You were right. My life has been reset. Unfortunately it's seems facism may take hold in this country which has me pizx3d.
I've moved to Gerogia (Hawkinsville) I in tandem got a DUI expunged, went from one not great place in Georgia to another but hey it was a mansion and I've kept in touch, I can still work for him although I cant afford to, and learned some self worth as well. Lost my day job same day I lost the place I was staying for 6 months or longer and decided to head back north instead of back to the place I started in Georgia. I wanted to go faar away from the world and I was, Bath county Virginia- in the transmountaine, the applichia where I tolated my car on a black bear looking to visit family in PA while I try and get a job at a in a small town or resort in Webster/Pocahontas West Virginia. There in Bath county VA I learned to stand my ground on my values I slept in a chair in the resturant I worked at 7 days a week often 12 hour days due to the sparse population (think 1200 folks and 360k acres). I loved it but the place is going to have to close and I struggled with little job opportunities and have landed in New York. Highland city of Lloyd and finally after a month and a half had an interview that went OK (in the sense it was a server job and on seeing my degree I was asked if I could do more which of course I stated my stance on higher pay and wasn't denied for once that it was expected and I rather think that means it may have went OK).
I've gotten into the Craft (Wicca) and more into Vodou/Bizango (which if course knowing me I'm learning everything I can, but I like Celtic/a and anything veering into myth away from hermetiism. I've come to like Brigid, Selu, but especially Nemisis unironiclly the Goddess of retribution (the Morrigan and her names, Nana Buluku, The Creator and Pan being among the others I like). I guess in true Sag style I value them as parts of nature and as also being in part more like forces that adapt our minds and change the way behave and act as societies. Naturally I love the orginal dark light mofitf found in the way the Craft started. Unfortunately the only thing I may be right about this whole year besides my fears of this election are my view on Witch Craft today itself and much of the roots coming from Romania and old old mountain magic may have been true (here have a nerd article I enjoyed). We will see if its ligit in a few years or so im sure. ... -years.amp
The rancor of ancient Dacia which likely was seen as Heathentry even too the Celts and incoming Germans both, and cool enough they fought like Hell against Rome and going to hopefully be a back bone the West, as well (naturally wouldn't want to be a puppet country). It's cool to think they could have been there for so so long and changes a lot on how we think about grouping of peoples (amd the true power of adaptation amd accepting cultural differences for upward societal momentum).
On astrology I was really just scrolling and one thing I've seen is Sagittarius Ascendent and I'm saying it stuck out to me, it fits the nail on the head with how I see the world, with blue-indigo glasses, a little sadness and a lot of darkness imagination and wanderlust, I do feel like other sag family can be more homebody than me and homebody only works for me on a farm or ranch. Upstate is very farm to table so I get by in tight spaces due to the better food here. Also everything is a joke in this world to us, it's funny but I'm serious because humor is dry dark and gloomy to me unless it's just off the daxn wall. Also I'm still a sponge anger is net with anger, calm is met with calm and even though I'm bipolar and can be under or over spoken like a light switch I can easily reflect and adapt and acknowledge when I'm being too loud or not loud enough (and will verbally do so).
Another thing was the elements words, I'm not a fan of imperialism and it's implications still especially in today's setting. In fact the karma I believe in is excatly opposite, it's decolonelist, it tears through borders and walls- it's nations holding themselves accountable, mothers correcting their sons out of will to survive through the next generation, which maintaining homeostasis at its base is core to what one may seem as ivory tower but in cultures I'm used to, especially looking at my mixed roots and rural upbringing: whereas you think I see cruise ship, and most people do, as luxury (and it is), it's actually things like running water where parts of even Pennsylvania where I'm from don't have (I do perfer spring myself), it's a roof over your head, and food on the table. I take ire at your definition because it guises that these are not luxuries to some, it misses the coat of many colors vibe for me that vibe seen in Sagittarius, unlike Scorpio who in my opinion is much more apathetic to the world around them (and like how cancer and leo share Jupiter vibes/triaits on different levels maybe the sense of travel which for some sag is travel through the ladder of local society and municipalitly not geographically comes from Urananus being shared and many say the see it as Mars).
It's different than Aquarius energy in certain as it's more like grand dad fixing up a vintage stove and building a huge romantic fire place for your kitchen, than feed the world but it can be that too (a more humble example and less extreme than the stuff I said earlier). I also really like the words given to the elements to the author you had listed who had done work on them piror, but airs intuition stuck out more, and I theorize the Uranus Sun aspect and aspects in luminaries in general especially when not overly aspected are more prevalent than we put emphasis on.
Also learned the compliance isn't a great word for all sag in fact I seem to be arguing with my friends on both sides of late about violence and the comu/facso revival...