn 1°23' from Ascendant in 2° mundane square with Moon 053' from IC (and natal Moon 0°07' off MC). This is the actual lunar under which inauguration would occur and (from these aspects and others like Saturn and Neptune square his Sun) is about as bad as it gets. If he were in power, he looks completely toppled. He might be somewhere else on January 11 when this sets up, which lightens the orbs on these, but he isn't going to get a good chart anywhere.

On January 25, he has a new SLR which, if he's in Washington, is mostly marked by transiting Sun opposite natal Pluto closely angular.

Biden already lives in Washington, of course. His January 8 SLR is a pretty happy chart. Transiting Venus is 0°34' from Descendant and natal Venus 0°29' from IC (and his Sun 1°36' from IC) - meaning they are in 1°02' square. His Uranus is 0°24' from Zenith. Besides his natal Sun-Venus conjunction being so strong, transiting Venus aspects his natal Sun, Venus, and Uranus. "Happy" is the best summary of the chart.

About a day after inauguration, on January 21 at 3:40 PM EST, he has a Demi-SLR that he may already be feeling a day earlier and, in any case, suggests his first impressions in the immediate aftermath of the inauguration. If he is still in Washington, it has no close angularities though several moderate or wide angularities, including transiting Neptune, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn. Despite Venus being there, all three malefics are involved, setting the general tone as "bad." Foreground aspects may be more clarifying and include a Mercury-Mars-Neptune triplet and a Venus-Saturn conjunction. None of this is good. Unfortunately, I don't think this helps with the election issue very much: Unless he's out of office and his successor really does send the police to arrest him for something or other, it's far too severe for what would likely experience his first day out of office. If IN office, it could mean any sort of emergency. Either way, it could have nothing to do with the office at all, and could be entirely a personal matter.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It hadn't occurred to me to analyze the inauguration chart itself for the present purpose but, as Steve mentioned, besides being transits for the men involved, it's the new administration's "birth chart." When I first pull it up, the strongest factors are Mars conjunct IC square Eris to the minute of arc. We don't have enough experience to know what this might mean, but it appears to be destabilizing chaos. That this 0°00' Mars-Eris square is within a degree of Trump's natal Saturn is quite terrible, though I don't know in what fashion it might be quite terrible. (Eris is 0°04' from Ascendant!)

Uranus rises more widely (moderately close) which, in combination with Mars alone, is bold, risk-taking, and perhaps explosively volatile. Taken with Mars-Eris, it seems quite chaotic. There is also the exact Moon-Mercury conjunction.

Something I hadn't noticed is that the partile Sun-Pluto conjunction is octile Saturn. Venus, therefore, both conjoins Saturn closely and octiles Pluto. These are strong indications of "loss of love" or "loss of peace." It seems a chart of war, division, and sorrow. - I say "seems" because, despite having looked at dozens of inauguration charts, I still have no clear sense of where they fall proportionately in the whole mix of layers of charts.

Steve observed a PVP aspect. We don't know yet the conditions under which they operate. It is completely certain in my mind that they operate in solar and lunar ingresses, which suggests that they operate in other conditions - though we haven't had enough time to see evidence of this strong enough to say anything with confidence. Nonetheless, we should look at these. Moon is exactly due west (azimuth 270°29') - exactly on the prime vertical. This means that it forms exact squares to any planet exactly on the horizon or meridian (since the horizon, meridian, and prime vertical all square each other three-dimensionally). As Mars' azimuth is 1°10' (it's on IC), this is a 0°41' Moon-Mars square. Similarly, with Eris 0°04' past Ascendant and Uranus 5°40' below Asc, we check the Meridian Longitude of these planets and see:

0°02' - Eris
180°08' - Moon
182°23' - Uranus

Though there is no Mars-Uranus square within a reasonable orb, this means that there are aspects between all other combinations of Moon, Mars, Uranus, and Eris. Even ignoring Eris (which we probably shouldn't), we have Moon-Mars, Moon-Uranus, and the fact that Mars and Uranus are the two conventionally angular planets.

Interpreting this, I think we just need to note that the Moon amplifies what we already saw in the chart to this point. If these PVP aspects are valid in the stand-alone chart for the next administration, they are simply amped up more strongly than they would have been otherwise.
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Re: Donald Trump

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It's worth spelling this one out: Here is Donald Trump's January 11, 2025 Demi-SLR for Washington, DC. We don't know if he'll be there when it sets up, though if he is being inaugurated, he'll be there on January 20. The chart is pretty ugly for a public official.

t Neptune on Asc -6°26'
r Sun on IC -3°34'

t Saturn on Asc -1°23'
r Moon on MC +0°07' [t Moon IC +1°53']
t Venus on Asc +3°04'
r Uranus on IC +7°08'
r Mars on Dsc +8°02'

r Mars-Uranus sq 0°55' M
t Saturn co r Moon 1°30' M
r Moon-Sun op 1°43'
t Saturn sq r Sun 2°11' M
t Moon-Venus sq 2°11' M [t Ve sq r Mo 2°57' M]
t Neptune sq r Sun 2°52'
r Moon-Uranus op 3°19'

We can simply this a little by dropping out the Class 3 angularities and their aspects:

t Neptune on Asc -6°26'
r Sun on IC -3°34'

t Saturn on Asc -1°23'
r Moon on MC +0°07' [t Moon IC +1°53']
t Venus on Asc +3°04'

t Saturn co r Moon 1°30' M
r Moon-Sun op 1°43'
t Saturn sq r Sun 2°11' M
t Moon-Venus sq 2°11' M [t Ve sq r Mo 2°57' M]
t Neptune sq r Sun 2°52'

Any way you look at it, this is bad!
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

If Trump is elected and if this prominent Eris in this Inauguration Chart manifests with full-blown symbolic effects for Trump’s term, it will be most interesting to see how or if Chaos is introduced to the term of his Presidency, since Eris seems to mainly symbolize Chaos by Jim’s research work with Eris in his life. See Jim’s Topic on Eris here:
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Veronica »

I read a bit news yesterday that it is being put forth to "name" or "rename" historic things like roads, airports, coastal developments, coins, and community buildings after former President Trump. It made me think about the big honorific events and galas and parties and such that these types of events produce (the "grunt" work alone for security, service staffing, coordination, human services is huge) and that it is entirely likely that he will have these sorts of events, regardless of his conviction and legal things which could very well explain some of his charts.
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Re: Donald Trump

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Trump's next SLR occurs on July 18 - the last day of the RNC - so he will surely be in Milwaukee. It occurs at 1:31 PM CDT. He looks like a very happy man with Sun exactly conjunct his Venus on Zenith.

r Pluto on MC -8°19'
t Venus on MC -4°44'
t Pluto on IC +2°54'
r Venus on Z +1°42'
t Sun on Z +1°55'

t Sun co r Venus 0°13'
t Venus co r Pluto 2°25'

If PVP aspects are valid in SLRs, we also have: t Mars-Uranus co 1°32' p
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Ember Nyx »

That is understandable; I'm sure he gets the nomination and lots of positive attention.
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Re: Donald Trump

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In Butler, PA, probably at 6:11 PM tonight, at a Trump rally shots fired out, Trump hit the deck, Secret Service scurried him away, and he is reported in some headlines as "injured" and in some as "fine." I think the final word will be "fine." (A better time will surely emerge soon.)

Secret Service engaged and killed a man who appears to have been the shooter. Someone in the crowd also was shot and killed. They are investigating it as an assassination attempt. Little else is known.

Butler, PA is not a good spot for Trump right now. First, his local natal has Mars even closer to the angle (within 1°). Second, transiting Uranus (not quite in partile conjunction with transiting Mars) is only 0°05' from his Zenith right now. He's literally in the crosshairs.

But his transits tell much of the story by themselves, with transiting Mars 0°18' before his natal MC and transiting Uranus 0°48' after the same angle - their midpoint being 0°15' from the angle. (Transiting Saturn squares his Uranus all summer.)

Trump's SSR set up at Mar-a-Lago June 14, its primary feature being transiting Mars square natal Pluto (mundo) in the foreground. (Moon aspects transiting Venus-Neptune.)

For Butler, his July 4 SLR had transiting Uranus most angular, plus both Marses (and a little Jupiter for protection). Its only foreground aspects were a Mercury-Mars square, the transiting Mars-Uranus conjunction, and transiting Uranus to natal Mars. (Kaboom.) - His lunar for the same location has natal Moon, Sun, and Mars most angular in a close paran tightly angular (public appearance etc. + hurt). Here are their PV longitudes:

26°23' H12 - r Uranus
28°41' H3 - r Mars
28°52' H6 - r Moon
0°15' H1 - r Sun

SQ Moon 4°04' Virgo was exactly opposite solar and transiting Neptune at 4°46' and 4°49' Pisces. Transiting Jupiter was on SQ MC, probably the safety factor. - On a quick estimate it looks like transiting and SSR Saturns were on PSSR Descendant.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Arena »

Once in a lifetime solar arcs:
D. MC on r. Pluto.
D. Mars sq r Pluto.
D. Pluto sq r. Ven-Sat.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Ember Nyx »

Pretty shocking that he survived with solar arcs like that.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Arena »

Yes maybe it is. IF this assassination attempt was orchestrated by the shadow rulers in the US (CIA and co) then it is entirely possible that it will be repeated.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Veronica »

It seems to me from looking at all the charts that our galaxy is the Maestro doing all the orchestration. I do not believe that any government agency of any country has the capacity to truly orchestrate an event of this caliber, but maybe I'm jaded from my experience working in civil service.

I know that you feel like there is a super group of nefarious evil doers capable of pulling off major tragic civilization changing events but from what I've experienced there are more then enough SNAFUS at a bake sale or a birthday party provided by the universe itself by its motion.

But maybe I'm basised by my own astrology to feeling that way in a similar way you have your own astrology that unfolded your perspective.
I just see to many irl events that were professionally coordinated and organized and orchestrated having to adjust change and overcome ll the unforeseen issues and still try to salvage the day. In fact, I've seen the bigger the event the more likely a small glitch throws people for a loop.

I hope that Mr. Trump and his family heal soon from this violent attack.
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Re: Donald Trump

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Arena wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2024 9:06 pm Once in a lifetime solar arcs:
D. MC on r. Pluto.
D. Mars sq r Pluto.
D. Pluto sq r. Ven-Sat.
The Mars to Pluto is past a partile orb - about a degree and a half - and wouldn't seem connected to this event at all. (I felt the need to mention this because it's the most obvious seeming fit for a violent attack but the aspect is long gone, probably referring to the multiple prosecutions of the last year in particular and two years more broadly.)

Pluto is barely in orb of his Saturn (57' past) or Venus (58' applying), but that does mean it's exactly at their midpoint. I think it better to say Pluto to Ve/Sa than to Ve-Sa, therefore.

But the main direction of the year is indeed that MC to Pluto. Extraordinary things - positive or negative - have been expected of this. It's currently barely begun - applying at 56' orb - a lot of fans of solar arcs don't take the aspects seriously even as far out as 1° (preferring half a degree, which it enters next January, I'm sorry to say).

Meanwhile, there are two other solar arcs even slightly closer: Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mon applying by 38' and transiting Saturn square natal Mercury applying 18' (notice that one is exact in November).
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Arena »

As I've stated many times before, perhaps the orbs for solar arcs are indeed 2-3 degrees as has been demonstrated by another astrologer (his focus study was on sun and venus).

The Nep symbolism on his Moon-Sun opposition may also indicate that he's being tricked/duped by the deep state.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Veronica »

Arena wrote: Wed Jul 17, 2024 8:21 am The Nep symbolism on his Moon-Sun opposition may also indicate that he's being tricked/duped by the deep state.
For some reason this statement caused a flashback to my youth and watching Vince McMahon and WWF battle of billionaires.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Venus_Daily »

From what I understand, Donald Trump was sworn in at 12:00 PM Washington DC TIME.
Partile aspect: Sun conjunct Pluto, Most elevated planets. Probably significant of the mass social changes the left wants to enact whereas Trump seems more concerned with new and extremely weird financial changes our country has never seen. I'm sorry, but Elon, a foreign national will ruin this country.
Moon in Virgo, things have been extremely tactical, impersonal, and possibly militant vs 2017's very unserious Libra Moon. Mars in Sag about 3 1/2 degrees away from a mundane conjunction with the IC, another 4 years of toothless protests where the opposite side tries to shoehorn in communism and other weird social issues that do nothing for the average American, the homeless, or the truly oppressed. It's a good and bad thing because neither side will win ultimately, which is what was intended.
There's a loose Venus/Saturn conjunction, and mass deports have begun as well as the threat of them, which is enough to make people self deport.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The inauguration chart is one of the most tragic in national history. The partile Venus-Saturn conjunction octilr the Sun-Pluto conjunction is, of course, the most of it, though there is that intriguing Moon-Mercury, square.

We have entered a time of extreme danger, grief, and dismantling.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:06 pm The inauguration chart is one of the most tragic in national history. The partile Venus-Saturn conjunction octilr the Sun-Pluto conjunction is, of course, the most of it, though there is that intriguing Moon-Mercury, square.

We have entered a time of extreme danger, grief, and dismantling.
I agree, Jim. Thankfully, it's only 4 years, and I say that just because of all the fighting.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

Jim, what were the other 4 most tragic charts in national history?
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Veronica »

SteveS wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:51 pm Jim, what were the other 4 most tragic charts in national history?
Steve, I think Jim had a typo and typed a 5 instead of a t. At a quick glance his sentence might seem to say the 5th tragic.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

Thanks V, I think you are right. And, we see with this inauguration chart the most angular planet as Mars, backed upped with a PVP Moon-Mars aspect. Probably symbolizing Trump's rising Mars anger with woke & the corporate/military DEI movements, allowing for this inauguration chart to symbolize actions/reactions by a President. For sure Trump will unleash his rising Mars anger onto countries who he thinks USA is being treated unfairly economically. It could be much worse if there was a malefic 2025 DC Capsolar.
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:00 am And, we see with this inauguration chart the most angular planet as Mars, backed upped with a PVP Moon-Mars aspect.
Good catch! Time Matters didn't catch the PVP square because we have it set not to list PVP aspects if there is already a conventional aspect - and Moon squares Mars ecliptically 5°52'.

But you're quite right: Not only is Mars 2°27' from IC, but we also have:

270°29' - Moon azimuth
1°10' - Mars azimuth

With IC at 0°00' azimuth and Vertex at 270°00', this gives a 0°41' azimuth square right on the angles.

There is also a Moon-Uranus PVP square. but it may be too wide. It has seemed that these start to drop off in strength after 2°. With Uranus rising (5°40'), we find:

180°09' - Moon ML
182°23' - Uranus ML
Orb: 2°14'
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Re: Donald Trump

Post by SteveS »

I am still in the process of testing the 9th harmonic Navamsa MC’s, but only with radicals when I feel very strongly the radical chart’s angles are near exact. The only mundane radical charts I know with near exact angles, if not exact, are Sidereal Mundane Astrology Ingress charts and Inauguration Charts. I also feel by my independent work England’s 1066 chart holds the exact angles.

If Trump’s Jan 20 2025 Inauguration MC is a valid angular tool, no way Trump achieves without great difficulty and inhibition his objectives with a 9th harmonic MC 10,41 Cap partile 90 9th harmonic Saturn 10,27 Aries. Also 9th harmonic Sun is tightly conjunct Inauguration Venus-Saturn conjunction. 9th harmonic Mercury partile 180 Inauguration Uranus.
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