Transits to Novien

Q&A and discussion on Cyril Fagan's last innovation, The Novien.
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Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've watched transits to my Novien Moon for years to assess whether they are important. The first discovery was that transits to Navamsa do NOT work. The Novien had no such counter indications but it took longer to confirm something affirmative about the Novien Moon.

Several examples - including one important Saturn transit - strongly suggest that transits to Novien Moon are effective. However, they don't seem strong (certainly not as strong as to natal, progressed, or SSR Moon). They MAY be more important simply for confirming the Novien's legitimacy (and thus certain details about the structure of the zodiac), rather than for their own sake.

Having confirmed that, I've also started watching transits to Novien Sun.

I'm starting this thread as a place for people to record observations and thoughts about transits to the Novien.
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Mars to Novien Sun

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Today is a good example of how these "not as strong" transits fit in.

I'm on a good run of daily transits including, today, transiting Venus opposite natal Moon and transiting Sun conjunct PSSR Moon. The day has been good - I'm on quite a roll, in fact. But today is also quite arduous, we have overlapping projects coming to a head that have me at work three consecutive days nearly around the clock. For example, I've been here since 6 am (clock went off at 4:30) and have an overnight project of overseeing electrical modifications of our data center (that have required my juggling a dozen separate parties and interests to schedule and make happen). I'll be here until at least 6 am, probably more like mid-morning, working on this. Concurrently, we have a trial team starting a one-month trial Monday with various support vendors with the team convening and doing their last hours of preparation more or less around the clock.

Yesterday wasn't that hard, but I was physically and mentally fried. Today I got in at 6 am and have been burnt by noon. (Food refreshed me.) I got a 3-hour nap late afternoon and back at it. I can only guess how fried I'll be by tomorrow morning.

This is all happening, remember, under excellent daily transits. But the one transit I didn't mention is transiting Mars opposite Novien Sun about 12:30 AM (not quite 24 hours ago). It's typical for Mars to Sun to have "burning the candle at both ends" effects.

I have to consider that the transit to Novien Sun is probably effective.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

If nothing else, that there is a nine-based structural element and that there is an authentic starting point at 0° Taurus (or, at least, 0° Earth), not just "a circle begins and ends anyplace and everyplace" as is commonly asserted. These, in turn, imply other things (e.g., the architecture on which aspect structures are based) that are discussed in various places around the site.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Patrick Machado »

These interest me, especially in regard to further validating the Novien as an objective structure. I've thought about watching transits to my Novien Moon, and this thread has nudged me to begin doing so.

My Novien Sun is 4' from my natal Saturn, so I don't need to keep track of transits to it separately, but that also means it's not good for testing. Offhand, it doesn't seem to me that transits to my Saturn have been behaving outside of expectations, except, maybe... Venus transits to it lean more positive than the standard interpretation. Maybe. Today is an opportunity for observing it. In a few days I'll have a slow Mercury transit to it, which could be interesting.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

There's other Mars "going around." I just got reminded that my SSR had Sun 0°48' past a conjunction to Mars. By the PSSR rate, Mars progresses to the exact conjunction with natal Sun before the week is out. (It's 0°01' shy right now.) Mars was moving a very average 0°38'/day in the SSR, or 0°47' in a PSSR year.

That's the issue we always have to deal with in testing techniques: So many viable techniques work at the same time, weaving through each other and intersecting. Given a sufficiently large block of data, you can ignore this and figure it will average out, the noise falling away; but on a case by case basis, you don't have that option.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim, this means Novein moon maybe sensitive to SLRs, right?
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Agreed: It crossed my mind again yesterday, since Moon is in Libra now; but, having looked, I don't think there is anything to them.

I also looked at the lunar equivalent of the Ennead - which amounts to the Novien of transiting Moon conjunct the Novien of natal Moon but, in practice, means, transiting Moon at 40° intervals from the natal. The dozen or so of these I looked at were (at best) not worth the time it took to calculate them.

NOTE 1/20/24: Subsequent work with all 10° multiples instead of 40° multiples seems to suggest otherwise. We've now been watching 10° interval Novienic Lunar Returns as daily finalizers, with some positive trending.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Transiting Venus conjoined my Novien Sun yesterday, and the day (especially the evening) was filled with all the expected circumstances.

The one possible "alternative explanation" is that yesterday was tertiary progressed Venus opposite natal Sun. I've usually been underwhelmed with terts in the past, but have the exact non-lunar aspects on my calendar for this year so I noticed it.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by mikestar13 »

My idea is along the lines of: if something is important, the horoscope says it more than once, in both natal and predictive work. Perhaps the novien transit and the usually ineffective tert reinforced one another.

Theoretical question: is there any validity to the noviens of transiting or progressed planets?
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm thinking along similar lines.
Theoretical question: is there any validity to the noviens of transiting or progressed planets?
In theory, sure. I haven't been able to confirm it, but the theory is sound. It seems to me the best way to test it would be to consider all 10° aspects within transits and progressions and, especially, 10° aspects of transits or progressions to natal planets. (No use counting literal Novien positions if these simpler points don't stand up IMHO.) This does include aspects we're not used to seeing work (like, say, a transiting quincunx), but the narrow orb MIGHT take care of that problem. A partile aspect in the "real world" would be 0°06' orb in the Matrix, uh, in the Novien. <g> Watching all 10° multiple transits and progressions to natal planets within 0°06' would give us a start on this inquiry.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Patrick Machado »

Patrick Machado wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 10:01 amI've thought about watching transits to my Novien Moon, and this thread has nudged me to begin doing so.
By the way, I stopped watching them in March, after having had the chance to watch a transit by every planet out to Saturn (though, admittedly, the Jupiter transit was an octile). I saw no gross contradictions, and the Saturn transit in particular was somewhat compelling, but overall I wasn't impressed. I could keep an eye out for major transits by outer planets still.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Thanks. I'm not so interested in their usable value as transits per se (I also find them weak) but that - If they are valid at all - it singles out the Novien instead of Navamsa, i.e., it tells us something important about the structure of the zodiac.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Venus_Daily »

Venus goes stationary to my Novien Venus. Doubt anything will be noticeable. That weekend seems quite boring if not negative.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Lyse »

Transits to my Novien and Navamsa for a psychologically altering experience on March 31, 2023, 3:18 PM, Westmount, Québec, Canada.


t Sun op N Moon 0°39’
t Moon co N Mercury 0°41’
t Venus ssq N Sun 0°52’
t Uranus ssq N Sun 0°07’
t Uranus oc N Jupiter 0°48’


t Mercury oc Nav Moon 0°13’
t Venus op Nav Mars 0°01’
t Mars ssq Nav Mars 0°21’
t Saturn op Nav Sun 0°48’
t Uranus op Nav Mars 0°58’

Nothing outwardly changed but internally, an epic moment.

What I thought interesting was transiting Uranus to the Novien Sun-Jupiter as a reflection of the Novien Sun-Uranus 90° Jupiter aspect and my natal Sun 0° Uranus with the 10° Jupiter aspect.

After comparing transits to the Novien with those to the Navamsa, the transits to the Novien more accurately described the event experienced. Whether or not transits to these charts are meaningful are still up for debate, I guess.

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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Neat! Thanks :)
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Out of the blue, yesterday (and worse today) my eyelids became infected and swollen. (The eyes are fine, it's just the lids. This happens in a lesser way three or four times a year.)

Sure, I'm under marsy lunar and demi-lunars; but why exactly now?

Well, the one transit that speaks directly to it is transiting Mars square Novien Moon, exact around 5 AM today.

I continue to be persuaded that these transits are valid though not necessarily of great importance. Sometimes they hit more squarely, other times not at all. That they work at all is important because it supports the idea that the Novien is legitimate and has some form of objective reality. I could get by without knowing about its transits usually (though occasionally there is one that hits bang-on - like today), Over the last year I've moved from watching them all to dropping out minor, fast contacts, but I keep cataloging the Mars outward every month (and sometimes Sun contacts). This one seemed worth recording.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Veronica »

Ouch, that sounds uncomfortable. I hope it clears up quickly and you’re feeling much better.
It’s both eyes hmmm, that’s very limiting for you. There is a nasty conjunctivitis going around the classrooms, I’m assuming you have gone to the dr and gotten some meds?
Glad you have a long weekend to rest and heal!
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It's not the eye itself (as in conjunctivitis) but the eyelid (blepharitis). Yes, I always have an ointment around for it
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Lyse »

It's not the eye itself (as in conjunctivitis) but the eyelid (blepharitis).
Hoping your eyelid has healed, Jim.

In April 2025, Neptune will begin transiting my Novien Sun/Uranus-Jupiter. Since I've experienced a few transits and subsequent events involving that particular Novien configuration, I’m curious if this will prove to be important.

I’ve noticed that outer planets to my Novien positions often correlate to internal/external events. Most notably, Uranus transiting Novien Sun/Uranus-Jupiter in May 1988 and the Uranus transit to that pattern in May 2023.

When transiting Pluto squared Novien Moon in July 2013, and with Jupiter transiting N. Sun/Uranus, we suddenly moved to Ontario after being here just two years. We were packed up and gone within 6 weeks. Totally unexpected.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I only watch transits to Novien Moon and Sun - since my goal was to see if these are valid at all (and those to luminaries are apt to be clearest). Pluto to Moon example is really interesting!

And thank you, as of this morning the infection seems all gone (mostly gone yesterday). Three to five days is typical.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Lyse »

as of this morning the infection seems all gone (mostly gone yesterday).
That’s good news! :)
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Marion and I really overdid the NYE celebration and paid for it this morning. She wanted to have a particular kind of indulgent evening: We had a bottle of wine with dinner, an eggnog with Puerto Rican rum as 'desert,' and a bottle of sparkling wine with an exotic cheese plate as midnight approached.

Accordingly, I woke up at 8-something this morning about as bad as I've ever felt without being sick. (I'm fine now.)

At 8:39 AM exactly, transiting Mars squared my novien Moon. (This was the retrograde pass of the transit that gave me a three-day eyelid infection in November.)
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Yesterday was transiting Pluto's exact square to my Novien Moon.

Effects: The few surrounding and centered on the transit ere marked by increasing existential dread as the new administration was sworn in, plus heightened concern for the health of our cat (who, though looking and acting much better, is still in uncertain medical territory).

Based on this, I'd say these transits continue to show as (1) sufficiently accurate and (2) not important enough to watch separately. Their value, therefore, is not as a predictive method per se but as a way to confirm the legitimacy of the Novien.

Transits to Navamsa were worthless. They either amount to nothing or (in a few cases) have been starkly wrong. Transits to the Novien have been non-descript at worse, though those by slow transits have been "thinned down" versions of what we would expect from the same transit to the natus.
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by SteveS »

I know that feeling with a close companion of cat. How old is Kali?
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Re: Transits to Novien

Post by Jim Eshelman »

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